This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Just wondering about peoples relationships to the characters and who they feel they relate to most. And for the heck of it you can throw in favourites, who fascinates you most and maybe who you don't like or didn't get.
I would say I saw a bit of most of the characters in me, as I always do, (oh the joys of a weakly defined ego), but Juri and Anthy struck me the most as relating to me.
Yes Anthy. That is not healthy is it ;;
I think that I'm a combination of Wakaba, Nanami, and Anthy. Now THAT is not healthy. >_> err... yeah...
I think, though, that the one character who confounds me the most is Touga. I mean, you start out feeling neutral about him, then you HATE him for what he does to Utena, then you lol at him because he turns emo for a whole arc, then you suddenly love him for becoming Akio's uber-slave, then you ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE THAT BASTARD for what he does to Nanami (I can never forgive him!), and then suddenly you kind of start liking him for showing his sensitive side with Utena.
hyacinth_black wrote:
I think that I'm a combination of Wakaba, Nanami, and Anthy. Now THAT is not healthy. >_> err... yeah...
I think, though, that the one character who confounds me the most is Touga. I mean, you start out feeling neutral about him, then you HATE him for what he does to Utena, then you lol at him because he turns emo for a whole arc, then you suddenly love him for becoming Akio's uber-slave, then you ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE THAT BASTARD for what he does to Nanami (I can never forgive him!), and then suddenly you kind of start liking him for showing his sensitive side with Utena.
Wow.....that is not healthy. At all. How does that work out O.o what traites do you share with them??
But OMG that is a great description of my reactions (maybe not me overall feelings), but defintely my reactions to Touga, omg that is so brilliant! Especially the emo bit, what was it, minutes, hours, days and I was still giggling at the tape recorder replaying he's voice. If I was Nanami I would have changed the tape to some serious Nanami worship and brainwash him to have eyes only for me. *cackles evilly*
Last edited by Coco Melancholy (06-10-2007 07:33:30 PM)
The characters I can relate to because I share something in common with them:
Utena - Because we both more or less aimed to be manly men/a prince when we were young girls.
Anthy - We both share passive-aggressive tendencies in how we gain revenge on someone that wronged us and we are both capable of giving people that cold inhuman gaze.
Tsuwabuki – We both somehow developed a fascination with a girl who is wrong for us in many ways (Nanami) and we are both tough little scrappers in a fight.
I've always figured myself the Miki type. Except I'm not a twin (though I'm just about as close in age to my sister as siblings can be without being twins... 14 months apart, I'm the older one)... aaaaand my sister doesn't have a constant need to plot evil ways to get my attention.
I base it more on the bookishness, shyness, and reluctance to engage in confrontation than anything else.
Wakaba is my favorite character, I admire Juri a lot, Utena falls somewhere between the two, and I have a soft spot for Nanami since I feel she's often misunderstood.
Tamago wrote:
Utena - Because we both more or less aimed to be manly men/a prince when we were young girls.
The difference is, you achieved your dream!
I'm going to go with Utena too, but for a different reason: Utena's nature is to do what she thinks is right. She's approximately the only character who can say that. She tries to advance her own goals, sure, but one of those goals is to be a noble, decent human being. I'm proudest of myself when I act in the same way, so Utena is sort of a role model for me I don't wear a "What Would Utena Do" bracelet, but I'd consider it. The only things I really dislike about her are her lack of insight -- into people, into situations -- and her accompanying lack of curiosity, which can make up for lack of insight when properly applied.
ME: My friends are fighting. I don't know what to do!
BRACELET: What Would Utena Do?
ME: Probably spout off about how friends shouldn't fight without bothering to find out the details first.
BRACELET: Oh yeah. Hm. Okay, what would Touga do?
ME: Seduce both of them. What a great idea! Thank you, Magic Bracelet!
Last edited by satyreyes (06-10-2007 09:10:08 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
ME: My friends are fighting. I don't know what to do!
BRACELET: What Would Utena Do?
ME: Probably spout off about how friends shouldn't fight without bothering to find out the details first.
BRACELET: Oh yeah. Hm. Okay, what would Touga do?
ME: Seduce both of them. What a great idea! Thank you, Magic Bracelet!
Is that thing for sale??
Shiori- I know that this is going to come as a shock to most of you, but I’m a lot like Shiori. (No? Really?)
