Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Tainai Tokei Toshi Oruroi
少女革命ウテナ 体内時計都市オルロイ
Release Date: 1-1-98 (January 1, 1998)
Catalog Number(s): KICA-387
Price: ¥3,059
Released by: KING Records Co., Ltd. |
少女革命ウテナ コンプリートCD-BOX
DISK3 - 体内時計都市オルロイ
Release Date: 8-27-08 (August 27th, 2008)
Catalog Number(s): KICA-920〜928
Price: ¥12,000
Released by: KING Records Co., Ltd. |
The generous 33 tracks of this soundtrack cover a sizeable chunk of the show, combining the Akio and Apocalypse Arcs, episodes 25-33 and 34-39 respectively.
Virtual Star Embryology appears here in the TV ending version, as well as the duel chorus version used for Saionji’s duel in episode 25. Also featured here are two duel choruses from the Utena Sega Saturn video game.
Herzen’s Head and
Me and My Room, Upside-Down. This soundtrack has the honor of being the only one without a version of
Absolute Destiny Apocalypse. What it does not have is the last ‘duel’ chorus,
Missing Link, used in episode 39; look to OST 4,
Angelic Creation, Namely, Light for that one.
The background music on this soundtrack is varied, and tends to stretch genres even more than the previous two since there’s a jazzy ongoing theme to music used for Akio scenes. The real stars of the show are the duel choruses, as far as I'm concerned. Starting with Mikage’s, J.A. Seazer takes over their production entirely, bringing in his theater group, 'Theater Laboratory - Universal Gravitation' [Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku] to record the songs. The resulting pieces are much heavier sounding, with a sense of them being live compared to the more studio processed previous duels. They’re also, like the Akio Arc duels, a lot longer and a bit slower, befitting each Student Council member's last turn in the ring.
A note: The given names are predominantly based on the Utena Translation Project's original translations of the songs. Where a song title has become widely accepted as different, ie. The Sunlit Garden instead of The Sunny Garden, I have used the more popular name. Punctuation has been altered to better match the Japanese tracklists. Bolded titles appear as English on the Japanese soundtrack.
The "Comparison" options when available are side by side multiple
translations, romantization, and Japanese, depending on availability. They're an awesome and surprising resource, and I hope you check them out.
[Japanese Tracklist]
少女革命ウテナ 体内時計都市オルロイ
Japanese Tracklist
01. Poison
02. ワタシ空想生命体
03. Morning lyrical
04. Victory
05. Evergreen memory
06. Nova
07. バーチャルスター発生学
08. Pessimism
09. Possession
10. Bluebeard
11. 平俗宇宙に不滅の皇帝
12. Tenderness
13. Campus Dandy
14. Temptation
15. 天使アンドロギュヌス
16. Suspicion
17. わたし万物百不思議
18. Aphrodite scat
19. Ambition
20. Alien girl
21. 天然同胞宮殿遠近法の書
22. Akio car
23. Picaresque
24. 寓意・寓話・寓エスト
25. Orpheus
26. Shine
27. 体内時計都市オルロイ
28. Rose&release
29. Eye catcher-A(Bonus Track)
30. ゲルツェンの首(Bonus Track)
31. さかさまボクとボクの部屋(Bonus Track)
32. バーチャルスター発生学 (TV size・Bonus Track)
33. Eye catcher-B (Bonus Track)
Poison [1:17]
02. I Am An Imaginary Living Body
I Am An Imaginary Living Body
original duel chorus
Episode 23: Qualifications of a Duelist
Duel name: Conviction
The climax of the Black Rose Saga, Utena's
showdown with the mysterious figure behind the scenes.
