This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I'm also really surprised at how much I ended up liking Chigusa and D-Ko as well. I want profound fluff with the two them, with D-ko not saving Chigusa as a prince, but with D-ko approaching and helping her by not giving her a prince to fight for or loose or a princess to defeat, by transcending the fairy tale context and loving her. Not as a prince or a princess or a queen, very similar Anthy and Utena's revolution.
And Chigusa/Ruka needs to happen.
I totes agree, OiTL. I can emphasize with Chigusa and her bitterness. After all, what she said about the female dichotomy in Ohtori is quite accurate, and few women achieve agency outside their princess status. Even Juri ends up as a victim of that mentality with Ruka. Anthy is somewhere in between the two, using the princess image to conceal darker poisonous intentions. Only Utena breaks the cycle eventually by transcending prince and princess to an ordinary well-rounded girl. It would be interesting to see Chigusa perhaps undergo a similar transformation. It's made obvious that she can never win the affections of a prince. But what about the princess instead? Could adopting the role of savior and protector eventually allow her to progress past the Ohtori netherworld where she remains trapped.
Either that or I think it would be pretty damn hot if she were to use D-ko for a good revenge session.
Mikage/Tokiko because I just feel bad for Mikage.
Saionji/Wakaba because I think they brought out good qualities in each other. And I really liked the way thier relationship developed. Wakaba's such a sweet heart and Saionji isn't a bad guy, he just needs someone nurturing and kind like Wakaba.
Juri/Shiori becuase I just like watching Shiori torment Juri and Juri suffer in such a pretty way. I don't know, I just like watching them hurt eachother.
Akio/Kozue because the force of thier sex would set the bed on fire. I think they are made for each other, both were once innocent good characters in their youth coveted by others for thier purity and we all know how they ended up. And she's only 13!
Nanami/Miki because they are both shy about intimacy, I think they're fun together (Nanami's questioning of Miki if it hurt when he had a sword pulled out of him) and it seemed like in the start of the series she had a little crush on him. Also, she's got good reflexed so she might be fast enough to dodge an angry hand near a steep stair case....
Nanami/Miki because they are both shy about intimacy, I think they're fun together (Nanami's questioning of Miki if it hurt when he had a sword pulled out of him) and it seemed like in the start of the series she had a little crush on him.
Ha! I thought I was the only one who saw Nanami's little crush. I didn't really give this pairing much notice the first time I saw the series, but the more I think about it the more I like it. I think being the youngest members of the Student Council (well, ex-member in Nanami's case) could give them a common bond; after all, when Touga, Saionji, and Juri graduate, they'll be the only two left who have a significant understanding of the duels.
Beyond that, I think they could balance each other out nicely. Miki's personality could act as a calming influence, and he could help keep her grounded. Meanwhile, Nanami's energy and drive could motivate Miki, and help push him forward in his endeavors. Considering how he's rather introverted by nature, he might need something like this on occasion.
Plus, hey, it beats their siblings, right?
Utena/Anthy. 'Nuff said.
I've tried a few of the other yuri pairings, like Juri/Shiori and Juri/Utena (the latter of which I fail to understand) and nothing really compares to the sheer beauty of Utena/Anthy. I'd like to be convinced otherwise, if anyone can direct me to some good fanfiction/fanart/etc. of their favorite pairings?
I'm sorry, but Shiori just comes off as a complete bitch to me, and I can't enjoy pairings where I hate one of the characters. I also have an aversion to yaoi & het and I can't really stomach any lemons that's aren't yuri (Again, I'd be convinced otherwise as long as it's not a lemon )
Also, I hate Utena x Touga. I could rant about that, but I'd be getting off topic and seeming like a flamer...
PS: Who the hell's Chigusa? I've seen her around, but I still have no idea who she is:confused:
CoffinBreaker wrote:
PS: Who the hell's Chigusa? I've seen her around, but I still have no idea who she is:confused:
Chigusa's a character in the little-known Sega Saturn dating sim game based on Utena, "Someday My Revolution Will Come." You'd think that a dating sim video game based on Utena would be lame and not very good, but as a matter of fact, of all the media surrounding the series (movie, manga, musicals, doujinshi...), the video game seems to me to be the truest to the series, even canon-ish. The game was never ported to America, and no one ever really took the time to translate it to English...
