This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I will never make an amv as complicated as this again.
Alot of the reason why I love SKU so much is because of Utena herself.
I know alot of people hate this song, but it's grown on me.
Heart Shaped Glasses
oh god you didn't
I've been listening to this song for fucking ages on repeat in my goddamn carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Now I have to see this.
Edit: Ohhhhhhhhh, you bitch. My nipples were hard. I want this in the highest quality I can possibly get it
Last edited by Yasha (02-10-2008 01:40:07 AM)
That is all I can say. Utena on Manson! Very different, but amazing!
Fuck haters. Marilyn Manson is timeless, and I didn't see a single flaw in Eat Me, Drink Me.
You know, I really liked this one. I kind of checked out the others you've done recently, and they were neat, but didn't really keep me the whole way through. I think this one was really well cut by you though, and the words are matched up really well. You got her eyes in there, the dress, everything else too. It's really nicely done.
dollface wrote:
Fuck haters. Marilyn Manson is timeless, and I didn't see a single flaw in Eat Me, Drink Me.
As someone that hated Manson for years and actually burst into tears of anger when he was pulled onstage by Billy Corgan, I'd say the flaw is that the new album doesn't have his voice sounding as gravelly.
The AMV, btw, is fantastic. You've gotten so good at this.
Ah, well, I'll give you that. But what I'd meant were the fans who were angry that the new album was "emo", and that all Manson should ever be allowed to be is violent and controversal. It's exhausting, and Manson himself said that he knew the risks with this record, but he really wanted to put out something honest, something deeper for him, not just anger to feed the fires of rebelious teenagers and cynical adults. (That's not an insult, I'm the prior.)
Iris, I also want to commend you on the use of certain frames. I don't know how to put it, but I love seeing some "out of place" shots that can actually compliment the video. Like, at the beginning, the shot of Suzuki, Yamada, and Tanaka's fingers on the coin, or the shot of Wakaba locking the door. Even though the video is an Utena focus, stray shots like those really keep my attention. I know, it's a little odd.
Yasha- That's what I aim for!
Unfortunately, as part of the new technique I used, I lost alot of quality. So, I'll have to be alot more careful next time.
Valeli- I'm glad it worked. I've honestly tried to avoid doing that alot of times, because so many amv makers use that technique and looks so amature and off.
Giovanna- Yeah, I missed his gravely voice. I liked that he's changed his style so much and kept up with things.
dollface- I agree. Grr to people and their expectations of artists to never change. I think if it where up to them, every artist would be sold in prepackaged form, factory dulled and consistant. Hmm... like a Marilyn Manson candy bar!
I always found Wakaba locking the door in such a secretive mannor (turned to Saionji, and reaching behind her) to be strangely secretive and sexual, and stood out from the rest of the scene as odd.
Is there a direct download anywhere?
This is my opinion following rating system.
Originality: 8/10
Visual: 9/10
Sound: 7/10
Synchronization: 7.5/10
Lips: (No lips Synch in this AMV)
Effects: n/a
Effort: 7/10
You did a great work, indeed!
Hedgehogey wrote:
Is there a direct download anywhere?
I've been having problems with both and, so no, sorry.
Sey- Thanks! And... the lips don't sync? I'm confused, there are a few lines that look like they do to me, but that was accidental.
I stumbled across this on YouTube.
I like it.
It makes me feel all fuzzy inside.
dollface wrote:
That is all I can say.Utena on Manson! Very different, but amazing!
Fuck haters. Marilyn Manson is timeless, and I didn't see a single flaw in Eat Me, Drink Me.
Ditto LOL
Heh, I'm glad someone found it on youtube first, I wonder how often it gets seen that way.
Yay for fuzziness.
Coming out of lurking FOREVER (been reading the forum but never had time to post ) to say how much I love your amv! You've got really sharp editing going on, which I always appreciate.
I watched it again. I think this video counts as foreplay.
That sounds like it should be an IFD topic... things that count as foreplay.
Mmm. It took about an hour for it to load, but. Nrgh. It was worth it.
Iris wrote:
Heh, I'm glad someone found it on youtube first, I wonder how often it gets seen that way.
Yay for fuzziness.
Actually, I found it on youtube first myself.