This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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Hi, I've recently come across a post saying Utena's parents died in a car accident. Were we ever given the specifics how how Utena's parents died in the TV series? The circumstances surrounding it? Or how old Utena was at the time? I'll much appreciate it if someone can give me the episode numbers of when the relevant info are revealed. Much thanks!
The script for episode 9 only says:
Man1: There was a girl who lost her parents in an accident today.
But people like to say it was a car accident as part of the fan wank that blames Akio for their deaths.
This was my bad, wasn't it? ;
From the flashback in episode 9:
Man1: Hey, you there!
Man1: You two haven't seen a girl about your age around here, have you?
Touga: What happened?
Man1: There was a girl who lost her parents in an accident today.
Man1: She disappeared when we weren't looking.
That's about as specific as the series ever got about Utena's parents, IIRC. The script doesn't actually say it was a car accident - I must have misremembered that detail - so I'm not sure if that was something that came from the official subs (or maybe even the dub) or if it's just fans like us filling in the gaps on our own. Actually, seeing the raw Japanese script might be useful, as translations do vary... help, anyone?
As for Utena's age at the time, the manga's prologue says she was six, but I don't think the series ever specified it; I've mostly seen it assumed that she was about seven. Touga and Saionji are three years older than her, so if she was six or seven, then they would've been nine or ten.
Atropos, MikoGalatea, thank you for setting the facts straight for me. Since I'm only concerned as to what had happened in the TV series, I guess it's still safe to say that Utena's parents' "accident", along with Utena's exact age when it happened, still can be interpreted in various ways.
Again, thank you to you both for your speedy replies!
MikoGalatea wrote:
That's about as specific as the series ever got about Utena's parents, IIRC. The script doesn't actually say it was a car accident - I must have misremembered that detail - so I'm not sure if that was something that came from the official subs (or maybe even the dub) or if it's just fans like us filling in the gaps on our own. Actually, seeing the raw Japanese script might be useful, as translations do vary... help, anyone?
That's a very good idea. I went back and listened to the scene a few times. My Japanese fu is not high enough to completely transcribe his line -- he's speaking quite fast and slurring a little -- but I'm 95% sure that he doesn't specify what kind of accident. He definitely says "jiko," which is an accident, but he clearly doesn't say "koutsuu jiko," which would be the usual way of specifying a traffic accident. So no, I don't think canon gives us an unambiguous answer to this question.
But if you make a list of what kinds of accidents can kill two people at once, both presumed to be young to middle-aged adults, I think it's a pretty short list. I don't think the word "jiko" would have been used if it had been a fire or natural disaster of some kind. It's reasonable to conclude that a car accident is a strong possibility, but it's not canonical.
Satyreyes, I'm so, so glad you came into this thread too and clarifying the "jiko", which, being Kanji, I'm familiar with.
Yes, "jiko" can mean "accident" (as the Japanese Word of the Day site say), but by its Kanji strict definition (which can be broken into "event" "past"), and its common usage in Japanese media, it crosses over to encompass something like "incident", and is commonly applied to incidents like suicides, robberies, plane hijacks, terrorist attacks.
Suppose Utena's parents, died from, say, committing suicide along train railway lines, then they would have died from what the Japanese call "Jinshin Jiko" - "Human Accident", which I think should be more correctly translated to "Human Incident" since people do not "accidentally" suicides.
Either way, thank again for the cruicial info, Satyreyes!
Ok.... I was reading this thread.... and I feel really stupid for sharing this though XD (I don't know if there's a thread for this and I thought it may have been too stupid sounding to make it's own thread XP but I theory I just though of! (oh.... and spoilers for those who haven't finished)
What if Anthy killed Utena's parents? I really need to re-watch the student council saga, but the coffin's have the rose emblem on the, right? Utena was meant to be the new Rose Bride (maybe I'm confusing it with the manga where I remember for sure she was the chosen one, but she was "chosen" in the anime as well, right?) for Akio... Since Anthy was willing to go to such extremes, maybe it was all her doing so Akio had someone when she met her fate to take on her role.
yuzukelly wrote:
What if Anthy killed Utena's parents?
but the coffin's have the rose emblem on the,
Hi, Yuzukelly!
