There is no excuse for not appreciating culture. I can never understand why people sit at home and watch NASCAR when there are so many better things to do. HOLY CARP BEING SERIOUS TODAY But really. Why would you want to stifle your brain like that? Thinking is one of the things that makes humans what we are. If we never think, what is the point of living? We might as well be animals if we never think. Nothing wrong with that, but... it cannot be right for a person to behave like an animal. Eat, sleep, fight, and fuck. Are we not better than that yet?
A rose by any other name... I read in a book that a clove means I have loved you and you have not known it. Naturally, I made up my mind to threaten someone by taping a clove to a bottle of roofies. I think it would work. That is, if the person in question was interested in the Victorian Era.
   Planned Updates as of March 2025

Ø Duelist Bible Completion!!!
Ø Game Stuff!
Ø Some structural fixing up, I know we're messy bitches

   Past Updates

Updates Archive: 2000-2007

July 22, 2024

Trying to find the perfect place for everything Utena that we have to share is often the hardest part of sharing it, and there are some idiosyncrasies of how the content on this site is organized that I simply cannot change, without it sucking up the time I'd otherwise spend adding new stuff. Believe me, I tried!! The Gallery remains The Art and Screenshots Place, but Historia Arcana is where you get cover to cover scans of interview books and fan published-analysis in Japanese. And then there's the Bibliothèque, which is where I will be uploading full artbooks, translation efforts, and print materials like magazine clippings, scans of the game CD booklet, etc, etc. This software's features lend it to group uploading, and labelling and explaining of errata images in the description there, something the software that runs the original Gallery fails to do.
(You old timers might recall I was setting up a gallery on this domain using Piwigo software, but I have found Xenforo's gallery software to better perform the task at hand, so these efforts kinda 'redirect' to it.)
Either way, the goal has always been bringing y'all Utena, and in that we are doing JUST FINE.

This update is all about archiving. I've been beating my scanner bloody, and have I got a feast for you!!!

In From the Mouths of Babes (Translated Commentary and Interviews):
2017 Special Talk Chiho Saito and Kunihiko Ikuhara Interview! (x2)
- After the Revolution, Italian Print. Translated by mint
- Revolutionary Girl Utena, Vol. 5, Japanese Print. Translated by Nagumo, edited by Ayu Ohseki
An awesome two for one special thanks to mint and Nagumo translating off each other!! Forum winner mint translated an Italian version to English, which then spurred Nagumo to go back and translate it against the original. I have made both translations their own pages, as there are differences between them and it's a cool ride!

Kunihiko Ikuhara: Without Deceit, I Am a Boy - Ikuhara at Annecy Film Festival in 2000
Ikuhara took the Utena movie through the event circuit in the west, to an audience still new to the 'genre' of anime. Also, Utena is basically French Fanfic, and now we have this interview Ikuhara did in 2000 in France, that was published in French and translated to English by the awesome SmashGenesis!! Thank you so much for this awesome exchange!

Translation work is an ongoing party in this fandom, and a DELUGE of it hit the forum almost as soon as I opened it! A few works in progress: H! Rocking On Japan 1999/July interview - Chiho Saito and Mitsuhiro Oikawa, movie Akio's voice actor. It includes a photoshoot that became artwork. Translated from my scans, which are part of the massive magazine project!
Poster/Pamphlet Gesshoku Kagekidan Nirvanic Beauty - Yes, the machine gun Anthy musical. Look forward to more about that!!!
Choros Imaginary Living Body~ Poster - And this is the other mysterious unknown musical!!
....AND MORE. Just join the forum, FFS.

In the Gallery:
STORYBOARDS. An incredible wealth of storyboards. Enough now to get a real insight into the process of creating the series, and how sloppy it sometimes was!
Episode 18 Storyboards: Mitsuru's Impatience
I acquired this one myself, and was sent reeling by how messy it is! When we get storyboards, we're never sure at what stage the copies are, and this one is full of scenes and shots that are moved, or cut, compared to the final episode. I even made a forum thread about it!!!
Episode 20 Storyboards: Wakaba Hath Flourished Verdantly
I paid a small fortune for this and have ZERO regrets. One of the best episodes of the series? The storyboards are clean and tight compared to the Tsuwabuki one. This was a mastercraft episode.
Episode 24 Storyboards: Nanami-sama Secret Diary
A kingly gift from cscratch, this makes for two of the recap episodes being ones we have storyboards for! That's a HUGE boon, since it means you get to see the storyboards for multiple other episodes. This one is messy, and I didn't try to straighten the pages.

VANNA, you might be wondering. Surely there are better ways to consume this content, should I want all of it? What if I am about archiving? Well friend, since these scans clean out my storyboard backlog and are complete 'works'....stay tuned for uploaded PDFs to the Internet Archive! Follow me there, for the ongoing efforts to move some of this content onto it officially.

NEW SERIES PRODUCTION MATERIALS. JadeSabre won an absolutely incredible set of cel sketches, the sequence of Anthy opening her eyes after stabbing Utena.
Blink of Betrayal (This and the following five eye frames.
Also! A quick couple, but iconic, sketches donated by Teasot, of Utena in episode 12! (This and the following image.)

NEW MOVIE PRODUCTION MATERIALS. Last, and DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, we have a lovely gift from teasot, who nabbed and scanned a batch of miscellanous production materials from the movie, mostly sketches that must have been xeroxed around. VERY COOL STUFF!
Over 50 pages of production materials, including some neat shots!!!
NEVERMIND ALL THAT, 28 SKETCHES OF THE KISS AT THE END, YEAH THE WHOLE THING CHECK IT OUT (The Baiser_Full.gif file that's the first one is animated, but Gallery won't show it, so you'll have to download it.)

In the Bibliothèque:
NEWTYPE MAGAZINE. SO MUCH NEWTYPE MAGAZINE. This project here that has been MASSIVE as an undertaking. Why? Each page of Newtype Magazine requires me to make two scans and stitch them together in post. So it takes a lot of effort. But what I have to show for it is every issue of Newtype that dropped during Utena's run in 1997. Every Utena-related page I could find in each, and you can see in the resulting page count how the buzz for the series grows over time! I've done more than just scan the Utena spreads, though they're the target. I have also scanned each issue's cover, table of contents, Utena advertisements, the episode ratings pages, episode summary pages, and any resulting fanart or fan commentary I could find. I've even included some of the voice actor bits!! Hundreds of scans, tons of work. The funniest part? This was my B-side project. The complete scanlation of the 100 page Duelist Bible is coming up soon, and it has taken a LOT of work--so look forward to that!
PS. I also scanned a couple of the later issues, for reasons that will obvious. Look forward to a lot more from those, as well! Schell Bullet and Shounen Ou are having a MOMENT soon!

Newtype Magazine's Utena Run, reverse chronological:
1998, January Issue Revolutionary Girl Utena ended the month before, but that just means there's more to say! The last episode summaries are here, as well as a center fold spread and LOTS of fanart and fan commentary! Also, I scanned an Evangelion advert, lmao.
1997, December Issue The finale of Revolutionary Girl Utena brings with it spreads, fanart, trading cards, and voice actor content. Scope out some of our favorites in here, and ask who the target audience for this must be?
1997, November Issue The actual magazine doesn't feature much this time, in fact it's suspiciously absent a color spread! But we do have adverts, fanarts, and TV ratings. Oh? Wait, why? OH. Well there's no spread because there's a massive 52 page magazine supplemental packaged with this one!! Check out Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA!
1997, October Issue A beautiful spread with Ikuhara and J.A. Seazer meta, as well as the usual tail page adverts and early fanarts!!! There's even a review of a doujinshi already. Incredible. Also, keep in mind this dropped a full month before episode 33, fucking cursed imagery.
1997, September Issue A beautiful four page spread featuring artist Hiroshi Nagahama, as well as a couple pages in the back about How To Art Chiho Saito style!! (It's wild how small the originals are...)
1997, August Issue The Black Rose Saga is hitting the airwaves, with a lovely center-field spread! Bonus adverts and vintage fanarts!
1997, July Issue Akio arrives in another two page spread, but this issue is also full of adverts and actor cards! Scope out the familiar names if you can find 'em!
1997, June Issue A lovely, gay little spread, with the usual episode descriptions and such included!
1997, May Issue With the launch of the series, we get an impressive spread focusing on the creative team!! So impressive, that some of it has even been translated! The last two pages are translated and hosted at From the Mouths of Babes! Thanks Tuxedo Unmasked!
1997, April Issue The television show begins this month! That's why it gets a double spread AND some character design sheets later in the volume! Each issue also includes plot summaries, also attached.
1997, March Issue This issue features a two page spread announcing Utena, and would have been many peoples' first look at the anime in full color.
1997, February Issue The first Newtype of the year with any Utena content featured, and it's a teaser bit of character designs! Why did I scan the Yuka Imai page? Because that there is Wakaba's voice actress, and she does appear to be talking Utena here!

And Now For More!!!!
Newtype Magazine, 2000, September Issue The one. The only. Sailor Mars. And also, Mamoru Nagano is Sailor Venus. The fucking power of these images, get genderslapped from across the decades friends.
Newtype Magazine, 2000, August Issue The one. The only. The leather pic. And other stuff about Ikuhara and Mamoru Nagano's new project, Schell Bullet!!
MdN Magazine, 2017, August, Issue 280 While Utena features prominently in a couple articles, I included much of the surrounding pages also, because it's quite a feast of shoujo history! The focus seems to be on gender-bending heroines? Also, food for the Sailor Moon musical fans!!
Puff Magazine, January 1998 Issue Thanks to teasot, we have scans of this little Utena featurette. Characters, merch, the usual, but also several pages of fanart!!

In The Doujinshi Gallery:
Labyrinth, by Gokurakudenpa
(Note: RATED R) These scans were donated by teasot and fixed up by me! This is an absolutely beautiful doujinshi that centers Nanami and her relationship with Touga. Two of the pages have been censored, because no, but the rest of it is so beautiful it was worth posting despite the need!
You know what else is here? Something Eternal, at It's a forum. It had originally been meant to be an archive/media thing but given current social trends, we decided to do something even cooler.
If you are looking for the previous lists of updated content visit, here!

