Elaby - Run, Forrest, Run!
The most cogniscent dream I had didn't
involve anyone talking, and it was pretty short, but very Utena-ish.
Most dreams I have are rather out of character ;) In this one, Akio
was chasing Anthy, who was wearing her Bara no Hanayome dress, and
had her hair down. He chased her into this room, presumably in his
tower, where there was an open place like a window without glass that
went down to the floor. Akio grabbed at her, and she dodged under
his arms and fell out of the open place. Akio fell onto the red-silk-blanketed
bed that was in the room, with one of THOSE expressions, like he had
when he was driving her in the car near the end of the series. All
freaked-looking. Then it cut to Anthy falling, and there were black
roses all around her, and a castle in the background... and that's
all I can remember ^_^ |