Anthy- My first time through the series, I could relate to Anthy the most. I’ve changed a lot since then, but it still applies for the most part. If you walk into a classroom with me in it, half the time your first impression of me would be that I’m a lot like Anthy. Quiet, and maybe a little weird. However, the other half of the time you would think that I’m outgoing and never shut up. (I have a split personality.) I’m also passive aggressive.
Utena- I’ve never wanted to be a princess, and I always wanted to be a prince. When I watch Utena, sometimes I want to yell, “2 + 2 = 4!” at her, but the same time, that would totally be me. Especially when I was fourteen. Just switch Akio and Touga’s genders, and just about everything about her would be like me.
Kozue- I like Kozue because I can relate to her. I’m a twin with a tendency of being slightly over protective and wanting to push my sister’s boyfriends down a flight of stairs. The fact that she’s impure while her brother is pure also can be related to myself, since having a sister who thinks that sex is evil makes me feel like scum on a regular basis. At least I’m not the village whore.
Juri- What lesbian can’t relate to Juri? Besides her sexuality, as of recently I can also relate with the whole hidden feelings thing.
I have an unhealthy relation to Mikage and Miki most of all.
Mikage - The whole smart-person-who-isn't-relating-with-others scenario. People making fun of him and using him for what he can offer. Plus, the fact that he tried desperately to give some meaning to his life, to make it less 'dry'. Oh yes I relate too well. And, well, I sort of put myself into my own dreamworld too much as well. *whistles*
Miki - I don't relate too well, but, that whole artist-desiring-that-special-something for his music. It's like he's waiting for an epiphany and I definitely get like that at times... where I just feel I'm sitting in a big lull until something may come along. I'm not waiting for Anthy or a whorish sister, but you get the picture.
Utena - Just during those rare times that I'm a naiive idealist.
Last edited by Scortia (06-10-2007 10:14:54 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
ME: My friends are fighting. I don't know what to do!
BRACELET: What Would Utena Do?
ME: Probably spout off about how friends shouldn't fight without bothering to find out the details first.
BRACELET: Oh yeah. Hm. Okay, what would Touga do?
ME: Seduce both of them. What a great idea! Thank you, Magic Bracelet!
.....I want this bracelet. NOW.
As for me.. well, first I'd like to say, all of the characters in the series have a good dose of unhealthiness in them. Some more than others. (By a lot) However, I've yet to find a character I relate a lot too. I relate to most of them at least a little.
My favourites are probably Anthy and Utena... soo original, I know. Normally in a series, my favourite character is always the one I relate the most to, but with Utena and Anthy it's like I partially relate to both. Anthy, because I'm shy but deeper than I appear, and I often don't say what I'm thinking and I just let people think I'm cute and dumb. I also look more innocent than I appear, since people seem to come to the conclusion that I'm perfectly sweet and wouldn't dare curse or say something mean. ..and I can relate to some of her vicious tendencies, but no where near as much as her, thankfully.
Utena, because I'm naive as hell, and idealistic without looking at the big picture sometimes. (But thankfully I try to pay attention more to details than her)
My next favourite characters would probably be Kozue, Ruka, or Nanami, but I can only relate to Kozue even at little out of all of those. I'm really no where near like Kozue, but I can relate to her a little bit because I often roll my eyes and become disgusted by people who only want to be 100% pure and innocent and deny their shadows. I used to focus on that too much when I was younger, and I regret it. Now I'm realizing that a balance is the best, and not all things that are judged as "evil" or "dark" are bad.
Nanami.. I honestly can't relate to her at all. I just admire how much she grew. I can't relate to Ruka at all, either.
Gods, all of these characters are so awesome.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (06-10-2007 10:49:22 PM)
I have a friend that is like a Utena clone.
In the context of our friendship, sometimes I feel like Juri, and thats where my Juriness comes from, she doesn't seem to understand the under current of relationships very well, I've also had to listen to her talk about traites with a bright twinkle in her eye as if they were the most wonderful thing in the world.
Of course this pisses me off really bitterly because these are traites I've tried to kill in myself seeing them as weak and hating them.......hating them more because I can't completely shift them. In those moments I see myself as Juri hating Utena's naievity and I was almost cheering Juri on when she went stir crazy and tried to steal Utena's ring, since often my friend evokes similar emotions in me without realising, though mostly when she talks like that.
