Short Dreams
Scary dreams happen. Particularly
when you're an SKU fan! These are short recollections of those dreams
that haunt the uh... dedicated. I bet you didn't expect me to say
this, but send
in your dreams! We won't tease, we promise; dream recollections
won't get denied, no matter how strange, creepy, or naughty! |
The dream started out with me and Anthy running through a BIG rosefield [like the one in the movie ^_^]. Well, I wasn't really running but Anthy was dragging me and screaming at me to 'Run like Hell!'. She was dressed in her Rosebride dress, and I- well, I'm not sure what I was wearing. I'm pretty sure it was the Ohtori Academy uniform [ooh, puffy sleeves!]. So, we were running and suddenly I heard the sound of a car speeding up behind us. Anthy started going ballistic and told me to hurry up. I, as the clumsy ass I am, stumbled and fell. Well, as I struggled to my feet I looked up and noticed the Akiocar just a few feet from us. Akio climbed up from the drivers seat and out of the car, standing infront of us. 'Oh no! He's going to use his secret weapon!' Anthy screamed. The next thing I knew was how Akio started ripping his clothes off [he was dressed in his duelling outfit] XD Sadly the dream ended there. Damn it.
~Miruja, on 12/3/01 |
For some weird reason I was in this huge ass bed [one of those neat hotelbeds with red silky sheets etc]. So, I was hitting on Akio like crazy [Oi, who whouldn't ;) ] and things were starting to heaten up a bit. Then, when I'd lost nearly all my clothes [except for my underwear], Akio suddenly started crying. I was a bit PO off and asked him what was wrong with him. Suddenly his sobbing turned into PO-mode and he started swearing. "You don't like my red socks!" he then said, causing me to just stare at him. He got off the bed and gathered the jacket of his duelling uniform and walked out, still cursing. The moral of the story; never [EVER] wear red socks!
~Miruja, on 12/3/01 |
I don't remember details, but I seemed to be walking around taking screenshots of real life. (I don't know how that works, so don't ask.) I was taking screens of people being SKU fans. I don't remember what they were doing, but I do remember being irritated by one person because they kept betting on who was a bigger SKU fan. Yeah, nothing strange about that!
~Giovanna, on 10/25/01 |
Oh yeah I actually have had two dreams about Utena but one of them was just me screwing Akio. Here's the long dream. I was in a big auditorium with lots of seats and all the Utena characters were there (I don't remember seeing Akio though.) And they were having an auction. And then, for some reason, *I* was up for auction! I was really not too happy about this. Then, to make it worse, Touga won me! ;_; I wasn't happy. He made me wear a Rose Bride Dress all the time. (I don't quite remember what color it was, but I'm pretty sure it was pink.) He like, kissed my hand and acted all suave, and I was just like "EW get off me!" but I couldn't say it to his face. He wouldn't let me sit with my friends (Utena, Wakaba, and my real-life friend Kitty), but made me sit with him all the time. Yeah, I don't remember what happened after that.
~Nanami-chan, 09/23/01 |
Title: Well, Okay, so it wasn't really a dream _about_
Okay, so I was going to go to the mall the day after this dream,
and I really wanted to buy the Utena Rose Collection DVD. So I went
to Suncoast Videos, and the store wasn't there, so I looked around
and I finally found it in the Sam Goody, and I looked at the DVDs,
and I found the first Rose Collection, and I was so happy! I read
the back and it said that there was a special Nanami character profile,
and I was sort of confused, but then I went to look for other DVDs,
like Outlaw Star. The dream was very boring, and it went on for
a while, until I woke up, and realized that I didn't really have
the Rose collection, and then I was sad. In fact, I still am sad,
because I still
haven't gotten it.
08/15/01 |
I really don't remember a lot about the dream. I was
rooming with Akio/in the tower (or something along that line), and
at one point, Juri, Akio, Nanami (I think) and I are locked into the
bathroom and we *cannot* get out. Juri's pissed, Nanami's sulking,
Akio's glowering, and I'm laughing my ass off for some unknown reason
in a corner. All of a sudden, I decide to yell out "Lesbian sex
in Akio's bathroom!" which *really* ticks Akio off. He got really
whiny and said something like "Do you REALLY think anyone would
believe that with me here?" Then, of course, Utena and Touga
came to break the door down.
I woke up laughing.