Mikage, I mean. Not Akio.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 2
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 12
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 18
[UTP Translation]
I Am An Imaginary Living Body
Translation by Robert Paige &
Utena Translation Project (1998)
Incandescent darkness and birthed puppets
Are named, anthropoperipherism
Pulling the strings of the world is a single existence
For the others, an imaginary puppet-craft
Subzero darkness and birthed creatures
Correlated, anthropoperipherism
On the natural stage are the units of existence
Comprised of an imaginary creature-craft
Words are born, the encounter, then a hesitation
Knowledge is born, the encounter, then a void
O where am I, when am I
Spell, incantation, mystery, prayer, myself
Stage destiny magic mirror
Full moon, mysterious and transmutable,
I'm an imaginary living body come to its end
Full moon, mysterious and transmutable,
I'm an imaginary destined body come to its end
Seeking time, without rest
Living on, a speleomorph
Seeking land, armless, legless
Still existing I am, transparent, intangible,
a faint sigh...
[Nozomi (Official)]
I Am An Imaginary Living Body
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Darkness, burning, puppets given life
The name given is Human Movement Theory.
The world is controlled by a single being.
The rest is imagined puppetry.
Darkness, freezing, creatures given life
Linked by Human Movement Theory
On nature's stage are units on existence.
Comprised of the imaginary art of life.
Words are born, they meet, then hesitate
Ideas are born, they meet, then become empty.
Oh, where am I and when am I?
Spells, charms, mysteries, prayers, me.
Stage, destiny, magic, mirror.
Full moon. Mysterious and ever-changing.
I am an imaginary life form at my end.
Full moon. Mysterious and ever-changing.
I am an imaginary destined form at my end.
Asking for time. Never resting.
Living on, a hollow form.
Seeking land. No arms, no legs.
Yet I still exist. Formless and transparent.
I let out a faint sigh...
Morning lyrical [1:21]
Victory [2:07]
Evergreen memory [1:17]
Nova [1:12]
07. Virtual Star Embryology
(duel chorus) [1:50]
Virtual Star Embryology
original duel chorus
Episode 25: Our Eternal Apocalypse
Duel name: Relation
Utena's last duel with Saionji, and the beginning of
the Akio Arc.
As performed by:
Theater laboratory - Universal Gravitation
Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 7
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 11
Virtual Star Embryology (Full Length)
second closing theme
As performed by:
Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀)
OST 2: Virtual Star Embryology, track 1
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>, track 2
Virtual Star Embryology (TV Length)
second closing theme
As performed by:
Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀)
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 32
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 13
Virtual Star Embryology (New Remix Version)
girls character song best bonus track
As performed by:
Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀),
with Tokyo Konsei Gasshodan (東京混声合唱団)
& Suginami Jidou Gasshodan (杉並児童合唱団)
Starchild Girls Character Song Best (Compilation Album), track 17
[UTP Translation]
Virtual Star Embryology (Duel Chorus)
Translation by Robert Paige &
Utena Translation Project (1998)
Ancient times, perfect, solitude in the desert
Air, atoms, the planet of causality
Yes, a native child
The embryo of philosophy
Egg, perfect, the origin in the nest
A stamen, a pistil, one seed
Yes, a native child
The child of philosophy
Lunar Heaven, Mercurial Heaven, Venusian Heaven
Solar Heaven, Martian Heaven, Jovian Heaven
Saturnian Heaven, Sidereal Heaven, Motive Heaven
Further circular infinity without end
A kind of organic engine
A kind of perpetual motion device
Ah, lost motion
I'm a lost motion
[Nozomi (Official)]
Virtual Star Embryology (Duel Chorus)
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Ancient times. Perfection. Isolation in the desert.
Atmosphere. Atom. Causality star.
Yes, a child of earth is
The embryo of philosophy.
Egg. Perfection. The origin in the nest.
Stamen. Pistil. A single seed.
Yes, a child of earth
The child of philosophy.
And then
lunar heaven! Mercurian heaven. Venusian heaven.
Solar heaven. Martian heaven. Jovian heaven.
Saturnian heaven. Stellar heaven. Motive heaven.
And then... The endless surface of the torus.
A single organic mechanism.
A single perpetual motion machine.
