This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Yes, I'm nosey.
You can take the test and share for fun if you want.
Test 1: … elector%21
My results
Clueless SemeYou are 20% Seme!
Sadly for you, you are the clueless seme. Your soul mate is either right beside you or somewhere close by, but you don't notice at all. Your ditsy-ness is love-able, but sometimes god damn annoying; make life easier for the person you love by being more alert to subtle hints! But fret not, people like you tend to have happy endings.
Most compatible with: Supa Uke
2808 times, 7%
Any supa uke's around
Test 2:
My results
You are an uke
Strangely enough I would say I was defintely uke, but reading the results, the first one goes more with me than the second one. How about everyone else, take the tests? Or just share your ukeness and semeness with the rest of the forum. Which do you consider yourself most to be. This is for fun by the way, I don't religiously believe in these sterotypes or anything.
Tamago wrote:
You are not yaoi!
Why did you take this test? However, you can definitely start your yaoi career now and come back again to take this test when you are successful!
Take this quiz!
Not yaoi (is part yaoi fangirl), wait, you mean, not every single human being on the planet is yaoi, thats shocking O.O
Would Tamago say she was more one than the other?
I'm not surprised that this didn't end up in IFD. Not that I mind:devil:
Since you asked ...
The one in Complete ControlYou are 200% Seme.
Congratulations! You are the one in complete control. You are a seme (unless you have strange desires and decide to try something new). You manage to get what you have your eyes on most of the time, or all the time for that matter. You have a way of making people do what you want and belong completely to you! You like a challenge now and then and prefer ukes that play hard to get. But in the end, what is meant to be yours... will be yours. Just don't let your growing ambitions consume you.
Most compatible with: Any thing you want. Seme or uke, they are yours for grabs.
Take this quiz!
This surpised even me ... what can I say? I love all men!
I think this one would be more accurate.
Last edited by Rae (06-22-2007 11:20:55 PM)
Quizzila wrote:
Angsty UkeYou are -40% Seme!
Yes. You are the angsty uke. Seldom smiling and probably persimistic, you are not likely to put in too much effort to give your seme pleasure. You probably have an unhappy past which you tend to brood on whether intentionally or not. Sometimes your angst tends to add unwanted weight to a relationship, but it also adds a certain level of excitement. The relationship may be against your will... but try to look on the bright side. if there is a bright side
Most compatible with: Tyrant (for good old SM fun)
Memegen wrote:
I average out to 60% Seme! With blue hair. (Gotta have blue hair.)
... persimistic?
Surprised me! I think of myself as more on the uke side. I wonder how the test is scored: the way Quizilla does it, where you're assigned the type whose associated choices you pick most often, or the way OkCupid does it, where your choices bat a numerical score back and forth throughout the test and you're assigned the type that agrees with your final score. I much prefer the latter style, but the result makes me wonder if the test uses the former style.
Well, I guess that makes sense. I'm equal opportunity, and switching is more fun, but I'd generally be more submissive due to my personality.
I'm actually quite surprised at THIS result for me … ontrol.jpg
Did NOT know I had it in me...
Last edited by Hiraku (06-23-2007 01:21:12 AM)
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Tamago wrote:
You are not yaoi!
Why did you take this test? However, you can definitely start your yaoi career now and come back again to take this test when you are successful!
Take this quiz!Not yaoi (is part yaoi fangirl), wait, you mean, not every single human being on the planet is yaoi, thats shocking O.O
Would Tamago say she was more one than the other?
If I didn't change genders when I did, I would most likely ending up with am Uber Seme personality, but now I see myself as a pretty laid back 50/50 seme/uke type.
I can't find any seme uke tests on OKcupid, sorry satyreyes.
I'm actually quite surprised at THIS result for me … ontrol.jpg
Did NOT know I had it in me...
Go Hikaru!
I average out to 60% Seme! With blue hair. (Gotta have blue hair.)
... persimistic?
I want blue hair!
If I didn't change genders when I did, I would most likely ending up with am Uber Seme personality, but now I see myself as a pretty laid back 50/50 seme/uke type.
You can change genders? (Lacking serious Animus here)
My Uke response is accurate enough but is probably more how others see me. I can be naieve in some places maybe, but I mean, I'm almost all pessimist, and very cynical when it comes to people.