January 6, 2024
SO. HERE'S THE THING. I've been adding to the site all year, but got lazy about posting an official update here. This here, is that update, and it's huge. I am forgetting things. Entire books. Entire albums, entire massive essays, entire huge translations projects. So let's kick off 2024 with a tour of everything new and wonderful at Empty Movement that happened last year!! I can't stress enough that almost any of these deserves an update of its own, so definitely take a look! Analysis, meta, art, it's ALL here!
You know what else is here? Something Eternal, at It's a website. It had originally been meant to be a media preservation thing but given current social trends, we decided to do some even cooler. On top of everything in this update....yours truly has built a forum. Yeah, like a website one. In 2024, Empty Movement is endeavoring to be part of the Slow Internet movement. Social media has sucked, and Discord is a wonderful space FOR NOW, but...well. Read about it here, and boost maybe? And join! Or don't! YOU DO NOT NEED TO JOIN TO ENJOY ACCESS TO THE CONTENT. Welcome to the world wide web circa 2008. :)

If you are looking for the list of doujinshi that consistuted the last update...or any other late updates, remember you can see those in Site Info, here! So without further ado, welcome to the (last) year in Empty Movement:
In Analysis (Fan Essays):
seebee's essay The Power of Living an Embodying Narrative is about more than Utena, it's about the fandom--including us. We were both interviewed for this piece, and the result is an absolutely beautiful essay that has helped inform how we do Utena stuff going forward. Thank you so much for letting us be part of this!
seebee's VIDEO essay FILM CUTS BACK | transfeminism in utena absolutely blew our minds and it's so good we're listing it. Look at the title. Just go watch it, it rules.
Nicole Winchester's essay No Choice But To Become Witches: The Bishojo-Demonic Phallic Mother Dichotomy in Revolutionary Girl Utena catches you up to speed on the academic discussion around what might best be described as the shoujo manga iteration of the Madonna-Whore complex. Then, naturally, it finds plenty to say about Utena. Great work that was well worth the coding!

In From the Mouths of Babes (Translated Meta/Creator Content):
Cross X Talk, A Round Table Discussion Commemorating the Second Musical Utena GOGAI FUCKIN' GOGAI. Nagumo and friends bring us the final untranslated part of the 2019 Black Rose Musical's program guide: the monster interview with Ikuhara and the director of the musicals, Yoshitani. INCREDIBLE content here that 100% lives up to the first musical's similar encounter! A must read!!
The Rose Apocalypse's Ei Takatori Interview The director of the mysterious 1999 musical (yes the machine gun one, and YES WE HAVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT IT COMING) interviewed in The Rose Apocalypse book. that. Thank you so much to iris hahn for translating, and I can't wait to bring you more of this mythology!!!
The Utena Dossier Animage Magazine's June 1997 supplemental, this 36-page Utena tome has ben translated by Nagumo with editing by Ayu Ohseki. Because so much of the content is in its visual presentation, I worked the translation into the original scans! Check it out! (PS. Yes that is an entirely different gallery on the domain, no this won't stay there, yes it has been a weird couple years.)
The Dossier includes two long interviews that are also worked into html pages for easy viewing!
The Auspicious Joining of Manga and Anime: Saito and Hasegawa
For Whom the Director Smiles: Ikuhara and Kitakubo

In Historia Arcana & The Bibliothèque (Untranslated Resources):
• There are a lot of changes happening in this arena!!! How and where to place different materials has been a moving target, so I'll do my best! The sites don't quite reflect this yet, but Historia Arcana will be for cover to cover Utena media, including special magazine publications. Something Eternal's gallery, the Bibliothèque, will be for magazine articles, clippings, and other things. Major artbooks will likely be in both places, cross referenced.

New books in Historia Arcana:
The Rose Spiral: Reflections on the Mythology of Utena While not strictly official, this is a fan published book of in depth analysis of Utena, circa 1998! Yep, cover to cover.
Revolution Dictionary (OST 1 First Press Bonus) Cross-referenced from Audiology, this is the bonus dictionary you only got if you grabbed it early! Cool!
Revolutionary Girl Utena Making of Visuals Book Art of UTENA I am mentioning this for completions sake and because I already uploaded it, but this is a cover to cover high resolution, uncleaned scan of the 1999 Art of Utena artbook. I am going to clean the scans, and ultimately be posting the official artbooks elsewhere.
Revolutionary Girl Utena Photobook: Rose Memories This special Animage bonus could be purchased for 700 yen, and back then, was probably a great way to keep the anime in your pocket! It's entirely shots from the TV series, though, so there's nothing specifically new. But I scan it all, baby.

New books in the Bibliothèque:
Chiho Saito's 1999 Revolutionary Girl Utena Original Illustration Collection
HI THIS IS A VERY BIG DEAL. Read more about why when you visit! TLDR? Here's some of the best artwork of Utena, rescanned and remastered by yours truly to be the best big big scans of big big beautiful Chiho Saito Art. This is a feast. I even made myself a calendar! (Note that the price is such that I don't make a profit on these, so if you're looking to donate, definitely go by other routes, haha.) You will find multiple ways to obtain the scans, and in more than one size. Either way you soak up the rays, enjoy 'em!

New articles and clips in the Bibliothèque:
H! Rockin' on Japan Magazine Saito X Oikawa This fashion music magazine's July 1999 article has ALREADY BEEN TRANSLATED? Like, I am going to add the translation officially to the site of course, but holy hell Nagumo is amazing!! This article is actually the origin of a Saito art piece that uh, well. Now we know she went to a love hotel with movie Akio's VA. Cool! Anyway check it out!
Comickers Magazine, August 1997 This absolute monster find is an industry-focused magazine with this gorgeous spread and interview with Chiho Saito. It gets into how she does things. The making of Utena. All kinds of stuff. I'd LOVE to know more about this one!!
Comickers Magazine, June 1998 Again, an industry-focused publication, this time it's exploring the manga and the anime and how they compare. Again looks like a tasty meal!!
Volks Magazine, Spring 2022 YEP SCANS OF THE BOOK OF THE DOLLFIES. For a lot of us, this is at close as we get to these ludicrously gorgeous dolls. I included a few extra pages because they were just fuckin' cool and felt relevant.
Sega Saturn Magazine, December 1997 One of two grabs I got recently on Yahoo! Japan! This appears to be the first look announcement of the 1998 Utena video game! (Yes we have more on it, yes we will eventually post links.)
Sega Saturn Magazine, April 1998 This feature brings attention to the voice actors, who are all returning for the game!
Dengeki G's Magazine, January 1998 Another gaming focused magazine, with frankly a more adult edge, cheaply lets the readers know about Utena. These three game magazine moments are just a bizarre reminder of how we did things before the internet, LMAO
In Audiology (Music and CD Information):
Complte information about the STAR CHILD - Girls Character Song Best album! You also definitely can't grab the two new remix tracks there.
Did you know there was a first press bonus dictionary for the first OST? I DIDN'T UNTIL RECENTLY. Now I know all about it, and so can you. Check it out! Obviously, scans available, both here and in Historia Arcana.
I FINALLY acquired a complete set of the Utena CD singles!! Check out complete track lists, scans, and information for ALL FIVE Utena singles. Yes. Including the movie Akio guy's one.

May 25, 2023
This is just a placeholder update. You know, a bit of a B-side project that I've (Vanna) finally caught up with. When we went to Japan for the musicals in 2018 and 2019, we cleaned out multiple Mandarakes and Book Offs of their Utena doujinshi, placing them in the end with a stack piling up from donations. That pile of doujinshi? SLAUGHTERED. This is an update that completes our entire current collection of doujinshi available. Let's. Fuckin. Eat. There are 27 new doujinshi here, plus some VINTAGE fanart content in a section that will be growing in the future, where we keep fanart submitted to magazines...a thing we have a growing collection of now.

What is the A-side project if this was just the side one I used to relax? It's huge. It involves you, me, and getting the fuck away from collapsing social media platforms. We're out here about to take advantage of the Utena fandom's penchant for stubborn life choices, and we can't wait for you all to see it. Be on the look-out via Discord, Twitter, and Tumblr, because it won't be launching alone. We have the FINISHED translation of the Black Rose Musical interview by Nagumo, new translations of CD content, and TONS of new scans of Utena meta incoming. I have...all of Newtype magazine from the run of Utena through Be-Papas' absolutely bonkers post-Utena era. I have rescanned Chiho Saito's artbook for ludicrously beautiful images so clear you could make poster prints. I have cover-to-cover scanned the Art of Utena book. IT'S SO. SO. MUCH. Yes, we'll be doing a huge musical stream...but that won't be the primary social space this goes down on. ;) For now? DOUJIN DOUJIN DOUJIN.

PS. The entire doujinshi gallery as it stands right now is over two gigs of content. Over 110 doujinshi across over 4,600 pages. Some of you archive-savvy folks out there are probably asking 'what the fuck, can't I just download this???' Gonna be real ABSOLUTELY CAN. We may change our minds later, but for now, toss us an e-mail if you want to download the doujinshi gallery in full current to now. For now the file and hosting will be too variable to link direct.

No Entry
by Anatomic Angel
Thanks to teasot for the scans of this quick little Utenanthy ship, from perennial favorite, Anatomic Angel!

by protocol

A Mandarake pick-up, this one focuses on an imagined meeting between Utena and Anthy as children!

by Cat's Mind
This one made me finally place a section for the text-heavy contributions to the collection. I never realized how common it was to straight publish your fanfic alongside the art until the collection got to a bigger size. Iconic and we should do it now. But it does make this otherwise pretty small-format doujin a challenge for most of us.

Boring Days of Roses and Swords
by Onokuni Bunko
Come for the 90's CHIBI FLAVOR. Stay for it, too.

by Guilty
This is another text-dense one that is honestly not gonna be much of a ride for many of us. Still, some pretty art, and I archive like a boss.

Crown of Thorns
by Gokurakudenpa
This honestly really cool doujinshi had a shifting color paper it was printed on that I didn't have the heart to remove, so the file sizes are PAIN, but it's worth it. Thanks salliedrazzi! (There's a page I've edited in this one. Sorry.)

by Jun Hayase
Though a bit saucy, the absurdity of the sexual situations makes this one get a pass.

Flower Fate, Fetal History
by Celestial Speech
This short romp is especially cool for dropped in August of 1997--the show was not even half way through its run at this point, and it's incredible how fast the turn around time was!!

by Jesus Drug
Usually this circle is doing porn. And this donation by salliedrazzi isn't exactly innocent, either--Miki being the target of eager sexual hunger is just weird, and a thing I have to live with every day as I archive doujinshi. Thanks for the creepy times, salliedrazzi! ( I mean it! )

Green Note
by Bear and Isabella
SAIONJI THIS WAY! This sincerely gorgeous doujinshi was donated by salliedrazzi and is done IN THE STYLE OF UTENA, captured beautifully in the format. Also, it's ALL ABOUT SAIONJI UWU.

Klinefelter Syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome is a common genetic condition where a male is born with an extra X chromosome. Typically, a male has one X and one Y chromosome. People with Klinefelter syndrome can experience breast growth, breast cancer, osteoporosis, infertility and learning difficulties. Treatment typically involves physical and emotional therapy, as well as hormone replacement.' - Cleveland Clinic. It's a Miki one.

