This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I could see in the manga thread that many people here share my love for Kaori Yuki works. She is probably one of my two favorite mangaka(The other being Kohta Hirano)
I love everything in her mangas: the beautiful and detailed art, the twisted storylines, her reference to fairytales and the gothic inspired dressing she loves to draw her characters in.
My favorite two mangas of her are Ludwig Kakumei and Godchild. Because they are result of the refiniment her style has get over the years. I love Angel Sanctuary and count Cain, but they are kind of messy compared to the first mentioned.
At the moment I am looking for scanlations of fairy cube because I have only read one chapter and I have a really soft spot for fairies.
So, let's share the love (And the links
Her manga is gorgeous. So far I've only read some of Angel Sanctuary and all of Ludwig out so far, and while I liked them both a lot, Angel Sanctuary confused me so much and it was hard for me to keep up with. I love Ludwig, though, and I can't wait to read more. I'm curious about what her other mangas are about too.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Angel Sanctuary confused me so much and it was hard for me to keep up with.
The pace seemed kind of weird sometimes was slow and sometimes was fast. I think it was because AS was the first long manga ms Yuki had to do.(Count Cain was put on Hiatus at the fifth volume to continue with AS, that's why Godchild look so diferent) I think she didn't know exactly that she was going to draw 20 volumes at the end.
I love Ludwig, though, and I can't wait to read more. I'm curious about what her other mangas are about too.
I'm sad that Ludwig only have one volume and I want to know if it'son hiatus o cancelled
Angel Sanctuary remains, to this day, probably my favorite shoujo manga ever. I loved Kaine, Coun Cain, and just recently, I started reading Godchild. Kaori Yuki never fails to impress. Some friends of mine have suggested reading Neji, but I've never been able to find information on it online, and it's not been released in the West. Does anyone know anything about it?
Offline used to have scans of it and also of many of kaori yuki works but the site seem to be down for a while. Let me search into my cds maybe I have the scans somewhere here.
Neji didn't appeal me much except for one chapter.
Romanticide wrote: used to have scans of it and also of many of kaori yuki works but the site seem to be down for a while. Let me search into my cds maybe I have the scans somewhere here.
Neji didn't appeal me much except for one chapter.
Thank you very much.
Romanticide wrote: used to have scans of it and also of many of kaori yuki works but the site seem to be down for a while.
Sakura Crisis shut down, but their http dump didn't; you can download all their work here.
Kaori Yuki keeps growing on me, like a virus. I'm picky about my shoujo and she's consistently kept me interested, Angel Sanctuary was frankly a nerd orgy for me, since I had such a blast recognizing names and places. (Granted she took a few uh..liberties, but hey that's half the fun.) I noticed in AS I suffered from minor character syndrome; all my favorite characters were ones off the main cast. (Asmodeus lol and to a lesser degree Zaphkiel) Her art style has definitely improved over the years, but really I wasn't complaining about AS at all. (Actually I believe I used Lucifer in a blog layout...but he had a business suit and a snake and oh god )
Then she writes a series where the main character is a necrophiliac. My god.
Romanticide wrote:
At the moment I am looking for scanlations of fairy cube because I have only read one chapter and I have a really soft spot for fairies.
For those who don't know, Fairy Cube is being translated by The Waffle House. They seem to be on the ball about their intent to complete. Unfortunately, so far they've only done half of the first volume, so you're probably caught up.
Giovanna wrote:
Kaori Yuki keeps growing on me, like a virus. I'm picky about my shoujo and she's consistently kept me interested, Angel Sanctuary was frankly a nerd orgy for me, since I had such a blast recognizing names and places. (Granted she took a few uh..liberties, but hey that's half the fun.) I noticed in AS I suffered from minor character syndrome; all my favorite characters were ones off the main cast. (Asmodeus lol and to a lesser degree Zaphkiel) Her art style has definitely improved over the years, but really I wasn't complaining about AS at all. (Actually I believe I used Lucifer in a blog layout...but he had a business suit and a snake and oh god
Then she writes a series where the main character is a necrophiliac. My god.
I have a bunch of Lucifer pictures I kept from various scans, because... well. Why would I need a reason. Enjoy. … c/0005ccd1 … c/0005e7ab … c/0005g9w0 … c/0005kpee … c/0005pqxf
Now, if that doesn't hook you onto this series, nothing will.
Didn't she do Boys Next Door?
Lawrence =
Yeah, that was an awesome yaoi... even if a little schizoid...
Giovanna wrote:
Sakura Crisis shut down, but their http dump didn't; you can download all their work here.
Oh thank you, their are one of the best sources for Yuki's work I was afraid we lost them forever.
(Actually I believe I used Lucifer in a blog layout...but he had a business suit and a snake and oh god
In another ilustration of the Angel Lost artbook he is wearing a black plastic straightjacket
For those who don't know, Fairy Cube is being translated by The Waffle House. They seem to be on the ball about their intent to complete. Unfortunately, so far they've only done half of the first volume, so you're probably caught up.
Thank you I lost this ulr long time ago and didn't remembered the name I am really grateful (fairies!!! )
Christi_Morelei wrote:
I have a bunch of Lucifer pictures I kept from various scans, because... well. Why would I need a reason. Enjoy.
Is Satan ever portrayed as anything less than hot anymore? I hope not. But actually, he's not that high on my list in Angel Sanctuary. Apparently I have a weakness for blind angels (okay I'll skip the best part because it's a big spoiler) and pimp angels that should really be fallen but dress so well they get to stay in heaven.
Romanticide wrote:
In another ilustration of the Angel Lost artbook he is wearing a black plastic straightjacket
It's physically impossible to outdo this for Evil Cliches That Make Gio Happy.
Seriously, if anyone EVER took the suit, snake, wings, and rose motif* (can the furry coat, not his style) and drew Akio with it, I would print it, stick it on the ceiling over my bed, and never leave my room ever again. Oh god...
* Really it's the suit and the snake that do all the damage. To my not having a raging sex drive.
Edit: I get the award for most shlicks ever.
Last edited by Giovanna (10-22-2006 02:41:22 PM)
Giovanna wrote:
Is Satan ever portrayed as anything less than hot anymore? I hope not. But actually, he's not that high on my list in Angel Sanctuary. Apparently I have a weakness for blind angels (okay I'll skip the best part because it's a big spoiler) and pimp angels that should really be fallen but dress so well they get to stay in heaven.
If he is, I don't want to know. Raphael's probably my favorite character, or at least, he has been for a long while. I get so caught up with all the different characters that it changes periodically, but yes. Raphael (and Michael) are at the top of the list. I have a weakness for Michael, admittedly... I think it's the fishnet.
Christi_Morelei wrote:
I have a weakness for Michael, admittedly... I think it's the fishnet.
He looks too young for me. But his tattoo is completely BITCHIN'.