Ah, it is empty movement.
Just empty movement. Empty...
Pessimism [2:38]
Possession [1:36]
10. Bluebeard
11. An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe
An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe
original duel chorus
Episode 26: Miki's Nest Box (Sunlit Garden - Arranged Version)
Duel name: Tentation
The Akio Arc culmination of Miki's ongoing inability to
understand his interest in Anthy. Kozue, knowing what he
doesn't, lends a hand. To Akio.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 11
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 15
An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe
Translation by Verthandi
Existance: wonderous alchemy
Base metals; precious metals
From right to left,
Start to end,
Destruction, the hunt, a frenetic dance, a celebration banquet
Birth: unviewable alchemy
Apparatus of artificial recombination
From top to bottom,
A metamorphosis into a curious shape
Books, anonimity, self-indulgence, wildness
An unchanging world (I am)
I am unchanging
Ka Wa Ra Wa Ra Zu Ra
Zu Ka Zu Ka Wa
It ends: The wasted labors of foul and fish
It ends: The deceptive game of the egg and bed
It ends: The ancient dance from the boat and carriage
It ends: The anticipation of the sea and waterfall
Glittering reverie, flickering imagination
Parched vision, slithering expression
Murmuring delusion, flittering thought
Fluttering invention, trembling supposition
Birth: immortal alchemy
The cosmic egg of time and space
Philosophic crystal, Rosicrucianism
Purity, harmony, and perspective
The future, past, and present me
The future, past, and present me
Glittering origin, flickering solitude
Parched labyrinth, slithering space-time
Murmuring reminiscence, flittering memory
Fluttering evaporation, trembling immortality
The future, past, and present me
The future, past, and present me
[Nozomi (Official)]
An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Existence. Wonders. Alchemy.
Base metals. Precious metals.
Right to left,
beginning to end.
Destruction. Hunting. Dancing. Feasting.
Birth. Invisibility. Alchemy.
Artificial. Recombination device.
From top to bottom.
Metamorphic heteromorphy.
Books. Pseudonyms. Self-indulgence. Disgrace.
The world does not change.
And I, I do not change.
Never change,
never change,
never change.
Stop! The efforts of birds and fish are all for nothing!
Stop! The egg and the bed are cheating each other!
Stop! The ancient dance of ship and coach.
Stop! The anticipation of the sea and waterfall.
Shining dreams. Shimmering imaginings.
Withered fantasies. Fragile conceptions.
Rustling delusions. Flickering thoughts.
Fluttering ideas. Exciting supposition.
Birth. Immortality. Alchemy.
Time. Space. The cosmic egg.
Philosophy. Crystal. Rosae Crucis.
Purity. Harmony. Perspective.
I am past, present, and future!
I am past, present, and future!
Birth. Immortality. Alchemy.
Time. Space. The cosmic egg.
Philosophy. Crystal. Rosae Crucis.
Purity. Harmony. Perspective.
I am past, present, and future!
I am past, present, and future!
Tenderness [2:07]
Campus dandy [2:04]
Temptation [1:30]
15. The Angel Androgynous
The Angel Androgynous
original duel chorus
Episode 28: Whispering in the Dark
Duel name: Amitie
A mysterious duelist named Ruka reappears after a long
illness, intent on saving Juri from herself. Dueling
Utena is part of that plan, apparently.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 15
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 16
The Angel Androgynous
Translation by Verthandi
Pentagram shape
Reproduction axis
Ideals and reality
Male and female
Dignity; chastity
A double submission of passion; lusterous waves
A prototype of antiquity connected with me
A couple equipped with both sexes
Paradise mechanism
A doubling dream
Odd numbers and even numbers
Light and darkness
Individuals or multitudes?
Words or things?