...until last year, when IRG's very own Dallbun -- leet Japanese speaker and baby-haver extraordinaire -- did a complete English-language runthrough of the game entitled Let's Play! Utena for the Sega Saturn! It was followed by three awesome sequels, between which Dallbun has managed to translate quite a lot of the game and we've all gotten to scratch our itch to know what happens (and see provocative shots of the cast)! If you want to know who Chigusa is, and possibly get owned by her, go check out Dallbun's threads!
Last edited by satyreyes (10-29-2010 10:41:38 AM)
Repeating some stuff I stated on a different thread:
Serious Pairings
Utena x Touga - I don't think of Touga as Utena's 'prince', because he's NOT. Utena doesn't need a prince- she is one! But Touga definitely does want to be her protector, and he cares for her a lot. There's a lot of chemistry there, even if Utena acts uninterested, and in the movie they actually were presented as a couple.
Saionji x Anthy - I know, I know. Saionji is a twisted jerk most of the time, but it's really not his fault that he's like that - he's just really insecure. I think if he underwent some serious character changes (no, NOT OOC - i mean stuff happens and he changes) he could grow to really love Anthy. I also know that he only is violent towards Anthy when he feels betrayed (i.e. when she wished Utena good luck, or when she told him that she couldn't be engaged to him because she was already engaged to Utena). Granted, I wouldn't want Saionji for my boyfriend, but I think he could be better, given the chance. Also, when you obsess over someone you have to really care for them at least to some extent, right? And did you see that Anthy actually wore the leaf pin he gave her (even though it was supposed to be for Wakaba...poor girl )? If she was really as uncaring toward him as she could have been (since she acts very manipulative and seems to feel very coldly and apathetic toward most of the duelists besides Utena) she probably would have just thrown it away. Maybe she was just trying to mess with Wakaba, or maybe she just didn't bother to take it out, but I don't think so.
Saionji x Wakaba - It's not nearly as twisted as Saionji x Anthy (I sort of have a thing for really messed up relationships), but it is quite adorable how they seem to bring out the best in each other.
Ruka x Juri - By the end of the series, I think Juri is over her pining for Shiori. Ruka may have caused Juri a lot of grief, but he was doing it to free her - and he succeeded. Go Ruka!! Also, since Juri and Ruka have sort of a love-hate relationship, haven't a lot of people sort of forgotten the 'love' part?
Kozue x Juri - If I trash my Kozue x Mamiya pairing and agree to the fact that Juri is a lesbian (which I don't - I think she's a bi) then this would actually work pretty well. Added to the Miki connection, this would be a good accompaniment to another favorite pairing, Miki x Shiori. Also, I think Juri and Kozue would just click really well, you know? As long as Juri accepted her feelings for Kozue, and was honest about them, anyway.
Shiori x Miki - I know this is very non-canon, but since I already paired Anthy with Saionji... Also, Miki seems to have sort of a soft spot for 'nice' girls who turn out to be...well, bitches (at least some of the time. I am a big Anthy fan, so I'm not bashing her, but she did some pretty...bad stuff. Shiori, while being pretty normal and nice most of the time, has serious issues when it comes to Juri. And yes, sadists - even when their sadism stems from jealousy - are considered bitches). And this would also work because
Miki ~friends~ Juri ~friends by the end of the series~ Shiori, so naturally Miki ~friends and possibly something more ~ Shiori! Friends of friends can easily become friends!
Nanami x Miki - They are obviously friends. I don't think of this as a very serious pairing, but it's still extremely cute.
Nanami x Mitsuru - When Mitsuru gets a little older and more mature, this could easily happen. You saw how Nanami acted all weird when he was talking to Mari, right? RIGHT? Do NOT deny it. You know she was jealous. And they only have about a three-year age difference, so.
