This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
My first impressions:
-Yay Utena Tenjou! To me she always seemed like she had a few different meanings or thought processes to her actions. Her believing in friendship seemed so tragic.
Wooww Anthy is a bitch
-DEATH TO SAIONJI!! I hated him. I still dislike him.
-That Shori is a very typical and boring girl, and I couldn't understand at all why Juri was so obsessed with her.
-Most of the clothing in this is much better then the normal anime garb, I actually rather liked Nanami's odd outfit.
-Wooow Mikki's girly.
-What the hell is up with Utena's hat?
I distinctly remember leaping off the couch at the end of every episode yelling
"My fucking God! this is the BEST show I have EVER seen in my entire LIFE! NEXT!
I made it through the first arc, to the end of my NTSC boxed dub in no time and... Black Rose? There's more? The 6-12 month wait was agonising before I finally tracked down some fansubs. For a show I picked up purely by chance I could barely believe I had hit the jackpot!
I loved Utena.
I loved Touga's charm and calculating callousness, his hair is to die for. I wanted luxurious hair like that so I too could be a cool, detached, handsome bastard.
At the time I was fighting with matters of self, and breaking away from the church that I was born into. As you all know utena holds some important messages, and at the time it resounded clarion. The Juri episodes were awesome: those curls and adamant disbelief in miracles.
"I loved Touga's charm and calculating callousness, his hair is to die for. I wanted luxurious hair like that so I too could be a cool, detached, handsome bastard."
And thus grows my sneaking suspicion that I alone in the sea of female fans did not find Touga impressive at all. In fact, I wanted to slap him around a bit. No, I wasn't really into ANY of the Utena men (or boys). A bit Akio and a hint Mikage, but nothing even remotely intense. Am I alone in this?
Jellineck wrote:
And thus grows my sneaking suspicion that I alone in the sea of female fans did not find Touga impressive at all. In fact, I wanted to slap him around a bit. No, I wasn't really into ANY of the Utena men (or boys). A bit Akio and a hint Mikage, but nothing even remotely intense. Am I alone in this?
Yes I would have to agree with you on the whole 'slap Touga around like a bitch' angle.
I recognized too much of myself in Touga to be unimpressed by him. However, I have to say, Miki really hasn't ever had all that much appeal for me and most people seem to think he's all kinds of adorable.
My thoughts on watching the movie (I saw it first):
.........I'm installing cathedral bells in my house. Also, I'm installing that school in my house. PRETTY
There's a lot of roses in this.
That green haired dude is hot. Also, violent. I wonder how he likes it if a girl fights back?
HOLY SHIT A SWORD CAME OUT OF HER CHEST that reminds me disturbingly of some sort of rape. This is very enjoyable. I might want to rethink not watching the series.
Heheheh, zipper.
.............................fapfapfap butterflies and child rape and emotional anguish and pretty colors and winding sheets fuck this is hot shit, I should probably rent the series. OH GOD PRETTY PICTURE OF LITTLE BOY ABOUT TO BE RAPED WITH BUTTERFLIES ON HIS FACE I'm so glad this is a cartoon and I don't have to lend any moral weight to it.
Oh hey yeah, I get it, the elevator going down is a metaphor for going deeper into the root of consciousness to find your inner self and Utena's been denying that inner recognition of her own strength and weakness which is why she's stuck at Ohtori and OH SHIT THEY KILLED TOUGA. I wonder if he's dead in the series? know, that's a pretty awesome car.
NAKED GIRLS???? Wow, onscreen naked girls kissing, what the fuck?? Is this about lesbians?
Yasha your response to the movie made me lol.
When I first saw the movie, I'd seen a few episodes of the show. Rather than preparing me, it made me expect pretty, but comprehensible.
I was kind of OK until the car wash. Then I broke.
My first exposure to SKU didn't actually involve SEEING it. I read all the scripts and synopsis on when I was 15 or 16. After being devestated by losing a writing contest that would have resulted in getting a free copy of some fansubs (or maybe it was the first season, I forget).
My first impression was, "Chick with sword! Awesome. I love chicks with swords. She's gonna kick all the boys' butts and win this Revolution thing. Juri's cool. Touga's so cuuute. Wait...what? ...What's going on here. Why would Anthy do that? She...she LOST? This is horrible. I don't care that Anthy leaves at the end. What a bunch of...that's not fair!"