Such doubt is beside symbol,
The Dioskuroi
All Creation, both sexes, chaos
Anima, animus
I hasten my spiritual completion
Namely, to rediscover the interior of my ego
Right and left, the two of me
Angels, all Creation, man and woman, both sexes
A pair of heads; a pair of bodies
An internal pair; an external pair
A pair of sexes; a private pair
A pair before; a pair behind
In this world, I am a solitary duo
In this world, I am alone with myself
In this world, there are but two of me
Two of me
Of me, two
Me: two of
Two of me
In this world, I am androgynous
[Nozomi (Official)]
The Angel Androgynous
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Pentagram. Shaping.
The reproductive cycle.
Ideals and reality.
Men and women.
Dignity, chastity.
Carnal pleasures, restraint.
I am tied to the dawn of creation.
The two of us, androgynous.
-This stanza is excluded from the aired duel.
One or many.
Word or object.
The very question as it hangs becomes its symbol.
Dios Croix!
All creation, gender, chaos.
Anima Animus!
Hurry your spiritual perfection!
Namely, revisit your interior!
Left and right, the two sides of me.
All in heaven and earth and both the sexes.
Two heads, two bodies.
Two insides, two outsides.
Two breeds, two me's.
Two fronts, two backs.
I'll make the word just for the two of us!
I'll make it so that we're the only two in the world!
I'll make it so it's only the two of us!
The two, the deux,
the two, the deux.
I will make the world androgynous!
Suspicion [1:22]
17. I Am All the Mysteries in Creation
I Am All the Mysteries in Creation
original duel chorus
Episode 29: Azure Blue Paler than the Sky
Duel name: Choix
Juri's last turn in the arena is every bit
as dramatic as the first. And again, her strength
doesn't bring her revolution.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 17
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 13
I Am All the Mysteries in Creation
Translation by Verthandi
An ode to my face,
my neck,
my hair
An ode to my nails
and my torso
An ode to my hands
and my feet
This is an ode to all the parts of my body
In other words, a crest;
This is the heraldry of the human body
That figure in the mirror
Performs delicate work in a complex situation
Charge argent on field sable; courtly ettiquette
Charge sable on field argent; shield-shaped design
People arrayed in impenetrable symbol
The historical art of the Baroque
The Salamander
The Dragon and the Urchin
The hidden miracle of the Eucharist
Creed and virtue
Kept in confinement,
The miracle of the rose
Pearl and jewel
The age of man
Floral diamond and cross
Or, Argent, Purpure, Vert, Gules, Azure, Sable
Or, Argent, Purpure, Vert, Gules, Azure, Sable
Alhambra, Ispahan, Caserta, Linderhof
Cheval, Bomartzo, Flora, Mathias
Versailles, Obelisk, Sahmekh, Isola Bella
Amphiteatro, The Grotto of Orpheus, Neuschwanstein
Santa Maria della Concezione
The cave, the statue, the fountain, the gardens, the palace
The bronze mural, the imaginary castle, the villa
Far and near
I am all the Mysteries
From near and far
I am all the Mysteries
I am all the Mysteries in Creation
I am all the Mysteries in the World
[Nozomi (Official)]
I Am All the Mysteries in Creation
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
An ode to the face.
An ode to the neck.
An ode to the hair.
An ode to the nails.
An ode to the chest.
An ode to both hands.
An ode to both feet.
An ode to the whole body.
In other words, a crest.
The heraldry of the human body.
The form I see in the mirror.
Both subtle and complex, a well-known design.
White spots on black cloth, courtly etiquette.
Black spots on white cloth, in the form of a shield.
People clad in unintelligible symbols.
The artistic history of the Baroque.
Dragons. Porcupines.
The Eucharist. A sacrament.
Faith. Virtue.
The sealed-away
miracle of the rose.
The bloom of man and beast.
Pearls and gems,
people and age.
A cross of flowers!
Gold, silver, purple, green, red, blue, black.
Gold, silver, purple, green, red, blue, black.