Prince Principle Renovation
by Anatomic Angel
Utena/Anthy angst shit drawn beautifully THIS WAY.

Pure Play
by Satindoll and Tachibana
This lovely doujinshi donated by salliedrazzi opens with gorgeous color panels and then uh...well it's Touga and Miki, with some other stuff. It's not explicit, and was previously uploaded as just the one scene. Now it's the whole thing!!

Real Rose
by Chiyoko Morinaga
Many of the doujin salliedrazzi donated had the price in Euros as stickers. I left them, it's wild to think how far they've come! As for this one? Soft uwu romance abounds. uwu.

Romantic and Rose
by Komekott
Salliedrazzi again keeping us rich with soft uwu lesbian content the series denied us. Enjoy~!

Rose Ceremony
by Kitsuneko Honpo
Another salliedrazzi special, but this one? ALL CHU-CHU, ALL THE TIME. Chu-chu as a Rose Bride? Yep. As a pretty girl? yep. I love it.

School Fantasy Romance
by Kouko Agawa
That this was among salliedrazzi's pile should say a lot about what doujin made trips around to English-speaking fans. This one is Touga and Miki content, though not-explicit. It also has what I'm sure is a sick Akio burn?

Screw Swirl
This is a shorter one, full of silly little scenes. Silly outfit watch!

The Sheltering Sky
by ChimiChimiCherry
A cute romp with a few guest stars! This one was a small-format doujinshi, so it was more awkward to scan. I didn't split up the pages.

Thousand Keys
by Anatomic Angel
Non-explicit Utena/Anthy romance content from Anatomic Angel, literally nothing could go wrong.

Fanroad Magazine, December 1997
by A bunch of fanartists!!
This is a section that will be growing in the future, but for now, teasot has provided scans from...well how else did people share fanart before the internet? A cool glimpse at the fandom in Japan at the end of the series.

Toga and Saionji Fanbook 2009
by Chain Gang
Chain Gang love the ever-loving fuck out of TouSai, publish millions of doujin, and still draw kinda horribly, ngl. But their work is ALWAYS a ride, and this one includes some peak curse from Akio meeting kid Touga. I mean we know that happens but we don't have to like it, ok.

To You, A Rose, A Rose
by Soft Cotton
Flipping through some beautiful but cursed full size arts, this doujinshi scanned by teasot is full of silly and amazing sequences. Also, Miki being extremely Gender.

Utena Volume 6, Revolutionary Detective Deka and Others
by Pink Dark
This is an incredible volume of absolutely absurd shit. Comic nudity at times, including Akio on the car in...socks. It owns. Just be warned there's also some horror Junji Ito ass stuff.

Dark Half
by Jesus Drug
A bit of silly, a bit of sweet, from a circle that is often doing much uh...more explicit content. This one was sent to our scanner by cscratch!

Memory of Fossils
by Fairy Pink
Fairy Pink has a gorgeous artstyle and a NEVERENDING LOVE of Juri Angst Content. This one is sexually explicit, involving some Juri, Anthy, Shiori mess vibes. Beautiful stuff, just be ready for the sex.

by Sate Dosiyou
This one really gives and fucking takes. The gorgeous art and interesting page color choices surround some fairly explicit Touga/Miki content. Be warned, it's dead dove stuff, though not of the visible genitals kind. A lot of doujin artists seemed acutely aware of the Utena novels.

Whirl Floral Flower
by YuzuSaya Kayame S.
DID I SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST YES I DID LOOK THIS ONE IS JUST HONESTLY BEAUTIFUL AND JAM PACKED WITH FOOD. Kid Utena and Anthy playing patty-cake? A scene of Akio and Anthy having sex that is nevertheless absolutely beautiful? It's ALL HERE. NGL this one was my favorite.

That's 'ALL' for now, and it's actually not. There's a whole other txt file I am keeping the other updates in that I'm too lazy to add right now. Consider this a focused attack on doujinshi. A front line. The real drop is coming, and it's a LOT. Yes, relative to the ridiculous pile of stuff going on for me, this was a little drop. Lemme keep it clean and easy that way. See y'all soon!!!

June 29, 2022
OH MY GOD. WE ARE DOING SO MUCH. THERE IS SO MUCH HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. This is absolutely not even remotely exhaustive and tons more is coming, but lemme at least let y'all hit up this MASSIVE NEW PILE OF DOUJINSHI I deffo didn't just scan to sell because I'm broke! Anyway, here's the list, enjoy, stay tuned, and to be honest, keep up with us on Twitter to get the latest. There are Dollfies. There are streams. There is new merch, in the new merch store, ON OUR NEW DOMAIN. Yep. We're expanding.
In the meantime, I had need to scan a ton of doujinshi. Your gain! Check out what's new:

Cool Spy on a Hot Car
by Shirogane-tei

Don't worry, there's not as much Akio as it implies by the name.

by Tsubuan Doumei

NOTE: There's some sexual content in this, namely Anthy getting down in brief.

by Motoy Ohinata

A short sweet one with less Utena and Anthy than the cover suggested.

by Milk Morinaga

This is only the missing scans of a story that also appears in One Two Three. Note there's some nudity and non-explicit sexual imagery in both. Thanks salliedrazzi!

Hello World
by Hello World

Brief but fun and beautiful. This group does some beautiful and unique artwork.

Hello World 2
by Hello World

More of the same is good when it's pretty!

Love Is Piyopiyo 3
by Piyopiyo

This one is a physically tiny volume, but packs lots of Black Rose adorable flavor.

Marionette Guignol
by Blank Alliance

Another gift by cscratch, this one is a cute little TouSai as kids chibi party.

by Ohtori Gakuen Posing Club

lmao don't bother, it's actually a fanfic, but I'm a completionist and also...we should do this??

Saionji Unrequited Love Book
by Chain Gang

The biggest TouSai fan on earth has made like 4389567348756 of these. They're *amazing.* Slightly horny, nothing too bad here.

Borderline Electra Disorder
by Anatomic Angel

Beautiful Utena and Anthy trash as always delivered by these amazing artists, jfc it's not fair.

by Anatomic Angel

Yep, still owns.

by Anatomic Angel
The chunk missing from this volume is included in
Chaleur, another of theirs that I've scanned. What's here is more gorgeous Utena and Anthy trash.

That's 'ALL' for now, if only because I don't have the spoons to compile everything else right now. Go eat! :D Translation content on a HUGE scale incoming.

March 13, 2021
- UPDATE TIME. As usual this is mostly content that I have already posted and circulated across social media, but this is the official update holding it all together. There have been huge changes behind the scenes, including some potentially new and curious content surfacing, and like....studies. I'm in fucking research because of this website. What. Ahem. Anyway, in the absence (thankfully) of another musical during COVID, we've got a TON of varied new stuff to chew on thanks to uh, me, and also the amazing work of folks like Nagumo and Ayu Ohseki who keep me busy in the best way!! To the list!!

- Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA Newtype November 1997 magazine supplement has been added to From the Mouths of Babes as well as the gallery for browsing! Why? Because Nagumo translated it! Check out this amazing piece of Utena history where the production team celebrates their efforts on the run up to the finale. Watch Enokido try to dodge big questions!!

- Gallery additions!
Translated content like the programs and magazines have started to get cross referenced between the gallery and the creator site so people fine them easier!
The COMPLETE storyboards for episode 6, Nanami-sama, Take Care! This episode was produced as episode 8, but the Curry High Trip (which is now episode 8) fell behind schedule, so they aired this one first instead! I included Ikuhara's commentary from the remaster Nozomi disks in the directory for context.
Miki's purchase privilege bromide from the second musical! Now I'm literally only missing one. The Saionji one. Blast.
Official Cosplay images have been added to the gallery featuring Mizuki Yamamoto, Hiroki Nanami, and VampyBitMe!

- ANALYSIS TIME: Smash Genesis' essay Patriarchy and Entrapment in 'Revolutionary Girl Utena' examines the bugs in the programming that exist when a bunch of adult men try to make a feminism.

- MORE ANALYSIS: Jude Deluca's essay 'Revolutionary Girl Utena' and its Debt to Shinji Wada, has been added to analysis! Pink haired disaster is a powerful gene in shoujo, it turns out.

- Nagumo's translation of the two Sega REAL Doll bonus CDs as described in the Audiology section is now live via YouTube, where I set the audio to game assets for a fun little way to take a ride through Utena getting constantly subtly dunked by Anthy, seriously these are amazing, do not miss these! Utena's explores her uh, routine for princehood, while Anthy's is a very unsubtle letter answering dialogue. PRO. CLICKS.

- In Audiology: Ikuhara and Saito's liner notes in OST 5, "Now, Engage Yourself to Me..." have been translated by Feral Phoenix! - In Audiology: Ayu Ohseki translated the last track of OST 7, Revive! Infinite History etc, and that work has been added to the side by side comparisons!

- In the Doujinshi Gallery: Two new gorgeous doujinshi in the doujinshi gallery! Anatomic Angel's Dolly and Dwarf Sunflower's La Periode Bleue. Both are from my private collection and I was able to salvage both in scanning so they'll get sold later. :D

- In Hosted History: Chris Rain's 'The Satellite of Revolution' and Kristine's 'La fille sans un prince' are now live. (Actually they have been for a long time and I literally forgot to add them to the list, RIP.)

- In Historia Arcana, where I host untranslated materials: Mizuki Yamamoto B-Side leaflet I grabbed because it has a big cosplay of Utena! I also added the Black Rose musical's raw files, though these have been mostly translated and are in the gallery.

- Cross referenced a lot of the translated content across the gallery and Mouths of Babes so there are multiple paths to it. This will probably be an ongoing effort as I try to make sure people find everything easily across a site of literally thousands of pages.
- Fixed erroneous kanji titles in the lyric comparisons of Transparent Period of Adolescence in Audiology. Thanks Tumblr!
- Typo in lyric comparisons for Dwarf Star Ryugo in Audiology. Thanks Discord!
- Erroneous link in the References section of Analysis. Thanks for the find, desa!

September 30, 2020!! THAT'S RIGHT WE ARE STILL ON. Check out a new PILE of amazing translation work by Nagumo, Ayu Ohseki, and coriolisky, as well as new analysis from Jane, and my usual eager attempts to reward the great work y'all do in this community with as much signal boosting as I can manage. :D A lot of behind the scenes maintenance stuff on my end as well. The Struggle Goes On!

FRIENDLY, OR NOT FRIENDLY REMINDER, EITHER WAY LISTEN: The three short stories that comprise Chiho Saito's 20th anniversary After the Revolution manga I'm happy to say are no longer hosted here, because they are getting a local release!!! This is great news, and I encourage you to to vote with your wallet and thank Viz for the food. It's available in print and digital.

