This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hey folks, I just secured an order for this little piece of joy;
That's right, one of the Duelist Rings produced by Movic for the release of the Utena movie
It's costing me a buttload, but I'm justifying it as a birthday present for myself
So, aside from my glee over that, I wanted to ask everyone; What is the strangest/best birthday present you've ever received?
Mine's a stolen shopping trolley, with ribbons on it.
What a coincidence! For my last birthday, I ordered Rose Seal as well. It cost $100, but I only had to pay for half of it. I'm wearing it right now... Or more specifically, I almost never take it off.
That ring sure looks cool in a heavy metal sort of way. Its a pity they couldn't design it so it looks exactly like it does in the anime, but then again that would be way expensive and elephants would have to die to make it.
I believe that the solid white part of the ring was made out of either ivory or white marble, the pink was garnet and the deep purple outline, a type of 'lead came'
Almaser wrote:
So, aside from my glee over that, I wanted to ask everyone; What is the strangest/best birthday present you've ever received?
Mine's a stolen shopping trolley, with ribbons on it.
Weirdest gift? Would definitely have to be the pair of boxers with a picture of an old crying hobo clown right on the crotch. And this was in junior high, when everyone took themselves way too seriously to do something like this ironically. She gave it to me in all seriousness.
Best gift would probably be the Nyanko stuffed kitty in a burger. It's happy little smile makes you laugh despite the fact that it's suggesting you eat it. Still not as awesome as your ring though. That thing is seriously gorgeous.
Frau Eva wrote:
Almaser wrote:
So, aside from my glee over that, I wanted to ask everyone; What is the strangest/best birthday present you've ever received?
Mine's a stolen shopping trolley, with ribbons on it.Weirdest gift? Would definitely have to be the pair of boxers with a picture of an old crying hobo clown right on the crotch. And this was in junior high, when everyone took themselves way too seriously to do something like this ironically. She gave it to me in all seriousness.
Best gift would probably be the Nyanko stuffed kitty in a burger. It's happy little smile makes you laugh despite the fact that it's suggesting you eat it.Still not as awesome as your ring though. That thing is seriously gorgeous.
Yeah, and two-hundred-and-fifty-five dollars Australian I just sent off the payment. Oh my poor wallet.
The crying crotch-hobo sent me into gales of laughter, especially since it was given seriously
I like your analysis of the duelist rings' composition, Tamago, but it has to be marble. All the elephants in SKU are quite alive and kicking (Nanami.)
Almaser wrote:
I like your analysis of the duelist rings' composition, Tamago, but it has to be marble. All the elephants in SKU are quite alive and kicking (Nanami.
The marble would be more in tune with the whole ecology thing they have these days but if the rings were originally created like a century ago or more, ivory would most likely be the choice of the jeweller as it was highly regarded back in those days.
I don't know about the weirdest gift unless you can claim that a pressure-cooker counts as strange, but my CUTEST gift would have to be my Sheepdog plushie!
one of my friends got me a rose seal this year for my birthday. X3 It's still ultimate spiffiness in ivory or silver or whatever everyone's is made out of.
Someone gave me a "hand sex kit." Came complete with hand lube (lotion), hand condoms (latex gloves), a kinky hand wand (one of those manicure writing pens) and more. Yay hands~~
On a strange gift note, the girls at my highschool would give eachother 'cute' print thongs for EVERYTHING. I still don't understand that, nor do I want to.
Almaser wrote:
That's right, one of the Duelist Rings produced by Movic for the release of the Utena movie
I want one! Actually, wehat I want is a good version of the Black Rose Duelist's ring. Unfortunately, they don't make those in an acceptable quality.
I've never gotten any weird gifts. My birthday gifts have been woefully normal. The closest I get to weird is the box of various little kid playthings like coloring books, playdough, slinky, etc, from my grrlfriend. It was amazingly cute.
XD i have the utena movie ring...its awsome!
warning on it..the black stuff inside the grove in the eching around the ring falls off and the necklace i dont know if it is only mine but ware it too often would leave a grey line on ye neck...and its heavy for a ring
but its totally awsome still!
I haven't really celebrated my birthday in years and I haven't got anything special for a present either.
But for me birthday = cake
And because I can't really afford to buy anything special for other people, I usually just draw/paint them something.
Great, just great. Now that I'm aware of the existance of such a gorgeous Utena-related ring, I can't let my savings go unspent. :D
The strangest gift I got was nothing at all. My grandma's funeral was on that particular Birthday, so nobody really felt like celebrating. Including me. Oh, but I do remember a friend from primary school that got baby food (that mushy, weird stuff) as a Birthday present. It was an inside joke, because people used to call him 'baby'. Why? He always complained about everything. d: I'm sure that could pass as strange, couldn't it? It's just, so hard to consider something as 'strange', after watching SKU.
Frau Eva wrote:
Weirdest gift? Would definitely have to be the pair of boxers with a picture of an old crying hobo clown right on the crotch. And this was in junior high, when everyone took themselves way too seriously to do something like this ironically. She gave it to me in all seriousness.
Wow, that's just bizarre. My last birthday? I got renewed for the next two years.
I don't get really cool presents, I usually get practical ones like socks or shirts. Once in a while I'll get a bottle of booze, but my mother is kinda 50 miles off the mark of what I prefer to drink, so I end up sipping at it over the next year out of guilt.
That ring is gorgeous! I wonder if it's made the same way the series ones were, though? There's definitely no ivory or marble to be seen on those, let me tell you.
actually i'm waiting for my next b-day gift...which is the all 6 seasons of xena dvd box sets
but mostly what i get for me b-day are gundam model kits >.> um yeah mix with other random stuff
oh and the box in front of utena is the movie ring
I have a friend who gives all his friends random things like twigs, a couple rocks or a penny for their birthday...
for mine this year i got 6 crazy straws and 2 cents....
the weirdest one ive seen though was he taped 1.00 in penny's to a giant roll of tape and gave it to another friend of mine....
now thats weird!
nice 100 pennys in a ball or tape...i might try that