Welcome to From the Mouths of Babes
    Believe it or not, people aside from Be-Papas were occasionally involved in the creation and localization of Utena. Voice actors, both in Japan and stateside, as well as others involved have at times interviewed for LDs and DVD releases. These are offered here.

Amazing Top Tier Content

  • The Duelist Bible - (Voice Cast, Etc.) This 100 page small form supplemental to the September 1997 Animedia Magazine is comprised mostly of character notes, episode notes, duel notes, and other such! However it also includes hilarious interviews with the voice cast, the 'rules of being a duelist' that sound like high key fascism, and the Chu-chu Let's Make, a craft guide to your very own felt Chu-chu. Yes I made one. This was a MASSIVE project, and completes the trio of the major anime magazine's Utena supplementals, now all scanlated! (The other two being The Utena Dossier and Utena? (Oh My! Utena!) Translated by the incredible Nagumo, spot editing by Ayu Ohseki, scans and scanlating by Vanna! (Download the original Japanese from the Internet Archive) NEW!!! Added September 2024

  • The Rose Apocalypse Ei Takatori Interview - (Ei Takatori) The massive Rose Apocalypse analysis book has been a treasure trove for years, and this is some fine stuff we've dug up! Iris hahn has translated Ei Takatori's part of the book, and if you don't know who that is, well, he's J.A. Seazer and Shuji Terayama adjacent, and he went on to direct a lost Utena musical you can read about in the notes here! Very Cool content! [Translated by iris hahn] Added July 2023

  • Comedie Musicale Utena La Fillette Révolutionnaire, 1997 Musical Program - (Saito, Ikuhara, Yuji, Cast, Etc, 25 pages) The program for the 1997 musical, translated and complete with the tacky adverts! I tried as usual to best capture the original aesthetic of the images, and the booklet does feel like a blow back to a different era of...graphic design is my passion... With commentaries by the entire Be-Papas group, including JA Seazer, this is a fun romp through some deep Utena fan lore! [Translated by Nagumo, Proofreading of Ikuhara and Seazer by a pen, Editing by Giovanna]

  • Musical Utena ~ Blooming Rose of Deepest Black Program - (Yoshitani, Cast, Etc, 49 pages) We didn't think we'd get a second musical, nevermind one that upped the entire ante on production values and cast size. The only part of the program here that isn't translated is the interview with Ikuhara. Give it time, friends. The only component of this volume that is untranslated in the images is the interview with Ikuhara and Yoshitani, which can be read here! [Translated by Nagumo, Editing by Giovanna]

  • Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose Program - (Yoshitani, Cast, Etc, 37 pages) The 2018 musical's beautiful program book came packed with interviews and production notes. Most of it here is translated by Nagumo, who I owe my life and at least half of Yasha's life to for the amazing work she's put into translating the musical's content. Thank you. The only component of this volume that is untranslated in the images is the interview with Ikuhara and Yoshitani, which can be read here! [Translated by Nagumo, Editing by Giovanna]

  • Japanese Contributors

  • Mini-Interview with Ami Noujo (Tenjou Utena) for HMV Magazine - Leading up to her performance in the 2018 Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose, Ami Noujo did this mini-interview in HMV Magazine, published February 15th, 2018. [Translated by Nagumo, Image Editing by Giovanna]

  • Yuka Yamauchi's Cast Introductions for the 2019 Musical Utena ~ Blooming Rose of Deepest Black - Anthy's actress in the new musicals blogs quite extensively, and part of that was a series of posts where she introduced various members of the cast of the show. These light-hearted little introductions are a glimpse into her as an actress and some of the behind the scenes culture of the production. [Translated by Nagumo]

  • Interview with Actress Mizuki Yamamoto for This Manga is Amazing! in Nikkei Entertainment! Magazine [Page 1] [Page 2] [Page 3] - On November 17th, 2018, a late night variety show called This Manga is Amazing! had actress Mizuki Yamamoto do a photoshoot to capture a panel of the Revolutionary Girl Utena manga by Chiho Saito. This is a mini-interview she did in the December issue of a popular free publication to hype it. [Translated by Nagumo, Image Editing by Giovanna]

  • Japanese Laserdisc Episode Notes - Episode notes for episode 17 through 36, with commentary and errata and some serious GEMS. [Translated by coriolisky]

  • Japanese Blu-ray's Voice Actor Interviews - The only significant content from the Japanese Blu-ray release that was not among the translated resources for the Nozomi release are these mini-interviews with the Japanese cast, followed up by a touching tribute to Tomoko Kawakami, by her own mother, Seiko. [Translated by Nagumo]

  • Art of Utena Interview with Kazayama Juugo - (Scriptwriter, Director, Storyboard), published in the Art of Utena book, 1999 [Translated by coriolisky]

  • Interview with Kawakami Tomoko for the Japanese LD - (Utena's Japanese VA), circa 1998

  • Interview with Fuchizaki Yuriko for the Japanese LD - (Anthy's Japanese VA), circa 1998

  • State-side Contributors

  • Behind the Making of the English Dub with Kunihiko Ikuhara - CPM Utena Movie Bonus, 2001

  • Jimmy Zoppi With Some Sound Advice for the Kids at Home Temptation, CPM DVD Bonus, 2002

  • Mandy Bonhomme: Love and Artistry Impatience and Longing, CPM DVD Bonus, 2002

  • Roxanne Beck: A Song for Wakaba The Black Rose Blooms, CPM DVD Bonus, 2002

  • Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) is © Kunihiko Ikuhara, Chiho Saito, Shogakukan and bePapas/TV Tokyo and/or their respective copyright holders. The US release of the Revolutionary Girl Utena series and movie was © Central Park Media and now belongs to Right Stuf. The US release of the Utena manga is © VIZ. The various sources used in this site are noted where their content is presented. Don't sue us, seriously. Blood. Stone.