少女錬金術師 卵・バラモノガタリ
Shoujo Renkinjutsushi ・ Tamago-Baramonogatari
Banshou Okukounen yori Jimei Gensouron he
Alchemistic Girl: The Tale of the Rose & The Egg
~From One Hundred Million Light Years Across the Universe, To The Musical Fallacies~
少女錬金術師 卵・バラモノガタリ 万象億光年より自鳴幻想論へ
Release Date: 7-24-19 (July 24th, 2019)
Catalog Number(s): FJ-155
Price: ¥3,080
Released by: FUJI |
Released in 2019, this album is considered a companion album to the 2017
Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse. Unlike previous releases of original Seazer work presented as Utena-adjacent, this album features performances by individual singers mostly, eschewing the usual choral lyrics in his work. This gives the album a very particular and unique sound. Tracks like
Absolute Libra Egg and
Orpheus Cavern Theatre experiment a bit with auditory landscapes around single singers, but the distance from the familiarity of Seazer's chorus makes this album more challenging than his other image albums.
The cover was 'supervised' by Ikuhara, and done by artist
Amakishiyon. It features two girls in a bizarre room full of alchemical references. Unlike the previous album, these figures aren't obviously Utena and Anthy.
People who purchased the album through Japan's large
Diskunion website were treated to a bonus disc with three extra tracks as listed below. These are live recordings of the original iterations of songs from the series as performed by his theater troope: 'Theater Laboratory - Universal Gravitation' [Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku].
The "Comparison" options when available are side by side multiple
translations, romantization, and Japanese, depending on availability. They're an awesome and surprising resource, and I hope you check them out.
少女錬金術師 卵・バラモノガタリ
Japanese Tracklist
01. 知恵の竈実験祈祷室
02. 宇宙卵プロトゴノス
03. 少女錬金術師
04. オルフェウス洞窟劇場-青銅製の人形俳優譚-
05. 絶対天秤卵
06. すべてのわたし、中世より来たる
07. ミッシング&ブーピープ
08. 法王驢馬寓意画意
09. 人間人形-空想・イン・ザ・架空-
10. 未来のヒユプネロトマキア
11. 変幻自在秘法螺旋
diskunion Exclusive Bonus Disc
01. スピラミラビリス劇場
02. 絶対運命黙示録
03. 天使創造すなわち光
01. The Experimental Prayer Room for the Aludel of Wisdom
The Experimental Prayer Room
for the Aludel of Wisdom
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
“In species it is gold
More pure than the purest
Some Alchemists...seek to prepare
something of a solid nature
Because they have heard the object of
their search described as a Stone
Know, then, that it is called a stone,
not because it is like a stone
But only because...of its fixed nature”
The Alchemists
Ahh, alchemy of eternal wisdom
Ahh, laboratory of eternal wisdom
Ahh, aludel theatre of eternal wisdom
The dragon that appeared, not in a dream,
But at the beginning of the world’s creation,
Is much like the gods floating atop the waves
Distillation, sublimation,
calcination, conjunction
Reflectance, dissolution,
subsidence, coagulation
Everything within the water
Is blacker
Than black itself
And then
In the meantime, it generates
A brilliant, ruby-red shine
Ahh, the blessed green
Through all creation buds the green
God’s mysterious aura of green
The Kabbalah green
The whirling universe
O esotericist, feed the green lion
The philosopher’s fire
The sage’s fire
O bellows
Light a fire in the alchemical furnace, the athanor
The philosophical aludel = a laboratory
The cosmic aludel = a laboratory
A poverty-casting laboratory
In total disorder
We shall,
For the worthy humans we wish to be,
Be those who aim for worth:
02. Cosmic Egg Protogonos
-Namely, the Polarization of the Androgynous-
Cosmic Egg Protogonos
-Namely, the Polarization of the Androgynous-
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Set baby Christ on your knee
Overhead the chorusing Virgin Mary
By a single thread was it suspended:
An ostrich egg
That egg evoked mysterious feelings
Due to perspective, it symbolized world harmony
An invisible light radiated from within the egg
A mysterious light
Immaculate conception
Abandoned in the desert
Lies an ostrich egg
By the heat of the sun
Naturally incubates
The ostrich egg
Namely, it is
The World-Egg
The Cosmic Egg
A single boundless miracle of expansion
An unrestricted, undying, live egg of power
Chaos cosmos
The perfect world
Has never had anything stolen from it
Nor has anything ever been added to it
The never-owned perfect shape
The completion that includes the secrets of life
The Cosmic Egg
Split in two:
Heaven and earth
Day and night
Sun and moon
Fire and water
Man and woman, thus
Forcing opposites to generate
The polarization of the androgynous
03. Alchemistic Girl
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
The fire-smelting
They procure life
Into the aludel of time
We threw in and created
My stone
We created and live on as
If this is hypocrisy, then with metamorphosis
We shall not love, but make autoplasty
Make something unique