On to the updates!

- Absolutely HUGE update in Audiology of Utena! Utena OST 13, Alchemistic Girl: The Tale of the Rose & The Egg, which came out last year, is now represented on my massive shrine to the soundtracks of Utena! The lyrics and album notes have been lovingly translated by Ayu Ohseki, who previously did amazing work translating Seazer's first 'image album' in the Utena canon, OST 7, Revival of the Rose Egg SOFIA. Alchemistic Girl is a sequel to OST 12, Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse, but is a huge auditory departure for Seazer as he uses single vocalists for this album versus his usual chorus. Guest singers include the actress Teiko, who performs as Sara in Ikuhara's 2019 Sarazanmai. Aside from Ayu Ohseki's AMAZING translation work, the usual Empty Movement standards are here: side by side translations and original text, complete album information, scans of the booklet, and coverage of the bonus disc. This took a while, folks. Didn't expect to have to be adding to this site.

- Serial Revolutions Utena! A new analysis essay by Jane, who previously contributed a wonderful discussion of Utena, Sleeping Beauty, and Banana Yoshimoto! This time we take a look at two anime that were often spoken of in the same breath back in the 90s! Utena and Serial Experiments Lain.

- Spring '97's Revolutionary Announcement!, a 10 page spread in Animage's May 1997 issue introduces us to the hot new TV series hitting the airwaves in Japan! This article was translated by Nagumo and edited into the magazine by me, because I just kinda like doing it this way.

- A mini-interview with Musical Utena's Utena, Ami Noujo, was published in HMV Magazine before the first Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose played. This interview was kindly translated by Nagumo and edited into the magazine by me.

- In 2018, the Utena manga was featured on a bizarre late night variety show. An interview with the actress involved, Mizuki Yamamoto, was published around the same time and has been translated by Nagumo, and set in the magazine pages by me!

- Nagumo translated the character design sketches published in the most recent Japanese release of the Utena manga. That work has been added to the images in the gallery: Page one, two, three, and four.

- coriolisky's episode summaries from the liner notes on the laser discs now include episodes 17-19!.

- Replaced items in gallery: Anthy taking her glasses off in episode 14, then in episode 39.

- The gallery and doujinshi galleries had to be migrated to newer versions of the gallery3 code, so extensive behind the scenes cleaning just to have it look the same boy I hate that!!

- Corrected several mistaken links and accidental errors in Audiology, including the wrong Japanese text of the liner notes in OST 6. It's a gigantic site, give me a break. I also streamlined the miscellaneous content categories and did general spring cleaning of it.

March 13, 2021
- UPDATE TIME. As usual this is mostly content that I have already posted and circulated across social media, but this is the official update holding it all together. There have been huge changes behind the scenes, including some potentially new and curious content surfacing, and like....studies. I'm in fucking research because of this website. What. Ahem. Anyway, in the absence (thankfully) of another musical during COVID, we've got a TON of varied new stuff to chew on thanks to uh, me, and also the amazing work of folks like Nagumo and Ayu Ohseki who keep me busy in the best way!! To the list!!

- Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA Newtype November 1997 magazine supplement has been added to From the Mouths of Babes as well as the gallery for browsing! Why? Because Nagumo translated it! Check out this amazing piece of Utena history where the production team celebrates their efforts on the run up to the finale. Watch Enokido try to dodge big questions!!
- Gallery additions!
Translated content like the programs and magazines have started to get cross referenced between the gallery and the creator site so people fine them easier!
The COMPLETE storyboards for episode 6, Nanami-sama, Take Care! This episode was produced as episode 8, but the Curry High Trip (which is now episode 8) fell behind schedule, so they aired this one first instead! I included Ikuhara's commentary from the remaster Nozomi disks in the directory for context.
Miki's purchase privilege bromide from the second musical! Now I'm literally only missing one. The Saionji one. Blast.
Official Cosplay images have been added to the gallery featuring Mizuki Yamamoto, Hiroki Nanami, and VampyBitMe!
- ANALYSIS TIME: Smash Genesis' essay Patriarchy and Entrapment in 'Revolutionary Girl Utena' examines the bugs in the programming that exist when a bunch of adult men try to make a feminism.
- MORE ANALYSIS: Jude Deluca's essay 'Revolutionary Girl Utena' and its Debt to Shinji Wada, has been added to analysis! Pink haired disaster is a powerful gene in shoujo, it turns out.
- Nagumo's translation of the two Sega REAL Doll bonus CDs as described in the Audiology section is now live via YouTube, where I set the audio to game assets for a fun little way to take a ride through Utena getting constantly subtly dunked by Anthy, seriously these are amazing, do not miss these! Utena's explores her uh, routine for princehood, while Anthy's is a very unsubtle letter answering dialogue. PRO. CLICKS.
- In Audiology: Ikuhara and Saito's liner notes in OST 5, "Now, Engage Yourself to Me..." have been translated by Feral Phoenix! - In Audiology: Ayu Ohseki translated the last track of OST 7, Revive! Infinite History etc, and that work has been added to the side by side comparisons!
- In the Doujinshi Gallery: Two new gorgeous doujinshi in the doujinshi gallery! Anatomic Angel's Dolly and Dwarf Sunflower's La Periode Bleue. Both are from my private collection and I was able to salvage both in scanning so they'll get sold later. :D
- In Hosted History: Chris Rain's 'The Satellite of Revolution' and Kristine's 'La fille sans un prince' are now live. (Actually they have been for a long time and I literally forgot to add them to the list, RIP.)
- In Historia Arcana, where I host untranslated materials: Mizuki Yamamoto B-Side leaflet I grabbed because it has a big cosplay of Utena! I also added the Black Rose musical's raw files, though these have been mostly translated and are in the gallery.
- Cross referenced a lot of the translated content across the gallery and Mouths of Babes so there are multiple paths to it. This will probably be an ongoing effort as I try to make sure people find everything easily across a site of literally thousands of pages.
- Fixed erroneous kanji titles in the lyric comparisons of Transparent Period of Adolescence in Audiology. Thanks Tumblr!
- Typo in lyric comparisons for Dwarf Star Ryugo in Audiology. Thanks Discord!
- Erroneous link in the References section of Analysis. Thanks for the find, desa!

September 30, 2020!! THAT'S RIGHT WE ARE STILL ON. Check out a new PILE of amazing translation work by Nagumo, Ayu Ohseki, and coriolisky, as well as new analysis from Jane, and my usual eager attempts to reward the great work y'all do in this community with as much signal boosting as I can manage. :D A lot of behind the scenes maintenance stuff on my end as well. The Struggle Goes On!

FRIENDLY, OR NOT FRIENDLY REMINDER, EITHER WAY LISTEN: The three short stories that comprise Chiho Saito's 20th anniversary After the Revolution manga I'm happy to say are no longer hosted here, because they are getting a local release!!! This is great news, and I encourage you to to vote with your wallet and thank Viz for the food. It's available in print and digital.

On to the updates!

- Absolutely HUGE update in Audiology of Utena! Utena OST 13, Alchemistic Girl: The Tale of the Rose & The Egg, which came out last year, is now represented on my massive shrine to the soundtracks of Utena! The lyrics and album notes have been lovingly translated by Ayu Ohseki, who previously did amazing work translating Seazer's first 'image album' in the Utena canon, OST 7, Revival of the Rose Egg SOFIA. Alchemistic Girl is a sequel to OST 12, Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse, but is a huge auditory departure for Seazer as he uses single vocalists for this album versus his usual chorus. Guest singers include the actress Teiko, who performs as Sara in Ikuhara's 2019 Sarazanmai. Aside from Ayu Ohseki's AMAZING translation work, the usual Empty Movement standards are here: side by side translations and original text, complete album information, scans of the booklet, and coverage of the bonus disc. This took a while, folks. Didn't expect to have to be adding to this site.

- Serial Revolutions Utena! A new analysis essay by Jane, who previously contributed a wonderful discussion of Utena, Sleeping Beauty, and Banana Yoshimoto! This time we take a look at two anime that were often spoken of in the same breath back in the 90s! Utena and Serial Experiments Lain.

- Spring '97's Revolutionary Announcement!, a 10 page spread in Animage's May 1997 issue introduces us to the hot new TV series hitting the airwaves in Japan! This article was translated by Nagumo and edited into the magazine by me, because I just kinda like doing it this way.

- A mini-interview with Musical Utena's Utena, Ami Noujo, was published in HMV Magazine before the first Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose played. This interview was kindly translated by Nagumo and edited into the magazine by me.

- In 2018, the Utena manga was featured on a bizarre late night variety show. An interview with the actress involved, Mizuki Yamamoto, was published around the same time and has been translated by Nagumo, and set in the magazine pages by me!

- Nagumo translated the character design sketches published in the most recent Japanese release of the Utena manga. That work has been added to the images in the gallery: Page one, two, three, and four.

- coriolisky's episode summaries from the liner notes on the laser discs now include episodes 17-19!.

- Replaced items in gallery: Anthy taking her glasses off in episode 14, then in episode 39.

- The gallery and doujinshi galleries had to be migrated to newer versions of the gallery3 code, so extensive behind the scenes cleaning just to have it look the same boy I hate that!!

- Corrected several mistaken links and accidental errors in Audiology, including the wrong Japanese text of the liner notes in OST 6. It's a gigantic site, give me a break. I also streamlined the miscellaneous content categories and did general spring cleaning of it.

March 17th, 2020 - So much has happened and changed since our last official update that I don't think I'll actually be able to create my usual exhaustive set of cross-links, especially concerning the gallery. The ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AMAZING UTENA MUSICALS have brought us a deluge of new content, and I'm embarrassed to say I haven't updated the front page in so long that content that has long been on the site hasn't been 'officially' noted here. I'll be doing my best to catch you up, and though I usually go by order of content type, this time I'll go more by a totally subjective sense of what the good shit is.

Anyway, to the feeding frenzy!

- Commemorating the 20th Anniversary with A Special Conversation: Kunihiko Ikuhara & Kotaro Yoshitani
This huge, sexy, wonderful interview from the 2018 Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose program book has been lovingly translated by the immortal Nagumo, with editing by a pen, purpleriot, and coding by yours truly, Giovanna. I've tried to preserve the aesthetic of the pages from the program, and have added a few cross-references and links as Ikuhara you know, does an Ikuhara at times. A feast, a must read, a pro-click.

- Disturbing, Traversing, Borderless, Shaking Sexuality: The Place where Revolutionary Girl Utena was Born
Thanks to Youzicha, this absolute behemoth of an interview between Kunihiko Ikuhara and literary critic and analyst Mari Kotani is now translated, with exhaustive cross-references done by yours truly. Printed in Musashino University's publication Actual Sexuality, this incredible look at the origins and inspirations for Utena delves deep and brings some whole new food to the table. Sit. Savor.

