This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Duelist Megu wrote:
As much as Juri and anything with a penis usually makes me want to break out in hives, I will most definitely read this.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Go right ahead and post! I'm sure there are plenty of others who would also be interested in reading.
Thank you, guys! I will post it today. *smiles*
NajiMinkin wrote:
I must request real!Mamiya and Anthy!Mamiya together in languid SKU fashion, possibly shirtless for the, er, lulz.
Multiple interpretations of this would be sweet. I can think of so many ways it could go.
Me, too. I'd love to see what people come up with, because trust me -- although I just bought some watercolours so I can start painting again, I'm not trying that just yet. It'd result in LULZ of the WRONG KIND.
Himeohji Kagaya wrote:
Clarice wrote:
Himeohji Kagaya wrote:
i want more Mikage x Mamiya!
Are we talking pictures or fic? Because pictures are a no-go with me, but I would be up for writing something. I always
me some Mikage/Mamiya, there's never been enough of it to soothe my kink.
i know, right? fic would be great; i'd definitely read it.
Sweeeeeeeeeet. ANything in particular you want to see? Prompt me if you want, it'll encourage me to write faster. (Anyone else is welcome to play/feed my brain to rabid plot bunnies, too!)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
In one respect, I agree with Megu... if Juri is going to be emotionally involved with anyone, it has to be Shiori. I find that pair to be incredibly dynamic and tortured, and that's why I like them!
Yeah, maybe if it was Shiori with a penis that'd be a suitable compromise. Or totally horrifying...or both.
some suggestions for prompts-
coin-operated anachronism of them might be harder than the others...
I've always wondered what it would be like if Anthy had to duel Utena. I really thought when I first started the series that that would eventually happen, but now that I've finished it I guess that it makes sense that it didn't. But I'd still love to read a fanfic about that. If anyone already knows of one please feel free to direct me to it!
dollface wrote:
Himeohji Kagaya wrote:
coin-operated anachronism
Hello, my name is huge Dresden Dolls fan.
you for the reference get.
and 'cuz yer purty.
Oh, you.
NajiMinkin wrote:
I must request real!Mamiya and Anthy!Mamiya together in languid SKU fashion, possibly shirtless for the, er, lulz.
Multiple interpretations of this would be sweet. I can think of so many ways it could go.
Because Naji went and flattered me over in the Commissions thread, I'm taking this on.
Last edited by dollface (07-10-2008 07:26:44 PM)
dollface wrote:
Oh, you.
NajiMinkin wrote:
I must request real!Mamiya and Anthy!Mamiya together in languid SKU fashion, possibly shirtless for the, er, lulz.
Multiple interpretations of this would be sweet. I can think of so many ways it could go.Because Naji went and flattered me over in the Commissions thread, I'm taking this on.
YAY! Looking forward to it! (And this coin operated anachronism business? NO IDEA what I am going to do with it yet, but that's just too good a phrase to turn down. Hee.)
FencingCaptain wrote:
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
Touga and Akio dressed in aristocratic clothing.
mmmmmm frilly shirts and lacy cravats....I'll see about that one of these days.
Seitokaichou wrote:
A fan art of movie!Shiori and movie!Touga. Sensual and in a dramatic bedroom scene, but not explicit please.
Thank you.On it. I'll show you the initial concept when I drop by.
Well, as soon as I finish the Touga x Ruka piece I'm currently working on.
And the chevalier de rose/Juri x Ruka x Shiori one too.
And, and... why am I swamped with unfinished pieces?
Wow I like the sound and thought of all of that.
as for my request Ruka and Touga in black leather please.
Also as for some fun mindfuck Nanami x Saionji and Touga walks in.
Things I want, should they inspire you:
Fanart of:
--Anthy in a nurse's uniform. Make it as cute or as sexy as you want. All I require is that she wears the little white hat and holds a syringe.
--Wakaba in a French maid outfit. The rest is at your discretion.
--A portrait of the female SKU cast in either lingerie or formal dress.
--A portrait of the male SKU cast either shirtless or in tuxedos.
Fanfiction of:
Decrescent Daytripper wrote:
Stormcrow is MST3K's Crow wearing a costume borrowed off Storm from X-Men. In flight. And Mormon.
I will make it worth your while if you can make me this icon.
--A portrait of the female SKU cast in either lingerie or formal dress.
--A portrait of the male SKU cast either shirtless or in tuxedos.
second that, only switch the 'female cast' and 'male cast'.
also, more Kanae x Kozue.
also also, have i mentioned lately that i love you people?
Himeohji Kagaya wrote:
also also, have i mentioned lately that i love you people?
I really have nothing valid to add, except that I read that last word as APPLES.
I might try some lingerie shots, but I fail at group stuff.
(err... with the ladies I mean.)
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
Wow I like the sound and thought of all of that...
The Ruka x Touga is especially for you. ^^
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote: for my request Ruka and Touga in black leather please...
Another interesting theme. Once I get time, I'll see what I can offer you. ^_^
... but I thought you wanted them "nude and intertwined on a bed"? I was working on something like that, though not really "intertwined in bed" as you might like it... though the "nude" part is almost there, except for a stole... ^^0
Last edited by FencingCaptain (07-19-2008 01:04:52 AM)
yes please. Thank you.
I request: ANYTHING.
Haha, bitches. Now, no nomatter what happens, I win!
Just kidding. Actually, as far as requests go, I love reading or viewing fan's interpretations in fanfic or fanart form of a Movie!Verse Mikage, Nanami or Ruka.
