Revolutionary Girl Utena Singles
Labyrinth/At Times, Love Is...
I Want to Be Your Fiancé

Revolutionary Miscellany (with downloads!)
Animate Voice Cassette/Reissue CD
Sega REAL Doll Utena and Anthy Bonus CDs
'Story of the Someday Revolution' Sega Saturn Disc Error
Cyberteam in Akihabara VS Revolutionary Girl Utena

Series Compilations
STAR CHILD - Girls Character Song Best
Starmania: Revolutionary Girl Utena

Masami Okui (奥井雅美)

(13th Single)
ID #: KIDA-149
Release Date: 5/21/97 (May 21st, 1997)
Price: ¥1,020
Released By: KING Records Co., Ltd.

The B-side, I Can't..., is not used or heard in any of the Utena content. This single was released simultaneously with the Truth and Rondo-Revolution/Truth singles, as you can see by the consecutive KIDA's. 

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Download this single! :) (52MB)

01. Rondo-Revolution (輪舞-revolution)
02. I Can't...
03. Rondo-Revolution (輪舞-revolution) (off vocal version)
04. I Can't... (off vocal version)

Luca Yumi (裕未瑠華)

(1st Single)
ID #: KIDA-150
Release Date: 5/21/97 (May 21st, 1997)
Price: ¥1,020
Released By: KING Records Co., Ltd.

The B-side, New Sun, is not used or heard in any of the Utena content. The R&D in the name of the title track stands for 'Rock & Dance', and denotes a difference between this release and the version of the song that appears on the soundtracks. The difference is entirely in how it opens, as far as I can tell. This single was released simultaneously with the Rondo-Revolution and Rondo-Revolution/Truth singles, as you can see by the consecutive KIDA's. "Music track" as it's used on track 3 denotes a karaoke version without vocals. 

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Download this single! :) (44MB)

01. Truth (original R&D Mix)
02. New Sun (新しい太陽) (oriental mix)
03. Truth (music track)

Masami Okui (奥井雅美) & Luca Yumi (裕未瑠華)

ID #: KIDA-151
Release Date: 5/21/97 (May 21st, 1997)
Price: ¥1,020
Released By: KING Records Co., Ltd.

These are identical to the regular full-length versions that appear on OST 1, Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution. This single was released simultaneously with the Rondo-Revolution and Truth singles, as you can see by the consecutive KIDA's.

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Download this single! (29MB)

01. Rondo-Revolution (輪舞-revolution) (Masami Okui)
01. Truth (Luca Yumi)

Masami Okui (奥井雅美)

(20th Single)
ID #: KIDA-181
Release Date: 7/2/99 (July 2nd, 1999)
Price: ¥1,020
Released By: KING Records Co., Ltd.

The title track, Labyrinth , is from the Cyber Team in Akihabara movie, with At Times, Love Is... being the B-side and represented visually on the back of the single. Also, this CD apparently came with an alternate back cover of Masami Okui, included above. "Backing track" means karaoke version.

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Download this single! (49MB)

01. Labyrinth
02. At Times, Love Is... (時に愛は)
03. Labyrinth (Backing Track)
04. At Times, Love Is... (時に愛は) (Backing Track)

Mitsuhiro Oikawa (及川光博)

ID #: TODT-5087
Release Date: 12/10/1997 (December 10th, 1997)
Price: ¥1,020
Released By: KING Records Co., Ltd.

Do you like what you see?
Download this single! :) (37MB)

This is the song that plays at the end of the Utena movie, Adolescence Apocalypse, sung by the above named fellow, who also voiced Akio for the film. The second track is unrelated to Utena. There is a version of this song on OST 8, Adolescence Rush, that is symphonic, but this is the version playing in the end credits. The third track is a karaoke version of the song.