- The 2019 Musical Utena ~ Blooming Rose of Deepest Black Program Book [Translated]
Again with Nagumo here to save us all, everything except the interview is translated and worked into the original scans and can be read right here on Empty Movement! Stan Yuka Yamauchi or get the fuck out.

- The COMPLETE Blooming Rose of Deepest Black gallery
We spent $400 dollars on the blind draw bromides to get a complete set, which is only part of the buffet. (Don't believe me? Here's an un-boxing video made the night we did this...right from our love hotel!) See the bromides and more here, and appreciate the ludicrously amazing wigs and costumes. (And much better Photoshopping than the first had, IMO.)

- The Utena X Graff Art Collaboration
Contained within the chibis directory are the adorable new sketchy style chibis printed onto various merchandise by Graff Art.

- Revamped animation backgrounds section!
Recaptured animation backgrounds from the Blu-ray remaster, with extremely high resolution scans of backgrounds from the Hardcore of Utena book.

- New high-resolution images and artwork in the gallery:
The absolutely beautiful shot of Anthy nude on the couch from episode 31, cleaned up for Anthy's birthday!
Utena brandishing her sword from the 2017/18 20th Anniversary Exhibition.
Utena and Anthy, dresses aflutter, from the 2017/18 20th Anniversary Exhibition.
Utena and Anthy in a lovely sketchy art style for a run of limited merchandise circa 2017.
Weird BDSM Utena sitting on the Akio Car, drawn in the movie's art style, depicting the series character. Cleaned and posted with permission from anime-archive on Tumblr.
Some shit I'm definitely forgetting.

- Rose Revue's Doujinshi 'Monologue', translated by Delphine
A rarity! This doujinshi, a sweet little meeting between series and movie Utena, has been translated into English thanks to Delphine.

- Kunihiko Ikuhara Exhibition: ~The Desire to Connect Us and The Survival Strategy of the Revolution~
In Historia Arcana, donated by @AnimeSocMegan on Twitter, and scanned by me, this is the program from Ikuhara's 2019 exhibition. It's in Japanese, like all the raw resources in this section of the website.

- In the Rose Garden [Archive]
In the Rose Garden was the center of the Utena fandom for almost a decade, but can no longer be hosted in its original form since the code just doesn't talk to modern browsers or modern PHP anymore. As such, I've uploaded a static copy of the forums, minus the membership locked private subsection, In Flagrante Delicto, to remain as a record of our times and journeys. There is a wealth of information still here that can't be found elsewhere, including walkthroughs and information on the playing of the translated Utena video game.

- Many minor code improvements, corrections, comments, and god knows what else that I genuinely have forgotten to keep track of, I'm sorry.

February 27, 2019:

Musashino University Press' Issue 115: "Actual Sexuality"
"Disturbing, Traversing, Borderless, Shaking Sexuality: The Place Where Revolutionary Girl Utena Was Born"
This is a college published interview and analysis where Ikuhara discusses the queer origins in pop culture of Utena. Please for the love of fucking God someone translate this thing. There are pictures of David Bowie and Kirk/Spock BDSM fanzines from the 70's I NEED IT.

Interview with Mizuki Yamamoto for Kono Manga ga Sugoi!
This is a small interview with the actress that starred in an Utena-based episode of the late night TV docudrama above named. She did a photoshoot to reinact a panel of the Utena manga. Dios almost got cast as a Caucasian man. No I'm serious.

In The Doujinshi Gallery

By Anatomic Angel: A nice big pile of Anatomic Angel's epic outfit design and sharp, stark artwork.

By Rose Revue: A dialogue between series and movie Utena. Cool!

Sweet Stories by Various Artists: The first two here are beautiful and awesome, and you want to see thenm.

Full color doujinshi: Yes, this is Penguindrum, but I figured y'all would appreciate it anyway. :D

Changes to the Gallery:
The Musical Blu-Ray, Scans & Extras [14 Images]

Touga and Juri Unused Stills (I stole these lol)
Musical Utena's Promotional Stills
Musical Utena's Early Teaser Images
Musical Utena's Cast Shots
Miscellaneous Production Images from the Musical

Episode 5: The Sunlit Garden - Finale
The flashback shots have been replaced so that they include the comparison shot at the end of the episode. About 15 images got replaced throughout the episode.

Little Bits:
-Rearranged the Historia Arcana section, splitting it into two pages in anticipation of a lot more articles and such.

January 11, 2019:

Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose - Download it, watch it, listen to the 'soundtrack' I made, worship it, stan it.

Morphology of Utena – While we accept donations, we'd rather sell you swag! Welcome to our personal webstore where we make custom Utena goods like series-accurate notebooks and series-accurate disaster gym shirts, Utena, what the fuck. Note: Check your categories, and do not try to check out with both Printful and Printify in the cart. If you get charged like 4x for shipping, that is why--check out the items separately. :) Why isn't this RedBubble? Because I wanted the maximum amount of control over the final product, and wanted to do things RedBubble doesn't do. Also, the margin is higher. *shrug*

Additions to Analysis of Utena:
- The Body as a Bargaining Chip – A fascinating deep dive into the connection between Touga and Anthy, what makes them different, but more worryingly, what makes them the same: victimization and abuse, and the gendered bridges between. Trigger warning for discussion of rape and abuse. (Written by Yasha)
- The Comet in the Stars – Akio's comet speech in episode 34, newly accurately translated, why he says it, what it means, and how it turns out. Mostly, it's about his spiraling relationship with Anthy, and how his stupid ass can talk himself into a corner without any encouragement at all. (Written by Giovanna)
- Lady Berserk: Revolutionary Girl Utena and Berserk – This essay explores the similarities between these two staples of their respective genres within anime, and how the language of anime and the thematic elements of both are closer than we think! (Written by Lt. Tangerine)

Additions to Mouths of Babes (English-translated Creator Content/Interviews/Etc):
- Eulogy for the Fool – Ikuhara Kunihiko and Ohtsuki Kana Discussion, an awesome interview from the Ikuhara retrospective published in 2017: Kunihiko Ikuhara - Revolutionary Girl Utena, Mawaru Penguindrum, Yuri Bear Storm ... Our Revolution and Survival Strategy. Translated by @why1758.
- Art of Utena Interview with Kazayama Juugo – An interview with one of the artists that worked under be-Papas, directing episodes, writing scripts, and storyboarding. Translated by coriolisky.
- Whisperings of a Rose – Interview with Ikuhara and Saito published in Newtype magazine in May 1997. Translated by @t_unmasked.

Additions to Audiology (Utena Album Info):
- Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse – EJ's been so kind as to translate the bizarre liner notes for OST 12!
- Lyrics: Earth Prison Panopticon – EJ's translation/romanization/kanji of the last track of the Barbara CD, Earth Prison Panopticon, is now available for viewing!

Additions to Historia Arcana (Japanese Resources):
HMV Magazine Ami Noujo Mini-Interview – A wee little interview published in HMV Magazine for Ami Noujo, the actress that portrays Utena in the 2018 musical.

Changes to the Doujinshi Gallery:
The entire section has been revamped to organize content and remove material that's a little frisky for the times. Content warnings have been added to sexually explicit material, and anything past rated R is no longer available.

New doujinshi:
Asterisque by Dwarf Sunflowers
A sweet little set of shorts, with absolutely gorgeous artwork and loveable chibis.

This is Cool by The World
Holy shit, y'all this is a doujinshi about the Sega Saturn video game. RIGHT? Aptly named.

Utena by o-ji-in-arauri
ANOTHER Sega Saturn game doujinshi! Not as long, but it's still a total unicorn.

MERCI LA VIE by Loli-Killer
The same artist as Anatomic Angel draws a series of humorous shorts. Akio gets slapped in the face.

Positively Success Fate by Celestial Speech
Starts serious, ends with Saionji putting an octopus hat on Anthy.

Roses, Swords, and Revolutions by AHRI Project
WARNING: RATED R, ADULTS ONLY. Mostly Akio and Touga with limbs the length of skyscrapers getting down.

Episode 25: Our Eternal Apocalypse
Replaced the scene of Touga and Akio on the bed, as well as the following scene of Akio and Anthy leading to the episode end.
(Series_ep25_247 - Series_ep25_268)
Episode 34: The Rose Seal & Episode 38: The Ends of the World
Replaced these two images since I was discussing them being a matched shot in the Discord.
(Series_ep25_247 & Series_ep25_268)
Nuts & Bolts
- Amended Sex, Torment, and Body Language, an essay in Analysis, to distinguish between the coercive rape I am describing, and the violent rape I'm arguing against, as this distinction is not clear now that rape is the dominant term for both events.
- Reworked the layout for From the Mouths of Babes to be comptaible with new browsers, and more readable on mobile LAWL
- Reworked the layout for Analysis of Utena to be compatible with new browsers LAWL
- Corrected some code that was breaking in the Site section, some minor updates to it, fixed links to hosted site

July 28, 2018:
Changes to Audiology:
- About a couple dozen random code fixes, mistakes, and general things, thanks EJ and the Discord for helping me out!
Additions & Changes to the Gallery:
2008 Japanese DVD/2018 Nozomi Blu-ray sleeve artworks
Back of the After the Revolution collected book
Ultra rare Supergroupies SKU-themed lingerie purchase benefit clear file
Clean but small images from the After the Revolution manga
Added/Replaced 2008 Japanese DVD/2018 Nozomi Blu-ray Art
The Utena clear file folder from the 2018 Utena Musical
The clear card shuffle Set from the 2018 mMusical
Complete personal portrait sets, complete shuffle Sets, and complete super limited purchase prize postcards of the 2018 Utena Musical cast, with other bits and pieces of errata, all compiled in a new section of dozens and dozens of images:
Click here to go to the entire new section, complete with actor titles and all!!
Images from the opening sequence replaced or accompanied now by ultra high resolution scans of cels from the Hardcore of Utena book
Revamped Character Designs & Color Tests section to include new artwork from the 2018 exhibition production book and a few pics I definitely didn't take on the downlow:
Click here to go to the entire new section, complete with actor titles and all!!
Entirely recapped the Opening Sequence, Rondo-Revolution using the credits-free Bluray remaster, as well as encorporating multiple high resolution Hardcore of Utena images, already linked to above:
Click here to go to the entire new section, complete with actor titles and all!!
Definitely not a sneaky phone picture of a cel on display at the exhibition
Entirely recapped the first closing title credits, Truth, using the credits-free Bluray remaster:
Click here to go to the entire new section, complete with actor titles and all!!
Replaced this Black Rose Saga image of Shiori with a better copy
Blu-ray quality replacements of shots in the series:
Episode 39: Someday, Shine with Me
Replaced the sequence of Utena meeting Anthy within the coffin and reaching for her.
(Series_ep39_212 - Series_ep29_255)Episode 9: The Castle Said to Hold Eternity
[Touga in bed lol].
Episode 33: The Prince Who Runs Through the Night
Carnival pan
Image if Tomoko Kawakami, Utena's voice actress, from the 20th Anniversary Exhibition's program