Our one and only, unique selves
Because I am a girl
I know the astrology
Of alchemy’s
Secret day
That moment is while
The Sun is in Aries
And the Moon is in Taurus
Because I am a girl
I wish for my dream to come true
And so cast off false dreams
With alchemy’s
Secret arts
Le Demosterion de
Roch le Baillif
I am sulfur
All that
I am mercury
I rise as smoke
And sublimate
What remains is salt and me
The tale of the rose
Will awaken
The hidden knowledge
I call the wind awake
And whirl it about
I am reborn
With new life
I grow
I am an alchemist (Medieval)
Lighting a flame on my birthday
Throw the day of my birth into the aludel
I am an alchemist (Medieval)
I change, and it is my birthday
Throw the fact of my birth into the aludel
La fillette alchimique
The alchemistic girl
La fillette alchimique
The alchemistic girl
04. Orpheus Cavern Theatre
-Tales of the Bronze Figurine Actors-
Orpheus Cavern Theatre
-Tales of the Bronze Figurine Actors-
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Formless, timeless, music strums
The sounds of the harp folk orchestra
Someone blows a whistle
And when they do, they appear
As if gushing forth from all over:
The figurine actors
The bronze figurine actors
The stage lights illuminate a spot in a vast sea of sand
They shine with the light of the moon,
the stars, with infinity variety
Searchlights facing the heavens
And when they do, they come from all over
From the reaches of the sand-sea, from that era:
The figurine actors
The bronze figurine actors
They, the figurine actors, all
Gather at center stage
To emit the calls of all sorts of creatures
To mimic the motions of all sorts of creatures
And light flames here and there through the theatre
Orpheus’s Cavern Theatre
Orpheus’s Cavern Theatre
Orpheus’s Cavern Theatre
Orpheus’s Cavern Theatre
On programme:
Marmontel’s play, “Cleopâtre”
Vaucanson’s “The Exquisite Toys”
Robert-Houdin’s “The Digesting Duck”
Leonard Mälzel’s “Panharmonicon”
The Mannerism period figurine actors shall go
The Mannerism period figurine actors shall come
The Mannerism period figurine actors shall leave
The Mannerism period figurine actors shall tell a tale
The Mannerism period figurine actors shall sing a song
And when they do
The world shall dance through the cosmos
05. Absolute Libra Egg
Absolute Libra
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Memory hiding in shadow
Existence whose form was hidden
‘Tis said a place exists where
the epic of darkness can be heard
Yes: the libra egg roe spawn
There exists the door to all secrets
However, to enter is forbidden
In the darkness of mystery, I listen
To my voice from when I was a child
‘Tis said a place exists where
infinite paradises can be seen
Yes: the libra egg roe spawn
There exists the door to all secrets
However, to enter is forbidden
I hear a moaning voice
The tone color of grief
Never can I meet
My own self
Seeking my existence of red blood and darkness
Never can I meet
My own self
The viridian underwater wind
Never misses a trick
An unimaginable world shall hatch
And henceforth become an absolute miracle
Absolute libra egg roe spawn
Absolute libra egg roe spawn
Absolute libra egg roe spawn
Absolute libra egg roe spawn
Absolute libra egg roe spawn
Absolute libra egg roe spawn
06. Everyone I Am Comes from the Middle Ages
-I Am a Perfect Circle, I Am a Perfect Globe, I Am-
Everyone I Am Comes from the Middle Ages
-I Am a Perfect Circle,
I Am a Perfect Globe, I Am-
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Like the Comte de Saint-Germain, clad in red,
We crossed the wall of time and
came from the Middle Ages:
My other selves and me
Just as though all are one and one is all,
Every being amounts to a single collective:
The great Earth of infinite shadow
In the morning sky
There I am, clad in armor of gold, silver, and tin
In the midday sky
There I am, clad in alchemy-garb
of salt, sulfur, and mercury
In the twilight sky
There I am, clad in three magics of light
In the midnight sky
There I am, clad as Solomon with
minerals, animals, and vegetation
And I, in the vast universe,
There I am, clad in a religious habit
of the Holy Trinity unified
Bells all throughout the world ring
Countless equations of darkness
The spell-casting midwife
The eternal and eerie prophet
The angelic Monastery of the Temptation
The Father of the Sand’s great analysis
Ex cathedra forevermore
The cathedral of the lamp of truth
Sun, moon, stars, magic, witch
All you fathers
Who forced my birth
Now, right now, return to me
A great pilgrimage where I amount to «one»
The future me
The Dream of Scipio
The future me
The Key of Solomon
The future me
The Sefer Yetzirah
The future me
The Penitence of Adam
I will enter a perfect, undistorted circle
I am a perfect globe, I am
07. Missing & Bo-Peep
Missing &
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Know us not!