01. I Want to be Your Fiancé (フィアンセになりたい)
02. About Him and Her (彼と彼女のこと)
03. I Want to be Your Fiancé ~ What?! Mitchy Isn't Here (フィアンセになりたい ~あれ?!ミッチーがいないぞ~)

Animate Voice Cassette
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Ohtori Student Council Edition
ID #: AVC-10, ISBN: 4-89601-326-3 
Release Date: 12/1/1997 (December 1st, 1997)
Price: ¥1,000
Released By: Movic

Click for Big: Front, and Back

This voice cassette is a rarity based on a trend back in the day of having various messages, especially voicemail messages, recorded by characters in popular anime. In this, Utena, Anthy, Touga, Juri, and Miki record various good morning, good evening, encouragement, happy birthday, and other tidbits, in character with drama surrounding the whole thing.

Animate Voice Cassette Reissue CD
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Ohtori Student Council Edition
ID #: NKCD-6818
Release Date: 11/16/2017 (November 16, 2017)
Price: ¥4,000

Click for Big: Front, Back & CD, and Inside with Tracklist

The 2017 Tokyo and 2018 Osaka 20th Anniversary Exhibition included a remastered reissue of the content of the cassette on CD as bonus swag for buying a premium ticket, priced at ¥4,000 versus the regular ¥2,000. (Along with this CD, you also got an Utena keychain, an Anthy keychain, and a fabric white rose corsage.) I have this BECAUSE I WAS THERE OMG, hence the nice scans. :)

01. Opening Drama (Side A)
02. Morning Message
03. Birthday Message
04. Encouragement Message
05. Opening Drama (Side B)
06. Encouragement Message (cont'd)
07. Voicemail Message
08. Goodnight Message
09. Ending Drama
01. OPドラマ
02. モーニングメッセージ
03. 誕生日メッセージ
04. 励ましメッセージ
05. OPドラマ
06. 幹の励ましメッセージ
07. 留守番電話メッセージ
08. おやすみメッセージ
09. EDドラマ

NOW. You *could* just download the CD (9 files in 1 zip, 25mb)
Check out Nagumo's wonderful translation, track by track, with in-page audio to listen along!! (Added June 2022)

Series #: 18 (Utena), and 19 (Anthy)
Released By: SEGA Enterprises

Click for Big: Utena Front, Anthy Front, Back

The SEGA REAL Doll releases of Utena and Anthy come with bonus drama CDs voiced by their series actresses. Each is a short exchange between Utena and Anthy, with Utena's being about how she trains to be a Prince, and Anthy's being them responding to letters a la an advice column...except the letters are all, predictably, from the Student Council. Thanks to Nagumo, these have been translated!! Check out what I did with that greatness below!

Lame, boring audio only a few of you understand:
Utena (Series #18) Disc, & Anthy (Series #19) Disc
    (2 files in 1 zip, 21mb, mp3)

Objectively superior in every way videos I made, using the audio from these and the Sega Saturn game assets, and Nagumo's fantastic translation of the discs:
Utena (Series #18), on YouTube
Anthy (Series #19), on YouTube
    (Video made by Giovanna, Translated by Nagumo, Editing/Feedback by Yasha, game assets ripped by Jeff.)

ID #: GS-9182
Release Date: 1998
Released By: SEGA Enterprises LTD

Click for Big: Cover, Box, and Complete Package
*NOTE, July 2022: I've re-scanned all of this, so look forward to that in the slowly being built new gallery!

On the two game discs, there are easter egg 'error' tracks you can stumble on, where the Shadow Play Girls speak to you. This was a common 'feature' of CD-ROM/game discs of the era, that they would play a brief bit when put in an audio CD player. Sometimes, this would be loud horrifying screeching and a popular story would spread around of speakers getting blasted out. Fun stuff! Anyway, after having one for years, we now have both discs' error tracks, and thanks to Nagumo, their translations!