December 31, 2017- A little late for Utena's birthday, but just in time to celebrate the new year! This update's a lot of bits and pieces I've been accumulating and adding over the last few months, so there should be a little something for everyone!
The new manga by Chiho Saito, After the Revolution, is now hosted permanently in the gallery. By the way, yes, we do INDEED know about the Juri and Shiori one coming up in a month! Gee, I wonder if it will appear on the site... :)
A big addition of sorts! Thanks to the donations of so many of you, I was able to get my grubby hands on the Japanese Blu-ray, which included among other things a high-resolution copy of the 1997 Utena musical, something we just haven't had access to in the English-speaking fandom until now!! It's now up on Youtube with subtitles and information, for everyone to enjoy!
Though in its infancy, I have finally cobbled together the References section of the Analysis site with the list of stuff I had on hand. I invite contributions! Check it out yourself, you're sure to find *something* new!
There has been quite a few additions and changes to the gallery, including the collectible rubber stamp chibis from the 2017 exhibition, an overhaul of the character design section to encorporate a ton of new content from various sources, and... some truly horrifying Chiho Saito sketches from the early brainstorming of Utena (check out our analysis of the images, holy CRAP IT'S URSULA'S KISS.) These images include translations of the text thanks to Hiraku and Dallbun, also! Thanks so much you guys. <3
Also, now that I have my hands on the Blu-ray, I've been selectively poking about replacing screencaps with huge upgrades. Links to previous images will remain intact, as I've seen to it the links will continue to lead to the exact same frame, but several scenes have been replaced for our viewing pleasure, including the ending of episode 38, Juri's second duel, the last photoshoot with Akio, Touga, and Saionji...and yes. *The* scene in episode 33. See below for a complete list of the changed scenes.
I've added to the Historia Arcana section a text file of the interview with Saito and Ikuhara that came with the After the Revolution manga installment in September. You can put it through Google Translate, or some enterprising soul is welcome to take a stab at it!!
We have several new doujinshi, almost none of them remotely safe for work, so look below to get to them, but be warned the content is uh...well. One of them includes Akio and Utena on the hood of his car, sooo...

New Site Sections:
Comedie Musicale Utena: La Fillette Révolutionnaire - The 1997 Utena musical, now available in high-definition with subtitles on YouTube!

Addition to Analysis:
Revolutionary Girl Utena Reference Resource - A perpeturally incomplete list of references the series makes! Check it out, and please add to it!

Addition to Historia Arcana:
Saito X Ikuhara Special Talk - This is the interview included with After the Revolution in the September 2017 issue of Flowers. I've transcribed it to text, to help encourage translation!

Additions & Changes to the Gallery:
The Rubber strap collectibles from the Utena 20th anniversary exhibition.
Early Saito Character Designs: Design sheets (files 2-8) included in volume 4 of the new manga reissue in Japan. These have been lovingly translated by Hiraku and Dallbun, and are absolutely insane and hilarious!! I've also updated existing images in this section with better copies. These images, now that they have translations, appear to explain the existence of Ursula's Kiss! Check out Yasha's HUGE Tumblr post introducing us all to Team Eleganza!
Character Designs: This entire section got overhauled to include new design sheets from the 10th Anniversary design book, the Duelist Bible, Hardcore of Utena, and upgrades of scans from the Utena Art Collection. These mostly include alternate outfits like Utena's baseball outfit, design sheets such as Utena's trashed uniform at the end of the series, and a couple characters that were previously missing, namely Ruka. There are too many changes to list here. A few examples, though:
Screencaps: With the arrival of the Japanese Blu-ray so lovingly donated to our site by way of fundraising, I've been hopping around replacing key scenes with upgraded gorgeous screenshots! You'll notice the naming convention includes things like 421b.jpg, this is so that previously existing links to the gallery for specific screenshots remain intact, because I know a lot of direct links to the gallery exist outside my site and I love you guys enough to bother to preserve that. <4
Episode 29: Azure Blue Paler than the Sky
Replaced Juri's last duel from them stepping in front of the Akio Car, to Ruka and Juri standing in the rain after.
(Series_ep29_113 - Series_ep29_201)
Episode 30: The Barefoot Girl
Replaced the scene of Akio kissing Utena after he removes her shoe. You know. Cuz. (Series_ep30_111a-Series_ep30_150)
Episode 31: Her Tragedy
The Touga in the shower sequence, holy crap his face shot came out nice and I didn't think it would, hnnng. (Series_ep31_029-Series_ep31_038)
The last two scenes in the episode, first when Touga tries to make Nanami come home, and then later in the night, Nanami waking to find Akio and Anthy in flagrante. (Series_ep31_191-Series_ep31_234)
Episode 32: Romance of the Dancing Girls
The sequence in Touga and Nanami's home leading up to her car ride, when she tries to ask Touga if she can leave.
Episode 33: The Prince Who Runs in the Night
Utena's face. You know. THE scene. It's fucking beautiful, god damn they spent their entire budget on this.
Episode 37: The One Who Will Revolutionize the World
The photoshoot with Akio, Touga, and Saionji. I swear, someone asked for this and it wasn't Yasha and it wasn't me.
Episode 38: The Ends of the World
The ending, starting from the point where Akio shoves Anthy at Utena, to the end when Utena crumples on the floor from being stabbed.
8 New Doujinshi:
***THESE ARE ALL HENTAI, consider yourself warned!!!
Angel's Tears - Shiori X Juri, you know it's what you're here for. <3 This is not especially explicit hentai, but hentai enough.
Crown of Thorns - Ruka X Juri, same artists as above, probably not as much peoples' cups of tea. That said, I think it's all in his head?
O Rose de Nobles Sentiments - A Juri, Shiori, and Ruka story, fairly short, not really hentai although two pages do have Shiori nude in them.
Hotel California 2 - Short and sweet H-doujin
Toufuya - Pieces of a compilation hentai doujin. One is Miki and Kozue, and one is the best thing I've ever seen in that it's the only time I've seen Akio drawn accurately on model, including in the show, and it ends better than I could ever have imagined.
Para Paro Oukoku - The Utena-centric bits of a graphic H-doujin. Scenes included: Akio going to jail. People getting drunk. Girls with penises.
EUG - A scene from a hentai compilation where Miki gets dressed up like Kozue? And then Sex? And then he smacks Anthy or something, I don't know.
Rose Revelation - A short hentai doujin with a few full color images and a lot of that yuri goo.

- Updated the Complete CD Box Booklet in Historia Arcana, as it was missing a page, ironically, the one with information about the new CD. Sorry about that! The current file is corrected.

October 22, 2017- We're not in Japan, and can't go to the Animate Cafe, or the Village Vanguard restaurant, or the Utena Exhibition, but nevertheless won't ignore the mad crazy attention our dear show has been getting. So here's an update for you lovely folks!
Though I've not completely destroyed and rebuilt any sections, there's still enough new stuff that it made sense to make it an official update. There are a couple additions to Historia Arcana, both supplementals to the popular anime magazines in Japan at the time Utena aired. My personal favorite is the Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA! one, which features artwork drawn by the various members of the production team for the show, so it's like fanart by the creators! Some of it you've seen, some you haven't, all of it's new and high resolution! Also there is the Duelist Bible, wherein you will find...instructions for a Chu-Chu plush.
I've also added a few new doujinshi, as I scan here and there between...scanning other things. One is a huge, absolutely beautiful doujinshi entirely about the Ruka/Juri ship, which so far as I can tell was sunk somewhere in the Pacific about 20 years ago and never made its way stateside.
There have also been some odd and end coding corrections made, and a link added to, the Russian sister site we never knew we had!! These awesome folks used our scans to translate the new Saito manga for fans out in the other frozen north! Cool beans. I've also sent the raws and such to a Spanish fan planning to do the same there. Pretty amazing to think of how much mileage that work has gotten. We will be 100% releasing any new Saito manga the same way.
But the real meat of this update is in the gallery, where a ton of new artwork has landed. The Nee La Rose Saito artbook finally brings us high resolution unobstructed scans of the Animerica Extra covers.The Animate Cafe's commemorative coasters were lovingly dragged across the ocean by yours truly to add more chibis to the site. Several beautiful images from the Hardcore of Utena have been added as replacements to lesser copies, the previously mistaken 'Newtype Special' section has been corrected and expanded, and I added a few tidbits to the Et Cetera section! There you'll find awesome new images pulled from the Nozomi Utena Bluray ad, and lovingly rendered repeated patterns from Utena swag just hitting Japan now.

Historia Arcana:
Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA! (Newtype Magazine Supplement) - A collection of mostly black and white art pieces drawn by the various members of the Utena production team, mostly animators. Much of this is cross-linked to the gallery.
Duelist Bible (Animage Magazine Supplement) - A focus on the first arc, but with lots of rare character design stuff and tidbits, including...instructions to make a Chu-Chu plush.

Additions to Doujinshi:
Azure Promise A massive, beautiful love song to the least popular ship in the English-speaking fandom: Ruka/Juri.
Virtual Star Embryology Softcore, with the main thrust of the doujin being Akio taunting Touga about Utena during sex. So you know...regular Friday night.
Epee Chibis, cute shorts, Ruka in a Rose Bride dress and Akio with a cat ear hat.
Septieme Recit Juri/Shiori, very sparse art style and honestly not amazing. But hey. Juri and Shiori!
Setsu Same circle as the above one, same kind of content. Not beautiful really, but hey.

