This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
brian wrote:
I just re-watched the episode where Touga is deceiving Utena into believing he is her Prince. He has a longish conversation with Anthy where she says she would like to learn to cook but he tells her that a Rose Bride is not supposed to know how to cook. He really rubs her nose in her Rose Bride role and she looks very crestfallen. She shows a lot more emotion early on than I remembered. She clearly wants to learn how to cook. Utena herself doesn't seem to have understood that.
It kind of leads back to the whole Rose Bride = Uber-Trophy Wife theory, doesn't it?
brian wrote:
Utena was not present at the time. This may indicate that Anthy was yearning for something else even back then, though perhaps without knowing it. It also implies that Utena's instinct about Anthy was correct on a very deep level, although there are certain complications she does not know about just then.
I noticed that part too. In addition to the trophy wife theory, it also makes me wonder yet again if cooking is some kind of symbolism for feeling. I need to pay attention to Anthy and food and other characters and food the next time I re-watch Utena, because there are flaws in this theory, I think.
I don't think that Utena's presence is required for Anthy to mirror Utena's feelings. It wouldn't do for Utena to hear from a third party they saw Anthy rave dancing last night, after all.
And besides, as Touga believes it, the Rose Bride doesn't have a true self, at all, but is only a mirror for the feelings of the Victor. That's something that goes beyond simple pretending - Anthy becomes what the Victor wants her to become. Or that's what Touga's been fed by Akio.
Lightice wrote:
And besides, as Touga believes it, the Rose Bride doesn't have a true self, at all, but is only a mirror for the feelings of the Victor. That's something that goes beyond simple pretending - Anthy becomes what the Victor wants her to become. Or that's what Touga's been fed by Akio.
And he buys it, otherwise he'd have spent the series trying to seduce her. That he doesn't suggests he thinks she's incapable of being genuinely seduced. Which is not far off the mark but wrong for reasons other than the ones he's going with.
Statements like that make me wonder exactly how much Touga actually knew about, hell, anything. For the one episode that he actually has Anthy, he's not trying to mold her into what he wants her to be, at least not to the extent that Miki, Saionji, and Utena do. I think when he looks at Anthy, he sees power, first and foremost. At least the others saw a person, even if it is a person of their own design.
Resurrected thread!
Anthy can cook. Anthy cooks delicious cookies when she wants to offer Utena intimacy/comfort/and the scare of her life (the poison cookie/tea scene, to me just another example of Anthy's constantly shifting mixed motives, ambivalence, hope and loss of hope, passive aggression, and half-hearted gestures reaching for true connection).
Everything Anthy cooks up (or freezes, whatever ) has a meaning behind it. Loosely symbolic don'tcha know, just like everything in this damn wonderful show. So when she cooks badly (and she does, oh she does!) she does that deliberately too.
Some of the meanings have been pointed out already in this yummy thread.
So to summarize: I reckon Anthy can cook just fine. She chooses most of the time to cook badly.
I rather think she has Saturday night sex in the same way.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Maarika wrote:
I think she didn't bake those cookies herself anyway. There was no poison, those were just mindgames. So Anthy had no readon to bake those cookies.
She can make curry though!
And takoyaki and yakisoba, though neither Utena or Wakaba seemed very delighted about those. Then again, I'm not totally sure if she made them herself or not.Oh, yeah! You're right. She did make Utena a lunch box that showed up the one Wakaba had made her. (But then Chuchu quickly ate all of the food in it. Hm...) As for the curry, well, she did cook it, but it ended up being more like a spell than anything, didn't it?
Hm. Are takoyai and yakisoba cold or hot foods?
Is it possible that if she's not much of a cook, then Chuchu ate it to take one for the team, so to speak?
Well I've always seen Anthy's cooking as a form of humor in the show. You know how in other anime there are those girls who can't cook and are always trying to improve. While Anthy's cooking isn't that dramatic, it is pretty funny to see other character's faces when they see she's made shaved ice again. Plus that curry episode had a lot of laughs in it. Who else but Anthy can make exploding curry that switches personalities?
True, its is very pleasurable to watch the cooking failures.
The_A_Man wrote:
Who else but Anthy can make exploding curry that switches personalities?
She probably learned it back when Snape taught poti-BRAIN CRASH
A trophy wife typically cannot cook. A man that can, though, is certainly a trophy of a husband. Neither Anthy nor Akio are any kind of prize though.
I suspect Anthy can cook just fine, just how like I doubt centuries of the same math course can occur with her still needing a tutor. Willful ignorance has its uses, especially if, say, she doesn't like to cook. Which I've noticed happens when people like to garden if they aren't growing edibles.
Well roses are edible yes, but not the same thing as having a tomato a basil kind of garden.
After Giovanna's post, I had the best mental image in which Anthy was seated in the dungeons at Hogwarts, learning how to brew Polyjuice Potion...
Anyways, I think that Anthy simply chooses not to cook well. I mean, look at how many other things that she chooses to put up with. I.e. being slapped up by Saionji, the sex with Akio, constant harassment from Keiko & Company...The list goes on.
I'm sure that if she really wanted to, she could. Like with the cookies...The time came for a bit of a comfort food, but with that hint of danger that makes treats that much tastier, and Anthy pulled through. If she really wanted to, I'm sure she could cook. And if all else failed, she's a witch, so she could make her cooking great with a little bit o' magic.
PrinceoftheLostEternity wrote:
After Giovanna's post, I had the best mental image in which Anthy was seated in the dungeons at Hogwarts, learning how to brew Polyjuice Potion...
I wonder what house she would have been put into. Maybe we need a thread to discuss what houses Utena characters would be put in if they were at Hogwarts, or do we have something like that already?
