This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
(Wow! A masturbating Sim, why I never dreamed!)
(go to and just look at some of the stuff on much fuckin' sex stuff )
(Wait! We had those two going at it! Why are they back at foreplay!? Ed should be pounding Miki into the silk couch!)
Ed was soon getting bored with the re-visitation to Foreplay, he was however happy that Miki was in his complete and utter power. He pushed Miki off of him onto the marble flower and had a wicked grin streak across his face. 'Miki,' he emitted, 'How bad do you want me?'
Miki looked at him, extremely red, several thoughts ran across his mind: I hate this man! Yet I'm 13 and still a virgin, and according to Ohtori standards I'm long over due to lose it . . . What would Ends of the World think!? Miki grew redder still and moaned, 'I want you Ed! I need you! If I don't have you . . . I . . . I can't live anymore!!!'
Ed's grin never left his face and pulled Miki back up to the couch and pushed his soft body hard into the silk. He was a teacher gone crazy from sexual tension! He pinned Miki, who by now was moaning with utter ecstasy, and spread his tight cheeks with his free hand.
(Eh . . . build up of the porn writing, I knew it would flow again!)
Last edited by Sevelle (01-06-2007 01:43:48 PM)
Shmeecherz wrote:
(haha! Enguarde Tamago!) … urmiki.jpg … erblow.jpg … mikied.jpg
Holy Moley! Sims can jerk off? I love the Sims visuals
Consider myself enguarded! *hehe*
Last edited by Tamago (01-06-2007 04:51:07 PM)
(I think my retinas may've just been burnt out by those pictures)
(that wasn't a complaint, though)
(my, Miki is quite good at moving in handcuffs by the looks of this!)
(I'll post soon enough, not to worry - young ones are in the room, though)
I hope your young ones still have their mental and emotional innocence, 'A Day Without Me' I know my niece and nephew have lost their a long time ago.
When an 8yo boy can watch Rob Zombie's Devil's Rejects without freaking out, you just know he has already become jaded.
...Miki groaned out his teacher's name, spread his legs wide and hoisted his hips upward so Ed had a better vantage point. The young boy brought his finger to his mouth and licked it daintily. Soon he was sucking on all of his fingers then he brought the moist hand down to massage his teachers length as to lube it up even more before enterting, as he is still an inexperienced virgin and needed an easier entry. (If you're wondering how he knew about the lube... Miki is a closet pervert that spends most of his time on the forums reading this very thread and looking at porn, not to mention reading some too )
:EDIT: - just found something that you all might enjoy...(has to do with the storyline and I DID NOT DRAW IT!)
Last edited by Shmeecherz (01-07-2007 09:30:24 AM)
Tamago wrote:
I hope your young ones still have their mental and emotional innocence, 'A Day Without Me' I know my niece and nephew have lost their a long time ago.
When an 8yo boy can watch Rob Zombie's Devil's Rejects without freaking out, you just know he has already become jaded.
... Tamago... is this something you would like to talk to us about?
Remember, we're always open to you.
O_O Sorry... Sudden psychologist urges...
hyacinth_black wrote:
Tamago wrote:
I hope your young ones still have their mental and emotional innocence, 'A Day Without Me' I know my niece and nephew have lost their a long time ago.
When an 8yo boy can watch Rob Zombie's Devil's Rejects without freaking out, you just know he has already become jaded.... Tamago... is this something you would like to talk to us about?
Remember, we're always open to you.
O_O Sorry... Sudden psychologist urges...
It's not so much of a problem, its more of a comment on how they (niece and nephew) were raised. Because my sister was raised by my 'aunt and uncle' instead of my mother like I was, she has lived a very different life and lifestyle in this case, living in what the Americans would call a 'trailer park' (we call them caravan parks).
Well anyway, because my 'aunt' and to a lesser extent my 'uncle' were way too lax in their upbringing, my older sister became a wild child and with certain situations leading to her marrying the sort of iffy guy she did and subsequently the environment my niece and nephew were raised in, its not surprising how they lost their 'innocence' so early.
What I mean by innocence in this case is keeping their minds shielded from too many adult things too early, for instance, every time I visit their place, when the kids misbehave in any way, she feels the need to scream and swear like a bloody trooper with every second word being fuck or cunt or something as foul.
Another thing is they are exposed to is that my sister loves horror and ultra-violent films, while that is not bad in of itself, I don’t think that allowing preteen kids to watch as many of those sorts of things is really that good for them and finally between my sister and my brother in law, they smoke like fricking chimneys and not just the legal kind either if you get my drift.
Why I call them aunt and uncle? Just to be polite as they were not actual family members.
Foul! I know exactly how to raise my kids and that is not the way! I mean . . . I'm a free spirit and all, and I am going to really give them the "sex speech" (Horrors and Goodies), and what the world is like! And of course I'll strive to not be a hypocrite (Like so many other parents now-a-days have become) *cough*Hippies*cough* But I shant teach them before they are of age. At least until they are thirteen!
My person belief is that kids should be protected from too much of the sordid adult reality whenever possible but they might be able to cope with a small amount at the ages of 10-13 and lets face it, these days most kids have hit puberty by 12-14 so I think most of them can handle most of that adult stuff by the time they are 14 but thats more of a belief than anything.