Changes to the Gallery:
2 New sections:
Chibis: Added a folder for Chibis to series artwork, cross referencing the chibis where they appear elsewhere in the gallery.
Utena? Oh My! UTENA!
: Replaced the folder called 'Newtype Special' in the Series section with this, to reflect that I now know where these came from. The new section uses my scans of the originals, which include new images and huge upgrades to the previous ones. This book is also downloadable in full at Historia Arcana. This section is only for the artwork.
New Artworks:
(Japanese Halloween Animerica Cover)
(New Artwork: Utena and Anthy in Rose Bride Dresses)
(Animage Cafe Utena chibi coaster)
(Animage Cafe Anthy chibi coaster)
(Utena chibi from 2017 exhibition's admission swag keychain)
(Anthy chibi from 2017 exhibition's admission swag keychain)
(Animage Cafe Akio chibi coaster)
(Animage Cafe Touga chibi coaster)
(Animage Cafe Nanami chibi coaster)
(Animage Cafe Saionji chibi coaster)
(Animage Cafe Juri chibi coaster)
(Animage Cafe Miki chibi coaster)
(Taken from the Nozomi teaser trailer for the US release of the Utena Blu-Rays in 2017.)
(Taken from the Nozomi teaser trailer for the US release of the Utena Blu-Rays in 2017.)
(Taken from the Nozomi teaser trailer for the US release of the Utena Blu-Rays in 2017.)
(Taken from the Nozomi teaser trailer for the US release of the Utena Blu-Rays in 2017.)
(Taken from the Nozomi teaser trailer for the US release of the Utena Blu-Rays in 2017.)
(Repeating pattern based on a bag that will be sold at the 20th Anniversary exhibition.)
(Based on a set of items produced through Animation Addict store.)
(Shamelessly stolen rose pattern background from 20th Anniversary site.)
(Hey cool, invisible logo!)

Replaced/Improved on Artworks:
(Beautiful Utena and Anthy, Outfits, Wings, OMG Animerica Cover)
(Baseball Utena)
(Beach Utena)
(Spooky Halloween Animerica Cover)
(Miki and Anthy from the Hatena omake book)
(Sexy pose Utena, huge upgrade from previous.)
(More sexy Utena pose.)
(haha huge upgrade to the Akio nip pic)
(The neat thingie with Akio and Anthy shadows over the student council's shadows, from the Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA Animedia book.)
(Saito art with Utena and Anthy in less clothing than usual, from the Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA Animedia book.)

- Changed front page layout to be more readable and easier to see
- Fixed cross-browser compatibility issues in Historia Arcana
- Half-ass fixed vertical visibility in some pages of Analysis for mobile
- LOL never changed the Gallery front page message
- Updated the top bar menu in the Gallery to reflect new content and sub-folders.
Added link to

October 24th, 2016 - The addition of Young Hopes, a new section of the site devoted to the two novels written for Utena shortly after its broadcast in Japan. Translated and hosted with permission from Dallbun!

January 12th, 2016 - The Analysis section has been completely overhauled. Several new essays have also been added, most of them (5 out of 6) in the narrative section, with the last in personality.
Several new high resolution scans have been added to the Gallery, covering the first arc and the first ending credits. Aside from their own sections, these have been incorporated into the episodes as well.
I've uploaded 16 new doujinshi, all from physical copies donated by cscratch, to the Doujinshi Gallery. They are spread across the Under 40 Pages and 40-69 Pages sections. None of them are hentai.

December 17, 2013: The gallery overhaul has been completed and moved to Gallery3. Episodes 1-3 have been cross linked in the forum's archives to maintain links. (This will be a slow process.) Several new pieces of art were added, including the first high resolution scans from Hardcore of Utena, and the Blu-Ray covers. The massive Utena Doujinshi Gallery has been launched, with thousands of high resolution, carefully cleaned and aligned pages of SKU fan goodness. A donation information page has been added to the main site, and the new content has been incorporated into the current layout. The site information section has been completely overhauled for content, since we haven't updated it since the end of the Second Age and the beginning of the Dominion of Men.

2013-10-22 - Some of you may have noticed already, but we have three new Analysis essays and new Gallery software. New content will continue to be added to the Gallery as we receive it.

2013-08-08 - EM got a Tumblr!

2011-12-06 - It wouldn't do to leave the last box set's release unnoted! Here's comin' at you with a little update that took a huge amount of work. :(
Due to some new changes in how web hosts manage accounts like this one, I've had to do massive under-the-hood work, so much of the effort of this update should go unnoticed. Don't wanna bore you guys with the details, suffice to say I've done about a month's coding and troubleshooting and want to set the world on fire.
HOWEVER, I don't come empty-handed!
• A new section in the Akio shrine: The Machines. A work in progress, the current offering is an extensive analysis of his favorite toy car. Check out Things That Go Vroom in the Night!
• Thanks to Rhyaniwyn of IRG, a new interview is available at Mouths of Babes. This moderated IRC chat with Chiho Saito from at least a decade ago actually includes yours truly. My god, I've been around for a while, and since I ask about Saionji and use 'Akio-no-Miko' as my chat handle...can't say as I've grown much.
• Extensive and ridiculous code and database changes in the gallery. I won't bore you with details, but in theory, you shouldn't notice much different, except that images unrelated to the actual series are now on a separate database with different URLs. The gallery functions as before, with the exception of no longer having a search feature. (It was never implemented, anyway.)
• Updated the links section with some new stuff, and stripped the dead links.

2011-05-29 - As you can imagine, Empty Movement's not going to sit by and let an event like this go unmarked! Here's comin' at you with a super awesome site update, with a new subsection and a new hosted site! And more! And so go on...
• All new subsite! From the Mouths of Babes is a compilation of the interviews, commentaries, and goings on of the creators of Utena, primarily Be-Papas. Here you'll find Ikuhara's movie commentary, interviews where Enokido discusses guns versus swords for the series, and information about Be-Papas. Explore, enjoy, and laugh at Nanami-cow! (Also, this is my almost pure CSS layout. I know, late for that party...)
• New gallery artwork! Mostly stuff from the Japanese remasters! Several new images of Utena and Anthy, with a few more from the CD boxes. Also some miscellany, and a couple images that got color-corrections.Does anyone have a better scan of this Animerica Extra cover?
• Clarice of In the Rose Garden offers up two analysis essays for our enjoyment. For The Garden Where All Love Ends: A Discourse Upon The Black Rose Saga, may be familiar to some of you older fans, as it circulated several years ago around the fandom and effectively schooled all of us on how to analyze the show critically. Sometimes I wonder if this essay isn't where it really started for this section, and it's an honor to be able to offer it now. She also offers a deconstruction of Nanami, uncovering what we weren't looking for, and making us appreciate what we saw all along.
• Two cool new fanarts of the Shadow Play Girls, thanks to evrim!
• Linn has donated the transcriptions of episode 38 and 39 of the show in Japanese with romanizations! Hit up the script section and study hard!
• A link added to the pages for the 7th and 8th soundtracks in Audiology leads to translations of several of the Seazer tracks!
• Obviously, a new front page. :) The old one was getting dreary, no?
• (Non-EM) Dirty Hands is a website for the translation project of Shounen Ou (Boy King), a novel with visuals that was created after SKU as a collab between Enokido and Hasegawa of Be-Papas. It has changed hands many times, and now is no where to be found! I recovered it from the Wayback Machine long ago, and host the content exactly as I found it, in hopes that new fans will get to experience this ah...unusual...piece of work!

RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME NEWS: Nozomi Entertainment, known for their sparkly awesome releases of fan-favored anime have picked up the REMASTERS of SKU! That's right, we folks have coming our way real, shiny, remastered releases of the story we all know and love. I've been very jaded about state-side releases of SKU in the past, I had the crappy VHS releases of ONLY ONE ARC and the subsequent horrible transfers to DVD, I have bought the rest of the series on DVD only to have the company go belly up. Now I'm looking forward to our little show finally getting the release it deserves in the US. Does this rev me up for a site update? I think so, my poopykins. :) In the meantime, here's the information we on the forums gathered about the import--something to whet your appetites!

I still hate children. (Pediatric nursing definitely not for me.) I do, however, love my humble little website! I know, embarrassingly miniature update, but see how much you get done when you're writing a care plan that's 81 pages long. And not finished. Not kidding. Not double spaced. KILL ME NOW.
So what'd I do? I cleaned up and added to the gallery the last three remaster DVD album covers. These are all my favorite characters, which naturally means the artist utterly lost any capacity whatsoever to draw the characters in proportion. That or it turns out Akio was a Chinese woman back when footbinding was 'in'. But they're new art, they're huge, and they're here!
• Cleaned and uploaded three new high resolution DVD cover images to the gallery:
Nanami & Her Henchmen
Touga, Saionji, and the Car
Akio, Anthy, and Utena

Happy birthday and Happy Valentine's Day to me! And you all!'s moved to a new server host because I tired of downtime, and these days, one can get a lot more space for the money! Expect some perks coming up, like the SKU video game available for download! In the meantime, excuse a couple kinks as I work out the server move, though it was far and away the easiest I've ever done thanks to my awesome hostfolks.

It's a new year, and Giovanna's absolutely swamped with Obstetrics and Pediatrics. (PS. She hates kids.) The site? Definitely not forgotten--I've got something special lined up that will be getting a huge boost by the upcoming summer off. In the meantime, this is a super-mini update and a brief moment of silence.
I went though the links in the site info section, and I'm sad to say I thinned it out rather a lot. Several sites that were big cheese long before my humble little offering are gone now: and Tsuwabuki's Opera Glass in particular. I also removed a few young upstarts that were given up on, and several shrines I'd absolutely adored, including the reason I've never built a Saionji one myself.
It's the nature of the beast when you're dealing with a fandom that's old enough to bear children, but I can't help also notice that people just don't build their own fansites as much anymore. With so many other means of worship on the net, site building seems to be reserved for the upper crust of fan-fanatics.
But I can still mourn the passing of an age, and of a string of websites that sculpted and contributed to the fandom surrounding the story I love. I can also say that barring the death of the internet, this one will never come down. It may someday become permanently static, but it will always be here. I hope it provides some inspiration also for those that do still want to build fansites of their own, and for the love of God I encourage you to do so if you ever had the inclination at all.
It's like what I keep hearing about childbearing. It's hard, it's frustrating, and it's absolutely rewarding.

• One fanart added to fandom. Go Tamago!
• Links for No Angel Came and Empty Cage updated
• Several links removed from link list in site info

Just in time for In the Rose Garden's third birthday! The forum thrives, because it's full of awesome people. LOVE LOVE. <3

In the meantime, Ikuhara and I had the same thought when it came to celebrating Utena’s 10th anniversary! While I was fixing the awful image quality of the DVD screencaps…Ikuhara was fixing the awful image quality of the series. Sadistic.
Still Ikuhara, we love you! Though a US release of these gorgeous box sets, three in all (one for the soundtracks, two for the series/movie/musical), seems unlikely, thanks to Geneon, SKU's US distributor being out of business, they are available through the import lines if you have insane amounts of money to spend. I’ve compiled information on the releases, what’s in them (including extras!), and a couple suggestions as to where to obtain them. This information is compiled from a thread on In the Rose Garden, and a special shout-out goes out to Almaser, Mylene, IceQueenChigusa, and Copyman for being particularly helpful on getting translations and images.
Wanna know more about the Brand Spankin’ New Utena DVD and CD remaster releases? Click here!

