This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Seriously...cause I'm thinking about changing mine to Alexandra Jardon because I am going through a change, and I'd like to separate my future self from my not to get away from paying bills lol, but other stuff., although I am not sure what I want to chose for a middle or second first name so if anyone has any names in their head, feel free to share them, who knows I might pick yours.
Another question I wanted to as was have any of you thought about having a second name? If so what was it?
I have the urge to use my middle name instead of my first sometimes, but I couldn't while my grandmother was alive as it was her name, and recently my cousin had a baby and named it Amelia too, so I'm stuck in that respect. I know how it is, though; I don't particularly like my own name, but it has defined me so long I don't have the slightest idea how well I'd hold up after changing it.
...although I'd like to be called Emilia, weirdly enough. Hmm.
Clarice wrote:
I have the urge to use my middle name instead of my first sometimes, but I couldn't while my grandmother was alive as it was her name, and recently my cousin had a baby and named it Amelia too, so I'm stuck in that respect. I know how it is, though; I don't particularly like my own name, but it has defined me so long I don't have the slightest idea how well I'd hold up after changing it.
...although I'd like to be called Emilia, weirdly enough. Hmm.
Emilia is a cool name...kinda vintage Victorian Age type of name.
Pallas Athena wrote:
Emilia is a cool name...kinda vintage Victorian Age type of name.
I'm very fond of long, almost unwieldy names that can be shortened to something jazzier. (Anastasia, for instance, is one of my favourite names, although I'm no Anastasia.) Russian names are fantastic when used in context, because the Russians are so into diminutives. But that's pretty much why I don't like my own name, because it's a single syllable with no mutant possibilities. Boring. Ugh.
Clarice wrote:
Pallas Athena wrote:
Emilia is a cool name...kinda vintage Victorian Age type of name.
I'm very fond of long, almost unwieldy names that can be shortened to something jazzier. (Anastasia, for instance, is one of my favourite names, although I'm no Anastasia.) Russian names are fantastic when used in context, because the Russians are so into diminutives.
But that's pretty much why I don't like my own name, because it's a single syllable with no mutant possibilities. Boring. Ugh.
I love Russian names, although I am no fan of Stalin lol, but I did like this one girl's name...Natasjassha:confused: or something like that...well that's how it sounded anyways.
I get irritated when people pronounce my name wrong. It's really not that hard. I've gone by shortened versions of my first name, and that worked out okay. Except no one at work wants to call me that. I'd thought about going by my middle name, but only family calls me that.
That said, have you considered Renee as a middle name?
Raven Nightshade wrote:
That said, have you considered Renee as a middle name?
Alexandra Renee Jardon would be a beautiful name... Renee goes well with with so many names.
I think Renee is a lovely name as well.
I always say that I would like to change my name, but I probably never will. I used to say I would change my irst name to Sailor and my middle name to Moon. Not Usagi, but Sailor Moon. It would amuse me.
When I was little, I wanted to change my name to Laura. These days, I don't think that I would want to go through all the trouble. I still don't care much for my real name, but I guess that it can't be helped.
I'm seriously considering that if I ever get married (which is not even remotely a possibility at this time, seeing as I'm nearly 29 and have never had an SO in my entire life... yeah, you read that right. ) I will take her last name, as my current last name belongs to the ex-parent of mine that I wish to have zero association or ties with whatsoever, since I have disowned that side of my family. My mother's side is the one I've lived with for basically my whole life, and the one that I identify with, so it's the other one that I want to dissociate from. I refuse to legitimize the title of the parent that's not my mother by using its name. It's one of my forbidden words, in this case, and I have a hard time saying it (or one of its alternate forms) even in general conversation when not talking about me, too.
Barring that, I might consider going to my mother's or my grandmother's maiden name.
I despise my surname most of the time, although it's not anything about it itself, as such -- it's just that despite it being the same as a famous English tourist attraction/landmark, I constantly get asked how to spell it. Which is even worse here, considering I border the county that also shares the name. It's ridiculous. Although the stupid thing is, I'd only change my name upon marriage if it was going to be something ridiculously hard to spell and pronounce, like Szczepanski or something. I don't know; maybe I just want the question to be justified?
I always felt bad for my mother, whose name is Kristeen; you'd think the novelty spelling was great, but it is the bane of her life.
I like my name : Aleksandra Wilkos It isn't very pretty, rather normal, but it's not very difficult to spell. I considered name Joann, but I changed my mind.
I like your name, dlaire!
I like the last name I got from Paradox much more than my maiden name. Reamer was just weird, and if I had been a boy, like my brothers, would have resulted in many more crude jokes. Instead, my first name (Ruth) got changed into "roof" (as in the sound dogs make) instead. I like our last name now though. Light. It has a certain je ne sais quoi... I think it's just kind of fitting for our personalities.
Unfortunately, I still have to spell it. Reamer's not a name many people have heard before, and Light for some reason they think has some mystical spelling. Plus no matter how hard I pronounce the L, I still get called White sometimes.
i also want to change my name... since the meaning of Barbara is something I can't stand >>;
Like to have a name like Diana, Skadi or Freiya...
I used to want a different name, but now I like mine. Sad thing is, though, nobody's going to continue the line of my last name, as Dad had all girls and all his sisters had the boys.
