少女革命ウテナ さあ、私とエンゲージして…
[Engage Toi â Mes Côntès]
Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Saa, Watashi to Engage Shite...
少女革命ウテナ さあ、私とエンゲージして…
[Engage Toi â Mes Côntès]
Release Date: 4-3-98 (April 3rd, 1998)
Catalog Number(s): KICA-396 & 397
Price: ¥3,570
Released by: KING Records Co., Ltd. |
少女革命ウテナ コンプリートCD-BOX
DISK5 - さあ、私とエンゲージして…
Release Date: 8-27-08 (August 27th, 2008)
Catalog Number(s): KICA-920〜928
Price: ¥12,000
Released by: KING Records Co., Ltd. |
少女革命ウテナ コンプリートCD-BOX
DISK6 - さあ、私とエンゲージして…
Release Date: 8-27-08 (August 27th, 2008)
Catalog Number(s): KICA-920〜928
Price: ¥12,000
Released by: KING Records Co., Ltd. |
This hefty two disc set really feels like two unrelated albums, with a veritable buffet of auditory content between them. The first disc is comprised unreleased and alternative background music for the series, interspersed with a non-linear series of 'drama' tracks, where the television series cast reinacts scenes word for word from the Chiho Saito manga. This is often....interesting, given the script for the manga is a little more blunt. I'm talking to you Touga. (A full translation, of course,
is available.)
The background music is a mixed bag, and all of it is, unsurprisingly, in terrible French. There's definitely a strangely Christian bent to the names given, but that isn't a prominent motif in Revolutionary Girl Utena so I don't take it especially to heart. Definite standouts are
The Rose Bride,
Clergyman, and
Atonement, with real prize probably being
The second disc is more or less the official soundtrack for the 1997 Utena musical, which played in Tokyo during the last episodes of the show during the Christmas season. (Why yes, I have a high-definition copy of this uploaded on
YouTube!) The songs on this disc are not all of the ones in the musical, and KaNNa, the woman that plays Anthy in the production, recorded all of these. Why is hard to say, though it would not be difficult to accept as an answer that she was the most talented vocalist.
A note: The given names are predominantly based on the Utena Translation Project's original translations of the songs. Where a song title has become widely accepted as different, ie. The Sunlit Garden instead of The Sunny Garden, I have used the more popular name. Punctuation has been altered to better match the Japanese tracklists.
The "Comparison" options when available are side by side multiple
translations, romantization, and Japanese, depending on availability. They're an awesome and surprising resource, and I hope you check them out.
[Japanese Tracklist, Disc 2]
少女革命ウテナ さあ、私とエンゲージして…
[Engage Toi â Mes Côntès]
Japanese Tracklist, Disc 2
01. 薔薇の刻印の手紙1(インストゥルメンタル)
02. 強く気高く
03. 王子様がいい
04. 世界を革命するために1
05. 絶対運命黙示録2
06. 薔薇の花嫁
07. 影絵少女1
08. ウェルカム2
09. Eye catcher
10. 舞踏会の夜に
11. デュエリスト
12. 女の子の季節
13. 花のない薔薇
14. 守ってほしい
15. ありがとう愛を
16. 輪舞-revolution(TVsize)
[Japanese Tracklist, Disc 1]
少女革命ウテナ さあ、私とエンゲージして…
[Engage Toi â Mes Côntès]
Japanese Tracklist, Disc 1
01. 第一幕:バラの刻印
02. nouvellé mariée [花嫁] (ヌーヴェル・マリエ)
03. 第二幕:決闘者たち
04. foi [信仰] (フォア)
05. 第三幕:背徳の兄妹
06. fascination [魅惑] (ファッシナシオン)
07. 第四幕:エンゲージして…
08. bal [舞踏会] (バル)
09. 第五幕:シャワーの彼
10. chouchou [愛玩動物] (シュシュ)
11. programe de radiodiffusion [ラジオ番組]
12. ondes électriques [電波] (オンド・エレクトリーク)
13. 第六幕:お願い!ハニワッチャ!!
14. animal sauvage [野生動物] (アニマル・ソバァージュ)
15. 第七幕:梢だけの幹
16. icône [聖像] (イコーヌ)
17. croix [十字架] (クロワ)
18. tentation [誘惑] (タンタシオン)
19. 第八幕:深き瑠璃色の影
20. Terre promise [約束の地] (テール・プロミース)
21. こんにちは赤ちゃん
22. 夜明けのスキャット
23. ドナドナ
24. 第九幕:ルシファーの罠
25. confession [懺悔] (コンフェッシオン)
26. prêtre [聖職者] (プレートル)
27. rêdemption [贖罪] (エクスピアシオン)
28. 第十幕:世界を革命する者
29. fruit défendu [禁断の木の実] (フリュイ・デファンデュ)
30. 第十一幕:私の王子様
31. baiser [キス] (ベゼ)
32. 第十二幕:いつか一緒に輝いて
33. Rose&release (karaoke)
34. 第十三幕:わたしと、あなたが、もう一度……
Disc 1 (Background Music & Audio Drama)
01. Act I: The Rose Signet
[1:42] *
02. The Rose Bride [
nouvellé mariée]
