Gio's Note: Not much is known about this interview with Kawakami Tomoko, Utena's Japanese voice actor, but it was part of the content translating for the Utena Encyclopedia release of episode 1. It would appear the interview was an extra on the Japanese LDs. The original translation was done by Yasayuki Sato. The formatting he used is preserved.
Title: How I Met Utena
Title: Kawakami Tomoko
Interview with Kawakami Tomoko for the Japanese LD

Kawakami: Well, I first met Utena at the audition.
Title: Kawakami Tomoko
Kawakami: I thought the Utena story was an ordinary
shoujo manga,
Kawakami: and the Utena character an ordinary
long-haired, cute girl.
Kawakami: So I played her just as I thought,
but when it was over, I heard that Utena refers
Kawakami: to herself using "boku," and that
she is a very tomboyish girl like those of Takarazuka.
Kawakami: I thought, "What?! Oh, no, I blew
it for sure! I played her all wrong!"
Kawakami: But then... "Well, Ms. Kawakami, you've
been selected to play the part of Utena."
Kawakami: I thought "Really? Are they sure I'm
right for the part? Anyway, now I have the part and must do my best."
Kawakami: While I was thinking about how I should
prepare for the role, I met Director Ikuhara.
Kawakami: "Um, about Utena... It seems I did
something different from
Kawakami: everyone else at the audition. Would
it be possible for me to listen to it?"
Kawakami: He said okay, and when I went to Be
Papas, they let me hear it.
Kawakami: The truth was that I was the only
one who played her that way. My Utena sounded naive.
Kawakami: But, I guess that was better than
how the others had portrayed her as being really cool, boyish and
adoring to others.
Kawakami: Hearing that, if I can play her as
part naive, part cool, then...
Kawakami: I think I can create an Utena of my
own. So I've been working hard, pondering over it, and playing Utena.
Kawakami: In the story of Utena, she is carried
adrift by fate, but she will not give in,
Kawakami: and faces it with all she has. I think
that is really great of her.
Kawakami: As for how the story of Utena develops,
and the development of Utena, Anthy, and the other characters...
Kawakami: Every single character grows up a
lot through the story.
Kawakami: I hope you will see these sorts of
things as well, and feel good about it.
Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) is © Kunihiko Ikuhara, Chiho Saito, Shogakukan and bePapas/TV Tokyo and/or their respective copyright holders. The US release of the Revolutionary Girl Utena series and movie was © Central Park Media and now belongs to Right Stuf. The US release of the Utena manga is © VIZ. The various sources used in this site are noted where their content is presented. Don't sue us, seriously. Blood. Stone.