At Empty Movement we’ve had years to accumulate a uniquely thorough collection of Utena-related resources. Some things we’ve bought ourselves, others have been donated, and still others have been given as sacrifices to our scanner, in the hopes of ensuring as much of Utena’s decades old legacy remains available as possible. There is no curating here. It’s up to you to find the gems, and should you polish them, there will always be a place here for your efforts.
Note: Most of this is now cross-posted to the Internet Archive.
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Revolutionary Girl Utena
Making of Visuals Book
Art of UTENA
Art of UTENA

Publisher: 美術出版社
         Bijutsu Shuppan-sha Co., Ltd.
ISBN: 4-56-873008-2
Published: October 31, 1999
Pages: 110 pages, Color & B/W

This is one of the main original sources of Utena artwork, and scans from it have been in the gallery for decades. It has series animation art, production art, movie art, and even unused sketches and interviews with the big players in the game. A wealth exists here and I intend to follow with the other artbooks. This is not like the rest of the stuff here. This is a primary source and I have tried to offer it in a size that serves not just as sharing, but as media preservation. I have focused on clarity and accuracy to the original pages over cleanliness and high contrast. This is the book. Scanned.

It is also, however, so large a set of scans that I can't host them directly on the website. These links are to a Google Drive. Lemme know if you're having problems getting it.


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(Pages are 3,000px across.)


The Rose Spiral
Reflections on the Mythology of Utena

The Rose SpiralPublisher: ASPECT Books
Published: April 1, 1998
ISBN: 4-7572-0007-2
Pages: 204 (black and white)

"What attracted you to the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena? The mysterious presence of a fighting female character. A collection of condensed reviews by maniacs."

Did you know there are Utena fan published analysis books? Well I didn't either, but that's what this appears to be! It's a wall, entire wall, of text that was so yellowed with age as to be unreadable, but I've done my best with this strange artifact. Yes, that picture sure is a choice. The Utena fans of the 90's were just a lot. Thanks Nagumo for help getting this!!
PS. I put mostly the table of contents below, since that is what will help decide if this is for you.

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Revolution Dictionary Dictionnare des Revolution
Revolution Dictionary
(OST 1 First Press Bonus)

Published by: King Records
Published: July 24, 1997
First Print Purchase Privilege of OST 1
The Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution
Pages: 36, full color

The first OST, if you purchased the first press, came in a lovely plastic slipcover with this hardcover CD-sized booklet. I didn't know that until recently!

Peppered among the usual panels of shots from the series, and bonus content like the sheet music for Sunlit Garden, you'll find a tour of terminology here. What terminology? I don't know, you tell me! A cool little artifact to finally have to share! I also included a scan of an advertisement that mentions this book, because I could!

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Revolutionary Girl Utena Photobook
Rose Memories
Rose Memories Photobook

Publisher: Animage / Tokuma Shoten
ISBN: 4-19-900057-7
Published: June, 1998
Pages: ~100, 16cm wide (51 color files)
Price: 700円

I've had this little book for years, and known of it as the 'Utena Juju Book.' It's entirely screenshots of the series in character-specific chapters, in varying sizes, and so it offers little new content, unless something interesting is in the character notes before each set of images. I've scanned it now because...why not. Completionism for the win!

If you're wondering why the file size is so huge, it's because these scans are less...polished than usual. Deal.

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Visage of the Rose


Revolutionary Girl Utena
~Blooming Rose of Deepest Black~
Musical Program

Publisher: Shogakukan/Pony Canyon
ISBN: none
Published: June 2019
Pages: 49 files, full color

This musical's beautiful program book came packed with interviews and production notes, just like the first one. The image quality of the portraits is better than the first, and clean versions of the portraits are available in Something Eternal's Bibliothèque. The show played at the much larger than the first Theater G Rosso in Tokyo from June 29th to July 7th of 2019, and the program here was 3000Y.

Once again, absolute ICON Nagumo translated the majority of this content, the translated musical program can be read here in Something Eternal's Bibliothèque, and is cross-referenced in From the Mouths of Babes. All that's missing is the interview, and give that time, friends!

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Kunihiko Ikuhara Exhibition:
~The Desire to Connect Us and The Survival Strategy of the Revolution~

Ikuniten Published: April 27, 2019
Pages: 65 (total 66 files, full color)

This is the program for Ikuhara's exhibition that ran in Tokyo (April 27 - May 6) and Kyoto (October 16 - 21) in 2019, reviewing his body of work, including, obviously, Revolutionary Girl Utena. There's some new early sketches from the development stage of Utena, as well as a bunch of childhood pictures of Ikuhara which is just...yep.

The book for scanning was donated by @AnimeSocMegan on Twitter. Thank you so much!!