I don't think it's been done, and I'm in the middle of the HP books so my nerdrage is intense. I'd been thinking of starting a 'Write paragraphs of terrible/horrifying HP/SKU crossfiction.' The possibilities for disturbing depictions of gay sex with Dumbledore are limitless.
Wait, do you mean that Dumbledore is going to be screwing Akio or the other way around? You could answer that in your epic crossover as well as my question what would happen if Snape, Akio , Voldemort, Anthy were left in a room together Ahahaha
However, I have the feeling that leaving Anthy and Snape in a potions room would be destructively awesome .
Also like many of ya'll have said she can do most of the things that she really wants to... such as cook.
But an important question to ask is, when does she really ever need to cook? I would be willing to bet that she is very good at arranging food (hiring cooks and catering). While she may be a De-facto trophy wife, traditionally household food is left up to the woman; all that damn cleaning she does makes me think that she fills the traditional wife role even more. (Besides Saionji waxing his practice floor, does anyone else clean? )
Now that I think about, it perhaps Akio did all the cooking for them... after all men who can cook are sexy (at least at this point in history); also food can be very sensually charged. He is a man would would leave no sensual stone unturned...if it has the ability to lead to sex he at least knows about it. Akio and sommelier Touga anyone?
For some reason I have this really funny Image of Draco meeting Nanami or Juri somehow, he either offends or hits on them, and they both smack the hell out of him?
On the Anthy front, I vote passive-agressive faux incompetence. It's a tiny sign of rebellion against the 'ideals' of femininity imposed on her by the role of the rose bride.
On the HP front, I vote Ginny/Juri all the way. You know it makes sense. Even if most of it would be angersex.
Last edited by Miss Bluesky (05-07-2009 04:19:50 PM)
uhm. anyway, i know i'm not the only one who remembers the spread Anthy laid out for Utena very early on in the series. while there's no serious proof that she actually made it, i believe she did, and that she does know full well how to cook.
like others have said, she's just so passive-aggressive, so old and jaded that everything she does has some underlying motive. she punishes people with her horrible cooking. she's mean.
but how i love her. ~
Last edited by Soukougnan (05-12-2009 03:17:37 AM)
Sou: she punishes people with her horrible cooking.
Oh Anthy, punish me with your bad cooking! I promise to choke it down and pretend like I like it, just for the chance to experience your other...dimensions as rose bride...
sharnii wrote:
Sou: she punishes people with her horrible cooking.
Oh Anthy, punish me with your bad cooking!
I promise to choke it down and pretend like I like it, just for the chance to experience your other...dimensions as rose bride...
Who wouldn't want to experience her "other dimensions"? lol
PrinceoftheLostEternity wrote:
sharnii wrote:
Sou: she punishes people with her horrible cooking.
Oh Anthy, punish me with your bad cooking!
I promise to choke it down and pretend like I like it, just for the chance to experience your other...dimensions as rose bride...
Who wouldn't want to experience her "other dimensions"? lol
Ya, I want to eat her curry. Depending on who I evened up switching personalties with, it just may solve my problems. But then of course, the other person would just have my problems.
The_A_Man wrote:
PrinceoftheLostEternity wrote:
sharnii wrote:
Oh Anthy, punish me with your bad cooking!I promise to choke it down and pretend like I like it, just for the chance to experience your other...dimensions as rose bride...
Who wouldn't want to experience her "other dimensions"? lol
Ya, I want to eat her curry.
is that what they're calling it these days?
More cooking motifs: There's a scene in episode 11 where Anthy talks with Touga. Anthy talks about her earler picnic with Wakaba, and says that she wants to cook as well as her. But Touga smirks and says that as the Rose Bride, Anthy shouldn't cook; she only has to stay in the garden and tend her flowers. Anthy then looks down and looks sad.
In another scene in the Akio Car arc, Utena and Wakaba are complimenting Akio on his delicious-looking cake. "It's rare to find a guy who can cook!" they both declare, upon which Akio smiles and tells them not to compliment him until they actually taste it. Utena then says "There's no family resemblance in that department," an obvious reference to Anthy's bad cooking. But what's strange is that Anthy answers "Why, thank you," while dumping salt on an egg. Utena says, "That wasn't a compliment." Anthy says, "Really?"
I believe that cooking in RGU represents a giving of warmth and protection which is them reciprocated by love and admiration from the "loved" (the guests) to the "lover" (the cook). All the Duelists want Anthy as a ticket to miraculous, power and eternity, but they all (think) they know better than to actually love her or expect love from her. In their eyes, she's either a mindless doll, a pathetic damsel in distress who stuck herself in a situation she deserves, or an evil witch who controls the lives of everyone around her. The ones who do seek her love are disappointed and disillusioned; even if Anthy could've genuinely tried to please Duelists for the sake of pleasing them, they would've still disappointed and disillusioned them because she's still a human being. And no human being, whatever his or her good intentions, is capable of entirely satisfying another human being, especially an insecure, selfish human being whose paranoia drives him to see betrayals that aren't really there, and ignore the lies he should be paying attention to. This includes Saionji, but extends to all non-sociopathic abusers. The one person who cares about Anthy (besides Utena) is Miki, and he only loves her because Anthy acts like the sister he never really had around him, so that love is based on illusion. And Utena and Miki are the odd ones out here. Most of the cast wants to slap/use/fuck/kill Anthy, stab her with a million swords, or a combination of the above. Thus, Anthy's inability to cook represents her inability to either recieve or give the appearance of love. It's one of the unspoken stigmas of being the Rose Bride.
(More on Akio's cooking later.)