This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Frosty wrote:
Uniforms were not required when I was in school, and I am thankful. I enjoyed being able to dress in exactly what I wanted…you cannot do that when you are an adult and have a job. Usually you are stuck in another uniform, or even if you work in corporate America, you’ve still got to wear power suits in the lovely triad of beige, navy, or black. Childhood and college days are really the only time you get to act out your individual style every day with your entire wardrobe. I am all for the kids who wear entire outfits they’ve made which are completely different from normal attire. I don’t like the idea that uniforms are becoming the norm in all the schools now, they are cute in Japan, true… But I’ve seen some little private Catholic school kids who looked ridiculous in their clothes. If children’s clothing is forced to conform, eventually new things will present themselves as forms of expression - maybe an interest in art will pick up globally. Who knows?
I'm originally from Louisiana too, and I totally know what you mean. Some of those uniforms look absolutely ridiculous. I went to a Catholic school from elementary through junior high, and the uniform was this disgusting white and navy houndstooth on pleated skirts. I was the only girl to wear the unisex long navy pants just because I found the default so damn ugly(at least I didn't have to have the humiliating experience of having my skirt measured like the other girls--ugh). The more schools there are, the more ugly uniforms they have to make up because the good designs have already been taken by other schools.
I hate it when people try to say that "They can dress how they want when they get older!" Yeah, I bet me going out looking for jobs when I had Touga-red hair would yield marvelous results. Unless you have a specific subsect of jobs, most of which suck, you have to practically wear a uniform five days a week--if your company doesn't put you in a full uniform altogether. Let someone dress how they want for once in their life.
Frau Eva wrote:
Touga-red hair
You know it's funny you mention that, I always found it odd only the 'special' people in SKU have wild hair colors. Is this a positive mark of distinction in SKULand?
I went to private school but they didn't have uniforms yet, just restrictions. Like on boys having earrings. (I wonder if that's restricted at Ohtori? There certainly aren't any hair length restrictions.)
I hate uniforms but if ohtori would accept me i would go becuase i could hopefully spy on all the interesting people and write a tell all blog/book and....
Touga by the way the grounds are faboulous looking
I'm so over there. I believe I would join forces with Nanami and become something of a shadow queen. Nana-chan is love.
Nanami: I found a picture of the moive theatre on my desk.
Me: *innocent* Really?
Nanami: Yes. I have great idea! Lets go watch a movie!
Me: Yes, and doesn't Touga always say that [insert the movie I want to watch] is a great movie?
Nanami: He does? Of course he does, I know that! We will watch that one!!
And in my free time I'd hit on Miki.
Giovanna wrote:
Frau Eva wrote:
Touga-red hair
There certainly aren't any hair length restrictions.)
Yes they do. 'Hair must not drag on the floor, preferbaly be cut above the knees'
Last edited by YamPuff (02-14-2007 04:21:56 AM)
YamPuff wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Frau Eva wrote:
Touga-red hair
There certainly aren't any hair length restrictions.)
Yes they do. 'Hair must not drag on the floor, preferbaly be cut above the knees'
But can you grow it that long and would it suit you?
What I want to know is why don't they (Touga and Saionji especially) tie back their hair for the duels? I somehow doubt they're so talented that they wouldn't be constantly swiping their own hair off.
Giovanna wrote:
What I want to know is why don't they (Touga and Saionji especially) tie back their hair for the duels? I somehow doubt they're so talented that they wouldn't be constantly swiping their own hair off.
They probably spent hours training to avoid just that.
Tamago wrote:
YamPuff wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
There certainly aren't any hair length restrictions.)Yes they do. 'Hair must not drag on the floor, preferbaly be cut above the knees'
But can you grow it that long and would it suit you?
If I was in Ohtori I would be an anime character...and they don't have any problems with long hair now do they?
It would take forever to go to class, but then again, no one ever seems to go to class. O.o I think it would be awesome to go to the school in the movie. What with the lack of laws of physics, I could probably just teleport all over the place. ^-^
Sure I'd go to Ohtori. I think my biggest concern though would be preventing myself from stabbing one of the fangirls. I DESPISE all the squeeing that comes from them non-stop. I'd probably knock one from a window and bury her with movie-Akio within a matter of days.
My goals would be to first find out if Ohtori is so magical that STDs and pregnancy just don't exist there. I'm sure the answer would have to be yes... so... after I'd make some *cough* rounds... I'd go do random things like trying to slap sense into Juri by randomly screaming "HE DIED FOR YOUR SAKE, YOU MORON!?!" and running off sobbing... then going up to Saionji, hugging him, and saying "I love you the way you are... you just express yourself as poorly as a 5 year old. That's SO CUTE! "
That all said, I don't know if they'd actually want me in Ohtori.. I'm ridiculously level-headed and don't have any hang-ups from my past... at worst if you merged Mikage and Miki's reasons for being there you may have some justification for Ohtori holding onto me... some strong desire to find a pure path through perfection of oneself and personal talents. Yeah if I went batshit crazy about philosophy I may have a reason... then Nietzsche's ghost would give me creepy sexual dreams where he rapes Touga and none of it makes sense..