You can't tell me that Nanami wouldn't look bad.fucking.ass. in one of the movie's duelist uniforms.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (07-20-2008 10:46:50 PM)
I can't wait to see that Juri Miki picture finished!! I know it's only a sketch but you can really see it coming together.
Clarice wrote:
NajiMinkin wrote:
I must request real!Mamiya and Anthy!Mamiya together in languid SKU fashion, possibly shirtless for the, er, lulz.
Multiple interpretations of this would be sweet. I can think of so many ways it could go.Me, too. I'd love to see what people come up with, because trust me -- although I just bought some watercolours so I can start painting again, I'm not trying that just yet. It'd result in LULZ of the WRONG KIND.
Himeohji Kagaya wrote:
Clarice wrote:
Are we talking pictures or fic? Because pictures are a no-go with me, but I would be up for writing something. I alwaysme some Mikage/Mamiya, there's never been enough of it to soothe my kink.
i know, right? fic would be great; i'd definitely read it.
Sweeeeeeeeeet. ANything in particular you want to see? Prompt me if you want, it'll encourage me to write faster.
(Anyone else is welcome to play/feed my brain to rabid plot bunnies, too!)
@__@ don't get me started.......
I can't wait to see that Juri Miki picture finished!! I know it's only a sketch but you can really see it coming together.
Clarice wrote:
NajiMinkin wrote:
I must request real!Mamiya and Anthy!Mamiya together in languid SKU fashion, possibly shirtless for the, er, lulz.
Multiple interpretations of this would be sweet. I can think of so many ways it could go.Me, too. I'd love to see what people come up with, because trust me -- although I just bought some watercolours so I can start painting again, I'm not trying that just yet. It'd result in LULZ of the WRONG KIND.
Himeohji Kagaya wrote:
Clarice wrote:
Are we talking pictures or fic? Because pictures are a no-go with me, but I would be up for writing something. I always
me some Mikage/Mamiya, there's never been enough of it to soothe my kink.
i know, right? fic would be great; i'd definitely read it.
Sweeeeeeeeeet. ANything in particular you want to see? Prompt me if you want, it'll encourage me to write faster.
(Anyone else is welcome to play/feed my brain to rabid plot bunnies, too!)
@__@ don't get me started.......
Okaaaaaaa~y what do I want *takes out list* I'm not joking, I actually have a written list U__U;;
Hahaha OnlyInThisLight, I have Nanami in Movie Utena on this list too hahahaha!!! Fic or Art is fine by me.
Actually I got one fic here for Clarice, Mikage's/Nemuro's last moments from the precise moment Utena scatters the rose from he's chest until he supposedly "graduates",
I've got SaionjixMiki, Miki being slapped by Saionji must be a pivotal part of the story.....somehow....O.o
I swear I had a longer list oh yea, I can't find it but I remember these ones:
Fic: I want Muraki from Yami no Matsuei in Ohtori, even if it's just for a brief stint, passing through, a few thoughts, or something grander, a drabble or a whole fic, I don't care, I just want him there O.o Akio being around would add some icning to the cake but it's not pivotal.
Fic: UtenaxAkio, you fucking heard me, UtenaxAkio, a short fic where Akio's feelings for Utena are at least a half milimetre mutal, I would like how Utena apparantly reminds Akio of he's former self "Dios" to be involved.
Pic: Anthy in a purple Rose Bride dress
Pic: Anime Akio talking to a Movie Akio who is taking notes, it can be called, lessons on how to be a bad guy
Also I know it's off topic but this picture just made me all kinds of happy XD … 4.png.html
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
You can't tell me that Nanami wouldn't look bad.fucking.ass. in one of the movie's duelist uniforms.
She. so. would. This is actually the main reason why I wished Nanami had a better role-- she would have looked amazing.
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Actually I got one fic here for Clarice, Mikage's/Nemuro's last moments from the precise moment Utena scatters the rose from he's chest until he supposedly "graduates",
...I am so sleep deprived right now.
...or just the babble of a sleep-deprived mind, but hell, that can be epic in its own way. You're on.
FencingCaptain wrote:
Huzza for works in progress...I have to type now or I will be too distracted.
dollface, dear, I request a fan art of Misa-Misa rendered in your style.
She's lying on her furry sheets with any of the following:
1. a lollipop in her mouth
2. a red rose in her hand
3. a teddy bear with red eyes in her arm
4. a porcelain doll in gothic lolita attire next to her
Misa-Misa's outfit is up to you.
I don't know if this is the right thread to post this non-SKU art request; apologies if I made a mistake.
I'll remove it as soon as dollface replies to it. *smiles*
Seitokaichou wrote:
dollface, dear, I request a fan art of Misa-Misa rendered in your style.
She's lying on her furry sheets with any of the following:
1. a lollipop in her mouth
2. a red rose in her hand
3. a teddy bear with red eyes in her arm
4. a porcelain doll in gothic lolita attire next to her
Misa-Misa's outfit is up to you.
I don't know if this is the right thread to post this non-SKU art request; apologies if I made a mistake.
I'll remove it as soon as dollface replies to it. *smiles*
Quoting the whole thing so I will remember details if you delete your post!
Yes ma'am! I will add this to my list! (I think I must push back my other misc. art plans in favor of the things I'm supposed to be doing. It's so easy to become sidetracked, haha.)
Misa has furry sheets? I've never noticed! This just makes her more amazing.
I've desperately been wanting to see some pre-SKU Shiori and Juri artwork or writing.
Doesn't really matter which, but I want to see something of before things started to go bitter, of those precious moments that they both recall.