03. Act II: Duelists
[0:52] *
04. Faith [
05. Act III: Immoral Siblings
[0:35] *
06. Fascination [
07. Act IV: Get Engaged...
[0:36] *
08. Ball [
09. Act V: He's in a Shower
[0:35] *
10. Chu-Chu [
11. Radio Show [
programe de radiodiffusion]
12. Radio Waves [
ondes électriques]
13. Act VI: Please! Haniwaccha!!
[1:27] *
14. Wild Animals [
animal sauvage]
15. Act VII: Kozue's Own Miki
[0:31] *
16. Sacred Image [
17. Cross [
18. Temptation [
19. Act VIII: Shadow of the Deepest Azure
[2:20] *
20. Promised Land [
Terre promise]
21. Hello, My Baby
Hello, My Baby
Released on OST 5
Episode 27: Nanami's Egg
The first stanza of this song plays
earlier in the episode, during the montage
of Nanami mothering her egg.
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me..., disc 1, track 21
[Ayu Ohseki]
Hello, My Baby
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
Hello, my baby! Your smile
Hello, my baby! Your cries
Your tiny hands and round eyes
How do you do? I'm Mommy!
Hello, my baby! Your life
Hello, my baby! Your future
This happiness is what Daddy desires
How do you do? I'm Mommy!
This is the mark of love
for the two of us alone
I'll pray to raise you
healthy and beautiful
Hello, my baby! I have a request
Hello, my baby! Sometimes, Daddy and I
You see, we want you to make a quiet night
Just for us--so good night
Please, my baby
Good night, my baby! I'm Mommy!
[Nozomi (Official)]
Hello, My Baby (Aired Lyrics)
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Hello to you, little babe. To your smiling face.
Hello to you, little babe. To your cries, as well.
Those little hands you have! Your eyes, squeezed tightly shut!
How do you do? I'm your mother, dear.
22. Dawn Scat
Dawn Scat
Released on OST 5
Episode 27: Nanami's Egg
This song airs during the climax of the
episode, when Nanami finds her egg has
hatched, and lord knows what comes out of it.
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me..., disc 1, track 22
[Ayu Ohseki]
Dawn Scat
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
When we love each other, this transient world comes to a halt
The two of us shall go on to a world without time
The night shall not flow, nor shall the stars fade
The song of love shall simply resound
We love each other, and so our clock comes to a halt
Our clock comes to a halt
Lu lu lu lu lu......
[Nozomi (Official)]
Dawn Scat (Aired Lyrics)
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
When one is in love, time stands still.
In a timeless world, the couple walks on.
The night is still, the stars never fade.
Only the echoes of a love song remain.
For a couple in love, even the clocks will stop.
(Humming isn't translated.)
23. Dona Dona
Dona Dona
Royal Knights version
Episode 16: Cowbell of Happiness
This version airs first, during Nanami's melodramatic
fantasy about her brother having her slaughtered
like a cow.
OST 2: Virtual Star Embryology, track 14
Dona Dona
Yasui Kazumi version
Episode 16: Cowbell of Happiness
This version airs second, at the climax of the
episode when Nanami turns into a cow.
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me..., disc 1, track 23
[EJ Translation]
Dona Dona (Soundtrack 2 Lyrics)
Translation by EJ
One fine afternoon, on the road to the market
A cart rumbles along, carrying a calf
The adorable calf is going to be sold
It looks on with mournful eye
Dona dona dona dona – carrying the calf
Dona dona dona dona – the cart sways
Dona dona dona dona – carrying the calf
Dona dona dona dona – the cart sways
In the blue sky, on the breeze, a swallow wings swiftly by
The cart goes on towards the market, carrying the calf
[In English]
How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer’s night!
[Nozomi (Official)]
Dona Dona (Aired Lyrics)
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
On a lazy, sunny afternoon on the road to the marketplace
A wagon rattles along carrying a calf within.
The precious calf is going to be sold.
Such a sad look the calf's eyes hold.
Dona Dona Dona Dona The calf rides on inside.
Dona Dona Dona Dona The wagon sways from side to side.
Dona Dona Dona Dona The calf rides on inside.
Dona Dona Dona Dona The wagon sways from side to side.
A blue sky above, a gentle breeze blowing, swallows flying to and fro
A wagon heads to the market carrying a calf within,
If only he had wings
he could return to his happy pasture.
Dona Dona Dona Dona The calf rides on inside.
Dona Dona Dona Dona The wagon sways from side to side.