Its made even worse by the fact she doesn't seem to see my hostility in those moments. (I'm sure someone else defintely would, its not like its not obvious)
Anthy still confuses me somewhat, but mainly due to fans reactions to her, she just seems like everyone else to me, only that the scale is larger, she's manipulating everyone and is stuck in a rut. Her rose bride role means she has to act demure and submissive, which doesn't mean she has to be that way, I mean, I may be cinderella on stage but throw tomatoes at me while I am and watch what I'll do to you when I get off it.......little punk. Anthy seems quite fiesty in that way to me. Being stuck in a rut stinks and anybody would wanna die, believing you'll break the cycle is just TOO painful because you notice how deep your rut is and you become vulnerable to disappointment that way. So I can see why Anthy's a cynic. Also, seeing countless failed revolutions would also probably do that to a person. Since death doesn't seem to be an option (I don't think Anthy can die can she?) killing herself off mentally seems to be the next best thing, e.g becoming a doll. Since dolls don't suffer or think or anything, they pretty much are dead.
I do think getting stabbed with many swords seems a bit over the top for telling a bunch of ungrateful bastards to look after themselves. And all in all Anthy may be confusing but I've never found her really shocking, I think I would be pretty much the same in her position. Thus probably why I say I relate to her probably.
Who really baffles me is Chu Chu, where the hell did that thing come from?? Can it be bought? Chu Chu on ebay anyone? Was it there in the shed when Dios was dying, with that FAX machine I'm not even going to go there.
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Is that thing for sale??
I've always thought of myself as a combination of Juri and Anthy. Juri for being pessimistic and having messed up friendships, and Anthy for having weird habits and keeping to myself. And I always relate to sardonic, misanthropic jerks anyway (See avatar ^_^)
EDIT: Well I guess I'm Utena (But when you get down to it everyone is like her in some aspect; I've always thought that's the point of her character) in that I'm extremely honest and when I was a kid I wanted to be the hero/prince who rescued people, while all the other girls wanted to be the princess. Well ok actually I wanted to be Sailor Moon so I could be the princess and hero but you get the point :o
Last edited by Drukqs (06-10-2007 11:18:02 PM)
Finding a way to relate myself to a character is interesting since I encompass a wide variety of characteristics that sometimes contradict one another. Yeah, I have a lot of internal conflict.
Anthy: My first watch through Utena, my eyes were always glued to the screen when Anthy appeared on the scene. I don't know... all my life I've been made fun of and picked on and I've always kept everything bottled up inside. Even in high school when those same people were nice to me I always tried to think of something mean to do to them for making fun of me years ago. I would pretend to be nice to them but really I would boil with hatred for them. Like Anthy, I've somewhat given up on the thought of finding someone who'll take me out of my sadness and pain, that prince of my dreams who'll come and rescue me, and walk around with a smile that doesn't even mean anything, because deep down I know my feelings don't match the pleasant outside. People see me how they want to see me. When I hung around with the "ghetto kids", I was hood and tough enough to hang with them. With the preppies, I was pretty enough and knowledgable enough in hygenics to pass as one of them. The smart kids gave me the time of day because I DO know what I'm talking about, I write poetry and read and get good grades... it just seems like I'm a doll like Anthy, never really showing who I REALLY am, only giving in to what people think I am. I've gossiped and betrayed people, and manipulated others for my own gain. And it hasn't made me feel any better. Because I always go back to the same state of emptiness that I'm used to.
Maybe I need professional help.
Last edited by Alexandra (06-11-2007 06:38:53 AM)
Scortia wrote:
I have an unhealthy relation to Mikage and Miki most of all.
Mikage - The whole smart-person-who-isn't-relating-with-others scenario. People making fun of him and using him for what he can offer. Plus, the fact that he tried desperately to give some meaning to his life, to make it less 'dry'. Oh yes I relate too well. And, well, I sort of put myself into my own dreamworld too much as well. *whistles*
Miki - I don't relate too well, but, that whole artist-desiring-that-special-something for his music. It's like he's waiting for an epiphany and I definitely get like that at times... where I just feel I'm sitting in a big lull until something may come along. I'm not waiting for Anthy or a whorish sister, but you get the picture.
Utena - Just during those rare times that I'm a naiive idealist.