Alhambra, Isphahan, Caserta, Linderhof,
Cheval, Bomarzo, Flora, Mathias,
Versailles, Obelisk, Zamek, Isola Bella,
Anfiteatro, Orpheus Grotto, Neuschwanstein,
Santa Maria della Consolazione.
Caves, sculptures, fountains, parks, palaces.
Bronze-work, frescos, domes, castles, villas.
All around, alive and living,
forms of myself!
Near and far,
I am all the mysteries!
In all creation, I am all the mysteries!
In all the world, I am all the mysteries!
Aphrodite scat [1:57]
Ambition [1:19]
Alien girl [2:04]
21. The Natural Compatriots' Palace Perspective Book
The Natural Compatriots' Palace Perspective Book
original duel chorus
Episode 32: Romance of the Dancing Girls
Duel name: Amitie
Nanami, fresh out of learning her brother isn't her
brother, and Anthy's brother is her lover, duels
to make sense of it.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 21
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 17
The Natural Compatriots' Palace Perspective Book
Translation by Verthandi
The natural compatriots' palace perspective:
An expanding sphere
Surface condensation
The creation of the world
Sorcery, aesthetics, and astronomy
The naturology of you-and-me (yeah!)
The natural compatriots' palace perspective:
A realistic imagination
The imitation of form
A natural fantasy
Sorcery, esthetics, and astronomy
The naturology of you-and-me (yeah!)
The orbit of Saturn - Plato - a circumscribed circle
The orbit of Jupiter - Plato - an inscribed circle
The orbit of Earth - Plato - a circumscribed circle
The orbit of Venus - Plato - an inscribed circle
The orbit of Me - Plato - a circumscribed circle
The orbit of You - Plato - an inscribed circle
My children, astronomical planets
Five solid bodies are
My descendants
Your children, the mysterious Nasca
Imaginary bodies are
Your descendants
you, and
nature...freely self-existant
Me, you, and nature...
freely self-existant
[Nozomi (Official)]
The Natural Compatriots' Palace Perspective Book
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
The perspective of the palace of natural brethren.
Spherical expansion.
Planar contraction.
The world of all creation.
Sorcery, aesthetics, astronomy.
Me, you, the study of our nature. (Yay!)
The perspective of the palace of natural brethren.
Imagined reality.
Copied form.
Natural fantasy.
Sorcery, aesthetics, astronomy.
Me, you, the study of our nature. (Yay!)
Saturn's orbit a circumscribed Platonic sphere.
Jupiter's orbit an inscribed Platonic sphere.
Earth's orbit a circumscribed Platonic sphere.
Venus's orbit an inscribed Platonic sphere.
My orbit a circumscribed Platonic sphere.
Your orbit an inscribed Platonic sphere.
I am the child of planetary astronomy.
The five solid bodies
are my descendants.
You are the child of the mysterious Nazca.
Imaginary solid bodies
are your descendants.
You, me,
our nature.
Our Nature.
Our Nature. Free will and existence.
You, me, our nature.
Our Nature. Our Nature.
Free will and existence.
Akio car [2:05]
Picaresque [1:58]
24. Allegory, Allegorier, Allegoriest
Allegory, Allegorier, Allegoriest
original duel chorus
Episode 36: And the Gates of Night Open
Duel name: Choix
Touga's last ditch effort to salvage something,
Utena, his pride, who knows what, from the mess he's
dug himself into.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 24
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 14
Allegory, Allegorier, Allegoriest
Translation by Verthandi
Element, element, Element, element
Cataclysmos, Cataclysmos
The end of the World:
Lost in reverie,
Let's amuse ourselves, Selfishly
Element, element, Element, element
Cataclysmos, Cataclysmos
Lemming of the North Pole
Siberian antelope
The Last Judgment of Nature
A destiny of dread curiosity
The prophesy of extinction
Philosophical revolution
Garden of Paradise, Paradise Lost
An unexpectedly epic poem
Cosmic cataclysm
One thousand years of terror
Nirvanic thought
Human birth, Human wisdom, Human knowledge,
Human pleasure, Human consciousness, Human experience
Human revelation, Human emancipation
Dante, Rabelais, Swift, De Sade
"Book of Revelation!"