Kozue x Mamiya - Quite possibly my oddest pairing, but still sort of makes sense, doesn't it? Mamiya is very mild-mannered, like Miki, except he's not Kozue's sibling, so she doesn't have to worry about *cough* incest. Also, I think Kozue and Mamiya are more easily compared to each other than you might think. Screw Mikage - he's too old for Mamiya anyway, even if he IS one of my favorite characters. (Hahaha.) I also like to imagine Mamiya being Kozue's first crush, and how she would react to that.
Akio x Kanae - Granted he's only playing with her for the fun of it, but. They ARE engaged, and Kanae does love him - she just doesn't like Anthy.
Wakaba x Tatsuya - Tatsuya would definitely be better for Wakaba than Saionji. And they are childhood friends, so they understand each other well. Added to the fact that there is a TRUCKLOAD of sexual tension every time they look at each other...
Tokiko x Mikage - Poor guy. I know this never worked out, but... I can't help feeling sorry for Mikage...
Thoughts on Anthy x Utena: I think (please do not flame me or start an argument; this is only my opinion) that they are definitely more than friends, but to me they seem more like life-partners, best friends, sisters...yes, more than friends, but I can't really see them as lovers. Maybe it's more like an "If It's You It's Okay" situation, where Utena is only a lesbian in this *one* instance (she is definitely not with anybody else- despite the fact that she wants to be a 'prince', and acts very boyish, she isn't trying to be a boy, nor do I think she really feels any sort of more-than-friends love for any girl except Anthy, as evidenced by the fact that she fell so easily for Akio), but still. She has her obsession with her prince, and Touga, and Akio, know. But I still think Anthy will always be the first one in her heart.
Edit: I forgot to say that in this explanation I was referring to the anime. In the movie version, yes, I do accept Anthy x Utena as a serious pairing, because by the end of the movie Utena has already let go of her soulmate Touga - even if I wish she hadn't (I am such a UxT maniac. Haha. ). Also, movie Anthy is a lot more direct in her advances toward Utena, so it's a little less fuzzy to see.
Crack Pairings
I really don't have a very strong opinion on crack pairings, since they're just for fun. But some crack pairings that I enjoy:
-Chuchu x the frog - This one is fun.
-A-ko x B-ko x C-ko - Be fun if there were some sort of dramatic love triangle going on, like with RxJxS...
-Nanami x Saionji - I know some people don't consider this a crack pairing, and it could be serious, but I just think of it sort of like this...
N: Oh Saionji-sama! How could I ever have looked at my brother when *you* were nearby!
S: Oh Nanami-chan! How could I ever have thought Anthy was beautiful when there was *you*!
N: We can never tell my brother...he would be so unhappy...
S: Who cares what that person thinks! I only want you, not his friendship!
N: Oh Kyouichi!!
S: Oh Nanami!!
~Flowery embrace~~~~~
So you see...that is why I think of it as crack. Understand now? But I get how this would actually work, really.
-Kozue x Saionji - See above, and just replace Nanami's name with Kozue's... Also, I don't really see how Saionji would even know or care about Kozue in the first place, but eh. Whatever floats your boat.
-Akio x Chuchu - Of course I know Chuchu's heart really belongs to the frog, but what man, woman or...other can resist Akio?
-Tatsuya x Chuchu - Yes, Chuchu is a fountain of crack pairing possibilities, it's true - but did you SEE what happened when Tatsuya smiled at Chuchu? DIDYOU?? Yaoi manxmonkey......... XD
-Touga x Akio's car - I don't think I really need to explain this one, since it involves an inanimate object, but Touga does seem to touch the car a LOT...
-Tokiko x Utena x Mamiya - It's Mikage's ultimate fantasy and you know it.
Also, [Player's name] x Chigusa from the game. I know Chigusa's supposed to hate the player because she was in love with the poor kid's dad or something, but what the hell. The player's character is obviously attracted to Chigusa.
Chigusa x Mikage works out okay too, because they're both just so...weird. But you know it's nowhere near canon anyway, so what the hell.
That's about it! Sorry this was so long. Thanks for taking the time to read it!
Last edited by Gainel (12-20-2010 06:03:28 PM)
Gainel wrote:
Kozue x Mamiya
Mamiya? Which one? Because if you're talking about Anthy!Mamiya from the anime then this pairing doesn't seem too plausible. But who doesn't love implausible pairings? I can see the bratty manga!Kozue maybe having a weird AU relationship with manga!Mamiya though.
