If you like to read, be prepared to spend a lot of time here! Submissions are always welcome. |

[Yasha] There isn't much here
yet, but do take a look at our growing poetry collection!
[Gio] Bring a lighter and snap your fingers!
Night Things
[by] OnlyinthisLight
[Profanity, Angst, and Masturbation]
[Yasha] Can we say hot? Oh wait, most people don't find emotional pain sexy... :(
[Giovanna] A cringeworthy look inside Saionji's head after his fateful final duel. If the profanity is what kills you here, you missed the point. Jesus, Saionji. :(
[by] OnlyinthisLight
[Underage Sex/Akio]
[Yasha] NO.
[Giovanna] Akio and Tsuwabuki spend some quality time in the planetarium. Souls are lost.
Roses Grow
[by] sharnii
[Yasha] It's interesting to see Utena written in the first person. Maybe I'm just not used to it... but it seems like it should say a lot about the author as well as the character.
[Giovanna] More epic fic goodness! This is a post-series Utena/Anthy exploration, though of course, the other lovely characters are present.
Withered Roses Don't Always Die
[by] BlackRoseVixen
[LONG, some Sex]
[Yasha] ....there's TxS in this. I'm shocked!
[Giovanna] This mammoth fic is 22 chapters of genre-crashing. There's serious, there's silly, there's sweet, there's Saionji. There's also sex and elemental stuff and the kitchen sink! Wow!
[by] BioKraze
[Yasha] Have I mentioned that I adore fairy tales?
[Giovanna] Akio and Anthy's origins, presented very much as a fairy tale, with a few questions the show leaves hanging explored.
Once Upon a Time
[by] Like_Autumn [More Fics @ Livejournal]
[Yasha] I am always happy to see SPG in my inbox. It's like a creepy little present from a clown in a UFO.
[Giovanna] The Shadow Play Girls have their story fleshed out in more detail.
[by] ArsenicForBreakfast [More Fics @ FF.net]
[Yasha] 'Long live the Prince' is a little ironic...
[Giovanna] Now this is unusual. A fic...for the movie!
Through the Wicked Winding Streets of My World
[by] Veleda
[Yasha] There's a lot of Touga getting fucked in this fic. Hooray!
[Giovanna] Akio? Mindblowing yet creepy sex? :shlick:
From the Ashes
[by] Veleda
[Yasha] Honestly... I couldn't live with myself if I ever felt that way about another person. Too awkward!
[Giovanna] My god those two need to just not bother ever speaking.
Eulogy of a Missing Person
[by] Cassandra Lone
[Yasha] AUNTIE YURIKA! We hardly ever see her!
[Giovanna] Corrected the whacky hair colors, I see.
Nighttime Promises
[by] Mack
[Yasha] This makes me feel funny inside. By the way, yes, Gio, it's very wrong. Go stand in the corner.
[Giovanna] Fantastic writing of Anthy's innermost thoughts. Is it wrong I got a little turned on at her description of sex with Akio?
The Prince
[by] Kumori
[Yasha] This is almost like a parallel retelling of the beginning of it all. I approve.
[Giovanna] The imagery here is fantastic, very much in the spirit of SKU.
Narcissus and Goldmund
[by] Juri Archambeau
[Yasha] How... awkward. Uncomfortable, even. I love seeing the two of them interact, though.
[Giovanna] My god those two need to just not bother ever speaking.
Vigniti Tres
[Part One]
[Part Two]
[Part Three]
[Part Four]
[Part Five]
[Part Six]
[Part Seven]
[by] angelicreation
[Yasha] Holy carp! It's like D&D, only with the characters of SKU! I'm in love!
[Giovanna] The comment I want to make about this fic is a spoiler. Suffice to say, it's amazing what you can learn from the people around you.
Way of the Rose
[parts 6-8]
[by] Jorge
(Q) Quinones
[Yasha] An AU setting with an
almost cowboy western flavor that just seems to work—I hope
we’ll be getting more soon! Updated 01/31/2007.
[Giovanna] Lord Akio. I mean, there are other
words in the fic, but these are the best.
Let This Be...
[by] angelicreation [Sexual Content]
[Yasha] Woohoo! Juri and Shiori get things happening!
[Giovanna] Juri? Shiori? Sexual content? Oh god this will be the most popular page on the site now.
Searching for the True Path
[by] angelicreation
[Yasha] A bit of post-series introspection from Juri. And a little birdie told me this one may be continued.
[Giovanna] It wasn't, by any chance, Shiori's wounded birdie?