The beginning of the universe, namely the opening of destiny
The creation of heaven and Earth, namely the birth of destiny
The legend of Genesis, namely the creation of destiny
Natural selection, namely selection by destiny
We should know it well
It is our mirror
Even so
That appearance
Are we flesh?
Even so
We become
A fortuity
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest
[Nozomi (Official)]
Allegory, Allegorier, Allegoriest
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Element... Element... Element... Element...
Cataclysm... Cataclysm...
Dream of the
end of the world.
Selfishly enjoy yourself.
Element... Element... Element... Element...
Cataclysm... Cataclysm...
North lemming.
Siberian antelope.
The final judgement of our nature.
A frightening and strange fate.
A prophecy of destruction.
A philosophical revolution.
The paradise of Paradise Lost.
An accidental epic.
A cosmic cataclysm.
A thousand years of dread.
The Nirvana Principle.
Human birth. Human wisdom. Human knowledge.
Human pleasure. Human consciousness. Human experience.
Human apocalypse. Human liberation.
Dante! Rabelais! Swift! De Sade!
"Book of Revelation!"
Cosmic birth, namely
preordained enlightenment!
The birth of heaven and earth, namely
preordained birth!
The creation myth, namely
the origin of fate.
Natural selection, namely
preordained selection.
We know it so well.
We should know it so well.
It's in our mirrors.
The image that we see there.
Are we flesh?
Even so... Eternity... Absence...
We become just like an allegory.
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest.
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest.
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest.
Allegory, allegorier, allegoriest.
25. Orpheus
Shine [2:10]
27. Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
original duel chorus
Episode 38: Ends of the World
Duel name: Révolution
No longer bound by any rules of an arena,
Utena fights the inevitable end boss: Akio, and Ends
of the World himself.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 27
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 19
Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
Translation by Verthandi
An image of Death rocks my mind
I pull the cord; toll the bells
The cock beats its wings; when the window opens
The twelve disciples are mere dolls
Unblinking, a grand parade
The old orrery (clock of astronomy)
An automatic mechanism
The twelve constellations of the ecliptic me:
The zodiac, I, The zodiac
Within my body, from olden times,
One hundred towers rise above
A visceral landscape; Utopia
In the cemetary, a church, a cloister
Eye of Earth;
motive specimen
Intellectual organ of stone;
the sign of Motive Power
Unfinished embryo;
the secrets of Death
The theater, the hospital, the historical museum
Artificial flesh; grotta; Labyrinth;
illusionary construction; marble
Artificial clock; weight; spring;
spinning and turning; individual time
From the ancient city to me,
It ends with that day, quotidian clock
The sun in daytime;
the moon at night
The natural clock of a day
Bong bong, ding dong ding,
Bong bong, ding dong ding.
The corporeal city and the Mystery of the clock
Geometric law, puritanical construction
Monotony; eternity
The present; perpetuity
All Creation is reality
Infinitely changing
I will take the form of a corporeal city
I shall take the form of a suspended clock
Municipal clock, a discovery
Municipal clock, an understanding
Municipal clock...
[Nozomi (Official)]
Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
The figure of Death, his head shaking.
The rope tightens, the bell rings.
The rooster flaps, the window opened.
The 12 Apostles, like statues!
Unblinking, a grand parade!
The ancient orrery,
automatic device!
12 constellations of I, the ecliptic.
A zodiac. I am the zodiac!
Inside my body is ancient.
There, a hundred towers stand.
My internal organs, an ideal city.
In the graveyard, church, abbey.
The eyeball of Earth.
An example of motion.
The intellectual organ of stone.
A dynamic constellation.
The incomplete embryo.
Death’s mystery.
Theaters, hospitals, museums.
Manmade flesh. The grotta. The labyrinth.
Illusory construct. Marble.