24. Act IX: Lucifer's Trap
[1:23] *
25. Repentance [
26. Clergyman [
27. Atonement [
28. Act X: The One Who Will Revolutionize the World
[1:13] *
29. The Forbidden Fruit [
fruit défendu]
30. Act XI: My Prince
[1:08] *
31. Kiss [
32. Act XII: Someday, We'll Shine Together
[1:04] *
33. Rose & Release
(karaoke) [1:34]
34. Act XIII: Once Again, You and I Will...
[0:17] *
* [
Read Acts I-XIII of the audio drama here, translated by Verthandi]
Disc 2 (Revolutionary Girl Utena Musical Soundtrack)
01. Letters of the Rose Signet I
02. With Strength and Nobility
Strongly, Nobly
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Dios)
It's all right; you're not alone
I have given you power
So that you may go on living; strongly, nobly
Take heart, loneliness suits you not
I will always be by your side
I want you to live; strongly, nobly
Small one, enduring under grief
It's alright...take heart...
If you do not lose your noble sentiment,
The time shall come for us to meet once more
As the seasons change, when the roses hath bloomed sevenfold
I will invite you to join me at the Ends of the World
It's alright...take heart...
It's alright...take heart...
[EJ Translation]
With Strength and Nobility
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Dios)
It’s all right — you are not alone
Because I’ve given you my power,
you can live with strength and nobility
Be at peace — loneliness doesn’t suit you
I’ll always be at your side, so
I want you to live with strength and nobility
Oh, small child who bears up under sadness
It’s all right, never fear
Live with strength and nobility
If you never lose your noble thoughts
There may come a time when we can meet again
When the seasons have gone round
and the roses have bloomed seven times
I’ll invite you to an End of the World just for the two of us
It’s all right, never fear
Live with strength and nobility
It’s all right, never fear
Live with strength and nobility
03. I'd Rather Be a Prince
I'd Rather Be a Prince
Translation by Verthandi
I want to be a prince!
Instead of a sheltered princess,
I'd rather be a prince
To search for something dearest to me,
I want to be a strong
and noble prince
I want to be a prince
Wrapped in the scent of roses
I'd rather be a prince!
If girls must lack strength and nobility,
Then I'll be a prince
who everyone admires
The princess so longed after the prince
That she decided to become a prince herself,
But was that really such a good idea?
You're a prince, you say?
I'd love to have a prince who'd protect only me
Looking over your shoulder,
you'd see my gentle smile
You're a strong, noble prince, you say
The princess so longed after the prince
That she decided to become a prince herself,
But was that really such a good idea?
[A prince, you say]
To look for something dearest to me [A prince, you say]
(in my dreams)
[A prince, you say]
I want to be a strong, noble prince [A prince, you say]
(my dreams)
A prince (a prince) [a prince]
I wanna be a prince!
[EJ Translation]
I Want to Be a Prince
Translation by EJ
I want to become a prince
Not a princess who needs protection–
I want to be a prince
To find the thing that’s most important to me
With strength and nobility
I want to become a prince
I want to become a prince
Enveloped in the scent of roses,
I want to be a prince
Even though I’m a woman, as long as I don’t lose
My strength and nobility, everyone will see
That I’m a prince
The princess so admired the prince
That she made up her mind to become a prince herself
But was that really such a good idea?
Be a prince
Protect me and me alone–be my prince
If you turn around, with a kind smile floating to your lips
And gaze at me, with strength and nobility
Be a prince
I want to become a prince
Not a princess who needs protection–
I want to be a prince
Be a prince
To find the thing
that’s most important to me
Be a prince
I want to be a strong, noble prince
A prince, a prince, a prince, a prince
I want to be a prince
04. For the Sake of Revolutionizing the World I
For the Sake of Revolutionizing the World I
Revolutionary Girl Utena Musical
The musical's spin on Touga's Student
Council speech.
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me..., disc 2, track 4
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 6
For the Sake of World Revolution I
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Anthy, Touga, Saionji, Juri, and Miki)
If the eggshell does not break,
the chick will die without having been born
We are the chick! The egg is the world!
If we do not break the world's shell,
we will die without having been born
Smash the world's shell!
Student Council:
For the sake of world revolution,
For the sake of world revolution
We were chosen by the Rose Seal
We gather in accordance with
the letters from the Ends of the World
Each of us Duellists, awarded a chance
To win the Bride of the Rose in a Duel
Come now, and engage yourself to me
We will go to the illusionary Castle in the air
For the power to bring the world revolution
Belongs to the one who is with me
I am now devoted to Saionji-sama
And spend each day at his side
By the Code of the Rose Seal,
this is the Rose Bride's destiny
Student Council:
We were chosen by the Rose Seal
We gather in accordance with
the letters from the Ends of the World
Each of us Duellists, awarded a chance
To win the Bride of the Rose in a Duel
For the sake of world revolution
For the sake of world revolution
[EJ Translation]
To Revolutionize the World
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Anthy, Touga, Saionji, Juri, and Miki)
If it does not break the egg’s shell,
the chick will die without being born
We are the chick; the world is the egg
If we do not break the world’s shell,
we will die without being born
Destroy the world’s shell!