Error Track for Disc 1, translated by Nagumo! (Click here to save as):

Shadow Girl A: Do you know? Do you know? Have you heard the news? This CD is a game CD-ROM that can only be used in a Sega Saturn!
Shadow Girl B: I'll use the gramophone I bought the day before yesterday to listen to this CD.
Shadow Girl A: Wow, to think you have a gramophone of all things in this era. You're quite the enthusiast.
Shadow Girl B: Oh no, I can't play a cd on a gramophone! If that's the case, I'll use the CD player I bought yesterday!
Shadow Girl A: I told you already, it's a game CD, you can't use a machine that can only play music. Ya know, I'm surprised, you're pretty rich.
Shadow Girl B: Ding Dong.
Woman: Excuse me, I'm here to collect the bill for the gramophone and CD player.
Shadow Girl A: So you used my money!?

Error Track for Disc 2, translated by Nagumo! (Click here to save as):

Shadow Girl A: Do you know? Do you know? Have you heard the news?
Shadow Girl B: This CD is a Sega Saturn game software CD!
Shadow Girl A: You mustn't play it on a music player.
Shadow Girl B: Did you know that?
Both: Did you know? Did you know? Did you know that?

Cyberteam in Akihabara VS Revolutionary Girl Utena
Akihabara Dennou Gumi VS Shoujo Kakumei Utena
アキハバラ電脳組 VS 少女革命ウテナ

Release Date: 1998, August
Released By: Animate Magazine (included with issue)
Click for Big: Cover and Back

Posted with permission from @hotwaterandmilk on Tumblr, this mini-disc was packaged with Animate magazine to mark the release of the two series' movies, as both released August 14th. A lot of promotional material presented the two films together, they have the shared single and tickets for back to back watchings existed!

Per @hotwaterandmilk:
Hibari, Suzume and a reluctant Tsubame go in search of a prince they hear is at a local school. Turns out that school is Ohtori and that prince, much to their surprise, is Utena. Hijinks ensue. My favourite gag is probably the characters being confused about each other's ages (a not-so-subtle nod re: their character designs).

島 涼香(花小金井 ひばり) & 吉住 梢(桜上水 すずめ) & 林原 めぐみ(大鳥居 つばめ) & 川上 とも子(天上 ウテナ) & 渕崎 ゆり子(姫宮 アンシー)

Shima Suzuka (Hanakoganei Hibari) & Yoshizumi Kozue (Sakurajosui Suzume) & Hayashibara Megumi (Ohtori Tsubame) & Kawakami Tomoko (Tenjou Utena) & Fuchizaki Yuriko (Himemiya Anthy)

1. 第1部 おひさしぶりの電脳組!!
   Part 1: Long time no see, Dennou Gumi!!
2. 第2部 運命の出逢い!?
   Part 2: A fateful encounter!?
3. 第3部 一件落着、そして
   Part 3: Case closed, and so...
4. 第4部 また会う日まで
   Part 4: Until we meet again

Ripped and donated by hotwaterandmilk! (Click here to save as, 36MB)

(スターチャイルド ガールズキャラクターソングベスト)
Cross-Series Compilation/Various Artists
ID #: KICA-571 (Regular Ed.), KICA-9571 (Special Ed.)
Release Date: 5/22/2002 (May 22nd, 2002)
Price: ¥2,667 (Regular Ed.), ¥3,810 (Special Ed.)
Released By: KING Records Co., Ltd.

Click for Big: Album Cover, Case Back, Inside Case
Booklet: Cover, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10

Several perks came with the 'First Press' Special Edition released under a second KICA, shown here:
- A Starchild Visual Art Comic:
Cover (Clean), Page 2 (Group Pic), Page 3 (Asuka/Evangelion),
Page 4 (Utena & Anthy), Page 5 (Some Other Anime I dunno.)
- A Starchild Visual Memo Pad (Cover, Pages)
- A figure of Ruri Hoshino in a cat suit, from Martian Successor Nadesico. (Figure Front, Figure Back, More Angles)

This is an anime song compilation. Though I can't speak to the other tracks, the two Utena ones are exclusive to this album. Track 16 is performed by Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀) and the Tokyo Konsei Gasshodan (東京混声合唱団)  & Suginami Jidou Gasshodan (杉並児童合唱団), track 17 by just Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀). They are both listed as "Bonus" tracks.

