This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So.. I was wondering, has anyone ever bought or scanned any Utena doujinshi, or has found any sites that has some scanned? I haven't seen much, so I was kind of curious. Anyone mind sharing? *hopeful*
The only ones I've seen are a few Utena/Anthy and Juri/Shiori pictures from daily_yuri at LJ, and I can post them if you guys like. Is this even allowed? I just want to make sure.
Anything x-rated has to be posted in IFD. I know there is a thread on the last page of the forum with some... interesting doujin scans. If you want, go ahead and ressurect it. Thread necromancy doesn't bother us on a forum like this.
Ah, okay. Well, I meant doujinshi in general, since really high rated doujinshi doesn't interest me, but I might try lurking around there or posting. Thank you!
I bought several in Japan in January, and while there are some hilarious moments in a couple, I have a) no scanner and b) limited Japanese (as I haven't studied it with any seriousness since I was in high school, which is...getting further away by the day). However, if you want a couple of the choicer moments, I can try playing with my digital camera and see if I can get anything decent out of them.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Ah, okay.
Well, I meant doujinshi in general, since really high rated doujinshi doesn't interest me, but I might try lurking around there or posting. Thank you!
Oh, sorry, you said yuri so I just assumed.
Go ahead and post a thread in here, if you can't find an inactive one.
Clarice wrote:
I bought several in Japan in January, and while there are some hilarious moments in a couple, I have a) no scanner and b) limited Japanese (as I haven't studied it with any seriousness since I was in high school, which is...getting further away by the day). However, if you want a couple of the choicer moments, I can try playing with my digital camera and see if I can get anything decent out of them.
If you wouldn't mind, that would be really nice.
Yasha wrote:
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Ah, okay.
Well, I meant doujinshi in general, since really high rated doujinshi doesn't interest me, but I might try lurking around there or posting. Thank you!
Oh, sorry, you said yuri so I just assumed.
Go ahead and post a thread in here, if you can't find an inactive one.
Ah.. sorry, I forgot about that. XD Most of the posts for Utena in yuri_daily were just cover pictures and worksafe. I'll try looking around for a doujinshi thread in here if there is one..
I've tried to find scans of I Am Blue, You Are Pink (Utena/Miki), but I cannot find it.
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
I've tried to find scans of I Am Blue, You Are Pink (Utena/Miki), but I cannot find it.
Woah! That's one I'd definately want to read just because you don't see the coupling too often nowadays.
I posted one in the IFD section
I collect doujins, and I'm sure I have a couple Utena ones around here (in english, no less!) I'll get those as soon as I can find them.
Until then, I'm leaving you guys a little present I found on DLsite in the IRG hentai thread.
I happened to be extremelly bored and was trolling eBay for stuff I can't buy and I came across a couple doiujinshi if anyone was interested.
History of the Impending Fate of Flowers.
So unbelievably beautiful I wish I had the money to spare...
Both are in Japanese. The first is a pg-13 rating whereas the second (the pretty, pretty) is listed as "explicit adult." Please tell me someone is going to liberate the second one from eBay to spread the wealth of pretties to all of us.
Last edited by angelicreation (03-24-2007 01:12:17 AM)
...that is just too beautiful. I'm sorely tempted.
I think I have a page or two of that somewhere, and I do think it was kinda adult. *want ;__; *
I myself am looking for what seems to be Athletica … eticaa.jpg
sample pages … etica1.jpg … etica2.jpg
This one's so pretty too, but the Akio scares me...
Some of these below are NWS so beware!
There are a few scans here:
Info and a few pics about a TougaxSaionji doujinshi:
More: … oujin.html (I suppose they're from the same source as some of the pics in the gallery) (so small... :/ ) … sHigh.html (TsuwabukixNanami. With a cowbell. o_o) (various scans, and quite a lot of them!) (a few Utena/Anthy scans)
edit: Utena doujinshi scans are not easy to find. I wonder why there are so few out there... :/
edit2: found more: (NWS!) … ari/utena/ (UtenaxWakaba, UtenaxAnthy) … /heavenly/ (UtenaxAnthyxMiki + ChuChu. o_O Really, stuff like that only happens in a manga...)
Last edited by Maarika (03-26-2007 09:23:42 AM)