Look at the fanart. Love the fanart. Draw
the fanart, and send it in!
Art is in chronological order, with newest submissions at
the top of the first page.
[by] Lia
[Yasha] Is there a Shiori/Hephaestus parallel here?
[Giovanna] Mmm. Symbolism. Tastes strangely like sexual longing. |
[by] Lia, piece titled 'The Hornet and the Snake'
[Yasha] I think this is a horrible idea. Someone get the popcorn.
[Giovanna] That's a disturbing couple. In that Nanami would wear the pants in that relationship. Seriously, poor boy would be whipped. |
[by] Lia
[Yasha] Sibyl? The Three Faces of Eve? When Rabbit Howls? I'm confused. This has to be cover art for one of those... doesn't it?
[Giovanna] Faces of Nanami! It's like Faces of Death, except only if you're a kitten. |
[by] Marianne
[Yasha] I'm blue, da boo di da boo da...
[Giovanna] She looks so sad. How could you be sad when you have wings? |
[by] Ivy-chan
[Yasha] He looks so pained. Let me soothe the hurt spot, Saionji. *bambi eyes* I'll take good care of you.
These two pictures basically amount to a gross abuse of power in my case to influence what others do with their spare time. I win. |
[by] Ivy-chan
[Yasha] And in diametric opposite, Akio is having fun 'soothing' himself. Still, another pair of hands...
[Giovanna] God damn that man is a whore. A gorgeous, gorgeous whore. FINISH COLORING THESE HURRY OMG |
[by] Soro
[Yasha] The coloring is quite frankly gorgeous, although I can't help but think that Utena reminds me of an evil witch.
[Giovanna] Her expression looks creepy and like I'd be afraid of her. |
[by] Soro
[Yasha] I love the proportions and style Soro has used for these drawings! They look very modern, but still very intricate.
[Giovanna] Hey cute! The outfit suits her. |
[by] Maarika [Maarika's Art]
[Yasha] Maarika's been doing some work on canvas. And hell, if anything deserves to be immortalized on canvas, it's Akio's smirk.
[Giovanna] Amen to that. Generations from now, someone will see his smirk and soak their panties. And suspect that with a wardrobe like that, he's probably a villain. |
[by] Maarika [Maarika's Art]
[Yasha] Apparently the Predator is behind Anthy. Watch out, Anthy! The Predator will eat you!
[Giovanna] Oh god jesus I love this. ;_; Star silhouette oh god ;_; |
[by] Jean Yan
[Yasha] The first in a series of canvases done by Jean Yan, three different representations of our pink haired Prince.
[Giovanna] What? There never was any such thing as a Prince anywhere in the world in the first place. |
[by] Jean Yan
[Yasha] Either she's sleepy, or she's going to cry in this one. I bet it's the latter.
[Giovanna] I doubt that dress is very comfortable to sleep in. Definitely crying. |
[by] Jean Yan
[Yasha] Uh oh! What has happened to our dashing Prince! It must have been the Jabberwock.
[Giovanna] Dropped her wallet. Now she has to spend all month calling and cancelling cards! Luckily her hair came out fabulous. |
[by] Alexiel [Storybook Children]
[Yasha] Alexiel's Juri looks vaguely like she wants to eat my soul. Shoo, soul-eater! I've had enough nips taken off that Akio might not want the rest!
[Giovanna] Don't worry, I'm sure you have enough soul for the-oh. Yeah I guess that's a problem. |
[by] Lilli [Lemon Chiffon]
[Yasha] Ahhhh, yes. All I have to say about this is a rousing endorsement of the Absolut Destiny Apocalypse. It's like the End of the World in a bottle.
[Giovanna] I'd be sorely disappointed if Ends of the World could fit in a vodka bottle. |
[by] Maarika [Maarika's Art]
[Yasha] Mikage's looking pretty pensive here. I wonder if he's thinking about all those students he set on fire? ....nah. He'd be grinning more.
[Giovanna] Maybe he's thinking of Mamiya? ....nah. There'd be a visible erection. Whoops, did I say that? (Oh god snow.) |
[by] Maarika [Maarika's Art]
[Yasha] The only flaw in this picture is that the cake is not yet eaten. Seriously, not even a polaroid could capture this moment. It strains belief.
[Giovanna] At first I thought that was a scapel. Don't ask me why, but boy did it make that picture creepy. |
[by] JeanGenie
[Yasha] There is a lot of gorgeous, shiny hair in this picture. Damn. I wish I had pretty hair like that.
[Giovanna] JeanGenie suffered a heart attack upon realizing she'd done a fanart Akio wasn't in. |
[by] Alarm
[Yasha] For some reason, this reminds me of 80's comics. This means, of course, that it is incredibly awesome. Despite the fact that the 80's sucked.
[Giovanna] Hey yeah, actually it reminds me a bit of the artstyle used in Rose of Versailles. Deliberate? |
[by] Crystal Rose
[Yasha] I have no idea what to think. My mind is blown from the sheer awesome.
[Giovanna] I love the way Utena's hair coils around itself. Ish pretty! |
[by] Maarika [Maarika's Art]
[Yasha] Gee, I wonder how Utena feels about having naked Anthy draped all over her? I mean, she probably just came from Akio's place. That doesn't strike me as cuddle time.
[Giovanna] I have a feeling Anthy smells absolutely delicious. |
[by] Maarika [Maarika's Art]
[Yasha] It's a first for the fandom section! Fanart wallpapers! And lovely ones too-- it's such a sweet picture.
[Giovanna] The expression on Utena's face is so sweet...a bit surrendering, considering Anthy's holding her down by her wrist... |
[by] Maarika [Maarika's Art]
[Yasha] I think that the red on black silhouette of Anthy and the swords is one of the most striking images in the series, and I really, really like the way Maarika has captured that here.
[Giovanna] I cringe looking at this. Definitely captures the horror of what's done to Anthy...but christ. Chills. |
[by] invisible ink [Android Eyes]
[Yasha] I feel like I'm watching a murder going on. Doesn't this remind anyone else of a Poe story? You know, the kind where there's a dying person in the bed, and the two murderers argue about whether to finish him off right in front of him? DAMMIT, TOUGA, DON'T DRINK THE POISON.
[Giovanna] OH GOD HE'S A VAMPIRE, RUN YOU TWO...or don't, that's a much, much better idea, yes...
I absolutely love this. The unusual (creepy) angle, the coloring, the insane detail that went into the room, the suggestion of a story I'd love to read... (Nanami, what are you doing???) Gorgeous. |
[by] Aika Sumeragi
[Yasha] I think I've watched Silence of the Lambs too much. I want to bite her fingers. A lot. Aside from that, I really like her expression. So confident!
[Giovanna] I think I've watched Hannibal too much. I want to eat the frontal lobe of her cerebrum. A lot. Aside from that, I really like her expression, too. She looks like she's quite sure she's leading you somewhere awesome. |
[by] LadyPrince Pyro
[Yasha] HOLY SCHEISSE. Is it just me, or is ghetto Anthy a very startlingly good picture???
[Giovanna] Best use of a rose tattoo EVAR! She looks like she could totally pop a cap in someone's ass. Wears it well. |