And now for something completely different...
Yes. You read that right. Our favorite shadow girl with our favorite ordinary girl. I can totally see Wakaba walking through the halls of Ohtori cheerfully talking to C-ko about monkeys and fairy tales.
BalamiyaVardihi wrote:
Utena/Anthy: Once upon a time, not too long ago, a girl prince met a witch. They suffered many trials at the hands of many people, including the Ends of the World, but their love pulled them though time and time again. They did not get what they wanted, but instead what they needed, and they both lived happily every after. The End.
I could not have put it more eloquently myself.
Malacoda wrote: And now for something completely different...
a man with 8 legs...
Mikage x Miki
Ruka x Mikage
Ruka x Miki
or Ruka x Mikage x Miki
Hmmm..... Interesting....
Might as well get mine out there, too:
Utena X Miki - I must've been the only one who though it was cute that Miki had a crush on Utena in the manga (and I must've been the only one that nearly bit off her finger when the kiss scene happened ). But regardless, it's cute, it's weird, and I highly support it, despite what Kozue would do if said pairing was canon. XD
Utena X Anthy - Of course I support this pairing; otherwise, I'd be cringing in weirdness with every kiss they share.
Touga X Saionji - I just want to see who'd be dominant in this one.
Chu-Chu X The frog - Makes me think what their kids would look like.
Akio X Mikage - There's so much manipulation in this pairing that something entertaining would have to come out of it.
Tsuwabuki X Nanami - ...........? I dunno....
Malacoda wrote:
Gainel wrote:
Kozue x Mamiya
Mamiya? Which one? Because if you're talking about Anthy!Mamiya from the anime then this pairing doesn't seem too plausible. But who doesn't love implausible pairings?
I can see the bratty manga!Kozue maybe having a weird AU relationship with manga!Mamiya though.
Yeah, I know. I was referring, actually, to anime!Kozue and real!Mamiya. Anthy!Mamiya acts a lot like Anthy, so I don't think it would ever work. (But the aesthetics are still nice - just imagine, Anime!Kozue and Anthy!Mamiya would be so cute...) But Real!Mamiya is more like Miki, I think, so yeah.
It could never, ever, ever, ever, happen. But IF IT DID... they'd have a pretty interesting relationship.
Melancholic_Soul wrote:
I also like Miki and Kozue and Nanami I know it's...odd, but I like the dynamics. Either way there's alot of forcing Miki to do stuff >_>.
Hm, I am in favor of forcing Miki to do stuff. Your OT3 scenario does intrigue me. Know where I can find a good fic of this?
Let's see here, I like:
Anthy/Utena Just like pretty much everyone in this fandom, I feel you can't go wrong with this cute, interesting, and sometimes twisted pairing. A friend recommend this anime to me for the yuri too. Aside from the obvious lesbian implications of Utena being a prince and Anthy being her bride, I noticed that Anthy touches Utena's boobs. Like, a lot. This amuses me to no end. They aren’t really a couple in the anime series but it’s obvious that they are heading in that direction, especially in the final episode when Utena is trying to save Anthy from the swords and then tells her that the only time she was truly happy was when she was with her. A few episodes before that, Jury asks Utena what she plans to do about Anthy since she obviously loves her. Jury realizes that their love is more than platonic even if Utena isn’t quite ready to admit that yet. Plus in that conversation Utena basically says that she doesn’t want to be a love martyr like Jury, even though a few episodes later, Utena sacrifices herself to save Anthy even after Anthy literally stabbed her in the back. There’s also the movie and while we can debate endlessly on where it goes in the continuity, it does confirm that Utena and Anthy are a couple. We also get Ikuhara confirming that Utena/Anthy is canon too.
Utena/Jury Because of that scene at the fountain. You know the one. Plus, if Jury hadn't flipped out, I could imagine her trying to do um, stuff to Utena. Jury was totally feeling her up for a second there. Also, there was that scene in one of the last few episodes where Jury was asking Utena for a picture to put in her locket.