One night I was laying in bed thinking about it and realized that Utena won, after all. This might have been more obvious if I hadn't been reading it, which lost all of the visual nuance. It was much faster to read through than watch, so the transition between the beginning and the end was much more abrupt and surprising to me than it may have been otherwise.
Eventually I got the first season on DVD and watched it incessantly. Plastered my walls with quotes and posters. I was a diehard fan before ever seeing the end. Which I finally did at the age of nineteen, visiting my friend Anna in Ohio. I cried. Watched it 10 or so more times. Cried some more.
Why haven't I got around to posting in here yet...?
I may have mentioned this somewhere before, but before SKU, I had mostly been exposed to Yaoi. Now, Yaoi in my opinion was, and still is, generally based around, "RAPE, ANGST, RAPE, INCEST, PEDOPHILIA, DID I MENTION RAPE?" So, by that logic, an anime with two girls must be a happy anime, where no one is ever sad, and the main pairing is always cannon. (I was also pissed off at the time because my favorite pairings were never cannon.) I don't know how I arrived at that logic, but I did.
First Impressions:
Utena: She's great! *Later on* Put two and two together, damnit!
Anthy: My most favorite character in all of anime... Wait, did it just imply that she's sleeping with her brother? No, Anthy wouldn't cheat on Utena... And why was she so mean to that Kanae girl...? This isn't the Anthy I love!
Touga: Stop messing with my favorite pairings, damnit!
Akio: That goes for you, too.
Nanami: I hate her, but despite that, I stubbornly defend her in the future while my friends are on their first time through the series.
Miki: He seems like he's going to be my favorite character, but apparently not.
Kozue: If somebody told me that she would be my favorite character in a few months, I would have called them a liar.
Juri: Awwww, it's so sad what that mean girl did to her.
Shiori: I hate that bitch. The part where she died in the movie was my favorite part!
Ruka: What a bastard... Aww, he was only trying to help. (*Can't get what he Shadow Girls said out of her head for the rest of the day*)
Saionji: That was really mean of him to slap Anthy...! But I'm sad that he's gone... Yay, he's back!
Mikage: Craaaaaaaazy.
Mamiya: Despite being close to the name, "Himemiya," it will be quite a while before I actually care enough to remember his name.
Dios: *First five minutes of the first episode* Is that girl the guy from the opening...?
Shadow Girls: ... Huh?
Also, I was laughing with Kealdrea through pretty much the entire movie the first time I saw it. Overall, I loved Utena from the start, even though it did end up being a lot like Yaoi. I'd still like to write a fanfiction about my first impression of Utena someday. (This would of course count all the stuff I originally heard about it, meaning that all the people would be very formal, but elephants would be trying to kill them for no reason throughout the entire movie. And we can't forget their ability to turn into cars at will. Oh, and they were turning into cars so they could save the world. Yay for first impressions.)
first thoughts: strange show allegoriest NEEDS me to watch. Is very pink.
Utena-- Kinda REALLY nosey. Needs to mind her own business. (actually... I still think that, yeah.)
Anthy-- Honestly, she just seemed kinda... There.
Touga-- CHRIST HIS NOSE IS HUUUUGE. And I didn't really like him and his floozies and his Nanami thing.
Saionji-- NOOO stop slapping her ;__;
Juri-- Oh look, she has a girl in her locket. That's nice. And she cat fights. I don't like cat fights.
Miki-- DAWWW Miki~~ ...He must use clear disposable plates as contacts...(I actually got a stopwatch and notepad and would follow allegoriest around school, note taking and stopwatch clicking. Was very disappointed mine didn't have that Miki click. I also had 'the miki folder' XD )
Nanami-- Too loud. And mean.
Shadow Girls-- WHAT THE--
Mikage-- Yessss.... I likes me some Mikage.
Mamiya-- Looks FAR too familiar for my tastes. Mother possibly cheating on husband.
Tokiko-- eeh, don't care.
Ruka-- Gasp!! It's that guy I'd seen pictures of everywhere!! He... does look kinda disease-ish doesn't he. O__o
Akio-- Hmm. I don't think I like Akio. It might be the mullet. Or the sleeping with his sister and everyone else. I'm not really sure.
Kozue-- so THAT'S how their tie works.
Shiori-- Hey, she doesn't seem so bad... ( )
I was guided through the black rose saga in that 'what's that?' way, so I didn't really have first impressions for most of them...