We are enigmas
We exist
By being not known
Missing bo-peep
We are that which was lost
In the distances
What’s more, we exist invisible
We are beings of contemplation
Missing bo-peep
Inside of time
We are simply pure, and so
We do naught but play in the void
Of a single person’s dream
Missing bo-peep
08. What ‘The Donkey-Pope of Rome’ Means
What ‘The Donkey-Pope of Rome’
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Middle Ages Bestiaire
Strabo’s Geography
Pliny the Elder’s Natural History
Thaon’s Bestiary
How curious
Guillaume le Clerc’s
Divine Bestiary are all
Parables of the honest truth
the elephant sleeps while leaning on a tree
If you wish to capture it, you must chop down the tree
a lioness gives birth to a stillborn cub
Three days later, the lioness resurrects her cub with a roar
the allegory of the lioness represents Jesus’s revival
How moralistic they are
How symbolic
The Physiologus originated
In Alexandria, second century AD
But that aside, it has tremendous value
Richard de Fournival’s
“The Bestiary of Love“ are all...
And then we finally reach:
Thomas of Cantimpré’s
“On the Nature of Things” (De Natura Rerum)
“The Fantastic Gothic“
Konrad von Megenberg’s
“The Book of Nature“
And then
“Hortus Sanitatis“ may all
Break away from nature!
Step into the domain of the fantastic
And revive the themes of ancient times
The two of us
09. Person-Puppet -Imagination in the Air-
-Imagination in the Air-
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
I am ethereal
I am the world’s
Optical illusion, its trompe-l’œil
Natural magic
Preferential magic
Giambattista della Porta
What a curious
Collective perspective
Ah, micro-cosmos
From an atom
To the universe
Swirls the mosaic of wisdom
More important than artistic imagination
Is scientific imagination
Ah, utopist
With a compass
And a set square
The exchange mystery blueprints
Shall swell up
An unimaginable
Species camouflage
A perfect hiding place
God’s labyrinth for those who would be apes
The chirping bird-puppet
The lyre-playing mermaid
The crawling snake-puppet
The laughing crab-puppet
Spiral-wound wonders
Dreamy mechanisms
Infinite variety
Game equipment
And then, people-puppets
Ah, the perfect dream
Reality, rarity, bizarrity, skill, illusion, mirror
It will smash every image there is
And allow the birth of
A whimsical truth, a fallen angel
10. Geometry and Eros
Geometry and
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
The ball dance of the moon and glass
Light: the reflexive
Geometry and Eros
The ideal city of the forest and grotta
Practicality ignored
The Messidor architect
Is that virtue?
Or is that vice?
