This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Does anyone want to make me a signature? *blush*
I would love you forever.
Or I could just ask someone to link me to a pirated Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
Last edited by Calliston (01-17-2007 10:16:06 PM)
I WANNA!!! I WANNA!!!!!!!
*rabid* GIVE ME THE CHRIST CHILD!!!!!!1!!1!111!!eleventyone!11!1!OMG!!11!
O_o? Whuh?
Anyways, I'd be happy to do one for ye, but if Tamago really wants to do it then I'll let Tamago do it. Tamago's siggies kick ass anyways.
Actually, I'd be happy to make a siggy for ANYONE.
I can make signatures for people as well, as long as they give me design ideas and images and text.... all that good stuff.
"Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can."
I am thinking a sepia tone for the image, segmented into photographs that seem old. Remember those black and white pictures that had borders that kinda look like the ones that we have on stamps nowadays? All this against a white background, with white text that stands out with a shadow.
And to you three who have offered, I would be grateful for any and all effort you put into it. To be honest, I don't know what to do now. I can't possible say, "I pick you!" because that's unfair and I think you're all fantastic. =/ And I also don't mind if my idea is tossed out the window; I'm sure you can some up with something better.
Another idea I have though is for someone to possibly link me to a copy of photo shop or an equivalent? This way no one but me has to do the work!
But is asking for a pirated anything bad? O_O
Use GIMP or other freeware programs. I don't understand why everyone's using Photoshop anyway, the some of the freeware programs can get the job done just as easily.
Photoshop is shiny and easy to understand.
Plus, I find just about any freeware/shareware program me or my family downloads has some of the weirdest little quirks that drive me nuts. My mom has a wallpaper randomizer program on her login and every so often the @$#! thing eats all MY resources. Thus, I use a high class product. It has a lot less quirks. Everyone else can use whatever they please. I'm quirky enough without my programs gremlinging it up on me.
GIMP is high class.
I'll give it a shot. Thanks a bunch.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
GIMP is high class.
I don't know what it is or who makes it. Adobe's got a fair rep, so I trust their products. *shrugs* As I said, each to his/her own.
[whiny complainer]I hate to be a pain in the arse, but please try to keep the sigs to 100 pixels high? Taller than that and they kinda lord over the forum content. [/whiny complainer]
GIMP has a pretty good reputation, but it's kind of like Firefox/Opera drama in that once you've gotten really comfortable using one of those programs it's hard to get a feel for another that basically does the exact same thing. There's another freeware editing tool that's pretty popular in anime artist circles that unfortunately I can't remember the name of. I'm bringing it up here because I'm kind of hoping somebody else does. I'd like to try it sometime.
Plus, Photoshop is free too..... on the internet...
Hinotori wrote:
There's another freeware editing tool that's pretty popular in anime artist circles that unfortunately I can't remember the name of. I'm bringing it up here because I'm kind of hoping somebody else does. I'd like to try it sometime.
I don't think I've heard of it but I'm sure interested to try it. If your ever find out what it was, please let me know!
Also, does anyone know of any (freeware) programs for making mangas?
Giovanna wrote:
[whiny complainer]I hate to be a pain in the arse, but please try to keep the sigs to 100 pixels high? Taller than that and they kinda lord over the forum content.
[/whiny complainer]
Yeah, actually, it's getting to be a bit much. I'm going to start asking people to resize them tomorrow, so you might as well make it 100px or less right now. I've been putting it off because I didn't want to go through every single account on here checking sigs.
Edit: I've been thinking maybe I'd make myself one as well... any suggestions, anyone?
Last edited by Yasha (01-20-2007 12:36:38 PM)
[nitpick] Then you should change the rules, because they say the limit is 75 pixels in height. [/nitpick]
That was originally the size limit, but if Gio wants to up it to 100px, I don't object. It's something I've got to clear with her first though.
All right, I talked to Gio and she says 100px is all right. I'll be making an announcement about it, and enforcement is going to start on the 21st. I will be changing the rules today or tomorrow, and messaging people with larger sigs than we allow.