This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Someone got their DVDs today and posted a clip so you could hear all the characters. It's....really bad, imo. XD; Judge for yourself: … s-so-i-was
I wish I had an angry Sanetoshi gif, but he is always smiling. This dub sucks, really.
Hooray for this show being on Disc! I don't have too much to go by, so excuse me if my first impressions turn out to be false.
Shouma - Very shaky.
Kanba - He has a bit of an accent or a lisp. Unconvincing and old-sounding imo.
Himari - This is a character that needs not one ounce of snark. Himari needed to sound perfectly innocent. Himari has a maturity to her, but it's surprising. I guess she kind of works as the penguin hat, but even then I think I could've been satisfied with a more demure voice saying awful things. I agree with the tumblr page, she's one of the worst.
Ringo - I LIKE EELS! I think they've got it backwards here. Switch Himari and Ringo's voice actresses around.
Masako - Her lines are delivered more like a real woman over a cartoon character, which is fine. However, her voice is "unique" and will get grating if not careful.
Sanetoshi - Overwhelming (get it, I did a thing).
Last edited by Dazmi (12-15-2012 11:54:59 PM)
Dazmi wrote:
Hooray for this show being on Disc! I don't have too much to go by, so excuse me if my first impressions turn out to be false.
Shouma - Very shaky.
Kanba - He has a bit of an accent or a lisp. Unconvincing and old-sounding imo.
Himari - This is a character that needs not one ounce of snark. Himari needed to sound perfectly innocent. Himari has a maturity to her, but it's surprising. I guess she kind of works as the penguin hat, but even then I think I could've been satisfied with a more demure voice saying awful things. I agree with the tumblr page, she's one of the worst.
Ringo - I LIKE EELS! I think they've got it backwards here. Switch Himari and Ringo's voice actresses around.
Masako - Her lines are delivered more like a real woman over a cartoon character, which is fine. However, her voice is "unique" and will get grating if not careful.
Sanetoshi - Overwhelming (get it, I did a thing).
This is kinda a given - Kanba's VA is Illich Guardiola who has something of/like an accent going on naturally. (This may be because he was born in Honduras and possibly spent a lot of time there, but IDK.) He had it when he voiced in Kaleido Star, so it was a given when I heard him.
I actually liked Shouma's voice, though I can't remember anything that his VA has voiced in before that I've seen. (There's a rumor that he voiced in ADV's epic fail of a dub of Mermaid Melody, but the character he voiced kinda sounded..... weird.)
Himari's voice is something I do have a problem with, and it's precisely what you said was wrong. Monica Rial's voice tends to take a hint of snark most times when she voices certain character (which are perfect for characters like Stocking and Renge), and it really sounds like it'd be more fitting for her to voice Ringo, though I didn't get to where Ringo first came in, so I don't know what she sounds like yet.
Last edited by Saito Hoshikawa (12-16-2012 01:13:00 AM)
Masako and Ringo's voices were, imo, the best of the bunch. I think Shouma and Himari's were the worst. Shouma's voice actor did an okay job with the train scene where he was talking to that girl, but all the other scenes, especially the beginning, were just awful. What was he doing with his voice?? POC Himari sounded okay, but her regular voice is I don't see why they couldn't have just made her sound like a normal young girl and not that forced voice. Everyone else was average at best. Except for the mean the penguins. Ugh.
The script was bad too. I hope they did a better job with the subs.
Last edited by HonorableShadow (12-16-2012 06:45:24 AM)
Shouma - Good.
Himari - That's just the kind of voice she uses for her young girl characters. It reminds me of her dubbing of Misuzu from AIR, actually. So it kind of fits in my mind. I actually REALLY like her.
Kanba - Terrible. The lisp is one thing, but he doesn't sound remotely masculine like he should be. Plus, it's like he's TRYING to under-act. Seriously, they could have switched Shouma's faceless friend's VA with him and it'd be perfect. Seriously, I don't see how anyone could like this and hate Himari's.
Ringo - Good.
Masako - Very good.
Sanetoshi - Good. The choice for "Overwhelming" in his catchphrase is a bit weird though. I have a much bigger problem with the "SURVIVAL TACTICS" line though.
Tabuki - So-so. But his "LET US GO TO THE PHARMACY TO GET GENERIC-BRAND OINTMENT!" line in episode 4 was beautiful.
Yuri - Pretty good. She sounds much more openly snobby, though.
The Penguins - Eh. They don't say "Kyu," but it's fine.
Overall: B-
It would have been much better if they had gotten different voice actors for certain characters, but this is the same company that dubbed Clannad and gave Kyou the voice of a middle-aged woman, so I shouldn't have expected much different.
I skipped a couple minutes, caught one sentence of Kanba's, and I was done. No way. No freakin way.
Kanba what did they do to you
I'm currently watching the show as it comes out, and the script for the sub track and the dub kind of suck. I didn't watch the fansubs because I like watching stuff on my TV, but it seems like they added a bunch of internet type jokes and stuff? Also I head the red haired brother(I'm horrible with names, forgive me) has some of his characterization changed a bit. It's a Steven Foster dub though so this sort of crap is expected.
Last edited by Kexx (03-02-2013 07:41:48 PM)
I know almost no one here will understand a word of it, but who cares, I'll just post it anyway. Well, at least the penguins quack just like Japanese penguins are supposed to
A few clips from the Italian dub of episode 9, straight from the TV broadcast.
"Impressionante, vero?"
I haven't brought myself to watch this dubbed yet...
I feel old. I don't recognize any of these dub actors.
I'm actually pleasantly surprised overall. Kanba is just awful though I feel for the Kanba fans, it takes away so much from his character. Shouma was good, he sounds just as pathetic as he's supposed to
I don't have huge complaints about Himari, just, I don't get why it couldn't have been survival strategy, the lip movements aren't that far off, same with "Overwhelming" just, ugh
lukewarm on Ringo and Tabuki, but Masako was awesome. I could never actually sit through the whole dub with that Kanba though