Hmmm. A few months ago I wondered idly what the plot of an Ohtori self-insertion fic written by me would look like. What would my avatar do? What role would he fill?
The problem is, Ohtori seems like a pretty boring place if you aren't one of the "special people" or their confederates. I don't naturally have the kind of singlemindedness and -- dare I say it? -- egotism that it takes to pursue revolution. I also can't really see myself fanboying over any of the Seitokai. That means I couldn't even be a Black Rose duelist, no matter how much angst I mustered for Mikage's enjoyment. I guess I could be a friend of Utena's, but... well, Utena loves her friends, but that's mostly because she loves everyone. That leaves two roles for me: Tatsuya and Utena. I identify with Tatsuya, but he's so not-special that there's a whole episode about how he doesn't even belong in the series. I can see myself as Utena, but I wouldn't take on her role voluntarily (any more than she does).
So... no. I wouldn't go to Ohtori. And my hypothetical self-insertion fic would have looked pretty boring. I would have to make up a new role, like That Guy Who Blurts Out The Obvious At Inconvenient Times.
I'd love to go to Ohtori. But It would have to be the Movie campus. I pick this one because I can't really get in trouble for being late to class or not showing up at all because that place is so damn confusing...... Also, I could go to that one rose and get the rose signet before Utena could have a chance. Wooo hooo!!!
I'd then join the fencing team. Then when I've mastered it, I quit and join the kendo team. Then, when I'm in a duel I can defeat Utena. Ant then Himemiya can do my homework for me and clean my dorm. Mwahahahaha
But, I'll want to cook my own meals......
Last edited by RainbowRoseQueen (04-09-2007 06:10:20 PM)
I'd definitely go to Ohtori! I love their uniforms, and the whole style of the place . And besides there's Nanami <tries to hug the closest, Nanami - looking girl>. If that pest, Tsuwabuki, would try to steal her from me, I would duel him, as a Black Rose Duelist
. Or maybe I wpuld hang on with Miki (he has lots of fangirls... Kozue would scare them away from him, straight into my arms)
Yeah, I think I'd do pretty well at Ohtori. I have enough mental problems and instances of OMGdrama in my life that I already angst about and never tell anyone. Besides.. I love the Ohtori uniform... the puffy sleeves are so cute!!
I dunno, I'd be so curious about how interaction with the characters would go (I don't care if it means getting ultimately mindfucked, I'd try to be friends with all the pretty people). Specifically, I'd wonder how interaction between me and Nanami would go-- would we be too alike to get along, or would we be able to relate to each other (if she toned down her super-ego for a second, she probably could). I might be able to get along well with Keiko and Wakaba, too. Problem is, I think Touga is pretty hawt (meaning.. rivalry with practically half the school?). And Saionji. And Ruka. And Akio. ....and Juri (okay okay I have a girl-crush on her too).
But if it was the real me put into the SKUniverse, then I'd be too preoccupied with some mystery guy I'm in love with to really think about Touga much (which would probably secretly piss him off -sigh-). There would be an episode about it, because that spans 6 years of angst, right there. My evil evil habit is that I tease but I don't put out, for that very reason. It'd be like a game to see who can seduce me first, if at all. LOL. I could probably get along with Utena, too. And I also wonder how I'd *ahem* "get along" with Akio.
And I want Anthy as my rose bride!! I love her. She's the one character I'd never be able to know well, not even if I tried to.
There's no doubt Ohtori is a pretty campus and is amass with beautiful students. But the fact that it's a kind of alternate universe controlled by Akio sort of warns me away from the whole deal. I probably would be like Wakaba and be totally unaware of any of the insane plottings of the student council members. I think I wouldn't be able to resist being one of Juri's or Utena's fangirls. Either that, or I would fall for Miki. Who knows? The uniform doesn't really appeal to me either.
I think I'd be better off just keeping away from the place.
I have to admit though, seeing all the characters up close would be awesome.
Lovely to visit, wouldn't want to live there.
Recently I listened to someone talk about the horrible Jesuit/Marine school he went to in the Deep South. "They turned me into an atheist and a pacifist!" But the rest of us were refusing to feel very sorry for him. "Yes, but your school had high expectations. Most schools don't have high expectations of their students."
Still, I think I would rather not go to Ohtori.
OMFG!! I'd love to goooo!! I'd love to play "Prince Charming" and have long transparent anti-natural-color hair!! that's been my wish for as long as I can remember!! And I'd love to fight all the Student Council with my skills that I learned after watching too much Utena and playing too much RPG's where swords are involved!!
And I'd hit on Akio just because... I mean, eventually he would hit on me to show me "The End of The World" Hehehe, so I'd better act first! Hahaha! And who knows, maybe I get to dance "Toki Ni" in the dance/garden/duel grounds!!
Tamago wrote:
Just remember to avoid visiting Akio's place on saturday nights... unless you like to watch thats sort of thing!
If I were at Ohtori, I'd probably look up at the top floor of the cocktower and think, "Wow, the view from up there must be amazing." Especially on Saturday nights.
But would I be likely to be on campus on Saturday nights?
Probably. Nice landscape, sword duels, boys who are actually attractive (my school is a dead zone).
Though I'd probably end up begging to go back home by third quarter.