If we go by the exact presentation of the series, Akio (in Dios Guise) is almost definitely the one to put the extra coffin there for Utena, thus why Saionji's lines about how "We're all still in our own coffins too" and the "breaking out of the coffins prepared for them by the Ends of the World". Being that Utena's parents' coffins also got rose motif (see unedited screencap from
I can say it "heavily implies" that Akio, maybe even his trusty accomplice Anthy, are behind the parents' all too "timely" deaths; but there is no absolute solid, court-worthy proof.
Edited to add:
Utena was meant to be the new Rose Bride (maybe I'm confusing it with the manga where I remember for sure she was the chosen one, but she was "chosen" in the anime as well, right?) for Akio
Huh? I thought Utena was supposed to be the one with the heart sword to unlock power of Dios that slumbers within Anthy . . . but I've only seen the TV series and the movie.
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (09-07-2012 05:24:57 PM)
Haha I feel like I just discovered something everyone else has already known about XD
gorgeousshutin , I'm very scattered with my thoughts so please forgive me Also, as much as I love Utena and have seen it/watched it, a LOT has gone over my head I believe so bare with me
In the manga, the castle is real and everyone goes up (the student council I mean, only Utena, Anthy and Touga actually getting to the main part, the others become trapped by Anthy is coffins) and when they do Akio is there and he says that the only real ring belonged to Utena, so I guess yes it is what you said, it's similar in a way to the anime (I think Utena's was "real", the student council couldn't have won) but Anthy stabbed Utena in the anime (see, I'm mixing them up aren't I? LOL) after Utena wouldn't be Akio's "bride", I need to watch that again don't I lol. but Isn't she given the chance to be his "princess" ? After he takes the sword she made with her bond with Anthy, she doesn't want to be Akio's. It's when she refuses that Anthy turns on her, she was anyways, but with Utena going along with the plan she didn't have to do anything drastic
again, sorry for my scatterbrain
Out of curiosity, does anyone recall whether it specifies car accident in the manga? Yasha seems pretty sure it does, and that they died in a car accident has been fanon for so long now I don't even know where it came from.
Giovanna wrote:
Out of curiosity, does anyone recall whether it specifies car accident in the manga? Yasha seems pretty sure it does, and that they died in a car accident has been fanon for so long now I don't even know where it came from.
I just had a flip through the prologue, and no - it doesn't mention any kind of accident at all. Here's as much detail as it gives:
Page 14
Yurika: Utena's parents died when she was six. I was still young myself, and I couldn't explain it to her. All I could do was cry and tell her, "Your mother and father are far, far away right now, but they love you very much. Do you understand?" Then Utena told me, "Please don't cry... Utena will stay with Auntie instead, until they come back to get me..."
Page 21
Utena: ... that day seven years ago, when I finally knew - that my mom and dad were never coming back. Nobody had told me, not even Aunt Yurika. But the skies were crying...
What about the dubbed version of episode 9? Because I'm getting to think the car accident thing came about because of fans jumping to conclusions however long ago.
I always did assume her parents died in a car accident, but when I went to double-check, it doesn't seem to mention the details about the accident.
I guess car accidents are normal enough it's the first thing people think of?
I love how the way "Jiko" (By Kanji, Ji is event, Ko can be either past, reason, or origin) is broadly used by Japanese Media to mean "Incident", so, as long as the TV series does not specific otherwise, the possibilities of murder, robbery, terrorism, various Double A conspiracy theories will be endless for fan speculation purpose!
edited to add:
Another example of jiko used as "incident" is the Okuda Railway Crossing Incident (奥田踏切事故), which reads as okuda fumikiri jiko
edited to add:
YuzuKelly wrote:
but Anthy stabbed Utena in the anime (see, I'm mixing them up aren't I? LOL) after Utena wouldn't be Akio's "bride", I need to watch that again don't I lol.
Oh, in the TV, Akio was after Utena's soul sword all along - where she is to become bride to him seems almost unimportant in that ep - it was just the Sword he was after. Anthy backstabbed Utena when she would not give Akio the S Sword.
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (09-08-2012 02:15:13 PM)
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Yes, "jiko" can mean "accident" (as the Japanese Word of the Day site say), but by its Kanji strict definition (which can be broken into "event" "past"), and its common usage in Japanese media, it crosses over to encompass something like "incident", and is commonly applied to incidents like suicides, robberies, plane hijacks, terrorist attacks.