You definitely can't download a zip of the two Utena-specific tracks as well as the printed materials and packaging listed above here, for a cool 13MB.

01. 恋しましょねばりましょ <T.H.S. Mix>
02. 乙女心は万華鏡-kaleidoscope-
03. ROSE BUD (New Recording)
04. carry on
05. 残酷な天使のテーゼ [A.D.2001]
06. lonesome road
07. あなたの一番になりたい (New Recording)
08. BIRTH <T.H.S. Mix>
09. 魂のルフラン [Aqua Groove Mix]
10. my soul
11. TAKE 那由多ヴァージョン
12. Friendship
13. 笑顔がNO.1!やっぱりネ
14. 毎日がお天気
15. Ride on shooting star
Absolute Destiny Apocalypse (絶体運命黙示録) (New Remix Version)
Virtual Star Embryology (パーチャルスター発生学) (New Remix Version)

(スタまにシリーズ 少女革命ウテナ)
Series-wide Compilation
ID #: KICA-727
Release Date: 11/23/2005 (November 23, 2005)
Price: ¥1,500
Released By: KING Records Co., Ltd.

Click for Big: Album Cover

This is a compilation album of various musics from the Utena soundtracks. It's part of a series called Starmania, which is a record label thing, which is why I'm not counting it as a soundtrack in the official sense.

I'm listing the locations of these particular tracks in the larger album set. If it's in OST 4, it's because this is the Seazer recording on that album, not the duel song that plays in the show.

01. Rondo-revolution
         (輪舞-revolution) (OST 1, track 2)
02. truth
        truth (OST 1, track 35)
03. Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
         ( 絶対運命黙示録) (OST 1, track 23)
04. Virtual Star Embryology
         (バーチャルスター発生学) (OST 2, track 1) 
05. Absolute Destiny Apocalpse with Universal Gravitation
        (絶対運命黙示録with万有引力) (OST 2, track 25)
06. Virtual Star Embryology
         (バーチャルスター発生学) (OST 3, track 7)
07. Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
         (体内時計都市オルロイ) (OST 3, track 27)
08. Rose&release
        Rose&release (OST 5, disc 1, track 33)
09. Spira Mirabilis Theatre
         (スピラ・ミラビリス劇場) (OST 4, track 8)
10. Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
         (天使創造すなわち光) (OST 4, track 11)
11. Shura -Flesh Constellation in the αψζ Nebula-
        (シュラ-肉体星座αψζ星雲-) (OST 7, track 11) 
12. Revive! Infinite History of the [Middle Ages]
        ( 甦れ!無窮の歴史「中世よ」) (OST 7, track 13)
13. At Times, Love...
        ( 時に愛は) (OST 8, track 7)
14. Absolute Destiny Apocalypse -Adolescence of UTENA-
        ( 絶対運命黙示録-Adolescence of UTENA-) (OST 8, track 11)
15. Rondo-revolution ~ Adolescence Rush
        ( 輪舞-revolution~アドゥレセンス・ラッシュ) (OST 8, track 13)

OST 1: The Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution
student council arc BGM and duels
OST 2: Virtual Star Embryology
black rose saga BGM and duels

OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
akio and apocalypse arc BGM and duels

OST 4: Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
seazer duel chorus image album

OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me...
unreleased BGM, drama tracks, 1997 musical soundtrack

OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~
ikuhara selection best of

OST 7: Revival Record of the Rose Egg SOFIA
seazer being seazer album

OST 8: Adolescence Rush
adolescence apocalypse movie soundtrack

previous 8 albums, plus club remixes

OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>
seazer's universal gravitation recordings

OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>
seazer's mitsumune rearranged songs
OST 12: Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse
an utena image album by seazer

OST 13: Alchemistic Girl ~ The Tale of the Rose & The Egg
more seazer gonna seazer

Singles, Miscellanous Audio/Drama Recordings, Compilations
So On and So Forth
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