This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hah! I love that. Well-drawn too, farthingale.
It would be funny to see Utena and Anthy reunited in a professional setting. Utena doesn't seem like the type to do well in business, though. She would likely do well in something that she felt was for a greater cause and still satiate her thirst for adventure - I could really see her in the Peace Corps, actually. A P.E. teacher was mentioned and I think she would actually really enjoy that. Maybe Anthy could sign up to be a sub? Anthy teaching...*shudders*
Here's a bit of a dark one for you all...
Ruka - Molested Decayed Corpse #34 on the upcoming hit series CSI: Japan.
Katzenklavier wrote:
Ruka - Molested Decayed Corpse #34 on the upcoming hit series CSI: Japan.
Regular cast member or ocassional guest star?
farthingale wrote:
Katzenklavier wrote:
Ruka - Molested Decayed Corpse #34 on the upcoming hit series CSI: Japan.
Regular cast member or ocassional guest star?
They'd re-use him every episode to save money. Also, Utena and Anthy could be the investigators.
Utena: "School nurse says he died of natural causes."
Anthy: "You saw the blood pooling, right?"
Utena: "And the ligature marks."
Both: "The body was moved."
OnionPrince wrote:
farthingale wrote:
Katzenklavier wrote:
Ruka - Molested Decayed Corpse #34 on the upcoming hit series CSI: Japan.
Regular cast member or ocassional guest star?
They'd re-use him every episode to save money.
That's gold, OnionPrince.
okay so im going to write what jobs they would have and how the will die.
utena: proffesional baseball coach, by car accident
anthy: a hotel maid, shot to death
touga: chipndales dancer, got his dick cut off and bled to death
saionji: the next emeril, burned
juri: proffessional modeling, achol poising
miki: music teacher for middle school, hit by a bus
akio: mob boss, drug overdose
nanami: fasion designer, jumps off of the 28th floor
wakaba: waitress at disneyland, rape then murder
shiori: juri's agent, cuts till death
kozue: playboy model, car accident
ruka: french teacher, electric chair
tatsuya: tour guide for the san diego zoo, eaten by the lions
mitsuru: nanami's body guard, drive by shotting
nemaru/mikage:plastic surgen, burned alive
mamiya: billionare selling plastic dolls, old age
yuukio/aiko/keiko: hair/makeup/and wardorbe for disney characters, run over by mom's with strollers
dios: janitor, slips and cracks head open
kanae: the next martha stewart, stab to death
and for all of you keido lovers..
keido: finds the cure for the worlds deadly disease, eaten by zombies...
Shinolala2 wrote:
saionji: the next emeril, burned
Saionji has a way more magnetic personality than that.
I just got a mental image of Anthy the dentist. I think this would be strangely terrifying.
They'd re-use him every episode to save money.
And eventually he'd get so popular that they'd give his corpse it's own series, followed by ice show and musical. His corpse's acting would be perfect for TV! ...Zing.
nanami: fasion designer, jumps off of the 28th floor
It's well thought out, I can nearly see it...
ruka: french teacher, electric chair
Touga: model
saioniji: bartender
Akio: think Adrian Veidt type dude. just ten times cooler
Utena: athlete
anthy: hooker
'you can be my prince for $50'
Touga, Akio, and saionji: 80s hair metal band
Yasha wrote:
Touga: History professor. The study of greed, sex, and power? He'd be all over it.
Oh Touga is so gonna write a book on the cultural history of American advertising~
Giovanna wrote:
I just got a mental image of Anthy the dentist. I think this would be strangely terrifying.
it's actually quite alluring....only downside is half of her beautiful face will be covered by a mask.....
sharnii wrote:
Utena: She's on the dole. Because the last duel seriously f'ed her up. And she doesn't have any marketable skills to speak of.
Anthy: She works for the dole-office. She pretends to be nice and like she wants to help but in reality she enjoys screwing with poor unfortunates while giving a nice smile. Her and Utena meet up again when Utena cashes her unemployment check.