To revolutionize the world
To revolutionize the world
We who have been chosen by the Rose Seal
We who gather in accordance with the letters from End of the World
Each of us duelists, given a chance
The victor of the duel will obtain her: The Rose Bride
Yes, become engaged to me and we’ll go
To the illusory castle in the sky
The power to revolutionize the world
Belongs to the one who is with me
Now, I spend each day
Entirely devoted to Saionji-sama
That is the law of the Rose Seal
The fate of the Rose Bride
We who have been chosen by the Rose Seal
We who gather in accordance with
the letters from End of the World
Each of us duelists, given a chance
The victor of the duel will obtain her: The Rose Bride
To revolutionize the world
To revolutionize the world
05. Absolute Destiny Apocalypse II
Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
Translation by allegoriest
The absolute destiny apocalypse
The absolute destiny apocalypse
birth records,
baptismal registry,
death records
The absolute destiny apocalypse
The absolute destiny apocalypse
My birth,
absolute birth,
A brilliant place in a dark desert, made of leaves
A gold gilded Eden
Day and night turning upon eachother
Time gilded paradise lost
Darkness of Sodom
Darkness of light
Distant darkness
Endless darkness
The absolute destiny apocalypse
The absolute destiny apocalyptic
darkness, apocalypse
[Nozomi Translation]
Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
Official Nozomi
DVD Release (2011)
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
Birth records,
baptismal records,
records of death.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
My own birth,
absolute birth.
A shining place in a desert of darkness.
A gold-plated Shangri-La.
Day and night turning back on one another.
A time-plated Paradise Lost.
The darkness of Sodom,
the darkness of light.
The darkness of distance,
the endless darkness.
The absolute destiny apocalypse.
The absolute destiny apocalyptic
06. The Rose Bride
The Bride of the Rose
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Anthy and Dios)
Come, please take these hands
Come, please take this life
All of me belongs to you
Yes, please take this humble rose
Yes, whensoever it pleases you
All of me belongs to you
This tenderly swollen rosebud shall bloom
In the warmth of your courage and nobility
Now, begins our life together
Now, begins our new love
All of me belongs to you
Anthy & Dios:
Now, begins our life together
Now, begins our new love
All of me belongs to you
All of you belongs to me
All of me belongs to you
All of me belongs to you
[EJ Translation]
The Rose Bride
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Anthy and Dios)
Ah, please take these hands
Ah, please take this life
I give all of myself to you
Yes, please pluck me
Yes, whenever you like
I give all of myself to you
The rosebud that grew so large it hurt
Is coming apart because of your courage and nobility
Now is the beginning of our days together
Now is the beginning of a new love
I give all of myself to you
Now is the beginning of our days together
Now is the beginning of a new love
I give all of myself to you
You give all of yourself to me
I give all of myself to you
I give all of myself to you
07. Shadow Play Girls I
Shadow Play Girls I
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Shadow Girls A-ko and B-ko)
I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
There's a secret ritual in the Dueling Arena
One plus one equals san! (Jp. "three")
"San" means sun, right?
My, you're bright!
Wow, I'm dazzling!
Two plus two equals go! (Jp. "five")
And "go" means go!
But you can't do that...
Do what? How?
I don't get it, I don't understand
If you can't solve the riddle, can't solve the riddle
Just leave it as a question
Mystery is history!
I wonder, I wonder, do you wonder what I know?
The Victor will be the one who takes the Bride
But without love, is it really okay?
Oh sure! No problem!
But you might need it after all...
Like, no way!
You can never have too much fun!
Oh, I get it!
But that girl's a little dense...
It never changes, it never changes
The thornless rose, the thornless rose
Contains a powerful venom, all the same
The loser will be history!
I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?
I wonder, I wonder, do you wonder what I know?
[EJ Translation]
Shadowplay Girls
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Shadow Girls A-ko and B-ko)
Do you, do you, do you know?
A secret rite in the dueling arena
One plus one equals three (san)
“‘Sun’ is ‘taiyou’, right?”
“It feels warm.”
“Oh, it’s dazzling!”
Two plus two equals five (go)
“‘Go’ is ‘ike’!”
“We have to do it, don’t we?”
“Huh? Do what?”
I don’t understand, I don’t understand
If we can’t solve it, if we can’t solve it
We can’t stay in doubt
The mystery is history
Do you, do you, do you know?
The winner took the Rose Bride
Is it all right if there’s no love?
“It’s fine, it’s fine!”
“Surely love is necessary!”
“No, that’s not true!”
If you pass the time enjoyably, guu!
“Ah, I see.”
“But things roll off that girl like water off a duck’s back.”
“Yeah, always…”
It doesn’t change, it doesn’t change
A thornless rose, a thornless rose
But it has a very effective poison
The opponent who loses is hystery
Do you, do you, do you know?
Do you, do you, do you know?
08. Welcome II
Welcome II
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Utena and Anthy)
Utena-sama, you really
Dislike the duels, don't you
I can't avoid them,
(spoken) But I hate them.
