We've met a few special people that have impressed us with
their sites so much, and been such a help to us, that we wanted
to give something back. Sometimes that's in the form of hosting
on ohtori.nu. Beyond hosting we have no involvement
with them; we do not mess with the content, and we haven't worked
on them personally. Hosting is not something we will do often, and the offer will be made personally. Please don't contact us asking for your site to be hosted! As much as we'd love to, we simply can't host everyone.
Ursula's Kiss [Enoki Films]
This absolutely horrifying relic of the 90s disappeared recently, and I couldn't permit that. For those that don't know, in the 90's it was normal to attempt to market anime to the US distributors by changing it to suit what the presumed audience would be. The names would be changed to western ones, details altered, and often content edited, as in the case of Sailor Moon's NOT LESBIANS. This page is a proof of concept for Utena. It's insane.
Dirty Hands [Mark Neidengard, Himemiya, and Craig Puckett]
This site changed hands more than once before falling off the face of the Interwebs. A translation site for the very unusual post-SKU project by Yoji Enokido and Shinya Hasegawa of be-Papas, this is perhaps the only place to find a translation of the material, or the material at all! Enjoy.
The Satellite of Revolution [Chris Rain]
Standard 'it was a different time' warnings apply. The practice of MSTing bad fanfics was popular at the turn of the century when the Utena fandom was exploding on the internet. Vanna obtained permissiong from Chris about five million years ago to host this content if the original URL ever went dead, and here we are! A strange cultural relic of what the tone of discourse was at the time. Yes, we did in fact joke about Akio and Touga like that was a hilarious consenting thing.
Utena Fanfiction Repository [Lady Brick]
The UFR was an SKU fandom staple for years. It finally went offline and I hunted down the last person in charge of it offering hosting. Here's a permanent archive of a wealth of fanfics from way back when. Enjoy!
La fille sans un prince [Kristine]
One of the most thorough and beautiful portraits of the peak of 'character shrine' culture in the Utena fandom. Part of The Utena Network at utena.net, this shrine came down around 2007. Yasha pieced it together from stuff we had as well as the Wayback Machine, and we are hosting it here to preserve an amazing piece of Utena history in case the WBM fucks around.
Elegant Destruction [Emily]
A character shrine to Chigusa Sanjouin of the Utena video game. This site is truly one of a kind, and I'm honored to be hosting it on ohtori.nu.
Inférieure [Sophie] A character shrine to Keiko Sonoda, I've been hosting Sophie since way before when, during the unmei.nu days.