Of course, I haven’t been sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing with this site. Though my available time may have dwindled to nearly nothing, SKU is still near and dear to my heart, and Empty Movement, always on my mind. There was a time when an update of this magnitude was a monthly occurrence, but there was also a time when I had entire weekends (and work shifts, heh) to put into them. These days the updates are going to come a little slower, but I promise, there will always be one coming. Nursing school may be the means to the end, employment in a thriving career and all that jazz, but Empty Movement? My baby. Yasha's too- she's currently on hiatus, but sends her love and wants to hump Touga's leg as usual. Oh and if you couldn't tell--the blog is more or less dead. That's not us falling off the face of the earth--that's the world changing! It's all Facebook these days. I kinda feel like a tool though. =/

Enough with the apologies though! We want goodies, don’t we? Yes we do. The bigger part of this update is an overhaul of the multimedia section. This experimental effort uses blogging software (Wordpress), to allow me to categorize the entries, so instead of sorting through a hundred wallpapers chronologically, you can now search by character! (I figured this was how most people chose their wallpapers.) The swirlies in the layout? Courtesy of boredom in my Pharm class last year.

In addition to this overhaul, several new items in the gallery have been added, new artwork and background designs provided by Mylene, Copyman, and dundundun of the forums and cleaned up by yours truly. Direct links provided in the breakdown. Also, some new analysis by me—or really, it’s old analysis, an essay on Saionji’s body language in the Black Rose Arc that I’ve been working on for the better part of two years, little by little. Like body language? Enjoy! I also cleaned up the Akio shrine's image section, which has been broken for ages. And of course, there's some sweet donation stuff, as always, including, thanks to Almaser, the new remaster CD's extra bonus UTENA IN THE CLUB. Hop over to Audiology!

• New in the gallery!
  Three high-res artwork images from the remastered DVD covers!
  Color background caps fresh from the remasters! Over 300 to oogle! :)
• Brand new Multimedia section, with navigation by character thanks to Wordpress!
• Addition of a release information page on the new remasters from Japan
• 1 analysis essay written by me (gogo Saionji!)
• 1 submitted essay in analysis
• Redid the Photography section of the Akio shrine to cross link it to the gallery
• 5 donated fanfics, including a couple long ones!
• 1 donated fanart
• 1 donated fan dream
• The bonus Utena in the Club CD available for download in Audiology
• Added a bit of information to the CDs about US releases, although they're mostly gone now due to Geneon's bankruptcy.

I still hate children. (Pediatric nursing definitely not for me.) I do, however, love my humble little website! I know, embarrassingly miniature update, but see how much you get done when you're writing a care plan that's 81 pages long. And not finished. Not kidding. Not double spaced. KILL ME NOW.
So what'd I do? I cleaned up and added to the gallery the last three remaster DVD album covers. These are all my favorite characters, which naturally means the artist utterly lost any capacity whatsoever to draw the characters in proportion. That or it turns out Akio was a Chinese woman back when footbinding was 'in'. But they're new art, they're huge, and they're here!
• Cleaned and uploaded three new high resolution DVD cover images to the gallery:
Nanami & Her Henchmen
Touga, Saionji, and the Car
Akio, Anthy, and Utena

Happy birthday and Happy Valentine's Day to me! And you all!'s moved to a new server host because I tired of downtime, and these days, one can get a lot more space for the money! Expect some perks coming up, like the SKU video game available for download! In the meantime, excuse a couple kinks as I work out the server move, though it was far and away the easiest I've ever done thanks to my awesome hostfolks.

It's a new year, and Giovanna's absolutely swamped with Obstetrics and Pediatrics. (PS. She hates kids.) The site? Definitely not forgotten--I've got something special lined up that will be getting a huge boost by the upcoming summer off. In the meantime, this is a super-mini update and a brief moment of silence.
I went though the links in the site info section, and I'm sad to say I thinned it out rather a lot. Several sites that were big cheese long before my humble little offering are gone now: and Tsuwabuki's Opera Glass in particular. I also removed a few young upstarts that were given up on, and several shrines I'd absolutely adored, including the reason I've never built a Saionji one myself.
It's the nature of the beast when you're dealing with a fandom that's old enough to bear children, but I can't help also notice that people just don't build their own fansites as much anymore. With so many other means of worship on the net, site building seems to be reserved for the upper crust of fan-fanatics.
But I can still mourn the passing of an age, and of a string of websites that sculpted and contributed to the fandom surrounding the story I love. I can also say that barring the death of the internet, this one will never come down. It may someday become permanently static, but it will always be here. I hope it provides some inspiration also for those that do still want to build fansites of their own, and for the love of God I encourage you to do so if you ever had the inclination at all.
It's like what I keep hearing about childbearing. It's hard, it's frustrating, and it's absolutely rewarding.

• One fanart added to fandom. Go Tamago!
• Links for No Angel Came and Empty Cage updated
• Several links removed from link list in site info
Just in time for In the Rose Garden's third birthday! The forum thrives, because it's full of awesome people. LOVE LOVE. <3

In the meantime, Ikuhara and I had the same thought when it came to celebrating Utena’s 10th anniversary! While I was fixing the awful image quality of the DVD screencaps…Ikuhara was fixing the awful image quality of the series. Sadistic.
Still Ikuhara, we love you! Though a US release of these gorgeous box sets, three in all (one for the soundtracks, two for the series/movie/musical), seems unlikely, thanks to Geneon, SKU's US distributor being out of business, they are available through the import lines if you have insane amounts of money to spend. I’ve compiled information on the releases, what’s in them (including extras!), and a couple suggestions as to where to obtain them. This information is compiled from a thread on In the Rose Garden, and a special shout-out goes out to Almaser, Mylene, IceQueenChigusa, and Copyman for being particularly helpful on getting translations and images.
Wanna know more about the Brand Spankin’ New Utena DVD and CD remaster releases? Click here!

Of course, I haven’t been sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing with this site. Though my available time may have dwindled to nearly nothing, SKU is still near and dear to my heart, and Empty Movement, always on my mind. There was a time when an update of this magnitude was a monthly occurrence, but there was also a time when I had entire weekends (and work shifts, heh) to put into them. These days the updates are going to come a little slower, but I promise, there will always be one coming. Nursing school may be the means to the end, employment in a thriving career and all that jazz, but Empty Movement? My baby. Yasha's too- she's currently on hiatus, but sends her love and wants to hump Touga's leg as usual. Oh and if you couldn't tell--the blog is more or less dead. That's not us falling off the face of the earth--that's the world changing! It's all Facebook these days. I kinda feel like a tool though. =/

Enough with the apologies though! We want goodies, don’t we? Yes we do. The bigger part of this update is an overhaul of the multimedia section. This experimental effort uses blogging software (Wordpress), to allow me to categorize the entries, so instead of sorting through a hundred wallpapers chronologically, you can now search by character! (I figured this was how most people chose their wallpapers.) The swirlies in the layout? Courtesy of boredom in my Pharm class last year.

In addition to this overhaul, several new items in the gallery have been added, new artwork and background designs provided by Mylene, Copyman, and dundundun of the forums and cleaned up by yours truly. Direct links provided in the breakdown. Also, some new analysis by me—or really, it’s old analysis, an essay on Saionji’s body language in the Black Rose Arc that I’ve been working on for the better part of two years, little by little. Like body language? Enjoy! I also cleaned up the Akio shrine's image section, which has been broken for ages. And of course, there's some sweet donation stuff, as always, including, thanks to Almaser, the new remaster CD's extra bonus UTENA IN THE CLUB. Hop over to Audiology!

• New in the gallery!
  Three high-res artwork images from the remastered DVD covers!
  Color background caps fresh from the remasters! Over 300 to oogle! :)
• Brand new Multimedia section, with navigation by character thanks to Wordpress!
• Addition of a release information page on the new remasters from Japan
• 1 analysis essay written by me (gogo Saionji!)
• 1 submitted essay in analysis
• Redid the Photography section of the Akio shrine to cross link it to the gallery
• 5 donated fanfics, including a couple long ones!
• 1 donated fanart
• 1 donated fan dream
• The bonus Utena in the Club CD available for download in Audiology
• Added a bit of information to the CDs about US releases, although they're mostly gone now due to Geneon's bankruptcy.

Gio: Yes, I know, it's been a year since I've formally updated the site. I have been working on it, and am actually partway through a rather thorough overhaul of the multimedia section, but I'm gonna be frank with you guys--school is tough for me. I work, I do clinicals, I get reamed with more crap to do than I can handle and keep sane, and I just don't have the time for the site that I used to. Is it abandoned? No, not at all. Do I have some catching up to do? Yes, yes I do. I'm just letting you all know I'm still thinking of you, and of Empty Movement, and it's not down for the count and it's not static. Think of it as a virus scan running in the background on low priority. It's still there, and things are still happening, but it's gonna take a while.
Gio: HOLY UPDATE BATMAN. This update's been a while in the making, I realize, but it's worth it. Welcome, boys and girls, to the stupidly huge, all-encompassing new SKU gallery! Those in the know have some idea of the scope of this thing, the rest of you...go find out. (PLEASE NOTE, the URL for the gallery has changed to, so fix your links!) But this update ain't all about me waving my Photoshop/PHP e-penis! I've also added a new essay to the analysis site (Got Akio? If so, turn him over, you ass.) There's also the usual (because you all rock) plethora of donations, including the Japanese transcription of episode 1 in scripes, and several new vector traces! See below for the nice thorough itemized list, and GET BROWSING!

Yasha: All right, all right, I know I've been pretty absent... but it's all for RoseCon! That and being retail management means you have to pick up any or all dropped shifts. :( But I'll be back soon, I promise. In the meantime, enjoy the gallery and the lovely new donations!

• OVERHAULED THE FUCKING GALLERY. Trying to itemize what's changed would be absurd. Just fucking go.
• Wrote a new essay on Akio and Sex to replace 'Akio Ohtori in Bed'. This one's much larger in scope.
• Added CD information for the Star Mania compilation to Audiology. Thanks Sunnie for the info!
• Updated the forum software and added BBC code to the PM system.
• New front page layout that lists hosted sites.
• Added my own dream to the dreams section.
• Removed a couple link buttons from the site section because they referred to the old domain. Oops.
• Added a link to the links out, as well as updated some of the random information on the site information section.
• Added example screenshots to 'Sex, Torment, and Body Language', the body language analysis of Utena losing her virginity. Slight edits were also made to the text for cleanliness.

• Added 2 donated essays by awesome forum members. Kozue? Non-verbal communication? Go go!
• Added a Spanish translation of Razara's essay on Shiori in the analysis section. Cool!
• Added a donated transcription of the Japanese script of episode 1 to the scripts section.
• Added 10 new fanarts.
• Added 7 new fanfics.
• Added 8 new wallpapers.
• Added 4 (or 7, depending on how you look at it) donated vector traces to the repository.