Sade and Fourier
Indiscriminate eroticism
House of pleasure
Sexual experimentation
Cars and lake boats
Indiscriminate utopia
The shape of a city
and the shape of society
A 180° transformation of
the shape of human consciousness
Maithuna, the mandala copulation of
Symmetrical human reason
Like the Kabbalah esoteric religion
Like the Greek Megalo Meteoron
The ideology of Ledoux’s House of Pleasure
In short
One side is useful to the other
Has its consciousness determined
by its environment
We freely correct our vices
The freedom and upheaval of human reason
And sometimes the paradox of a cruel revolution
Geometry and Eros
Geometry and Eros
Geometry and Eros
Geometry and Eros
11. The Future Hypnerotomachia
-Strife of Love in a Dream;
The Tale of the Rose;
Initiation to the Secret Formula of Love-
The Future Hypnerotomachia
-Strife of Love in a Dream;
The Tale of the Rose;
Initiation to the Secret Formula of Love-
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
The love-key of allegorical, fictional dreams
The garden of arbitrary, imaginary dreams
The irresistible tale
Of a dream for antiquity
A battle for love
Within his slumbering
The tale of the blue rose
Symbol of Christian abstinence: Diana
Symbol of pagan lust: Venus
Seduced by a terribly strange singing voice
To an earnestly sweet dream’s antiquity
They say a dream dreamed at dawn
Is a dream that narrates the truth
The fictional Polia’s female longing
April sap
Flowers bloom in abundance
At last
A vast, dark forest
Dew on the grass
Memories of suckling during toddlerhood
An obelisk that towers over the pyramids
The pegasus statue
At last, he finally reaches
The ritual gate
The light of a tiny lamp
He begins to spin imaginary threads
Platonic female yearning
Sing praise to sensuality and dream,
a picture album of love and dreams
An erotic battle
Within his dream
Initiation to the secret formula of love
The fictional Polia
Casts off Diana’s abstinence
The fictional Polia
Heads for Venus’s pleasure
Cupid’s carriage
Cythera’s fountain
A pure white tunic
Yet upon finally reaching her, he finds
A dream, again a dream’s strife of love in a dream
The future Hypnerotomachia
Diskunion Bonus CD:
01. Spira Mirabilis Theater
Spira Mirabilis Theatre
original duel chorus
Episode 5: The Sunlit Garden - Finale
Duel name: Raison
The culimation of Miki's two-parter in the first arc,
where Miki remains confused about what his
piano is a metaphor for.
OST 1: The Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution, track 28
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 8
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>, track 7
Spira Mirabilis Theatre
alternate version
As performed by:
Theater laboratory - Universal Gravitation
Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku
OST 4: Angelic Creation, Namely, Light, track 8
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 7
Spira Mirabilis Theatre
diskunion bonus [original performance]
As performed by:
Theater laboratory - Universal Gravitation
Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku
Originating Theater Show:
Light Bulb Type Ammonite
- deeply, our supira mirabirisu theater -
(February 10-12,1994, People of Ohta Plaza)
OST 13: Alchemistic Girl: The Tale of the Rose & The Egg
Diskunion Bonus CD, Track 1
[UTP Translation]
Spira Mirabilis Theatre
Translation by Robert Paige &
Utena Translation Project (1998)
The theatre, gifted spirits, a collective phenomenon.
The theatre, gifted characters,a phantasmic reality.
Operating table,a shipwreck,pure drama...
spira mirabilis
Still spiraling, transforming, in the vortex.
spira mirabilis
in Scipio's dream
The theatre illusory spirits,
movement of immortality
The theatre, illusory characters,
structure of immortality
Ammonite, alchemy, scarab...
spira mirabilis
Dying just to live once more.
spira mirabilis
in the vortex of miracles.
mai mai mai mai
mai mai mai mai
Never-ending theatre
On the geometric stage
of life and the mystery of death,
Exeunt, all!
Death rebirth death rebirth
death rebirth death rebirth
Death rebirth death rebirth death rebirth!
[Nozomi (Official)]
Spira Mirabilis Theater
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Theater. An extraordinary mind. Collective phenomenon.
Theater. An extraordinary person. Idealized reality.
An operating table. A wrecked ship. A pure play.
The spira mirabilis.
Whirlpool. Spiral.
Continually changing, the spira mirabilis.
Scipio's dream...
Theater. Illusory mind.
Immortal actions.
Theater. Illusory people.
Immortal structure.
Ammonite. Alchemy. The sacred beetle.
The spira mirabilis.
Die to be reborn,
the spira mirabilis.
The marvelous spiral.