Akio: A very exclusive pimp in a very exclusive club. Doubles as one of the help then reveals himself to be the head honcho at whatever is seriously the worst time for the client. Moonlights as a circus ringleader. Has aspirations to become national deity of a very small country nobody's ever heard of. His evil plans are in motion as we speak.
Kanae: Call-girl, who happens to be engaged to the pimp. Not very good at her job: appears to be a bit out of it. Wonders why pimp makes her work at his club and why they're still not married. Whenever she starts to wonder this he feeds her "apples" and she stops wondering.
Touga: Call-girl, er I mean guy. Works for Akio naturally. The star attraction of the club. Men want him and women want his hair. He dreams of becoming a pimp one day...
Saionji: Lion-tamer at Akio's circus. But spends most of his time snorting crack. A crack-related lion accident leads to him being put on the dole and what happens to him at the dole-office leads to him needing more than crack.
Nanami: Trophy wife who lets her rich and fashionable hubby have as many affairs as he wants.
Tsuwabuki: Nanami's chauffeur. Her very hot chauffeur who has the hots for her, but she doesn't seem to think about men in quite that way. It's so sad and filled with much unrequited angst.
Keiko: Is sucking her way successfully up the corporate ladder. Visits tasteful club on Friday nights for time with her favorite call-guy.
Juri: An Olympian fencer who does lucrative commercials for tasteful high-fashion. Wears her gold medal around her neck and alternates between looking at that and her locket.
Shiori: A really bitchy receptionist. Paranoid that women are looking at her in that way.
Ruka: Juri's stalker. That's right, he managed to recover just to take up his rightful place in life. Is also on the dole to maintain his stalking activities.
Miki: Famous pianist. Still genius, now with full-blown compulsive disorder beginning to eat away at his sanity. Kozue not helping matters.
Kozue: Mooches off Miki. Went to collect dole payment once but after being looked at in that way by Anthy, decided to keep mooching off Miki instead. Apparently Miki's "manager" but all she really does is keep the fangirls away from him.
Mikage: Evil psychiatrist. No people skills whatsoever, but doesn't matter thanks to evil use of drugs to manipulate patients. Puts drugs in tea.
Mamiya: He works for the dole-office. Nobody knows who he is or why he keeps showing up every now and then. Anthy tells Utena he's her second cousin. Utena believes her.
This is a new idea for another fanfic, right? Say yes, please say yes!
And I agree with Juri making into the Olympian team~
Personally though, I see Anthy becoming an art historican, or a curator of a historical museum or art gallery.
Utena will sign herself up with various humanitarian organizations to save lives/improve living condition in some thrid world countries. Anthy will be the one paying for all her expenses of course~
Wakaba...somehow I see her as a beloved children program TV host. At the same time she is also a very successful author who has written a number of books for children.
The Shadow Girls...oh all of them made it big in the Japanese entertainment world, never having to reveal more than their shadows to their audience and fans of course.
Last edited by Itsuke (03-17-2009 01:50:38 AM)
Shiori - Thanks to a chance encounter, she comes out of Juri's shadow and becomes Mari's 'big-sister'
Anthy - Prize winning rally-car driver.
Mikage - What else but a Pyrotechnician. You just know how much he loves fire.
Juri and Miki - Get married and happily serve as 'beards' for each other while they look for Utena.
Utena - Lost her memory and works at a freak show as the "Human Pincushion."
Kozue - Dominatrix who takes her frustrations out on her clientele who 'love' her for it.
Nanami - Take up witchcraft.
Touga - Works at a Host Club and listens out for useful stock market tips to improve his fortune.
Akio - Falls into despair and ends his life playing chicken with a petrol tanker at high speed.
Saionji would write a book titled "the Beta man", with a sequel "True Friends"
wakaba's a housewife.
nanami: a model, a designer or a farmer.
Akio: dating sims creator / actor / singer
Anthy: she's lives by the money given by scientist for her special curry.
Touga: gets married, to one woman, with children.
jep jep.
Touga = Purn Star
Saionji = Touga's Fluffer
Mock Puppet wrote:
Touga = Purn Star
Purn = Porn for Cats.