08/15/01 |
Well, I was in Ohtori Academy...I think. Some kid came
up to me and gave me a little tiny folded piece of green paper, but
it got really big when it was unfolded. He said it was for the Rijichou,
so I walked just about three steps, and hey, there's Akio! I gave
him the note, and he read it and got really pissed off, and because
he was pissed, I got freaked and scurried away. I was hoping he wasn't
the type to kill the messenger because of bad news, and thought maybe
he was.
Later, late at night, I was hanging around in an oversized dorm
room, studying. What I was studying, I have no clue, but suddenly
Akio shows up. Poof. Just like that. Yet again, I'm freaked, but
I'm calmer. Only a little calmer, mind you. He apologized for scaring
me earlier. Yes, ignoring the fact that I'm still scared of him.
Ok. Major manipulation time. And that was the end. Actually, it
was a very pleasant dream, once I think back on it. ^_^
Wildrose , 07/07/01 |
Anyway, a quick dream I had last night: I was watching
the series over again from the beginning because I've only seen
the whole thing once (I know, I'm softcore...) but anyway I got
to this one episode where Akio was just banging the shit out of
Touga I'd elaborate further but I'm sure we've all had this dream
at least once... but it was just kinda funny because I was sitting
there with this hugeass bowl of carmelcorn thinking 'Damn, I don't
know how I missed *this* the first time...'
07/06/01 |
I was with the kids from gifted in my middle school
visiting Santa at Macy's. SO I'm talking to a friend from high school
about how stupid this is, when someone stands up and says let's
sing happy birthday to this kid. So this kid stands up, and he's
got Akio's hair, he's dark, and he's got the forehead dot. (He wasn't
Akio, I seemed to know, since I said to my friend "That's Akio's
hairdo!" instead of "That's Akio!".) And this was
in real life. His hair looked more like the way it looks in the
manga, and the ponytail wasn't nearly as long, it was higher up
on the back of his head, and held back by a regular twistie tie,
but still. He looked pretty good for someone I assumed was no older
than 13. ;_; (Yeah, Giovanna. The pedophile. Who knew.) Suffice
to say I sung "Happy Birthday" with much enthusiasm.
~Giovanna, on 6/25/01 |
I was in a cafeteria it didnt look like the othori
academy cafeteria but i know i was in the othori school. so i sit
down for lunch and i see miki and hes crying so i go over to ask
him whats wrong but he dosent answer he just lays his head in my
lap and sobs
and i play with his hair. i figured he was crying because of anthy
then i woke up.
now its for certain...i'm a fangirl :)
~Ellie, 06/10/01 |
This was more just a flash -- can't even remember
a plot around it. But for reasons unknown, I found myself at Mamiya's
school. Seemed to be a boy's school, and they were all clearly wearing
that burgundy uniform. That's it, sorry, don't even know why I was
~Laurie, 03/23/01 |
Okay,a short mention. I was in a library shopping
around and one of the things I was looking for was Miki's music
book. (Apparently, Miki was published and an actual person in this
dream, even though I knew he was an anime character. -_-) Anyway,
I was torn between two books, one was purely sheet music and another
seemed to be a textbook or something. Eventually I put them down
and moved on, though.
~Giovanna, on 5/16/01 |
I also had a very VERY strange yaoi dream concerning
Saionji and Ruka. I don't remember much about it, except that they
were in bed and Ruka was crying, and Saionji was being very nice
to him... neither of which I would expect to actually happen ;)
~Elaby, 03/23/01 |
This doesn't have any Utena characters in it (I
don't think...) but I dreamt I was at the Falls (the location where
I play Magic: The Gathering) and I heard some guy say what I thought
was "Tou!" and I beat the living crap out of him.
It was actually really therapeutic. ~Giovanna |
"The only Utena dream I really vividly remember
is the one I had on Monday. I was with Touga and we were talking
about something and next thing I remember is I'm draped all over
him (we were both fully clothed) and I was like "Oh Touga I
love you" and I woke up ready to GAG MAGGOTS. It was kinda
sweet though cuz I was like dressed in Utena's costume. (......)
I hope I never have a dream like that again."
~Jursie, 10/22/2000, an excerpt from the SKUAD mailing list. |
"Speaking of craziness, I had the world's wierdest
dream about Utena last night. I don't know why, it wasn't pornographic
or anything but it was just wierd. It was like the series but only
with the addition of steel pikes and me hitting on Saionji--A LOT.
The only other thing I remember is me threatening to ram a steel
pike up Akio's ass if he didn't leave Saionji alone.
But uggh, me hitting on SAIONJI!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
That cracked me up LMAO!"
~Jursie, 11/16/2000, excerpt from the SKUAD mailing list. |