This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
The Penguin
The Penguin sees the world in black and white. To him, you're either a have or a have-not -- and he doesn't care about the have-nots. Can you chowderheads even tell the difference?
All right, so I'm not much of a graphic designer. The orange device slides down the red grooves. The device's eleven windows will frame different pictures as the device slides. The rest you'll just have to deduce on your own!
Last edited by The Riddler (09-03-2012 12:02:59 AM)
Some quick observations:
The figure that slides up and down has three red dots.
Since each character has a letter associated with them, I am assuming we chose the correct character(s) from each line of candidates, in order to spell out a phrase.
Since Penguin doesn't care about the Have-nots, that means he cares about the Haves, and yet the wider part of the orange sliding key contains Have-nots anyway. Perhaps we chose the Haves from the list of candidates who posses what the Have-nots do not, and vice versa. But with only a list of five candidates (not the six required) there is something missing.
From what OITL said, it looks to me that the candidates may or may not have something in common with the three featured Haves in the six-window part. From the picture set up, I can possibly note a special attribute/feature of each Have that a Have-not (to my knowledge) does not have. From there, I think I can name two candidates in the first row with an attribute to match the Haves.
Does that make sense, or...?
Alright then.
From where the slider is on the pictures, the three Haves pictured have at least a part of their body that is artificial/robotic/bionic/electronic in nature, if not the whole body itself. (Barrett has the arm, Doc Oc has the robotic arms at the back, and Major Kusanagi is a cyborg, making the whole body such.) From there, the candidates must have at least one artificial/robotic/bionic/electronic part of them, and the two candidates I can list with such features are Inspector Gadget (whole body) and Vriska (robotic arm).
From there, we get the letters G and I, to begin making the phrase that OITL mentioned.
At the end, we now have three letters to start with: C, G, and I.
Last edited by Saito Hoshikawa (08-29-2012 04:51:05 PM)
Correct in almost every detail. The only thing you got wrong is the significance of the letter C. Everything else is spot on.
And since I'm feeling generous with the clues in hopes of catching other solvers' interest, I'll even help you out with that C. [C is for cybernetics.] Good luck!
So then that'd make the letter at the far left part of a hint for what the Haves have in common?
Last edited by Saito Hoshikawa (08-29-2012 05:31:08 PM)
Okay then.
With that logic, I think I have the very bottom set of candidates figured out:
H - Heart
All three Haves have a heart; the Have-nots do not. (lol Roxas and Tin-man) The candidates that have a heart are the one with the letter U and the Queen of Hearts (S).
Letters: C, G, I, H, S, U.
Saito Hoshikawa wrote:
H - Heart
All three Haves have a heart; the Have-nots do not. (lol Roxas and Tin-man) The candidates that have a heart are the one with the letter U and the Queen of Hearts (S).
Nice one! The kid with the U is Ma-Ti, a famous heart-haver.
Of the eight rows of candidates, two are complete!
Okay, I have the second-to-last line solved.
T - Twins
All three Haves have at least one set of twins. Two of the candidates that do have twins are Miki and Kozue's mother (I), and Zeus (N), who it took forever for me to figure out, because dammit there's a LIGHTNING BOLT RIGHT FUCKING THERE.
Letters: C, G, I, H, S, U, T, I, N.
I love that line. Yes: Darth Vader, King Randor, and Molly Weasley are all twin-havers, and so are the candidates you named. There may be another candidate you missed, though.
satyreyes wrote:
I love that line. Yes: Darth Vader, King Randor, and Molly Weasley are all twin-havers, and so are the candidates you named. There may be another candidate you missed, though.
Is it the C one? He's the only one I'm not sure of, because Gendo didn't have twins (unless NGE has more of a twistfuck of a backstory that I don't know about), and anything I've read about Worf didn't mention him having twins.
I'M BACK. And I think I may have a rethought to the twin thing.
I think the guy with the C is Angus Filch. But that wouldn't make sense because he doesn't have twins. He does however deal with twins.
That'd make the Haves not just having twins in general, but having a connection to twins.
(I would've said this earlier, but dammit, I still feel stupid from earlier. -w-')
Saito Hoshikawa wrote:
I think the guy with the C is Angus Filch. But that wouldn't make sense because he doesn't have twins. He does however deal with twins.
Oooh, you've got the wrong character but the right actor. I'll give the character to you: he is Walder Frey of A Game of Thrones. Draw your own conclusions about twin-having. No reason to feel stupid; the only reason I know who all these people are is that I wrote the puzzle!
satyreyes wrote:
Oooh, you've got the wrong character but the right actor. I'll give the character to you: he is Walder Frey of A Game of Thrones. Draw your own conclusions about twin-having.
No reason to feel stupid; the only reason I know who all these people are is that I wrote the puzzle!
That explains why I thought it was Filch, then.
But even then, given that it's Walder, that makes the connection not necessarily to twins as in "two alike people", but twins as in "two of something or someone alike", by way of his castle known as The Twins. (I guess).
That'd make the letters from that row T, I, N, and C.