But if I fought again, I'm sure
I'd learn to like it
I won't run away
Until the day comes
When I'll understand everything
I want to protect you
Forever and ever
So your smile will be unclouded
Utena (concurrently with Anthy in next stanza):
I won't run away
Until the day comes
When I'll understand everything
I want to protect you
Forever and ever
So your smile will be unclouded
It seemed so shy
Because I love your smile
I want to protect you
Anthy (concurrently with Utena in previous stanza):
I have a feeling that
Something is about to change
A dangerous scent
Envelops me
And puts me in a wistful mood
There was such a smile
Far in the past,
At the edge of my memories,
Even though I should have forgotten it
[Ayu Ohseki]
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
KaNNa (as Utena and Anthy)
The truth is, Mistress Utena,
That you hate dueling, don't you?
But you cannot avoid them
(spoken) Like it or not.
I'm sure you will fight again
I have that feeling
I won't run away
Until, one of these days,
The time comes when I know everything
I want to protect you
So that your smile doesn't cloud over
Utena (concurrently with Anthy in next stanza):
I won't run away
Until, one of these days,
The time comes when I know everything
I want to protect you
So that your smile doesn't cloud over
Because I love
Your shy smiles
I want to protect you
Anthy (concurrently with Utena in previous stanza):
I have a premonition
That something is changing
A dangerous scent
Envelopes me
And puts me in a trance
Even though smiles
Are something I should
Have forgotten a long time ago
Have forgotten a long time ago
Eye catcher [0:13]
10. On the Night of the Ball
On the Night of the Ball
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Nanami and Company)
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Welcome to the ball!
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Tonight is a special night
I wonder if I'll find a wonderful love?
Can I confess to the
girl of my dreams?
Just a brief rendez-vous, on the night of the ball
And I'll find,b And I'll find,
A love that's only for me
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
This ball will be excellent
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Secrets will come out tonight
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Welcome to the ball!
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Tonight is a special night
I wonder if I'll be the Dance Queen?
Will I spend the whole party alone?
I won't hand my partner over to anyone
And big brother,
Big brother is mine alone
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Welcome to the ball!
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Tonight is a special night
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
This ball will be excellent
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Secrets will come out tonight
"Welcome to the Dance Party!"
Welcome to the ball!
"Welcome to the--!"
[EJ Translation]
On the Night of the Ball
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Nanami and Company)
Welcome to the dance party,
welcome to the ball
Welcome to the dance party –
tonight is a special night
I wonder if I’ll find a wonderful lover
I wonder if I’ll be able to confess to the
person who’s been on my mind
A brief rendezvous on the night of the ball
Let’s find, let’s find
A love that’s all our own
Welcome to the dance party –
the ball is excellent
Welcome to the dance party –
tonight is a night of secrets
Welcome to the dance party,
welcome to the ball
Welcome to the dance party –
tonight is a special night
I wonder if I can become the Dance Queen
I’ll make today’s party all mine
I won’t relinquish the best partner to anyone
My brother,
my brother is mine alone
Welcome to the dance party,
welcome to the ball
Welcome to the dance party –
tonight is a special night
Welcome to the dance party –
the ball is excellent
Welcome to the dance party –
tonight is a night of secrets
Welcome to the dance party,
welcome to the ball
Welcome to the…
11. Duelist
The Duelist
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Utena and Anthy)
Roses of the noble castle
Power of Dios that sleeps within me
Heed your master and come forth
Grant me the power to bring the world revolution!
[Ayu Ohseki]
Translation by Ayu Ohseki
KaNNa (as Utena and Anthy)
O rose of the noble castle
O power of Dios that sleeps within me
Answer thy master, and hearken upon us...
...the power to revolutionize the world!
12. Girls' Season
Girls' Season
Revolutionary Girl Utena Musical
A catchy number for the musical, performed
by Wakaba.
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me..., disc 2, track 12
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 20
Girls' Season
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Wakaba)
A girl's pet should be a Siamese cat or a Maltese dog
Our hair in billions of curls, tied with ribbons
Hugging cheek-to-cheek, aren't we lovely?
A girl's dream should be to date a dreamy guy
Watching a movie or having dinner together
With our arms folded childishly, isn't it romantic?
Someday, we'll all be grown-up
Until then, please forgive us this girls' season
Surely, someday, we'll be all grown-up
But until then, it's girls' season
We want to be told that we're pretty
We want to be told that we're cute
We want to be told "I love you"
Because it's girls' season
[EJ Translation]
A Girl's Season
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Wakaba)
A girl's pet is a Siamese cat or a Maltese
Decorating their curls with ribbons
Holding them, nestling your face against them - lovely!
A girl's dream is to go on a date with a wonderful boy
Going to dinner and a movie together
Walking arm-in-arm, being taken care of - romantic!