My, my, my, my,
My, my, my, my,
Neverending theater.
The geometrical stage.
Life and the mystery of death.
Everything passing away.
Death and rebirth. Death and rebirth.
Death and rebirth. Death and rebirth.
Death and rebirth. Death and rebirth.
02. Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
Translation by allegoriest
The absolute destiny apocalypse
The absolute destiny apocalypse
birth records,
baptismal registry,
death records
The absolute destiny apocalypse
The absolute destiny apocalypse
My birth,
absolute birth,
A brilliant place in a dark desert, made of leaves
A gold gilded Eden
Day and night turning upon eachother
Time gilded paradise lost
Darkness of Sodom
Darkness of light
Distant darkness
Endless darkness
The absolute destiny apocalypse
The absolute destiny apocalyptic
darkness, apocalypse
[Nozomi Translation]
Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
Official Nozomi
DVD Release (2011)
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
Birth records,
baptismal records,
records of death.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
My own birth,
absolute birth.
A shining place in a desert of darkness.
A gold-plated Shangri-La.
Day and night turning back on one another.
A time-plated Paradise Lost.
The darkness of Sodom,
the darkness of light.
The darkness of distance,
the endless darkness.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
The absolute destiny apocalyptic
Angelic Creation, Namely Light
Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
original duel chorus
Episode 7: Juri's Unfulfillment
Duel name: Amour
Juri's first duel. The song is about Lucifer.
And like, having two identities.
OST 1: The Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution, track 29
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>, track 6
Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
alternate version
As performed by:
Theater laboratory - Universal Gravitation
Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku
OST 4: Angelic Creation, Namely, Light, track 11
OST 4: Angelic Creation, Namely, Light, track 12 (karaoke version)
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 9
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 6
Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
diskunion bonus [original performance]
As performed by:
Theater laboratory - Universal Gravitation
Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku
Originating Theater Show:
— time is a stage device of illusion and hypothesis —
(March 8-12,1995, Ohta-Kumin Plaza)
OST 13: Alchemistic Girl: The Tale of the Rose & The Egg
Diskunion Bonus CD, Track 2
[UTP Translation]
Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
Translation by Robert Paige &
Utena Translation Project (1998)
Nature's light
Mosaic light
Child of daybreak; the angel Lucifer
Apocalyptic light
Michael's light
Child of darkness; androgynous
Fire's light
Heavenly light
Hierarchia of the heavens
Illusory light
Eternal light
Phantasmic deception;
capricious birth
Shining bodies,
all of them spherical,
just as if born with every miracle,
The pleasure principle,
the Nirvana principle
Death's inevitability, dubbed "the light"
Without having to have lived,
Phenomenon of mobile life
In the cerebral universe
Shape of floating life
Glory, ephemery,
hope for eternity!
Incomplete returning to the
primitive beginnings.
Male/female, positive/negative
are the two of me.
Up/down, left/right
are the two of me.
Front/back, Heaven/Earth
are the two of me.
Angel and devil
are the two of me.
The center is hollow
hollow hollow hollow...
[Nozomi (Official)]
Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Universal light.
Mosiac light.
Lucifer, son of the dawn.
Apocalyptic light.
Michael's light.
Androgynous, son of darkness.
Fiery light.
Heavenly light.
The hierarchy of heaven.
Illusory light.
Eternal light.
Tricks of the mind.
Capricious birth.
His body shining bright,
spherical in shape,
Born into every possible miracle,
The pleasure principle.
The Nirvana principle.
The certainty of death, namely light.
Without having lived,
the moving phenomenon of life.
In the universe of the mind
the drifting shape of the living.
Light, temporary existence.
Seeking eternity,
namely the folly
of returning to the beginning.
The two sexes, the two poles,
there are two of me.
Up, down, left, right,
there are two of me.
Front, back, heaven, earth,
two of me.
Angel, devil,
there are two of me.
And inside I'm hollow.
Inside I'm hollow. (repeat)
These liner notes are translated by Ayu Ohseki. Thank you so much!