I love how the way "Jiko" (By Kanji, Ji is event, Ko can be either past, reason, or origin) is broadly used by Japanese Media to mean "Incident", so, as long as the TV series does not specific otherwise, the possibilities of murder, robbery, terrorism, various Double A conspiracy theories will be endless for fan speculation purpose!
Oh God no what have I done. The last thing you want to do when you're translating a foreign language is to assume that the English translation given to you by a website or dictionary means exactly the same thing as the original word. (Though actually, breaking the Japanese word up into its component parts -- "event" "past" -- might be an even worse strategy.) If you don't speak Japanese fluently and I don't speak Japanese fluently, then neither of us can say for sure how broad the definition of "jiko" is. We might be able to get some idea by looking at how the word is used in context, but we should not rely on how broad "incident" is in English to inform us.
"Jiko" can definitely be a traffic accident, because "koutsuu jiko" means traffic accident. It can also be a train accident, like the Okuda Fumikiri Jiko, or it can be an accident where a train strikes a human, like a jinshin jiko. There are also stock phrases for a plane crash or mine accident that use "jiko." But it can't be just any deadly incident. To take a stark example from feudal Japan, the warlord Akechi Mitsuhide once betrayed his master Nobunaga at the temple Honnou-ji, forcing Nobunaga to set the temple on fire and commit suicide. This episode is almost always called, in English, the Incident at Honnou-ji. But in Japanese it's called Honnouji no Hen -- the word jiko is nowhere to be seen. The Incident at Honnou-ji is very different from a car or train accident, and Japanese uses a different word ("hen") to describe it.
Do you know of any cases where an incident of "murder, robbery, or terrorism" have been described with the word "jiko?"
Last edited by satyreyes (09-09-2012 08:58:00 AM)
it can be an accident where a train strikes a human, like a jinshin jiko.
Hey, Satyreyes.
Actually, from what I know, the "jinshin jiko", which english translates to "human accident", is strictly used in for purposeful suicide of people throwing themselves onto railways in front of approaching trains. My English level might not be all encompassing, but I don't think suicide qualifies as "accident" as in "not on purpose".
I myself is Chinese fluent (which gave me an amount of understanding in the Chinese derived Kanji, even though the exact same characters often do mean different things from Chinese to Japanese), and have watched a few Japanese TV live drama where I remember jiko being used to describe terrorism (I think live drama Bloody Monday is one of them, but I can't be sure). Though, for Ikuhara purpose, the Tokyo Subway Attack is actually the 地下鉄サリン事件, Chikatetsu Sarin Jiken; Where the "Ji"= "事" is the same as that in Jiko, but the "ko"="故" is replaced by "ken"="件"; jiken means "event", and I do know this one an be used to mean "incident".
But you are absolutely right: I too, might also have been jumping to conclusion in this (and life dramas are not as technical as actual news in word term usage). Jiko and jiken are, after all, different things. So, until I find actual real life cases where "jiko" can be used interchangably with "jiken", I too should not jump to conclusions yet.
Oh, and about the Hen in Honnouji no Hen; the final "Hen" definitely means "change", which in Asian thought frequently applies to change of loyalty/betrayal (though in Kanji, Hen also often means "weird" - Hentai means perverse). There is a famous historical event in China that is similarly named/worded, thus why, on this one case, I am pretty sure about what I wrote.
I still say they were Yakuza who crossed a line and got whacked. The 'accident' was a coverup.
Last edited by Atropos (09-09-2012 11:00:35 AM)
*shameless fanfic promotion*
Utena's mother died in a synchronization experiment at NERV, and her father committed suicide in grief.
Ashnod wrote:
*shameless fanfic promotion*
Utena's mother died in a synchronization experiment at NERV, and her father committed suicide in grief.
And Rei is Yui and Anthy's biological daughter.
Ashnod wrote:
*shameless fanfic promotion*
Utena's mother died in a synchronization experiment at NERV, and her father committed suicide in grief.
Could you be the one to have written that script format Utena/Eva epic?
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (09-09-2012 11:19:48 AM)
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Could you be the one to have written that script format Utena/Eva epic?