Everyone becomes an adult someday
Until then, let me have my girl's season
Surely, someday, I'll become an adult
But until then, it's my girl's season
I want to be told I'm pretty
I want to be told I'm cute
I want to be told someone loves me
Because this is my girl's season
13. Flowerless Rose
Flowerless Rose
Translation by EJ
My dream is scattering
My love is running away
My time is disappearing
No one loves the flowerless rose
Though I feel, my feelings don’t reach
Though I swore to, I can’t protect you
Though I pray, my prayer isn’t granted
Tomorrow doesn’t come for the flowerless rose
Tears of blood are flowing
Anger of blood wells up
Repentance of blood races through me
The flowerless rose is withered destiny
Though I regret, I will not return
Though I wish, there is nothing
Though I shout, I can’t be heard
The flowerless rose blooms alone
My dream is scattering
My love is running away
My time is disappearing
No one loves the flowerless rose
The flowerless rose…
14. I Want You to Protect Me
I Want You to Protect Me
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Anthy)
My heart felt warm for the first time
Inside me, something frozen began to melt
Your words brought
Long-forgotten tears from my eyes
I want you to protect me,
Embrace me again
I want your tenderness,
Comfort me
The strength that gave you such happiness
The nobility that fought your loneliness
Is now returning myself to me
I want you to protect me,
Hold me close to your heart
I want your tenderness,
Comfort me
Because you are...
You are my...
My only prince
[EJ Translation]
I Want You to Protect Me
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Anthy)
My heart grows hot for the first time
Something that was frozen is melting
The tears forgotten behind my eyelids
Waver in my eyes at your words
I want you to protect me
Hold me once more
I want kindness
Let me lean on your shoulder
The strength to obtain your happiness
The nobility to fight against your loneliness
Are now transforming me into myself
I want you to protect me
Hold me to your chest
I want kindness
Let me lean on your shoulder
Because you are, you are
My, only my
15. Thank You for Your Love
Thank You For Your Love
Revolutionary Girl Utena Musical
The closing song of the 1997 musical, sung
by Utena and Anthy.
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me..., disc 2, track 15
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~, track 27
Thank You for Your Love
Translation by Verthandi
KaNNa (as Utena and Anthy)
Anthy: Thank you for your courage
Utena: Thank you for your tears
Anthy: Thank you for your victory
Utena: Thank you for your smile
Utena: I'll keep winning for you, forever
Anthy: I will always believe in your victory
Utena: With strength and nobility,
Anthy: Wrapped in tenderness,
Utena & Anthy: We'll go on living
Utena: I won't forget myself anymore
Anthy: The heart you won back is with you
Utena: Feeling like this,
Anthy: Devoted body and soul,
Utena & Anthy: We'll go on living
Anthy: Thank you for your courage
Utena: Thank you for your tears
Anthy: Thank you for your victory
Utena: Thank you for your smile
Utena & Anthy: Thank you for your love
Anthy: Thank you, my prince
Utena: Thank you, my bride
Utena & Anthy: I love you forever
[EJ Translation]
Thank You for Your Love
Translation by EJ
KaNNa (as Utena and Anthy)
Thank you for your courage
Thank you for your tears
Thank you for your victory
Thank you for your smile
I’ll always keep on winning
I always believe in your victory
With strength and nobility
Clothed in kindness
I’ll go on living
I won’t forget who I am again
My heart has been returned along with you
On my own terms
Entrusting my heart and body to you
I’ll go on living
Thank you for your courage
Thank you for your tears
Thank you for your victory
Thank you for your smile
Thank you for your love
16. Rondo-
revolution (TVsize) [1:34]
Wheel Dance - revolution (TV length)
Translation by Verthandi
Let's go on living, bravely and with style...
Even if the two of us are ever separated...
Take my revolution!
In the sunlit garden, holding hands,
We drew near and consoled each other.
We said we'd never fall in love again.
In that photograph of us,
standing cheek-to-cheek,
A touch of loneliness fills our smiling faces.
Even though we dream, even though we cry,
even though we hurt ourselves,
And reality approaches frantically,
I want to find my place,
the worth of my existence.
From this day, I will take myself and
Bravely strip down to nothing at all,
Like a rose spinning free.
Even if the two of us are ever separated,
I will change the world.
[Nozomi Translation]
A Round Dance - Revolution (TV length)
Official Translation
Nozomi DVD Release (2011)
Let's live heroically, let's live with style.
Even if the two of us are torn apart...
...take my revolution.
In the sunlit garden, we both joined our hands.
Drawing close for comfort, we both swore:
...never again would we ever fall in love.
I see that photo of us
standing cheek to cheek...
...and place a bit of my loneliness in our smiles.
Even if I dream, even if I cry,
even if I get hurt...
...reality keeps on coming recklessly.
I wanna find my own place,
the value of being
the person I've been until now...
Let's find the strength to throw it all away.
Strip down to nothing at all.
Become like rose petals, blowing free!
Even if the two of us are torn apart
I swear that I will change the world.
•The Rose Bride is an alternate version of Revolutionary Girl l • overture from OST 1.
•Faith is an alternate version of Nova on OST 3.
•Fascination is an alternate version of Fruit of the Sin from OST 2. (Which has an another alternate version, Poison on OST 3.)
•Sacred Image is an alternate, but very similar version of Pessimism from OST 3. (They are the same piece of music, but two different recorded piano performances.)
