This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
dirufacade wrote:
Aiko, Yuuko and Keiko? Where? ?_? I'd be curious to get a screen capture. One of my homeys and I are starting to think there might legitimately be some kind of tie-in between Penguindrum and Utena.
Kanba's exes. Seems they find it hard to let go. They seem to be ruled by mysterious girl in the shadows, who is reminiscent of nanami, sort of. Actually, she's more like Juri, and Yuri is Nanami with a boyfriend. We don't see her, but she looks like the girl in the opening sequence. Sorry if this is spoilerific - but after a week it should be fair game.
I watched the first four episodes with a friend, to catch up and be able to watch it as it comes out. And I hear that episode 5 is out now, so I'll catch up on that when I wake up again.
The "Survival Strategy" scene is cuharaaaaaaazy! I love it to death. I want my henshin sequence to be that awesome.
Coherent thoughts will come later, but for now I'm just squealing over how adorable the penguins are.
Last edited by Sakura Rurouni (08-05-2011 02:23:19 AM)
Haven't watched it, but 5's ALREADY SUBTITLED. And has a shout out to of all people, Klimt.
Episode 5 is, without question, the best yet. This show is on the road to ending up as something truly amazing. I should've expected it with Ikuhara at the helm, but to be honest, I was hesitant to let myself believe that he still had it in him after such a long absence from the industry.
But I was wrong to doubt him. The plot, pacing, transitions, humor...they are all as crisp and effective as ever. The show is just so watchable.
As far as the events taking place, I'm pleased that Ringo has been brought in to the family secret, so to speak. I wasn't sure she would end up as an ally or an enemy, but it seems the former, fortunately. She certainly has spirit, daring to assault the incredibly foul-mouthed Penguin Lady.
Last edited by Aelanie (08-05-2011 02:49:46 AM)
So I was talking to my roommate about Mawaru Penguindrum and he mentioned that apparently his mother has been really enjoying it.
I was just like O_O;
His mother is *not* the sort of Internet-savvy person who would know where to find *achem* pirate pooty. Apparently she's getting it on the... television? They claim to have found it while channelsurfing. Similarly she doesn't speak (much) Japanese, so I'm assuming they stumbled onto some sort of sub. My friend was able to repeat some of the plot details they had told him as well as some decent speculation so I know it's not some sort of mix-up either.
WTF. Did Iku somehow break reality to get this show into the brains of middle aged American women? Is the show being broadcast in some way that Maryland beach people can access it?
I'm so freaking confused by this.
^ Some middle aged American women are just that awesome. Some local stations here play subtitled Asian soap operas (illegally) so my guess is that's how she watches it?
Amazing episode this week and what a soundtrack! Survival strategy better be this epic from now on. Darkest episode so far and it looks like it'll only get darker as we go along. I recall Utena taking about this many episodes to find its groove and it looks like Penguindrum has too.
As Gio said there is a reference to Klimt. 2nd anime to do that now (Elfen Lied's opening being the other one.)
Last edited by chrisb (08-05-2011 07:58:17 AM)
Aelanie wrote:
She certainly has spirit, daring to assault the incredibly foul-mouthed Penguin Lady.
Totally cracked me up. Best survival strategy meeting yet. It was all amazing; Penguin Lady calling Ringo a creepy phycho stalker. Sho's funny expressions. And Ringo and Penguin Lady's cat fight-- I've got a lot more respect for Ringo now! Also, I like how Sho gets called 'furniture.'
This show gets better and better.
This episode... FABULOUS MAX!
Ringo is definately getting creepier and more delusional, but I never thought she could smack down PenguinBitchQueen like that. She must have special stalker power or something which only the awesomery of Yuri can troll.
Just how many people have things that are connected to the half/half penguin company now? We have:
Natsumi and her balls of doom
Sho's, Kanba's and Himari's Dad's jacket
The money
The skunk
Double H possibly?
I have a feeling that I missed several very important things though.
Also evil!Juri cosplaying as Mitsuru from Persona 3... with a tie?! DAMNIT IKUHARA, YOU OWE ME NEW LOINS!
Oh man this episode was just...WOW. My respect for Kanba and Ringo has grown exponentially. Also, the music during the truck chase was awesome.
ETA: Penguin #1 bandage suddenly makes sense.
Last edited by Malacoda (08-05-2011 08:41:13 PM)
Fucking love Ringo.
Though I'm actually wondering if Himari goes to school... Is it okay for kids in Japan to not attend classes?
I'm also happy to see the less-than-obsessive-stalk version of Ringo. I'm wondering if her attachment to Tabuki was subconsciously her next best thing from being able to hang out with her own dad.
