September 3, 2023
Three absolutely amazing new essays this way!! Including one yours truly webmasters have interviewed for! :D
seebee's wonderful examination of what it means to love Revolutionary Girl Utena is this way: The Power of Living an Embodying Narrative. Not to be outdone but one's own work, you can also check out the first video essay we are linking to, also by seebee! FILM CUTS BACK | transfeminism in utena is an iconic video essay in the style of the smartest of leftist YouTube. Building on concepts explored in the essay above, seebee interviews and contextualizes a whole new world of thought around how to read the series, the film, and our love of it. And finally, Nicole Winchester brings us another absolute monster of a university level essay, with No Choice But To Become Witches: The BishÅjo-Demonic Phallic Mother Dichotomy in Revolutionary Girl Utena. This one I am ashamed to say took forever for me to get to, coding it was no small feat, but that just speaks to how much there is to dig into! It was especially awesome to get perspectives from Japanese academics...this show really is going to live forever, at least in academia. Good. Perfect.

January 1, 2022
The Empty Movement Secret Santa succeeds in kicking my ass into gear! Check out Nanami, Anthy, and Escaping the Script, a bit of of a small wade through the pool of Nanami and Anthy. Written by yours truly, Giovanna. Be nice, it has been a while. ;D
February 26, 2021
We have two new essays! Jude Deluca's 'Revolutionary Girl Utena' and its Debt to Shinji Wada, and Smash Genesis' Patriarchy & Entrapment in 'Revolutionary Girl Utena'! Check them out!
Welcome to the brains of the hulking mammoth Yasha and I lovingly call 'Empty Movement!' The analysis section has it all, essays older than many fans are now, new essays, silly essays, and serious essays. Some started out as forum posts or conversations on chat, others are post-baccalaureate writing assignments with reference lists almost extensive as the series itself.
We've made no attempt to control for content and objectionability on this site. All we have ever asked of submissions to the analysis section is decent grammar, analysis with evidence, and as reasonable a lack of bias as can be possible when dealing with this source material. As such, not every essay is something we agree with, and not every essay we've personally written has been well received. That's the beauty of Revolutionary Girl Utena, it's a gift horse and we've been shining lights on its teeth for over a decade. Going on two of them, in fact.
By nature, this site lacks something that at its inception was a rarity, and is now taken quite for granted: there is no comments section here. Many of these essays have appeared in venues that allow for that, however, and it's our distinct hope that the content herein sparks new and spirited discussions. Utena has enjoyed almost unheard of staying power as a relevent work of fiction, especially within the medium of anime. It's even enjoyed a Renaissance of its own with the remaster and rerelease of the content. We invite you to take this content, and run with it. There's nothing said here that's definitive, final, or without counter-argument. That's what makes Utena great. And super annoying.