•Temptation is virtually identical to Ball of Death from OST 2. (There's a very slight change in pace in the last 30 seconds or so, but I can't imagine most people would notice the difference without simultaneous play-that's how I found it, by catching it fall just out of sync.)
•Promised Land is an alternate version of Aphrodite of Death from OST 1.
•Dona Dona is a different performance of Dona Dona from OST 2.
(Check song Information)
•Repentance is an alternate version of Confession Elevator - Daydreaming Troublesome Insects from OST 2.
•Clergyman is an alternate version of Nemuro Memorial Hall from OST 2.
•Atonement is an alternate version of Eternal Secret from OST 2.
Kunihiko Ikuhara
In the Kansai district where I lived in my teen years, there was a festival called the "Cart-Pulling (Danjiri) Festival". It was a fairly rowdy festival where groups of 30-40 (I believe) people would run through the streets pulling gigantic 4- to 5-meter tall turrets manned by several people playing drums or flutes.
Back then I participated in the festival as part of a young men's team, but one time, there was an accident where one of the danjiri carts couldn't turn a corner properly and collapsed sideways. We're talking about a structure weighing several tons toppling over, so this was not at all harmless. The danjiri destroyed the wall of a nearby house when it fell. I was one of the runners pulling the cart, but my friend T was one of the people inside the turret. The palm of T's right hand was crushed underneath the danjiri, and he had to be taken to the hospital. It's not like it was so unusual for an accident like this to happen. It was pretty common for things to be broken and people to be hurt at such a festival.
--Ever since that incident, I never took part in a festival again. I never liked them that much anyway... at least that was the excuse I made at the time, but I think that to be honest I was just traumatized by having seen my friend's blood. So I think I couldn't understand why one year later, T was back to participating in the festival again, as if nothing had ever happened.
Well, I'm an adult now. And the great group undertaking of making an anime was as busy as a festival. So does that mean that I've had some sort of change of heart since my teenage years?
Nowadays, I really look up to T as he was back then.
[Thank you so much to Feral Phoenix for this translation! For more translation work, check out their blog: flightworks.]
Chiho Saito
At the end of last year, three versions of Utena came to their conclusions. The TV anime version of Utena, the manga version of Utena, and the Utena stage play. The TV version ended in the form of men's claim to women that princes don't exist, and that those who try to be princes in a world like this one will suffer terribly. The TV anime was made by the men of Be-Papas, so I think this was a natural way to conclude.
And then there's my manga version.
I never really thought about it this way while making stories so I never noticed, but according to Utena's director Mr. Ikuhara and the scriptwriter Mr. Enokido, my stories always look at first glance as though a prince is rescuing the protagonist with his love, but actually the capable protagonist is the one whose love saves the prince.
And so, the manga version of Utena set off with the intent of saving our troublesome prince Mr. Akio, like all my other works. But when I got towards the end, I couldn't just ignore Utena saving our troublesome princess Anthy, because that's the base of Utena's Utenaness, that makes the series what it is. A woman saving another woman--and out of love...?! I didn't know what to do. It was nothing like the worlds I was used to...!! But "If we cannot break the world's shell, we will die without being born. Smash the world's shell! To revolutionize the world!" is the creed (?) of both Utena as a work of fiction and of Be-Papas, so as a member of Be-Papas I had to revolutionize my own world too. So halfway enjoying my own discomfort in this new environment, I finished drawing the manga, but I don't know how well I actually did with the "Utena saving Anthy because she loves her" part. I'm not confident about that part.
At that time, Mr. Mitsuya's musical adaptation showed me a well-crafted and enjoyable setting with a nice mix of elements from the anime and manga. And to borrow Saionji's turn of phrase, Utena and Anthy seemed more "lovey-dovey" than both the anime and manga. And finally, at that late date, I thought, Yeah, I can see it! This is okay with me.
Does that mean that my world has begun its own revolution?
[Thank you so much to Feral Phoenix for this translation! For more translation work, check out their blog: flightworks.]
Yoji Enokido
> At the start of the year after the show ended, we went on vacation to Echigo Yuzawa as an “end-of-production” trip. On the second day, Ikuhara, Saitou-sensei, and I (the other staff and cast members had gone skiing) discussed what should be in this album (and also just enjoyed ourselves for half the time).
——There was a nostalgic air…
Indeed, the three of us holing up in a hotel room at New Year’s felt a lot like the planning meeting two years earlier. (Fortunately, this time Ikuhara didn’t fall ill (ha).) If I think about it, despite the anxiety we had at that first meeting, when the characters didn’t even have names yet, Tenjou Utena fought to the end without giving up, and I’m deeply moved. That’s all due to the wholehearted efforts of the staff and cast. (Thank you—)
We based this album's audio drama on Saitou-sensei’s manga version [of Utena]. For the voice actors from the anime, that was “Saitou Chiho World”, so to speak. This was a bit of a crazy plan. (But I kind of liked it.)
By the way, it's a mystery to me as well why the one who grants the three wishes [in the audio drama] is called “Haniwatcha". There were haniwa holding chocolate in the anime’s Black Rose arc, but…does Utena have anything to do with haniwa? Well, perhaps with Ohtori Academy’s tomb-like scenery, there’s some kind of connection (ha).
