This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
>.>....ya can see i play too much wow
bloodelves...or nightelves...bloodelves...or nightelves
*cries* why do that do this to meeeeeee
Last edited by UtenaFanGirl (10-25-2006 04:33:09 PM)
Damn you people for showing me so many pretty desktops. In the right resolution, no less.
And no dissing the sidebar.
Unbeknownst to them, Ana and Matsuri find themselves approaching not Chika's house, but the entrance gate to Nemuro Memorial Hall...
I needs my cute fix!
I have a few desktops that I will rotate through, as the mood suits me.
First, my favourite.
A slighy darker one, but just as pretty, IMO.
This just screams I love you, but maybe I am crazy...
I like Peacocks.
This is my desktop: Chobits!
_ J _ wrote:
This is seriously badass, sir. SRSLY. (And pretty hot. ) Reminds me of the Bjork music video (Pagan Poetry, I think) where she's sewing pearls into her skin. Also I changed my deskie. This should be pretty easy to identify if you're Giovanna or Yasha.
Kanashimi wrote: … dsmall.png
Such a Sim nerd~But I gotta get rid of some of those icons... <<;;
I love this wallpaper! Where did you get it?
Giovanna wrote:
This should be pretty easy to identify if you're Giovanna or Yasha.
Grand Central Station, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
I wish I was there
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
I love this wallpaper! Where did you get it? (even more specifically here), it's where I get all my wallpaper, they don't have many SKU ones though.
Ragnarok wrote:
_ J _ wrote:
<cool angel wings picture>
Who's that by/Where's it from? It's fantastic! I can't make out what it says at the bottom.
The picture of the girl with wings on her back, and the ladies stitching themselves together are by Dorian Cleavenger. The middle picture is by Janne Pitkanen, under the nom-de-plume of Toxic Angel.
The Peacock one I found on an image search for peacocks, so I am not sure who it is by.
Be warned: If you are doing image searches for Dorain Cleavenger or Toxic Angel, you will probably find lots of images that are not same for work or minors.
Ahoy, there be weirdness ahead.
My current wallpaper is one that I got just last month. It's actually a photo of myself and a lady-friend of mine with her boyfriend.
Seriously, the Jack Sparrow guy and the purple-dress girl are dating. They're a lovely couple. And yes. That's me on the right. >>;;;;
After I get tired of this one.... I'll probably switch back to my Vampire Hunter D wallpaper.
Early PS skills = not as good of a wallpaper as I could have made. Of course, by that time.... I might just have my computer back, which has a wallpaper switcher on it. Yay for random wallpapers on startup!
I had a desktop of this character for a really long time, then accidently saved over it. While looking for a new desktop I ended up finding an even prettier one. x.x; Will my desktop ever be something other than Air...?
My desktop right now is blank red because I got a monitor with a bigger native resolution than most of my wallpaper...then I set up dual-monitors and really didn't want the bother of a wallpaper. But before I did all that, this was my constant desktop companion:
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (11-10-2006 11:42:25 PM)
I'm gonna go off-topic for a while to make a small request. Can someone please make a wallpaper of this pic? ->
I think Gio has one somewhere, actually. She never put it up on the site (actually, we hardly ever put our own walls on the site, it seems unfair). I'll see if I can dig it up, I have a copy.
Tamago wrote: … uins07.jpg
This wallpaper is one I created myself using a program called Terragen.
Well I like this one, it makes me feel life and hope.
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
Tamago wrote: … uins07.jpg
This wallpaper is one I created myself using a program called Terragen.Well I like this one, it makes me feel life and hope.
I'm happy it has inspired you so!
If you have the time to waste and willingness to experiment, you can download Terragen and create all sorts of fun landscapes.
emo desktop is eeeeemo
Last year a couple of my cats died and my friend drew this for me. I don't really have the heart to change it.