Kanae/Anthy In a very fucked-up way. I read a hatesex story about them on a Utena kink meme and now I like this pairing. Here's a link if anyone's interested, just scroll down the page a bit. By the way, this story and the whole meme are definitely not safe for work.
Jury/Shiori I know they both have a lot of issues, but I think that Shiori does actually care about Jury deep down, but that was clouded by her obsessive resentment of Jury for being “better” than her and “mocking” her. They are shown getting along in the last episode, so I think there’s hope for a relationship post-series. I saw a post on another forum where someone said that s/he thought that Jury and Shiori getting along at the end showed that they had a chance of a romantic relationship post-series; otherwise, they would have just showed Jury visiting Ruka’s grave or something like that.
Mamiya/Mikage Because I can’t be the only person who thought, “OMG, it’s the yaoi versions of Utena and Anthy.” I saw a youtube comment once where someone said that Mikage was Utena’s “Jungian Shadow”. I’m not entirely sure what that means, but they are very similar in personality and appearance. Mikage also points out how they are the same in their duel together and makes a valid argument for their similarities. Plus part of the reason why Mikage is sympathetic is because he was going to such extreme ends to save the person he loves. In the end, Utena also goes to the extreme to save Anthy.
Jury/Miki This is basically the only het Jury pairing I ship even remotely. But for me, a depiction of their relationship his to be cracky and humorous as in “Miki’s a girl but not a vagina way.” Or like what happens in this comic: … 0#/d26w4tm
I also liked this fanfic chapter that basically had them in a dysfunctional relationship that involved them “comforting” each other with Jury pretending that Miki is Shiori and Miki pretending that Jury is Anthy. Here’s the link; it’s not safe for work: … rture_Miki
So yeah, this pairing can work for me, but defiantly not if it involves fluffy romance and true love forevez.
Kozue/Miki/Touga You know why. Kinky piano room times FTW! And there was also this picture on deviant art: … 48#/dydn91
Nanami/Tsuwabuki Nanami does seem like she might be a better person at the end of the series. Tsuwabuki clearly adores her and I think they might have a chance if she starts treating him a little better.
Wakaba/Utena Wakaba has a loud, public crush on Utena and Utena never would have gotten over losing to Touga if it hadn’t been for Wakaba. This pairing is just cute.
Touga/Saionji Because obvious yaoi is obvious. Plus their relationship is interesting and screwed up, with Saionji feeling like Touga is always winning against him and Saionji going to unhealthy extremes to win against Touga and assert his masculinity (ie. Slapping Anthy around). There’s also some parallels to Jury/Shiori. Shiori always feels inferior to Jury, just like Saionji feels inferior to Touga. But Shiori is more fortunate because Jury really loves her and doesn’t make Shiori feel bad about herself in purpose. Touga on the other hand does go out of his way to make Saionji feel inferior and will manipulate anyone he can to gain power. We do get some hints near the end of the series tough that Touga might have some good qualities deep, deep, deep down, so maybe there is hope yet. Plus we know that they were doing it with Akio at the end of the series, which brings me to…
Akio/Touga Evil guys screwing; what’s not to like.
Touga/Akio/Saionji Because we all know it’s canon. Akio randomly taking pictures of those two shirtless and longing on his car is basically the afterglow for them.
Miki/Kozue I do foresee some kind of sexual relationship in their future. And for some reason I always thought this pairing was slightly less screwed up than the other sibling relationships. (Of course it’s pretty obvious that Anthy/Akio wins the most messed up relationship in the series with the implied rape and of course the abusive tendencies that they both had.)
Wakaba/Tatsuya Not really a top favorite, since we don’t get to see too much of Tatsuya, but I did read a couple of drabbles that were good, so it’s an alright pairing.
Chigusa/D-ko Because of the fanart of them naked together. It would be a fascinating, dysfunctional relationship.
Yeah, that’s most of them. Wouldn’t be surprised if I left some stuff out.
EDIT: Looks like the 30 Ways to Torture Miki story with the Jury/Miki angst got taken offline. That's too bad; it was such an awesome series.
Last edited by CausalityStar (12-24-2011 12:28:32 AM)