I didn't have time to form first impressions of the movie. I jsut kinda sat still, till long after it ended... then slowly took it out, put it back in the box, and sat back down again...
i joined the utena fan-community quite late as i never happened to watch it earlier °
my first thoughts:
- respect to utena's knees... i would die of pain walking up those stairs!
- "zettai unmei mokushiroku" sounds ...psycho?
- doesn't that hurt? pulling out the sword?
- what's up with the twisting roses in some scenes?
- the cactus XDDD
i admit, i didn't like it at the beginning, but then i became sort of addicted
I introduced a friend to the first couple episodes of Utena and here were his thoughts:
Before the show:
"Is this show going to be one of those cartoons where they collect stuff? You know, like Yu-gi-oh or Pokemon?"
Watching the fairytale bit at the beginning:
"I know you told me that its a girl who wants to be a prince, so does she get a sex change?" (He doesn't know about my past)
When Wakaba is waitting for Utena and those two girls comment on it:
"So this Utena is this girl's(Wakaba) boyfriend huh? I knew it gonna be about lesbians!"
When they show the whole Ohtori Academy from the air:
"Why is everything so pale and blue?"
Scene where that old crone is chewing Utena out for not wearing proper uniform:
"She said she was wearing the boy's uniform but it looks nothing like what the boys are wearing, what is up with that?"
After the basketball game and the girls crowd around her:
"Are you certain that this isn't a show about lesbians? They sure do carry on like they are. If only I could be that popular with chicks."
When they first show Anthy:
"Thats that black chick you said that Utena pairs up with right?"
"Yes but shes Indian not black"
"I hope she changes her hairstyle then, it looks stupid"
When Anthy is slapped for the first time:
"Now we are getting somewhere"
Wakaba is on Utena's back:
Damn that looks sus, are you sure she ain't one of those?(He means lesbians)"
The student council part:
"They must be the villains of the show right?"
"Why you say that?"
"The organ music, they always play organ music when the villains are plotting"
"Never thought of it that way, but I do see your point"
The shadow girls:
"Damn this show is weird"
When Utena opens the duelling gates:
"Now thsts cool, I wish I could have a gate like that"
When they show her climbing the stairs:
"They got enough fucking stairs in this thing and now there is a fucking castle spinning upsidedown? The people who made this must be on crack or something."
Saionji slaps Anthy for saying 'Good luck' to Utena:
"What an asshole, there is no way he could win this fight now"
When Utena won:
"WTF just happened there? Thats a stupid way to have her win"
Anthy tells Utena that she belongs to her now:
"Its a shame this isn't porn, that would be a good plot for some kinky lezzo sex"
Utena is porn. It's just mindfucking instead of regular fucking!
I came into SKU expecting and wanting lesbians. It was pretty much the only thing I cared about the first time around. As I watched the opening, I was thrilled to see that there would be some ACTUAL romance between two people of the same gender! I mean, they were naked and almost making out on spinning roses. They had to hook up!
Engaged, eh? It's only a matter of time now...
The Night of the Ball...
Tee-hee. I'll bet Utena totally saw Anthy's boobies there.
For Friendship, Perhaps...
Phew! That stupid Touga is FINALLY out of the picture. Now admit your feelings to Anthy! DO IT. DO IT, I SAY.
Black Rose Ark...
You can start making out now, you know. No need to let that Akio guy stop you. Oooh, I hate him!
What fugly hair!
It was around this point where I saw the movie, which proved that Utena and Anthy would get together. All I had to do was wait patiently, even if they do mess around with Akio first.
Canterella Cookie scene... I'm so confused!
NajiMinkin wrote:
Canterella Cookie scene...
I'm so confused!
But don't all relationships have a cantarella moment?
brian wrote:
But don't all relationships have a cantarella moment?
They do indeed. But as a preteen who'd never been in any relationships, I was under the impression that they didn't involve poison or attempted suicide.
brian wrote:
NajiMinkin wrote:
Canterella Cookie scene...
I'm so confused!
But don't all relationships have a cantarella moment?
Only the ones that really count.
Giovanna wrote:
brian wrote:
NajiMinkin wrote:
Canterella Cookie scene...
I'm so confused!
But don't all relationships have a cantarella moment?
Only the ones that really count.
I baked cookies today.
I should bake cookies.
And make tea.
