Erin Boyce - Mind Games and Nerf
I'm in a huge parking lot. It looks
a lot like a gas station's lot, but I can't really tell where I am.
There are a bunch of huge vehicles that look like hummers, but they
also look a little like vans with their roofs cut off. All I know
is that they are insanely big and parked all over the place. Not only
is the parking lot filled with strange automobiles, but it's also
filled with people I know in real life and characters from Utena.
I am carrying around two foam covered bats. They look like something
that Nerf made, only they weren't as colorful. They were a very dingy
gray. From my perch on the back of one of the cars, I see Juri. I
immediatly want to challenge her to a duel with my foam bats, but
a friend of mine tells me that that would be a bad idea. I laugh in
her face and tell her that it's not like I'm fighting Utena or anything.
I flourish my bats, jump of the back of the truck, and point them
directly in Juri's face. I blabber something about how miracles don't
exist. I hope it will get her mad at me, but she just rolls her eyes
and walks over to another one of the vehicles. I'm so pumped up that
I want to duel anyone! A few seconds later I see Kozue and Shiori
talking together. I decide that dueling one of them would be just
as good. Just as I begin to twirl my bats around and point them at
Shiori, she turns to me and tells me to "Leave her out of my
messed-up mind games." I am really mad. No one wants to fight
with me. I turn around and head back to where my vehicle is parked.
That's when I woke up. |