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Utena Dossier少女革命ウテナ

Revolutionary Girl Utena
~Bud of the White Rose~
Musical Program

Publisher: Shogakukan/Pony Canyon
ISBN: none
Published: March 2018
Pages: 37 files, full color

This is the musical program for the 2018 20th Anniversary musical that played in CBGK! Theater in Shibuya from March 8-18th. It sold for 3000Y, which I know because I was there and it bears mentioning. The program has character breakdowns, lyrics for the main song, set list, and a long interview with Ikuhara and the musical's director, Kotaro Yoshitani. It also included new Chiho Saito art that hasn't appeared elsewhere.

Thanks to Nagumo and some intense image editing, the majority of this program is now translated and readable at Something Eternal's Bibliothèque!! The extended interview with Ikuhara and Yoshitani has also been translated and can be read in From the Mouths of Babes! Check it out here!

The images are large for readability, and should work in an OCR.

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ユリイカ 2017年9月
臨時増刊号 総特集◎幾原邦彦
…僕たちの革命と生存戦略 ムック

Eureka September 2017
Special Feature Publication: Kunihiko Ikuhara
Revolutionary Girl Utena, Mawaru Penguindrum, Yuri Bear Storm
... Our Revolution and Survival Strategy

Eureka Ikuhara RetrospectivePublisher: 青土社
             (Aiowa Corp/Eureka)
ISBN: 978-4791703357
Published: August 9, 2017
Pages: 250 (total 134 files, 6 color)
Check here for a summary and content list in Japanese from Amazon

This special release by Eureka magazine is a retrospective of Ikuhara's work, focusing primarily on the named projects, but addressing also his work in Sailor Moon and other things he has done. It appears to be a collection of interviews, from him, and about him by other people in the industry, as well as analysis and breakdowns of the content he has created. It's massive, and includes several guest illustrations from the series creators and guests.

One of the essays in this book got translated by the wonderful why1758, check out 'Eulogy for the Fool - Ikuhara Kunihiko and Ohtsuki Kana Discussion' in From the Mouths of Babes, our translated creator content site!

Download here (90MB, ZIP file)

Visage of the Rose


Revolutionary Girl Utena
The Visage of the Rose

Publisher: ベストセラーズ
             (KK Bestsellers?)
ISBN: 4-584-18354-6
Published: September 15, 1998
Pages: 269 (total 282 files)
Check here for a content summary in Japanese.

Consisting of 4 chapters, this book is a huge wall of information, content about the planning and production of Utena, and interviews with various members of be-Papas, with extended interviews from Ikuhara, Enokido, and Saito.

These scans are sufficiently large that OCR transcription should be very doable.

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Revolutionary Girl Utena
The Rose Apocalypse
The Rose Revelations

Publisher: 株式会社 青林工藝舍
             (Aobayashi Co., Ltd.?)
ISBN: 4-88379-000-2
Published: March 26, 1998
Pages: 160 (total 92 files, 2pg each)

Character bios, duel descriptions, an episode breakdown, full size images of the weird duel charts like the one Touga is throwing knives at. There's also some analysis and discussion, including actually naming the model Akio's car is based on, and a picture of Lilith so, that should give you some idea.

The scans of this book are older, and while they should be legible to an experienced reader, OCR isn't going to work for them. If there's demand for this, e-mail me! I'll rescan it. :)

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Duelist Bible

Duelist Bible
(Animage Magazine Supplement)

Published: September 1, 1997, with Vol. 200 of Animage
ISBN: none
Pages: 100 (100 files, about 1/3 in color)

This book focuses very heavily on the first arc, with a good bit of content on the BRS also. Voice actor stuff, episode breakdowns, relationship charts, character information and designs, including a few things I've only seen here, like all of Nanami's dresses. Also enclosed are instructions for a handmade Chu-Chu plush.

This entire book has been translated by absolute badass Nagumo! It will be worked into the images (newly scanned tbh) in due course, but if you want to get at the translation and read along...check it out here, on our new forum!

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ウテナ?(はてな) UTENA!
Utena? (Hatena) UTENA!
Utena? (Oh my!) UTENA!
(Newtype Magazine Supplement)
Hatena Utena

Published: November 1997, as part of Newtype Magazine
ISBN: none
Pages: 52 (total 48 files, split color and B&W)
Check here for a content summary in Japanese.

Though there's some general generic stuff, the beef of this book is artwork for Utena drawn by the various staff involved with its production. It's mostly black and white, and it's all awesome. Some of it's serious, some extremely silly.

This entire book has been translated and worked into the original scans to give you the experience of reading this homage to Utena by the creative time! Check out Nagumo's amazing work in Something Eternal's Bibliothèque! You don't even need this raw copy anymore! :D (PS. This is also cross-posted in From the Mouths of Babes!)