Being my SKU-first time just recently, I remember clearly that I kept saying WTF most of the time! I spent a whole afternoon with the first 10 episodes and I got addicted to them. All of the characters seemed to me rather troublesome than I expected. In fact, that ended up being my main motive to keep watching the show, to understand the roles each of them played in the series. But what I specifically said was sort of:
Anthy. "So, she is the one the hero has to save? Please, whoever it may be, do it faster they are slapping her, again!"
Utena. "She is kinda cool. No wonder that she gets all the girls at the end of the day."
Saionji. "The green haired one is cute, sort of sweet but has a hell of a temper! Is he in love with the boy in red?"
Wakaba. "Boys of that school must be stupid or something... every girl in school wants the pinky one for her own".
Touga. "Why don't you ask your friend for a drink? You may be surprised what he has to tell you... Anyway, why does everybody think he is special?"
Juri. "Pity she is heart-broken. She could have whoever she wanted. Hell, that is her issue... that she doesn't. The Shiori one is not even that cute".
Miki. "He is the clever, sensitive guy... His sister is... weird. Why are they so obssesive with each other?
Nanami. "She is mean. Where is she taking the kitty? Hell, she did it."
What about Akio? Well, after chap 13 I kept on calling him DEVIL PRINCE... and devil prince he was until the very end...
Erebus wrote:
Wakaba. "Boys of that school must be stupid or something... every girl in school wants the pinky one for her own".
for you!
Welcome to the IRG (In the Rose Garden) forum, where we talk about Utena related stuff as well as all sorts of other things without the mean-spirited feel that a large number of other forums seem to develop and hopefully never will.
Last edited by Tamago (09-08-2007 11:52:53 PM)
Alright, I'm feeling brave and popping up in the SKU forum for a bit.
I cried during the ending, and that's when I knew I loved the series. I decided I wouldn't judge until I'd seen it all. I thought it was beautiful, funny, and had a real message behind it. I became obsessed and downloaded all the music and rewatched the parts I loved on YouTube.
I was immediately drawn to Anthy, as obvious as that may be. I'm the type of person who does not have very many "favorites" because I can appreciate all the different aspects of things. I loved all the SKU characters. I wanted to know more about them and their lives fascinated me. But I always watched out for Anthy, and I wracked my brain trying to figure her out as well as seeing the relation between her as a character to myself.
When something touches me, it's integrated into my life. I don't know if that's healthy or good for an anime to do that to someone, but it did me. It really got me thinking about the relationships between people and I thought a lot about myself as well. I'm sure things would not be the way they are in my life if I never watched Utena, in fact I know this to be true because, well... that's a whole other topic.
Last edited by Alexandra (09-08-2007 11:25:43 PM)
Thank you so much for your words, Tamago! That was exactly the reason I decided to join to begin with! Everybody seems to be quite open minded! I am glad to have had already a comment!
Alexandra wrote:
I cried during the ending, and that's when I knew I loved the series. I decided I wouldn't judge until I'd seen it all. I thought it was beautiful, funny, and had a real message behind it.
I didn't really get the ending at first so it made me feel a bit empty. But after I had watched it over and over several I times, I began to understand it. And it is beautiful. Till this day it's the best ending I've seen. Only Haibane Renmei could come close to the ending of Utena, although it couldn't surpass it.
And welcome to IRG, Erebus. I hope you'll enjoy your stay!
I saw it in late 98/early 99. My reaction was OMG WHERE WAS THIS WHEN I WAS A LITTLE BABYDYKE??
Edit: The hell? Ohtori Academy has a farm?
For when Akio has an itch that, His wife, his sister, his sisters friend, his wife’s mother, Touga, his big vibrating car (and any one in it) just can’t scratch.
Tamago wrote:
Welcome to the IRG (In the Rose Garden)
You know no one ever explained that to me … it took me a week to get it.
“Now, at last I will know, which one is Utena and which one is Anthy!”
“Utena has a great voice,” *banishes the dub forever from my life (like I was gonna watch it anyway)
“Anthy ..Anshi… Anthy…. Anshi…. “
“Shadow Puppets? …the fuck?”
Stopwatch: “So Miki has OCD?”
Saionji (towards the end) “Forget Anthy! Kiss Touga NAO!”
Akio (Ending) “Owned”. Yes I make deep and meaningful comments.
There were other things too…
And welcome to IRG, Erebus. I hope you'll enjoy your stay!
Thank you for your your words Maarika. Sure I will^_^