Video tapes of Touga idly petting cats, scratching that spot under their chin and between their ears. Cats watch it while in heat and start grinding on the carpet.
Mock Puppet wrote:
Touga = Purn Star
Saionji = Touga's Fluffer
What would his screen name be? Bigg Red?
Looks like my ideas were a hit.
I meant to spell PORN STAR not Purn Star
I can see Touga playing with all the pussys at least until Nanami appears and turns the movie into a gorn fest as she kills all the kittens.
Riri-kins wrote:
Mock Puppet wrote:
Touga = Purn Star
Saionji = Touga's Fluffer
What would his screen name be? Bigg Red?
.....I'm gonna go with "Magical Mr. Mistoffelees," if we're using the kitty theme.
Katzenklavier wrote:
Maybe Anthy could sign up to be a sub?
Were we going for a pun here?
Touga = Purn Star
Saionji = Touga's Fluffer
Akio = Pussy Comber
Kozue = Mistress of the Collars
Shiori = Keeper of the Toys
Miki = Tender to the Furballs
Utena = Purr-ector
I could go on for days...
Damm all of these are hilarious I had a blast reading them. Wonder why no one has posted hear that much...
Utena- Youtuber. Talks about her experiences in life as well as talking about queer issues and feminisim. Also has a secondery channel for teaching sword fighting. She is pretty popular on her main channel with 200,000 subscribers but on the second channel only 8,000.
Anthy- Runs an antique shop, while having a rose garden for tours to see . Makes a pretty good deal of money and many tourist visit her shop. Utena has trouble shoting videos with anthy's shop but knows it means a lot to her. And so those anthy
Akio- Forever the chairmen, no job for you.
Wakaba- A voice actor and commercial actor. Manged to get big in the anime va career and has gained a cult following.
Nanami- A business owner, goes on for a good 15 years before going bankrupt and then lives with her lover/touga as a housewife.
Touga- Stripper/Porn star, but I like to see him in a host club which he later in life own's. Its a bisexual Host club so it is possible to request men and women and to be requested by men and women. Its an idea he thought off because of his experiences with utena and akio.
Saionji- Literature teacher. Ends up teaching in many schools, and even in othori, but only for a short time.
Kozue- A slut, in all honesty. But she may or may not be offered to work at touga's host club.
Juri-A fencing instructor for professional athletes. has been inspiring many queer teens to persue the sport after her wining gold in the olympics.
Miki- Has a milkshake business he runs. He helped Nanami in her business until her last moment.
Tsuwabki- A butler. Ended up being pretty good at it.
Shiori- Owns a sex shop that specializes in BDSM sex.
Nemuro- A college proffeser. Has been working with saionji at one point because saionji was working in his universty for a while.
Keiko- A History teacher at othori academy. Has been visiting touga's host club whenever she could.
Utena - real estate broker, successful at that
Anthy - wise woman. Her prophecies are always accurate for the future itself dares not contradict her
Akio - pope and father confessor to the influential / notorious game show contestant
Nanami - politician and animals rights activist. Alas, always in opposition. Spreads conspiracy theories about evil schemes of Akio the pope that no one believes in.
Touga - professional feminist. Marital impostor. Just kidding.
Runs family business from the backseat. Goes above and beyond to keep his sister alive. Partly for her sake, mostly because it keeps his mind sharp, satiates his gambling streak, and gives opportunity to indirectly butt his antlers with Akio. Happily married.
Wakaba - babysitter, hopelessly in love with the kids' father.
Kozue - pharmacist, no one will match a perfect psychotropic drug to your personality like she does. Lets his brother believe her to be a luxurious call girl.
Miki - salaryman with a hopeless case of call girl addiction
Mikage - believes himself to be an elevator operator in a creepy old building. However, the creepy old building is in fact a mental institution and the elevator operator has long been dead...
Juri - chief editor of a great fashion magazine. Young female trainees fear and tremble before her. She never realizes it is one of her favorite perks of the job.
Ruka - applies for a post of Juri's guardian angel. Does not get the gig. Becomes a demon to make a pact with Juri instead. To save her, obviously. Taking her soul is entirely incidental.