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Utena Dossierウテナ白書
The Utena Dossier
(Animage Supplement)

Publisher: Animage
ISBN: none
Published: June 1997
Pages: 35 files, black and white
Click here for a Japanese text review of the content

This was a supplemental to the June 1997 issue of Animage magazine in Japan. It's a collection of production art, setting descriptsions, interviews with various be-Papas members, script notes by Enokido, and other such cool tidbits.

YEP THIS TOO. The entire book has been translated and worked into the original scans! Nagumo and I love doing these, it's a way to experience the media around the show in its own habitat, kinda. Check out Nagumo's amazing work in Something Eternal's Bibliothèque! (WIP, I have to split the content between domains because I have so much lmao.) You don't even need this raw copy anymore! :D (PS. This is also cross-posted in From the Mouths of Babes!)

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少女革命ウテナ: いつか革命される物語

Ohtori Academy Appointment Book
Revolutionary Girl Utena:
Someday, My Revolution Will Come
Official Game Guide Book

Game Guide BookPublisher: ソフトバンククリエイティブ舍
             (Softbank Creative?)
ISBN: 4-79-730669-6
Published: June 19, 1998
Pages: 127 (total 133 files, full color)

This is the published guide book for the Sega Saturn game. It includes walkthroughs to all the best endings, character info, location breakdowns, and interviews with the game developers, along with some other random stuff. Including one clusterfuck of a character interaction chart.

This has been rescanned since the copy I originally had on the website some years ago. All text should be readable, and much of it should work for OCR.

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The Musical Program


The 1997 Musical
Revolutionary Girl Utena

ISBN: None?
Performed: Dec 17-29, 1997
At: Hakuhinkan Theater, Tokyo
Length: 28 files, Full color

So far as I can tell, this is the program book that would have been distributed at the performance, since it lacks an ISBN and bar code. There is a review of the staff , a gallery of pictures from the series, and then a breakdown character by character of the cast. There are also a couple pages of images of their rehearsals, a note from Chiho Saito, and because I thought it would be amusing, I left the advertisements in the scans.

This entire program has been scanlated to English! Check out Nagumo's amazing work in Something Eternal's Bibliothèque! You don't even need this raw copy anymore! :D (PS. This is also cross-posted in From the Mouths of Babes!)

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Revolutionary Girl Utena
Easy Piano Solo Book
Piano Solo Book

Publisher: ケイ・エム・ピー
ISBN: 978-4-8354-4953-1
Published: July 2013
Pages: 103 (105 pages, black and white)

Several Utena songs adjusted for play on the piano. It says easy, but I cannot speak to that. I included the table of contents in the images below. If you like this book, Rushita scanned and collected the book done for the movie soundtrack here!

This has long been available in the Gallery, as linked below. You can download either the complete PDF, or songs individually.

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Complete CD Box Booklet少女革命ウテナ

Revolutionary Girl Utena
Complete CD Box (Booklet)

Released by: キングレコード
     (King Records)
Released on: August 27, 2008
Pages: 121 (in 62 2-page full color files)
Click here for the Japanese wiki about the box set

The absolutely beautiful complete box set released in 2008 (for the Utena 10 year anniversary) included a rather hefty full color booklet. It contains interviews, extra commentary on key songs, the duels, lyrics, and what appears to be storyboard commentary on the movie. Also other stuff. No, I didn't actually break this book to scan it. This...this I kept for myself.

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Big Eyes, Small Mouth
Revolutionary Girl Utena:
The Rose Collection

Big Eyes, Small MouthPublisher: Guardians of Order, Inc.
ISBN: 1-894525-80-9
Published: October 4, 2004
Written by: Emily Dresner-Thornber
Pages: 96 (most in full color)

The long-dead Big Eyes, Small Mouth game was an attempt by Guardians of Order to capture anime in a table-top RPG setting. Whether they succeed or not, I can't say, but judging by this book, they didn't really know how to make Utena fit into their game's larger structure. This book covers the first arc, and includes mostly character bios and episode breakdowns, written both matter of fact, and in an absolutely absurd flowery style that makes me wonder if the writers ever saw the whole series. This thing is fun for some laughs, especially when you have phrases like "sweetest of the bastards."

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Big Eyes Small Mouth

Big Eyes, Small Mouth
Revolutionary Girl Utena:
The Black Rose Saga

Publisher: Guardians of Order, Inc.
ISBN: 1-894525-96-5
Published: October 25, 2004
Written by: Michelle Lyons
Pages: 96 (most in full color)

The second volume in the set established just above, this book covers the Black Rose Saga for the table-top RPG system Big Eyes, Small Mouth. It is also inadvertantly hilarious, with a lot of wink wink nod nod descriptions of characters and places. That said, the character stats are fucking broken, because somehow, Akio only has a 4/6 in Seduction. For reference, the game gives Touga, Kanae, and Shiori 3/6, and Kozue 1/6 in this stat, which is actually broken down into the gender the seduction is aimed at. Which is also just amazing.

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