J.A. Seazer
The Timbre Folk Movie (Neirofuga) Experimental Prayer Room World of a Man who, through Alchemusic, Attempted to Craft Not “The Philosopher’s Stone” but “The Philosopher’s Song”
Hermes, the father of alchemy; Cagliostro, an Italian alchemist; Gerbert d’Aurillac, a magician who borrowed the power of a demon and subsequently rose to the position of Roman Catholic Pope--all of them are her fathers. But then, Alchemistic Girl Medieval (I thought up various girls’ names but never came up with a good one, so I decided to play it straight and name her for the Middle Ages, or in other words, Medieval) has hundreds upon hundreds of fathers: the philosophers, inventors, astronomers, doctors, painters, architects, cooks, magicians, esotericists, and even con artists of the Middle Ages. She observes all things from all angles. She dissects and interprets all things independently. She stores (like an electric charger) “that which is real and true” of all things inside her body, and she surveys every era from its end. All in all, a totally normal young lady.
That young lady, the Alchemistic Girl Medieval, is a time traveler. Just like the Comte de Saint-Germain clad in red, she’s appeared right now in present day, present time. That’s the setting I tried composing for this time around. However, the flow drifted away in an unexpected direction. I found myself in automaton fantasy worlds called “Orpheus’s Cavern Theatre,” “Tales of the Bronze Figurine Actors,” and “Person-Puppet,” and they appeared the instant I touched an era of abstinence and lust where order and disorder had been jumbled together, namely, “Middle Ages eroticism.” Maybe it was unwise of me, but they were so interesting I crafted them into song as they appeared. Ultimately, it seems I ended up with a composition focused around not an instrumental quartet but an instrumental world quartet of “Alchemistic Girl Medieval,” “Middle Ages Eroticism,” “The Imagined Automaton-World,” and the fantasy picture scroll story called “Strife of Love in a Dream”: namely, the “Middle Ages Fantasy Romanesque Instrumental World Quartet.”
Good grief. In the course of writing, I feel like I ended up discombobulated by my own imagination… Basically, what I mean is… All of a sudden, dark clouds manifest in a clear blue sky and split, and from that split appears Alchemistic Girl Medieval with several hundred armored knights astride armored horses in tow. Those visible deep within that split are, namely, the philosophers, inventors, astronomers, doctors, painters, architects, cooks, magicians, esotericists, and even con artists of the Middle Ages.
I would converse with myself, like so:
“I’ll work in E key. Instead of guitar, I’ll use mixed brass, lutes, harpsichords, clavinets, oboes, bassoons… There’s no getting around using drums for several songs, but I want to try fundamentally using timpani drums, as in the drums are just for the kick, with timpanis filling in for snare drums, plus some obligato and ad-libbing.”
“So in short, we could call it a sound that lets one imagine the fanciful music called ‘Middle Ages rock’?”
“I’m consistent like that… but… I always do that, huh… I always have that in mind, but it never quite turns out the way I pictured it…”
“Do we not have enough time?”
“No, the problem is a lack of talent, I’m sure…”
…and so on… Now then, setting such dialogue aside, it seems «The Time of “Exhaustive Experiments” and “Agony Experiments” for the Arrival at an Image» will keep on keeping on this time around too.
Also this time around, I didn’t use any vocalists from the Ban’yuu Inryoku [lit., Universal Gravitation] choir. Basically, since I was working with the image of the Alchemistic Girl in mind, I challenged myself to use girlish guest vocalist solos, girlish guest vocalist solos and sopranos, soprano choruses, and mixed choruses.
- June 2019, J.A. Seazer
<- Diskunion Bonus CD |
OST 1: The Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution
student council arc
BGM and duels
OST 2: Virtual Star Embryology
black rose saga BGM and duels
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
akio and apocalypse arc BGM and duels
OST 4: Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
seazer duel chorus image album
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me...
unreleased BGM, drama tracks, 1997 musical soundtrack
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~
ikuhara selection best of
OST 7: Revival Record of the Rose Egg SOFIA
seazer being seazer album
OST 8: Adolescence Rush
adolescence apocalypse movie soundtrack
previous 8 albums, plus club remixes
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>
seazer's universal gravitation recordings
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>
seazer's mitsumune rearranged songs
OST 12: Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse
an utena image album by seazer
OST 13: Alchemistic Girl ~ The Tale of the Rose & The Egg
more seazer gonna seazer
Singles, Miscellanous Audio/Drama Recordings, Compilations
So On and So Forth
Back to Empty Movement