Manmade clocks. Bells. Springs.
Whirling round and round. Counting time.
From the ancient cities to me…
Ending on that day, the 24-hour clock.
The sun showing at noon…
...and at night, the moon.
Our natural 24-hour clock.
Bong, bong! Ding-dong-ding!
Bong, bong! Ding-dong-ding!
The city of flesh, the mystery of the clock.
Geometric law, rigid construction.
Monotony, eternity.
Present, permanence.
The truth of all creation,
unending sameness.
Infinite variety.
I will take the form of the city of the human body.
I shall take the form of the broken clock.
City, clock, discovery!
City, clock, revelation!
City, clock, annihilation!
Rose&release [1:34]
Eye catcher-A (Bonus Track)
30. Herzen's Head (Bonus Track)
Herzen's Head
original duel chorus
"Someday My Revolution Will Comes"
Sega Saturn Video Game
Duel name: ????
One of two duel choruses used for the Sega Saturn video
game. This is considered a bonus track.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 30
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>, track 14
Gertzen's Head
Translation by Verthandi
Gertzen's head,
Gertzen's head,
Ice country, a grand operation,
Gertzen's head!
Lungs in the darkness of a vial,
The frozen eyeball - the tendons
Are revived, while resurrection medicine
Repeats progress
Bringing forth existence,
Regenerating parts,
To be revived --
My experiment was a success!
[Ayu Ohseki]
Herzen's Head
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Herzen's head
Herzen's head
A major operation in the icy land
O Herzen's head
Lungs of bottled darkness
And frozen eyeballs and tendons
Are resurrected, while the revival medicine
Repeats its progress
At last
Life manufactured
Partial regeneration
The resurrection experiment
Was a success
31. The Inversion of Me and My Room (Bonus Track)
The Inversion of Me and My Room
original duel chorus
"Someday My Revolution Will Comes"
Sega Saturn Video Game
Duel name: ????
One of two duel choruses used for the Sega Saturn video
game. This is considered a bonus track.
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 31
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>, track 17
The Inversion of Me and My Room
diskunion bonus [original performance]
This is a live recording by Seazer.
It was
unused, but intended for
C. Island Fantasy
Barbecue Sauce
-At the End of The
Long Absence-.
The disc this appears on was only available if you
bought the Barbara CD from Diskunion.
OST 12: Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse
Diskunion Bonus CD, Track 1
The Inversion of Me and My Room
Translation by Verthandi
The umbilical cord, the rope that symbolizes life,
is the cosmic swing at the end of the cosmos
That cord, furiously swinging,
By the recoil, dances through space
The body revolves once in a somersault
I am of the great darkness that passes over rooftops,
The reverse of me in a single leap
The inverted, cheap apartment and
Two worlds; beyond written record
What is awakening? Only the cord
A grand rotation in the city skies!
Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye, good-bye to whom?
Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye, good-bye-bye to me!
[Ayu Ohseki]
Me and My Room, Upside-Down
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
A living rope like an umbilical cord
Is a universe swing at the end of the universe
If that rope is shaken hard
The recoil will make Space dance
My body turns one somersault
I cross the rooftops
And leap over my dark side in a single bound
The peaceful apartment turned upside-down, and
Two worlds, outside of books
Asking the rope what will happen next
A giant rotation in the city's sky!
Bye bye bye bye -- goodbye to whom?
Bye bye bye bye -- goodbye to me
Good-bye bye!
32. Virtual Star Embryology
(TVsize) (Bonus Track)
Virtual Star Embryology
original duel chorus
Episode 25: Our Eternal Apocalypse
Duel name: Relation
Utena's last duel with Saionji, and the beginning of
the Akio Arc.