Anyway, it would make me happy for you to enjoy this album, along with KaNNa-san’s heartfelt disc.
[Thank you so much to SevenTenEleven for this translation!]
Yuji Mitsuya
director/screenplay for the musical
The musicalization of “Revolutionary Girl Utena” was an extraordinarily challenging yet enjoyable project. Early on, I wasn’t making much progress on the script and score, which made it difficult for everyone. From the beginning of the project, I felt the atmosphere of the original comics and the flavor of the anime were a bit different. Which should we focus on?… How could I bring out the nuances of both?… After much agonizing, I finally completed the script and lyrics. All this time I spent on the words meant the music, which is the lifeblood of a musical, had been delayed, putting us on a very tight schedule, but despite that Mitsumune-san wrote some amazing numbers for us, which made me very happy. And then we had an ideal cast. The script was hell, but directing was heaven. Really, the rehearsals were fun. I may have been the one who was most happy to see the opening day performance. The music from that musical, “Revolutionary Girl Utena”, is now a CD. If I ever feel down, I'll listen to this CD, and fly to Utena heaven.
[Translated by SevenTenEleven]
anthy in the musical/disc 2 vocals
When it was decided that I would perform in the "Revolutionary Girl Utena" musical, my first
thoughts were "What kind of girl is this Himemiya Anthy, really?" and "How should I play
her?" I was filled with distress and unease...
With those feelings, I faced my first day of rehearsal.
But as the rehearsals progressed, I received much advice from the cast members and staff,
and steadily made my way towards the "Anthy" inside myself.
I had been filled with unease about this role, but as the performances mounted, I was having
fun with the part, and I know why: I am truly greatful that I could meet such a wonderful
I sang the songs on this album while thinking of the stage and enjoying myself. I want you
to feel many different things about many people as you listen to it. I thank everyone for
giving me this wonderful chance. So, I want to send out these words:
...thank you for your courage... I'm now a big fan of "Revolutionary Girl Utena.
[Translated by Verthandi]
Shinkichi Mitsumune
composer for the television series
Let’s talk about the BGM that plays just before Masami Okui’s “Rose & release” in the final episode. The truth is, we had a day just to record that one track. In other words, it was a track specifically for the final episode. That may seem like a luxury for an anime, but this was actually the second time this kind of pattern happened with anime I’ve been involved in. The director says, “In the last episode, make sure the visuals and audio are in sync. That is, make the audio match the visuals.” Having the visuals and audio in sync is a technique called film scoring, where the music is composed after the visuals are completed. Matching the music to the visuals this way is an extraordinary luxury. To spell it out, I was given a rough timeline that says here’s where Anthy leaves, here’s where Chu-Chu leaves…and so on, and then I wrote the music, and then after that the visuals were tweaked to line up. This, to me, was a really exciting way to work.
The results speak for themselves. I basically used the “Aphrodite of Death” motif. The fretless bass at the beginning was performed by Okada Jirou, a #1 young bassist and a good friend since my amateur days. The part that continues after the melody was a completely improvised phrase. The feeling we got from him making such extraordinary sound, the whole studio felt it. I know I was in ecstasy. I felt like we were all on the same wavelength, all of the performing musicians. Was it just my imagination?
If I think about it, everything I’ve done with “Utena” was entirely meetings of people and meetings of inspiration. It wasn’t something done through hard work or difficult struggle, but something that came together smoothly to get us here… It was a matter of recording the events that happened moment by moment.
Life is like a glorious tapestry. A single meeting (motif) can gradually take on greater meaning, and eventually form a beautiful design. And often we can’t see that grand design from the beginning.
I can only be grateful to all the people and events that were sources of inspiration.
[Translated by SevenTenEleven]
OST 1: The Eve of the Absolute Evolution Revolution
student council arc
BGM and duels
OST 2: Virtual Star Embryology
black rose saga BGM and duels
OST 3: Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
akio and apocalypse arc BGM and duels
OST 4: Angelic Creation, Namely, Light
seazer duel chorus image album
OST 5: Now, Engage Yourself to Me...
unreleased BGM, drama tracks, 1997 musical soundtrack
OST 6: Advent of Nirvanic Beauty ~Androgynous Me~
ikuhara selection best of
OST 7: Revival Record of the Rose Egg SOFIA
seazer being seazer album
OST 8: Adolescence Rush
adolescence apocalypse movie soundtrack
previous 8 albums, plus club remixes
OST 10: I, Revolution Pharsalia <origination>
seazer's universal gravitation recordings
OST 11: I, Revolution Pharsalia <transformation>
seazer's mitsumune rearranged songs
OST 12: Barbara Dwarf Star Child Apocalypse
an utena image album by seazer
OST 13: Alchemistic Girl ~ The Tale of the Rose & The Egg
more seazer gonna seazer
Singles, Miscellanous Audio/Drama Recordings, Compilations
So On and So Forth
Back to Empty Movement