(Also, this gets pretty lonely when not many people are working on the riddles. )
Saito Hoshikawa wrote:
But even then, given that it's Walder, that makes the connection not necessarily to twins as in "two alike people", but twins as in "two of something or someone alike", by way of his castle known as The Twins. (I guess).
Well, it's a puzzle of haves and have-nots, right? That row is for people who have twins -- T is for twins. There's no disputing that Walder Frey has Twins. You're right, it's a little bit of a reach, but for a Game of Thrones fan would go "ahaha, I get that."
(Also, this gets pretty lonely when not many people are working on the riddles.
I know. I'm sad about it too. The riddles are really designed to be solved by a group working together, sharing ideas and "aha!" moments. But at the moment we don't really have a group, which I always knew might happen; IRG is unified by Utena, not riddles, plus I've never written this kind of puzzle before, so who knows if they're entertaining or even fair? But there are only a couple left, so I'll push them out at my leisure, and I'm happy to keep egging on anyone who wants to work on them.
satyreyes wrote:
I know. I'm sad about it too. The riddles are really designed to be solved by a group working together, sharing ideas and "aha!" moments. But at the moment we don't really have a group, which I always knew might happen; IRG is unified by Utena, not riddles, plus I've never written this kind of puzzle before, so who knows if they're entertaining or even fair? But there are only a couple left, so I'll push them out at my leisure, and I'm happy to keep egging on anyone who wants to work on them.
Well, it might've held more interest if the riddles were Utena-themed, but therein again, most people post in the Gen Dis, SKU, and IFD subforums while the Lounge is more of a leisurely type subforum for those who want to take a break, and while being most fitted to hold the riddles, at the same time riddles make your brain work and would ergo go against what the Lounge is for. Maybe. I hardly go to the other subforums much unless something really interests me.
Either way, I think the riddles are fun even though I've only been able to solve parts of this one. So I'll still work on it, partners or not be damned!
Saito Hoshikawa wrote:
Well, it might've held more interest if the riddles were Utena-themed . . .
That does seem obvious in hindsight, doesn't it? I think I just latched on to the Riddler idea and didn't really pause to reexamine it.
Originally this was in GD, but Ashnod complained that the Riddler threads were swamping out the content she actually wanted to read, so I moved them to the Shaved Ice Lounge. People had pretty much already lost interest by that time, though.
satyreyes wrote:
Saito Hoshikawa wrote:
Well, it might've held more interest if the riddles were Utena-themed . . .
That does seem obvious in hindsight, doesn't it?
I think I just latched on to the Riddler idea and didn't really pause to reexamine it.
Originally this was in GD, but Ashnod complained that the Riddler threads were swamping out the content she actually wanted to read, so I moved them to the Shaved Ice Lounge. People had pretty much already lost interest by that time, though.
I'm sorry if I killed your fun, Satyr.
That was never my intention. I really thought those interested in the riddles would follow them here.
Ashnod wrote:
I'm sorry if I killed your fun, Satyr.
That was never my intention. I really thought those interested in the riddles would follow them here.
I moved the threads because I thought it was a good call, and I still do. Honestly, if the riddles were so fragile that people didn't want to follow them to SIL, then -- well, you can finish that sentence. You have nothing to be sorry about.
satyreyes wrote:
That does seem obvious in hindsight, doesn't it?
I think I just latched on to the Riddler idea and didn't really pause to reexamine it.
Originally this was in GD, but Ashnod complained that the Riddler threads were swamping out the content she actually wanted to read, so I moved them to the Shaved Ice Lounge. People had pretty much already lost interest by that time, though.
satyreyes wrote:
I moved the threads because I thought it was a good call, and I still do. Honestly, if the riddles were so fragile that people didn't want to follow them to SIL, then -- well, you can finish that sentence.
You have nothing to be sorry about.
Maybe so, but it was a nice albeit mind-working break from Utena things for a while.
And that's understandable, considering most games and whatnot would naturally go to the SIL instead of Gen Dis, so it was a logical decision to move them, despite people losing interest in them.
Ashnod wrote:
I'm sorry if I killed your fun, Satyr.
That was never my intention. I really thought those interested in the riddles would follow them here.
They probably did follow them, honestly, but some of the riddles have been stuck right where people got stuck solving them and possibly right when the move happened, so they might've given up or something like that. There really is nothing to be sorry for.
Two rows!
For the second H row: Venus, Vader, and the king person (Iforgothisname) each have something on their head, or a "headpiece". The others do not. In the candidates, Utena (F), the cook from South Park (O), and Ness (R) have a headpiece each (er, a hat, technically).
Letters: H, F, O, R
For the W row, I had trouble figuring this one out. -w- But it's "whip"; Indy and Catwoman both have whips, and Venus's Love Me Chain works like a whip. The others don't have that. From the candidates, we have Simon Belmont (of course) (A), Ash (who'd probably count via grass Pokemon with the Vine Whip attack) (A), and Zorro (who used a bullwhip if I remember correctly from what was on Disney long time ago) (R).
Letters: W, A, A, R
Letters altogether: C, G, I, H, S, U, T, I, N, C, H, F, O, R, W, A, A, R.