Same here. Because my name is just one syllable. Two if you include my last name :/
But now come to think of it, um... I don't think there's any other name that suits me better
But I'm still thinking of a good middle name to fill in. Something that'd remind people of the deliciousness of the 'smores Poptart
Last edited by Hiraku (08-14-2007 10:51:02 AM)
I'm one of very few people I know who hasn't changed my name. Once upon a time, I thought about changing my first name to Siobhan, just to go with the McLastname. I didn't think about it very seriously; at one point, my mother admitted she'd thought about using the name, but opted for naming me for the patron saint she appealed to for my conception (St. Jude) instead. For years upon years, I went by Judy. I got to grad school, and there were 2 other Judys in the department, so I became, by default, Judith. I hated that. Then I got out of the Bad Years, and went butch, so dropped down to just Jude. I still go by Judy at work, to help differentiate between work and friends. It can confuse my ex-coworkers when they transition from being my coworkers to being my friends, though.
I know several people who cut off contact with their families and changed their names -- either just their last names or the whole name. They like their chosen names. I'm also in touch with an older lesbian community, where it's incredibly common for women to have chosen new names. I enjoy the concept, but don't feel any particular need to change my name these days.
I'd considered trying to get a teacher to call me Ali before. I answer to it IRL.
Hiraku wrote:
Same here. Because my name is just one syllable. Two if you include my last name :/
But now come to think of it, um... I don't think there's any other name that suits me better
But I'm still thinking of a good middle name to fill in. Something that'd remind people of the deliciousness of the 'smores Poptart seriously...that is an exellent middle name, that or Sugar
Alexandra Renee Jardon....! Hmmm I like that a lot!
I wonder if I could get away with spelling Renee as Rynee?!
Alexandra Rynee Jardon?
But anyways I like everyone elses stories about name changing too^_^.
I know that SLoT wants to change his name to separate himself from his father.
Me on the other my name is o.k.
Bethany Victoria Cordeira.
It flows well actually. i don't like the name Bethany at all... No one calls me that EVER or they get a serious beat down.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
I know that SLoT wants to change his name to separate himself from his father.
Me on the other my name is o.k.
Bethany Victoria Cordeira.
It flows well actually. i don't like the name Bethany at all... No one calls me that EVER or they get a serious beat down.
Actually that's part of the reason I want to change my name, my mother and I have a strained relationship and quite frankly I was better off not knowing her. But have a nice name though.
I like your middle name actually...Alexandra-Rynee Victoria Jardon!
Lol, it seems like I'm trying to create a super large name...but really nah, I'm just keeping it to like..four.
Keep em coming!
I can't stand my first name, to the point where I don't even like saying it on the internet. I don't like the circumstances around my naming. My mom was pretty much dead set on Ivy for the first eight months of her pregnancy and my grandmother bitches about it to the point where my mom just yanked it out of a baby name book. It's also one of the most popular girls' names of the 80s, as well as the name of a certain popstar. This combination of things kind of makes me want to cringe every time I hear it. I love my middle name (Rose) and it's pretty much impossible to say my name in real life without me saying, "OH CALL ME ROSE" to you and that makes me feel like a gigantic jerk for asking such a stupid thing from a teacher that has to handle gradebooks and the like.
tl;dr: I'm going to change my name and make my middle name my first, but I'd rather wait until I have a nice lull in people I'd have to explain it to. Also, I want to have a middle name. I just haven't decided what yet.
Various considerations:
Ivy Rose (Too planty. Almost abandoned because I'd feel like one of those people who change their names to Lestat.)
Rose Patricia/vice versa (In honour of my dead aunt who's likely the women in my family I admire most)
Rosa Jane (In honour of my dad who is probably the man in my family I admire most, who's middle name is John. My main issue is that he's already stated prior to my birth that he didn't want to name his child after himself. Also, Rosalee is my grandmother's name and while I think it'd flow better than ROSE JANE I also don't want my entire name to be in honour of that side of the family.)
Pallas Athena wrote:
Alexandra Renee Jardon....! Hmmm I like that a lot!
I wonder if I could get away with spelling Renee as Rynee?!
Alexandra Rynee Jardon?
Well, you can spell Renee any way you want, but don't go too nuts with it or everyone will pronounce it wrong. I did go to school with a girl name Renae, though.
Ooh, Rynae could work. If you want to stick Victoria in there, I'd go with Alexandra Victoria Renee Jardon.
Don't go with Rynee; it begs to be pronounced "Riney."
I know several people who have changed their name, and am in the process of changing my name, myself. I've never thought it was especially fair that one's very name was decided before they had a chance to accept/reject it. If you're more comfortable with a different moniker, it makes sense to just use it.
I'm against changing the name to something that just "sounds cool," though. Just as the previous name one had possesses significance, it seems logical for the new name to possess a more favorable association to the named.
Archambeau's reasoning is probably why I didn't change my name four years earlier. I knew several people in high school who changed their names in an attempt to come cross as less lame than they were previously and it all came across as incredibly immature and tainted the whole process for me. It's hard to take some pasty geek seriously when they legally changed their name to a videogame character's to make themselves look badass.
Last edited by Hinotori (08-14-2007 06:21:47 PM)