No, that was Daniel Snyder-oh, wait, script format. Yes, it's the woman herself.
Atropos wrote:
Yes, it's the woman herself. etc-love
I have no IDEA, Ashnod - you've should've self-promote more you Utena landmark epic writer you (and you actually managed to finish your epic, so
from me there)
Then, about that 10 yrs later project you've mentioned to me a while ago . . . is that gonna be an epic too? Even if you don't think you'd ever finish it, please put out the first chapter(s), please~~ Our fandom is at risk of wilting away from lack of a steady supply of hype-worthy new fics!
Atropos wrote:
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Could you be the one to have written that script format Utena/Eva epic?
No, that was Daniel Snyder-oh, wait, script format. Yes, it's the woman herself.
Thank you for the love!!
Yeah, we should also point out that Daniel Snyder's Fane of the Firebird is pretty epic crossover of some renown as well. I don't think it was script format, though. It's been about, sheeshz, 10 years since I've read it so I could be wrong.
Completely different styles, obviously. I tried to take the two stories and have them coexist over the top of each other, and Daniel took the idea of Evangelion and remolded it into an Utena-like setting.
gorgeousshutin wrote:
I have no IDEA, Ashnod - you've should've self-promote more you Utena landmark epic writer you
(and you actually managed to finish your epic, so
from me there)
Then, about that 10 yrs later project you've mentioned to me a while ago . . . is that gonna be an epic too? Even if you don't think you'd ever finish it, please put out the first chapter(s), please~~ Our fandom is at risk of wilting away from lack of a steady supply of hype-worthy new fics!
You've actually read Shin Kakumei Evangelion?
I don't mean that to sound as surprised it probably comes off, but I am surprised whenever someone mentions being familiar with it. As a writer yourself, I'm sure you know what it's like to think that maybe 15-20 people have read something you've crafted.
As far as the 10 year project you're speaking of...
It needs so much work. I've posted bits and pieces of it, and a few forumites here have read the rough draft of the first 1/3 of it, (or in Frosty's case, heard me read it to her over the phone) but... every time I sit down to work on it nothing is coming out. I was so inspired coming back from RoseCon and I want desperately to finish at least the full rough...
I dunno.
Posting the rough and seeing what people think might be the only way I actually get it written.
When I wrote Shin Kakumei Evangelion, I held myself to a deadline of a chapter a week except for the final two episodes which I allowed two weeks for. And for the most part, given that I had beta-readers I promised it for, that tended to work out.
Needless to say, my deadlines haven't panned out at all on this one.
Last edited by Ashnod (09-09-2012 11:48:52 AM)
Ashnod wrote:
You've actually read Shin Kakumei Evangelion?
Are you kidding? That was a story I've gone through over and over again since like 2 years ago (as being the impatient reader I am, I would so often skim over/ missed points that I don't notice until my 3rd/4th go through it). The part where you made (Touga AND Nanami replace Kaworu ) really gave me the fic-readers`chills.
And not just me, I think everyone who's on EvaGeeks forums (which I'm also on) have likewise read that, and I've yet to see anyone who mentioned it there without hailing it as a classic
Even though much of my Seinen Kakumei canon seem to annoy you, I consider it my honor to have you be a one time-reviewer of that work (am feeling like Shiori already at the thought of how Seinen Kakumei will likely never be as well-known as Shin Kakumei ).
When I wrote Shin Kakumei Evangelion, I held myself to a deadline of a chapter a week
Holy . . . and those are rather lengthy chapters with much going on. Considering how long it now takes me to struggle through one unbeta-ed Seinen chapter
Posting the rough and seeing what people think might be the only way I actually get it written.
Please . . . !!!!
I myself find fanfics to be much like Akio Cars - they fall into rust if their writers keep it unwritten past their "inspiration" period. So if you do have something already, please start putting a bit of that out first - other`s reactions to it will often inspire the writer towards having the writing spree needed for longer fics to properly materialize.
(There `s something strange going on with my computer`s ability to type out punctuations. Will write more once I get it fixed.)
I love seeing good fic get its due, but it's a little off-topic here I suggest the compliments thread!
Satyreyes wrote:
I love seeing good fic get its due, but it's a little off-topic here emot-smile I suggest the compliments thread!
Oops! Got you and have since moved SKE related stuff over there.
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