This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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No idea if this should be here or GD. I guess we can give it a test run and see how it plays out, if at all.
Be proactive or talk about someone else's proactiveness. Link, promote, self-promote. Let your inner spam come forth. Kidding. But maybe there is something you are proud of, want feedback, or else just want to show something cool (on a generalized level, like if it is a vid you didn't make and it's really worthwhile, the vid showdown thread is the place to be).
It could be a fanfic, amv, whatever. Just try not to link to something like anime eps you uploaded (like what I do! (has shamelessly uploaded SKU on youtube before the wonderful Remastered was put up which I will not link to, but it's not hard to find). I doubt music is a problem since people link to that stuff all the time and there's technically no crime in linking (embedding is another problem, but this forum does not have that problem).
You catch my drift.
Anyways, I thought this might be a convenient thread if it gets used as more people are likely going to see your stuff and it will keep things 'cleaner' (when the HELL does spoon talk about cleanliness...not spoon's forte. Female fail). If not, there are plenty of things I would want to mention.
People can be promoted, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self-reliance, according to some guy on TV, is a good start.
To start, This is my personal youtube channel. Mostly pointless music uploads. This is my shittily recorded music which I have uploaded. Please do not comment to me about it unless you have useful suggestions due to experience with recording music on a laptop. Thank you.
Anyways, you're welcome.
edited for fail typing.
Man, I suddenly realized how many things I want to promote now. But not right now.
(final edit: Oh, and thanks to the person who subscribed to my channel!)
Last edited by spoon-san (12-29-2009 04:43:02 PM)
I guess if people want they can check out my fanfiction account and youtube account.
Yeah, this post is to bring to your attention the very last line of my signature. Look at it, think about it, and feel free to take me up, ANYTIME.
Also, the link in the signature. I help run it. If you want to chat and/or talk about personality typology, DO IT. This will be my only broadcast like this, but we need people, just not people of the trollish asshole variety which this forum is fortunate not to know at this point. LINK. I've been spamming this thing for months in so many places, so it's your turn.
Oh, and my fanfics. I have stopped updating, mostly because I have lost all focus, ambition, and confidence in myself for most anything proactive. But still. Alright, that's it. Adios.
Last edited by spoon-san (01-02-2010 02:34:00 PM)
Well if you like Vocaloid music then I have a site where I upload a lot of the songs from youtube so that people can download them for free. But I haven't updated in a while.
Mm... well, I have a website, too. Here, Through the Alice Mirror
And... well, while we're speaking of promotion... If you ever feel like sparing a dollar, I'm also doing fundraiser for Relay for Life (Sponsored by American Cancer Society). Attempting to raise $1000 would be hard, but if I can raise up to 100 or 200 bucks by the end of this semester, that would be equally wonderful. I'm not expecting anything. I mean, most of us just spent money for Christmas presents and also Secret Santa. But, if any of you is willing to support the effort through HERE, that'd be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by Hiraku (01-02-2010 06:57:37 PM)
Fora TV is a great site for all kinds of intellectual/social/scientific videos for when you want more than mere entertainment.
The_A_Man wrote:
Just made my Haruka and Michiru site. You can visit it here. Hopefully I'll be able to get some members.
Don't forget to link to it in your profile and link it on your Youtube profile. Won't guarantee much, but it's a start.
@Mock Puppet: That site looks very interesting and up my alley.
@Hiraku: I wonder how much a site like that costs you. And yeah, looking at it, blog accounts are a pain to manage.
I write news that any college student should read no matter where he or she is from. Check it out!Houston Community College Students Struggle With Credit Card Debt at Young Ages.
Seriously, if you're in your twenties and you've ever had a credit card, it can ruin you if you're not careful. Comments on my articles are loved. Pretty please?
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