I had to quote you, Scortia... that's exactly what I was thinking about myself while reading the firsts posts on the thread.
I agree with Mikage and Miki, and wish I had more of my Utena times
Also, I would add Juri: the hidding feelings thing, according to Razara (actually, the emo should be
, because it sucks)
Maybe we all have a little from each character? It wouldn't surprise me at all
dollface wrote:
I relate so well to Shiori because I feel exactly like her, minus the love ordeal. I've always, always lived in the shadows of my friends. They've always been smarter, prettier, more talented, and all around just more interesting people than myself. I have horrible issues with self-esteem, and have had them for years. When I watched SKU for the first time, Juri jumped out at me, because I could relate to being misunderstood and wronged. But, as the numerous rewatchings occured, I realized it was Shiori I really related to. Every single time I watch Thorns Of Death, I become even more aware of how alike we feel.
I also relate to Keiko and Wakaba very well, in that both of them don't think they are good enough for the people they care about, or even just the people around them. At times, I relate to Mikage, just... not the part where he's a genius and all. But I feel like I can sway somewhat wildly from a selfish, internalized emotion and outer apathy toward others.
On a more positive note, I relate to Juri because I'm stuborn, and B-Ko because two people are better for this job than one!
One character that stumps me somewhat is Touga. I certainly like Touga well enough, but I've never put in enough effort to understand him. Many of the essays and interpretations here and on EM have been very helpful, but I can still not call myself anywhere near truly understanding him.
Last edited by dollface (06-05-2017 02:28:26 AM)
I can't say who I relate to the most, because, I am a mixture of everything and anything, but mainly I'm like:
- Anthy - I'm not the person you think I am, and I also manipulate others (mainly those, who hurt me)
- Miki - shy person, searching for his shinig thing, just as I look for a girlfriend
- Mikage - one who would do anything to make his dream come true....
And finally Tsuwabuki - for his love towards Nanami, and famous phrase: "I want to wreck the whole world! Wreck it! Wreck it!"
Well, you see, I am a really complicated person
Nanami's Rose Groom wrote:
And finally Tsuwabuki - for his love towards Nanami, and famous phrase: "I want to wreck the whole world! Wreck it! Wreck it!"
Well, you see, I am a really complicated person
I too have MUCH love for Tsuwabuki.
I found that scene in the life downright disturbing. Wow. But of all the black rose fighters, I think Tsuwabuki was one of the best in battle.
That's true. I found this dual blade duel amazing. It's a pity, that Nanami's seond one was only with her ordinary scimitar
Ruka's not very popular here, but he's more like me than any of the other characters. He's charismatic, manipulative to a point and knows more than he lets on but less than other people give him credit for. He's mostly motivated by how much he cares about other people (Juri when we see him obviously) but he's not good with other people's feelings so he hurts them. He puts the needs of those he loves ahead of his own but he does what he thinks is best for them even if it hurts everyone involved. He's in love with someone who cares for him as a friend but isn't capable of loving him back (I was for five years, which is a long time when you're not even twenty yet).
And he's in love with a red-haired lesbian.
( my girl, and she's a Kinsey 5 so she still qualifies as a lesbian!)
My emotional state of mind is as stunted as Nemuro's, although when I am feeling just a little bit evil my Mikage side comes out. However, when I am playing up I am so like Nanami I scare myself. Hee.
satyreyes wrote:
Tamago wrote:
Utena - Because we both more or less aimed to be manly men/a prince when we were young girls.
The difference is, you achieved your dream!
I guess you might say that, but in a way, I kinda wished I stayed a girl as it was what I was used to and besides, being a guy makes things too easy for me.
My relationship with Touga is long, torrid, deeply wound around my twisted psyche, and depending on how you see it, either a horrible resemblance, or a scarily good one. Except for one thing-- I'm a good person, and he is not. Yet, anyway.
That begs the question, what makes a good person? Because while I think you are one, I couldn't really say why I think that.
And I didn't mention this in my previous post, so: I still don't really like Ruka all that much.
Tamago wrote:
I guess you might say that, but in a way, I kinda wished I stayed a girl as it was what I was used to and besides, being a guy makes things too easy for me.
I dunno about Oz, but around these parts you get a permanent 25% increase in all wages being a boy instead of a girl.
BTW, Yasha is totally like Touga. Except in a couple key areas.