Kanba is just reeking of awesome, too.
Just a thought about the characters' names and such, and their possible parallel to Utena. Tabuki, for one, I felt like he is basically a grown-up version of Miki. He loves bird-watching, and in the opening sequence, there's him with the bird cage motif. Miki's bedroom has a picture of bird flying away. Makes me wonder if Tabuki is actually a representation of untainted innocence (yet surrounded with people who are obviously anything but). Tokikago's name also meant "Time cage". Maybe so long as Tabuki is with Yuri, he'll be caged in his own little world of innocence, without seeing what's actually going on around him, and completely oblivious to what Ringo's doing.
And, Yuri actually knows what's going on (Your curry was good), and she somehow (intentionally or not) manages to keep Ringo from getting to Tabuki. That time when Yuri brought a boxed lunch when Ringo's lunch was ruined by birds reminds me of how Anthy brought her own supersized bento that makes Wakaba's own lunch looks like crap. Does Yuri possess the similar passive-aggression as Anthy does? Is Yuri also a "witch"? I'm very curious what role she plays toward the end of the fateline. (This also makes me imagine what happens if Miki ACTUALLY wins over Anthy as his bride. I'm betting they'd be doing things not so different from Tabuki and Yuri)
PS: Is it just me, or is the fact that Yuri's voiced by Noto Mamiko, the same person who voiced Enma Ai from "Jigoku Shoujo", just added an extra level of creepy to the character?
As for Ringo, with her name being apple, and the fact that she would follow her "fate" (albeit sometimes misunderstood her diary, thereby seemingly denied her of her destiny), seems to represent the concept of "Universal Gravitation". With apple inevitably falling to the ground due to gravity, she'll ultimately, without second thought, rush to the end of her destiny. Whatever it is, hopefully it's nothing like what the opening sequence entails.
What differs hugely between Utena and Mawaru Penguindrum is that, adults generally play a much bigger role in the storyline than Utena does. We vaguely get reference to what kind of people Miki's father and Wakaba's mother may be like, but that's it. I felt that this is a new "direction" that Ikuni's heading, considering that some of his major influence involved works that had to do with overthrowing adults and authoritative figures.
PPS: Guys, this wiki is awesome:
Last edited by Hiraku (08-05-2011 07:27:21 PM)
Fantastic episode => Fabulous Max!
Nice to see Koyasu and Inoue as Kanba, Sho and Himari's mom and dad
Now all we need is Mitsuishi and Hisakawa in Penguindrum and I'll be rejoycing - too bad they won't be in the series anytime soon
Oh well, at least we have Fukami as Ringo's mom
What gets me is how each episode makes me feel like I can't know what's coming next. However, so much symbolism and imagery has been set up that when the next episode comes out, I just see those recurring themes. It's such a contradiction, and I love it.
Hiraku wrote:
Whoa man, Fukami as in Sailor Venus Fukami?
That's awesome!
Yup. Ikuhara has brought some of the Sailor Moon cast with him for Penguindrum, just like what he did in Utena.
By the by, it was brought to my attention that the Survival Strategy song is actually a cover of an 80's song: "Rock over Japan" by a band called ARB.
Youtube link!
Hikaru- I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in episode 1 that Himari had to drop out of school due to her illness, I'm thinking their probably okay with that, considering she was sick enough to drop dead
I was hooked from the first seconds.
I didn't know it was by Ikuhara at all.
So, when I saw the characters from certain angles and saw the noses and it reminded me of Utena.'
Then the "lets pull something from your chest scene" made me 99% sure it was by Ikuhara.
The incest at the end of the first episode just put the cherry on top ~ whoot. And it's 24 episodes!
PPS: Guys, this wiki is awesome:
You know, I never noticed that those subway girls were the two girls in the end credits with Himari until I looked at them on that wiki. </slow>
Last edited by HonorableShadow (08-08-2011 03:01:13 PM)
Yep. It's safe to say this is an awesome show.
I'm so torn on trying to have the patience for this to eventually come out on DVD so I can import it, or just sticking to the subbed youtube videos. @___@ So far I've only watched the first episode but the very positive feedback here on how it keeps getting better is making me terribly fidgity.
Does this pose look familiar?
As well as the gajillion other times other characters have done this?
I watched all five episodes in a row and god, my head exploded every five minutes. EXPLODED.
Plus, am I the only one who feels that the Tragedy of M is some kind of throwback to the World of S & M?
Last edited by AllegroDiRossi (08-12-2011 04:24:21 AM)
World of S & M... did that manga even finish? :/
FYI, the fact that there's no penguin fix for me this week is actually sort of breaking my heart a little. :/