My seme result is accurate enough as well, I really am that oblivious. O.o
I have no clue how to percentage my result, would that mean I'm 80% uke accoording to these tests or something?
Never been in a relationship, though I'm pleanty ukish. *looks around* most people got seme results. And two in training results.
Quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz. That first one was particularly painful to read.
I skipped the whole "YOU'RE NOT YAOI" issue by applying everything to girls. I can be yaoi if I force it.
The tyrantyou are 100% Seme!
You are one evil guy. You will get what you want whether they willingly come to you or otherwise. You are brutal and violent and sometimes merciless. Have your heart been broken once? You tend to resort to force too willingly and your weakness lies in your lack of patience. Be warned though, you may get his body but not his heart. Your partner may run away from you...
Most compatible with: Angsty Uke
Take this quiz!
[url= … /]Quizilla[/url] | Join | Make a Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Bahahahahahaha. And I consider myself a switch.
Got the same result for the other one, too.
Nature's Mistake
You are -80% seme!
It is a wonder how nature ended up making you a male. You are a horrible result of a gender mix up! Behind that manly body is the soul of a sixteen year old school girl who sobs and weeps. But you are full of virtue and would never hurt a fly... You are idealistic and believe in happy endings. So, we can say you're very optimistic. We don't know whether to feel sympathy or happy for you.
most compatible with: The Gentleman
Wait... so I'm manly and girly?
I... Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
At first I had 200% Seme, but in second quiz I got 1/2 uke and 1/2 seme.
Quizilla test wrote:
The Gentleman you are 75% Seme!
You are the gentleman! Every uke's dream seme, and every girl's dream man at that. You fit the image of a knight in shining armour. You are gentle and care for your partner. You are also romantic... *sigh* What more could anyone wish for? Long lasting relationships work best for you.
Most compatible with: housekeeping uke
Mmmm... are you sure?
Memegen test wrote:
... quite true
Quizilla Quiz wrote:
The one in Complete Control
You are 200% Seme.
Congratulations! You are the one in complete control. You are a seme (unless you have strange desires and decide to try something new). You manage to get what you have your eyes on most of the time, or all the time for that matter. You have a way of making people do what you want and belong completely to you! You like a challenge now and then and prefer ukes that play hard to get. But in the end, what is meant to be yours... will be yours. Just don't let your growing ambitions consume you.
Most compatible with: Any thing you want. Seme or uke, they are yours for grabs.
Memegen Quiz wrote:
I think the second one is a bit more accurate.
Congratulations! You are the sensual soul! It doesn't matter if you are seme or uke as long as you have a good time. And dammit, you make sure you do! You are liberal and unconventional; not that you ignore old believes, but you believe in freedom of actions! Good for you.
Most compatible with: other sensual souls
What is Seme or Uke?
Last edited by Sevelle (06-24-2007 07:51:57 PM)
Sevelle wrote:
What is Seme or Uke?
Top and Bottom, respectively.
Don't they have Semki?
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Sevelle wrote:
What is Seme or Uke?
Top and Bottom, respectively.
It's a little broader than that Somewhat more literally, the seme is the "giver" and the uke is the "receiver." For instance, the terms are used in the martial arts as well as the marital arts; the guy who gets thrown is the uke, and the guy throwing him is the seme.
Damn Janapense and their double-entandras!
Isn't it lovely?
(and in that respect I'm versatile!)
The Gentleman you are 75% Seme!
You are the gentleman! Every uke's dream seme, and every girl's dream man at that. You fit the image of a knight in shining armour. You are gentle and care for your partner. You are also romantic... *sigh* What more could anyone wish for? Long lasting relationships work best for you.
Most compatible with: housekeeping uke
Knew it.
I had another quiz somewhere...
Last edited by Epi_lepsia (06-25-2007 05:23:33 AM)
Quizilla Quiz wrote:
The Gentlemanyou are 75% Seme!
You are the gentleman! Every uke's dream seme, and every girl's dream man at that. You fit the image of a knight in shining armour. You are gentle and care for your partner. You are also romantic... *sigh* What more could anyone wish for? Long lasting relationships work best for you.
Most compatible with: housekeeping uke
*bows* So... anybody single???
EDIT: The second quiz said that I'm 100% seme. >:3
Last edited by hyacinth_black (06-25-2007 10:08:50 AM)