I wish I could have expressed my idea better.
Last edited by Tamago (01-11-2007 01:40:32 AM)
Tamago wrote:
hyacinth_black wrote:
Tamago wrote:
I hope your young ones still have their mental and emotional innocence, 'A Day Without Me' I know my niece and nephew have lost their a long time ago.
When an 8yo boy can watch Rob Zombie's Devil's Rejects without freaking out, you just know he has already become jaded.... Tamago... is this something you would like to talk to us about?
Remember, we're always open to you.
O_O Sorry... Sudden psychologist urges...It's not so much of a problem, its more of a comment on how they (niece and nephew) were raised. Because my sister was raised by my 'aunt and uncle' instead of my mother like I was, she has lived a very different life and lifestyle in this case, living in what the Americans would call a 'trailer park' (we call them caravan parks).
Well anyway, because my 'aunt' and to a lesser extent my 'uncle' were way too lax in their upbringing, my older sister became a wild child and with certain situations leading to her marrying the sort of iffy guy she did and subsequently the environment my niece and nephew were raised in, its not surprising how they lost their 'innocence' so early.
What I mean by innocence in this case is keeping their minds shielded from too many adult things too early, for instance, every time I visit their place, when the kids misbehave in any way, she feels the need to scream and swear like a bloody trooper with every second word being fuck or cunt or something as foul.
Another thing is they are exposed to is that my sister loves horror and ultra-violent films, while that is not bad in of itself, I don’t think that allowing preteen kids to watch as many of those sorts of things is really that good for them and finally between my sister and my brother in law, they smoke like fricking chimneys and not just the legal kind either if you get my drift.
Why I call them aunt and uncle? Just to be polite as they were not actual family members.
*sniff* I know sombody who's growing up in a trailer park...
She's very messed up & I wish she'd give me her e-mail address so I can at least know that she hasn't killed herself yet.
*starts sobbing uncontrollably*
I'm not kidding though! She's such a sweety & I hope that she's doing okay.
Sevelle wrote:
Foul! I know exactly how to raise my kids and that is not the way! I mean . . . I'm a free spirit and all, and I am going to really give them the "sex speech" (Horrors and Goodies), and what the world is like! And of course I'll strive to not be a hypocrite (Like so many other parents now-a-days have become) *cough*Hippies*cough* But I shant teach them before they are of age. At least until they are thirteen!
Oh god, I have hippie parents. I hate them.
Okay, I don't hate my mom. I just hate my dad.
Although, I sometimes do hate her.
I'm glad that you know the right way to raise kids, Sevelle. I'm very glad.
Tamago wrote:
My person belief is that kids should be protected from too much of the sordid adult reality whenever possible but they might be able to cope with a small amount at the ages of 10-13 and lets face it, these days most kids have hit puberty by 12-14 so I think most of them can handle most of that adult stuff by the time they are 14 but thats more of a belief than anything.
I wish I could have expressed my idea better.
I think you stated it just fine! Really I do.
My parents gave me the sex talk... sort of... when I was six.
My dad just told me 'the man puts his penis into a girls vagina & they get pregnant.'
It took me a while to work out the details. For a while I thought it was just the guy puts his wankie in there & BOOM! Pregnant!
No erections, cum, or anything. Heh... * I was a wierd little munchkin.
hyacinth_black wrote:
I think you stated it just fine! Really I do.
My parents gave me the sex talk... sort of... when I was six.
My dad just told me 'the man puts his penis into a girls vagina & they get pregnant.'
It took me a while to work out the details. For a while I thought it was just the guy puts his wankie in there & BOOM! Pregnant!
No erections, cum, or anything. Heh... * I was a wierd little munchkin.
I remember when I was little, I thought the guy had to do it with a girl for 9 months before she can have a baby.
hyacinth_black wrote:
Oh god, I have hippie parents.
I hate them.
Okay, I don't hate my mom. I just hate my dad.
Although, I sometimes do hate her.
I'm glad that you know the right way to raise kids, Sevelle. I'm very glad.
Hey, aren't you Yaoi Pets forgetting that you've got us watching a bad porno starring Miki?
Really, that's simply amusing. Poor little Miki, getting hosed by his teacher. Totally wrong, but amusing nonetheless. Keep it up!
"Have you ever been boned up the ass for being a fuckin' wiseguy?"
Don't worry, we haven't forgotten - Sevelle just has a writer's block, and I had much younger relatives whom kept popping out of nowhere whenever I went near this thread - I swear they had it planned out somehow.
Yeah, if you guys don't start posting, I'm going to send Miki on an acid trip.
Is it sad I forgot about this? Damn school!
Ed took his left hand and lifted Miki's right leg onto his shoulder, making it an easier position, and then slowly slipped back inside of Miki. Miki took a sudden gasp at the painful yet pleasurable experience. Once fully in Ed pulled out again and then repeated his last action, it was a painfully slow experience, but it was the slowness that loosened Miki's tight muscles.
Yasha wrote:
Yeah, if you guys don't start posting, I'm going to send Miki on an acid trip.
*looks around guiltily* I'd kinda like to see that...