Touga's Very Bad, Horrible, No Good Day
[by] angelicreation
[Yasha] Awwww, no! Nooooo! I would totally have helped him. Of course, at that point, libido critical mass would have been reached and... let's just say I hope Touga doesn't mind take-out for the next three weeks...
[Giovanna] Yeah I don't see there being any need for help with you around, dear.
Unveiling the Coffin
[by] Ivy-chan [Implied Sex]
[Yasha] Oh, poor Miki! Although really... I think Mikage would do something like this to him. Excellently written.
[Giovanna] Mikage is awesome and Miki is scared. This wins.
[by] Selenite
[Nonconsensual Sex, Violence]
[Yasha] AUGH.
[Giovanna] This was our payment for the fuzzies in the fic below, wasn't it? Just...wow.
[by] Selenite
[Yasha] Awwww! It fills our cold, cold hearts with warm fuzzies! Also, Saionji really does owe Wakaba. Big time.
[Giovanna] THE FUZZIES. OH GOD THE FUZZIES. If I open my mouth cottonballs will fall out. ;_; I feel compelled to reduce this to some horrible comment but it would cheapen things. So I'll just mush a little.
Descent and Ascension
[by] Ivy-chan
[Yasha] Snapshots of Mikage's progression from the time of the series to long after he has left Ohtori. I'm glad I read this, it makes me feel better over him. I never liked it that he just disappeared, it seemed so cruel.
[Giovanna] Ivy-chan says here that she had a hard time speaking for a scientific mind. I don't claim to be a Mikage by any means, but I found her portrayal of that kind of emotional calculation very accurate.
Brief Unveilings
[by] Ivy-chan [Implied Sex]
[Yasha] Well, there's certainly unveiling. Can't say as it was brief. Kozue and Anthy meet in a swimming pool in the middle of the night for a chat. Or something. This may be creepier than kisses from Christopher Walken.
[Giovanna] Thanks Yasha, that's the mental image I needed after reading this fic. I should choke you.
All the Words of Love
[by] Ivy-chan
[Yasha] Such a beautiful little set of short pieces. Though names aren't really used, most characters are identifiable easily, and the types of love match up perfectly.
[Giovanna] Very, very cool. (Or hot. Some of them were definitely hot.)
When Too Little is Said
[by] Ivy-chan
[Yasha] Wow, a well written Shiori fic? I guess she explains herself somewhat in this one. I'm still not a fan of the character, but this is a very good story.
[Giovanna] This author made a mistake. She neglected to crucify Shiori and accuse her of being a demonbeast. Very well written, very unorthodox POV.
Raspberry Swirl
[by] Starbrigid
[Yasha] Touga and Juri have a 'nonrelationship', as Starbrigid puts it. I would also just like to say here that Juri has to be a lesbian because I refuse to believe that she spoke to Touga alone, without a baseball bat, and escaped without gettin' down otherwise.
[Giovanna]Yes, Yasha, I do believe the lesbianism took care of that particular problem. It's quite interesting to see what happens when no one's trying to get laid, though.
Loki Unties the Fenris Wolf
[by] Alithea
[Yasha] A Kozue introspective on how taking over the dueling game has affected her. You heard me, our old friend Alithea has written Akio out of the driver's seat.
[Giovanna] What have I said? WHAT HAVE I SAID? I can totally see this. Also, I love the title.
Mr. Brightside
[by] The Boy Who Slept With Ghosts
[Implied Sex]
[Yasha] I'm not ashamed to say I felt a tiny bit of a tingle at the part with Touga. Still, this isn't the kind of story you want to be feeling that in, not with Miki and Kozue acting... how they are.
[Giovanna] How shocking, Touga is a jerk and Yasha tingles. Anyway, this is an awesome fic from Miki's perspective, it puts a fascinating spin on his internal dialogue.
[by] Katieryn
[Yasha] Poor Saionji, he's so abused. I always just want to hug him and feed him and tell him that everything's gonna be okay. Just a short fic from his point of view, about Anthy.
[Giovanna] Would someone please cut this poor guy a break?
What's Becoming of the Children?
[by] Katieryn
[Yasha] ...well then. I don't get the Simon and Garfunkel reference, but... food for thought. Very, very intriguing.
[Giovanna] The S&G reference is a lyric in the song 'Save the Life of My Child', from Bookends. (Yes, I'm a fan.) To describe the song's story would spoil the life out of this fic, but I strongly suggest googling the lyrics after you read it. It's a great twist to throw on an already fantastic piece.