As performed by:
Theater laboratory - Universal Gravitation
Engeki jikken-shitsu - ban'yū inryoku
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 7
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>, track 11
Virtual Star Embryology (Full Length)
second closing theme
As performed by:
Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀)
OST 2: Virtual Star Embryology, track 1
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>, track 2
Virtual Star Embryology (TV Length)
second closing theme
As performed by:
Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀)
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery, track 32
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 13
Virtual Star Embryology (New Remix Version)
girls character song best bonus track
As performed by:
Maki Kamiya (上谷麻紀),
with Tokyo Konsei Gasshodan (東京混声合唱団)
& Suginami Jidou Gasshodan (杉並児童合唱団)
Starchild Girls Character Song Best (Compilation Album), track 17
[UTP Translation]
Virtual Star Embryology (Closing)
Translation by Robert Paige &
Utena Translation Project (1998)
Ancient times, perfect, solitude in the desert
Air, atoms, the planet of causality
Yes, a native child
The embryo of philosophy
Lunar Heaven, Mercurial Heaven, Venusian Heaven
Solar Heaven, Martian Heaven, Jovian Heaven
Saturnian Heaven, Sidereal Heaven, Motive Heaven
Further circular infinity without end
A kind of organic engine
A kind of perpetual motion device
Ah, lost motion
I'm a lost motion
[Nozomi (Official)]
Virtual Star Embryology (Closing)
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Ancient times. Perfection. Isolation in the desert.
Atmosphere. Atom. Causality star.
Yes, a child of earth is
The embryo of philosophy.
And then
lunar heaven! Mercurian heaven. Venusian heaven.
Solar heaven. Martian heaven. Jovian heaven.
Saturnian heaven. Stellar heaven. Motive heaven.
And then... The endless surface of the torus.
A single organic mechanism.
A single perpetual motion machine.
Ah, it is empty movement.
Just empty movement. Empty...
Eye catcher-B (Bonus Track)
Thank you so much to Feral Phoenix for this translation! For more translation work, check out their blog: flightworks.
Kunihiko Ikuhara
When I was fourteen years old, I hated school. No, to be more specific, what I hated was my own situation in the world of my school. Back in those days, what they call "school violence" was the talk of the town all over Japan; I think the school I attended was no exception, and was considerably degenerate. For instance, it was common for students to grab their teachers by the collar in the middle of class and disrupt their lessons. Schools are the Garden of Eden, but they are also self-contained societies as well as being modern society in miniature. And in my society, I was a boring person. I didn't have the courage to smoke cigarettes in the bathroom during breaks, or the courage to seize my teachers by their coat lapels either. I may have been a child, but I still understood that the idea of meekness as a virtue was a bold-faced lie. What sort of future could await me if I was already unremarkable even in this miniature society? My premonition that I would lead a boring life filled me with a despair beyond my ability to express in words. ...It's been decades since then. Reality is cruel, and I've become a plain and unremarkable adult after all. Out of the many people I knew I must not betray at all costs, I've let several of them down horribly. And after all of that, the only thing I've come away with is my own mediocre self. But even in this world that forbids us to dream, I am still dreaming away in secret. I'm still secretly clinging to that grace period, the unformedness of my youth.
I wonder if I've been able to convey that through Revolutionary Girl Utena the way I wanted to...
OST 1: The Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution
student council arc
BGM and duels
OST 2: Virtual Star Embryology
black rose saga BGM and duels
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
akio and apocalypse arc BGM and duels
OST 4: Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
seazer duel chorus image album
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me...
unreleased BGM, drama tracks, 1997 musical soundtrack
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~
ikuhara selection best of
OST 7: Revival Record of the Rose Egg SOFIA
seazer being seazer album
OST 8: Adolescence Rush
adolescence apocalypse movie soundtrack
previous 8 albums, plus club remixes
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>
seazer's universal gravitation recordings
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>
seazer's mitsumune rearranged songs
OST 12: Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse
an utena image album by seazer
OST 13: Alchemistic Girl ~ The Tale of the Rose & The Egg
more seazer gonna seazer
Singles, Miscellanous Audio/Drama Recordings, Compilations
So On and So Forth
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