This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
FencingCaptain wrote:
No thanks to Seitokaichou's prodding.
Kekekeke. Sorry to have showed no mercy?
FencingCaptain wrote:
Ruka's lucky...
"Not for long," says Touga. >.>
That is some damn fine color you've added there. I love the cell style for that piece, it really does work. I think the color choice on the sword might be my favorite part.
You're kidding me, right? I -love- realistic art especially semi-realism or enhanced realism. Your style is like giant mounds of beautiful, colourful eye candy. Speaking of, you have a gorgeous eye for colour. Your Ruka pic is simply splendid. Hell, I don't even like Ruka and I -love- him in that picture. I particularily enjoy how smooth you managed to get the background. You are a fine artist, and I sincerely hope you never stop drawing because I never want to stop looking at all of it.
FencingCaptain wrote:
Ruka's lucky I posted him alone. All the other Seitokai only had half of their faces posted here.
And no, I'm not biased with the way I draw fanart. It just... turned out that way.0
Addendum: Posted from someone else's PC. I got myself whipped just to have this posted. T.T
And did I say I just said "posted" for four --- no, five times over?
Oh my god Ruka he is just lovely and I love the background. He for some reason looks like a lost angel...that I would screw...and your touga is just faptastic really. If i could afford to commission you to draw them nude and intertwined on a short not enough
in this world or the next
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
He for some reason looks like a lost angel...that I would screw...
That was so awesome I have to die now.
FencingCaptain, I must add my voice to the others. That is an absolutely gorgeous Ruka.
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
If i could afford to commission you to draw them nude and intertwined on a bed....
SexingTouga24/7/365, you_are_a_genius! *snickers*
Remember not to let the summer heat get to you, everyone! Instead, just stop down by your local Ohtori Mart to pick up an Icee. "You bought it! You are smart! You bought it at Ohtooooooori Mart!"
I love Icees, but I would love them even more if they replaced the polar bear mascot with Cat-girl Shiori. I would also love it if the 7-11 stocked flavors that didn't suck. The only place with good flavors is the movie theater, and I'd have to be stupid to buy it from there.
Oh, and please excuse the lack of color, my horrible scanner that destroyed the shading, and my inability to draw. e_e It's not to bad considering that I didn't use any references, but you'd think that after half a year of drawing nearly every weekday during school that I wouldn't make so many mistakes... And I felt really bad drawing this while listening to a sad video about the soldiers who fought in Vietnam. They should change that song by Joan Baez from "Where's My Apple Pie?" to "Where's My Icee?" Or Slurpee. Whatever they're called. When I was little, I called them "Snoopies" after the dog from Charlie Brown. (Enough rambling.) u_u
Love it, Razara! I want to go to Ohtori-mart RIGHT NOW!
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (06-04-2008 08:02:29 PM)
I decided I wanted more JuriXShiori love. And here it is!
Springtime Shiori to cat-girl Shiori to silently affectionate Shiori, it's all good.
Last edited by dollface (06-05-2008 06:17:59 PM)
I like that you decided to add the buttons to the Ohtori girls' uniform even though there's very little indication in the series that there are buttons. I think the scene with Kozue leaving the piano room in episode 4 is the only hint we have as to the construction of the shirt.
That shirt probably wouldn't fit like that without the buttons. Especially with the way that the shirt tail is shaped. It's not like the standard middy-blouse that used in anime. Those are always shapeless.
Clearly this is Shiori's week to shine!
And apparently she stole Juri's uniform and visa versa. I know, I know, I suck at clothes. But hey, I'm practicing, right?
That is soo beautiful. I love it so much, Shiori looks awesome in the Juri outfit. Her dropping the pendant behind her to Shiori worked out perfectly, kindof 'passing the torch of angst.'
Their expressions are perfect, Juri looks so resigned and Shiori looks so regretful.
There is so much talent in this thread! I really like the current theme, too.
Razara, you do Shiori so well, and I think those ears suit her. It's a bit creepy, but Shiori always is and that's part of her charm. I can actually see her working in the advertisement industry, she's so great at deception.
Both of the Shiori/Juri pictures are fantastic! They're seething with emotion, and I really like how each one has captured the tense emotional atmosphere which always surrounds this pair. I think my favorite part of the first one is the coloring, especially on Juri's skin. It looks very natural and beautiful.
Kaelyndra, that is an awesome drawing of the two of them, and the pose is very dynamic. Shiori actually looks really hot in Juri's outfit... I just realised how similar it looks to Shiori's black rose duelist outfit. It suits the dominant side of her, which I prefer. The texturing and depth on each girl's hair is just superb. I really like how you used digital coloring in a way that mirrors natural media.
*edited for being dumb
Last edited by Adrasteia (06-06-2008 11:15:56 PM)
Adrasteia wrote:
Dollface, you do Shiori so well, and I think those ears suit her. It's a bit creepy, but Shiori always is and that's part of her charm. I can actually see her working in the advertisement industry, she's so great at deception.
You mean Razara? Whenever this happens, I can't help smiling. I feel like Razara is my long lost sister.
Kaelyndra... Oh my god. That is absolutely gorgeous. I think it's the most beautiful Juri and Shiori picture I've ever seen. Juri's hair looks so nice like that, and Shiori is absolutely stunning in that uniform. I always thought that Juri and Shiori worked so well together because their colors played off each other wonderfully. The little border is a great touch.
Helping to spread the Shiori Love!
Last edited by AnjitheArtist (06-06-2008 09:33:33 PM)
Anji, I love it. The look on her face is just perfect. So much more mature than the Shiori we're used to. She looks beautiful.
Last edited by dollface (09-26-2008 07:02:28 PM)
I'm glad you like, I was worried for a moment. I am very excited to color Juri.
dollface wrote:
Adrasteia wrote:
Dollface, you do Shiori so well, and I think those ears suit her. It's a bit creepy, but Shiori always is and that's part of her charm. I can actually see her working in the advertisement industry, she's so great at deception.
You mean Razara?
Whenever this happens, I can't help smiling. I feel like Razara is my long lost sister.
I'm sorry! I swear, I saw the avatar and the name didn't even register.
If it helps, you both have awesome taste and excellent art skills.
Anji, in that first picture Shiori looks so haughty and spoiled. I love it!
Last edited by Adrasteia (06-06-2008 11:15:08 PM)
I must admit that the locket is my favorite part of this piece. It makes me happy with it on a very emotional level. I'm so glad you enoyed it! Your lovely comments always inspire me to keep dawing art.
The black rose outfits are very very similar to the people they are affiliated with. Thank you so much for the comment, the hair was my favourite part to colour out of all of it.
Squeee! You liked my border! As for the rest, wow
That's such a wonderful comment, and it really makes me feel grand inside. Many, many thanks.
I really like how Shiori is wearing a butterfly necklace. I didn't catch it at first, but now that I have it makes this very simplisticly gorgeous piece just that much better. I hope you have fun coloring Juuri, and I will be looking for the finished product.
Kaelyndra - Your Juri reminds me of someone I previously talked to on AIM. ;)
AnjitheArtist - Lovely! I can't wait to see Juri in full colour.
@ Kaelyndra- Best part is, the butterfly necklace is a locket. *whistles innocently*
I'm glad you guys like Juri.